예제 #1
        ///<summary>Clears all schedule entries for the given date range and the given providers, employees, and practice.</summary>
        public static void Clear(DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateEnd, List <long> provNums, List <long> empNums, bool includePractice)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                Meth.GetVoid(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), dateStart, dateEnd, provNums, empNums, includePractice);
            if (provNums.Count == 0 && empNums.Count == 0 && !includePractice)
            string command;
            string orClause = "";

            //make deleted entries for synch purposes:
            if (provNums.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < provNums.Count; i++)
                    if (orClause != "")
                        orClause += "OR ";
                    orClause += "schedule.ProvNum=" + POut.Long(provNums[i]) + " ";
                command = "SELECT ScheduleNum FROM schedule "
                          + "WHERE SchedDate >= " + POut.Date(dateStart) + " "
                          + "AND SchedDate <= " + POut.Date(dateEnd) + " "
                          + "AND SchedType=" + POut.Long((int)ScheduleType.Provider)
                          + " AND (" + orClause + ")";
                DataTable table = Db.GetTable(command);
                for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                    DeletedObjects.SetDeleted(DeletedObjectType.ScheduleProv, PIn.Long(table.Rows[i][0].ToString()));
            //Then, the usual deletion for everything
            command = "DELETE FROM schedule "
                      + "WHERE SchedDate >= " + POut.Date(dateStart) + " "
                      + "AND SchedDate <= " + POut.Date(dateEnd) + " "
                      + "AND (";
            orClause = "";          //this is guaranteed to be non empty by the time the command is assembled.
            if (includePractice)
                orClause = "SchedType=0 ";
            for (int i = 0; i < provNums.Count; i++)
                if (orClause != "")
                    orClause += "OR ";
                orClause += "schedule.ProvNum=" + POut.Long(provNums[i]) + " ";
            for (int i = 0; i < empNums.Count; i++)
                if (orClause != "")
                    orClause += "OR ";
                orClause += "schedule.EmployeeNum=" + POut.Long(empNums[i]) + " ";
            command += orClause + ")";
예제 #2
        ///<summary>Gets the DataTable to display for treatment finder report</summary>
        ///<param name="listProviders">Include '0' in the list to get for all providers.</param>
        ///<param name="listBilling">Include '0' in the list to get for all billing types.</param>
        ///<param name="listClinicNums">Pass in an empty list to get for all clinics.</param>
        public static DataTable GetTreatmentFinderList(bool noIns, bool patsWithAppts, int monthStart, DateTime dateSince, double aboveAmount,
                                                       List <long> listProviders, List <long> listBilling, string code1, string code2, List <long> listClinicNums, bool isProcsGeneral)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), noIns, patsWithAppts, monthStart, dateSince, aboveAmount, listProviders, listBilling, code1, code2,
                                     listClinicNums, isProcsGeneral));
            Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            DataTable table = new DataTable();
            DataRow   row;
            //columns that start with lowercase are altered for display rather than being raw data.
            List <DataRow> rows             = new List <DataRow>();
            string         command          = "";
            string         joinAnnualMax    = "";
            string         joinCoverageInfo = "";
            string         joinIndInfo      = "";
            string         joinFamInfo      = "";
            string         subSelectPlanned = "";
            string         cmdFutureApt     = @" AND patient.PatNum NOT IN (
					SELECT PatNum FROM appointment WHERE AptStatus="                     + POut.Int((int)ApptStatus.Scheduled) + @"
					AND AptDateTime>="                     + DbHelper.Curdate() + ")";
            DateTime       renewDate        = BenefitLogic.ComputeRenewDate(DateTime.Now, monthStart);
            List <long>    listPatNums      = new List <long>();
            if ((!listProviders.Contains(0) || !listBilling.Contains(0) || listClinicNums.Count > 0))
                string cmdPatients = "SELECT PatNum from patient ";
                string patWhere    = "";
                if (!listProviders.Contains(0))
                    patWhere += " AND patient.PriProv IN (" + string.Join(",", listProviders) + ") ";
                if (!listBilling.Contains(0))
                    patWhere += " AND patient.BillingType IN (" + string.Join(",", listBilling) + ") ";
                if (listClinicNums.Count > 0)
                    patWhere += " AND patient.ClinicNum IN (" + string.Join(",", listClinicNums) + ") ";
                if (!patsWithAppts)
                    patWhere += cmdFutureApt;
                cmdPatients += "WHERE TRUE " + patWhere;
                listPatNums  = Db.GetListLong(cmdPatients);
                if (listPatNums.Count == 0)
            joinCoverageInfo = @"
				SELECT patplan.PatPlanNum,claimproc.InsSubNum,
				SUM(CASE WHEN claimproc.Status="                 + POut.Int((int)ClaimProcStatus.NotReceived) + @" AND claimproc.InsPayAmt=0 
				THEN claimproc.InsPayEst ELSE 0 END) AmtPending,
				SUM(CASE WHEN claimproc.Status IN ("                 + POut.Int((int)ClaimProcStatus.Received) + ","
                               + POut.Int((int)ClaimProcStatus.Adjustment) + ","
                               + POut.Int((int)ClaimProcStatus.Supplemental) + @"
				) THEN claimproc.InsPayAmt ELSE 0 END) AmtUsed
				FROM claimproc
				INNER JOIN patient ON patient.PatNum=claimproc.PatNum
				LEFT JOIN patplan ON patplan.PatNum=claimproc.PatNum
					AND patplan.InsSubNum=claimproc.InsSubNum
				LEFT JOIN procedurelog pl ON pl.ProcNum=claimproc.ProcNum
				LEFT JOIN procedurecode pc ON pc.CodeNum=pl.CodeNum "                ;
            if (!isProcsGeneral)
                joinCoverageInfo += @"
					LEFT JOIN (
							SELECT isub.InsSubNum,
							COALESCE(cp.FromCode,pc.ProcCode) AS FromCode,
							COALESCE(cp.ToCode,pc.ProcCode) AS ToCode
							FROM inssub isub
							INNER JOIN benefit b ON b.PlanNum=isub.PlanNum
								AND b.BenefitType="                                 + (int)InsBenefitType.Limitations + @"
								AND b.QuantityQualifier="                                 + (int)BenefitQuantity.None + @" 
								AND b.TimePeriod IN ("                                 + (int)BenefitTimePeriod.ServiceYear + "," + (int)BenefitTimePeriod.CalendarYear + @")
							LEFT JOIN covcat cc ON cc.CovCatNum=b.CovCatNum 
							LEFT JOIN covspan cp ON cp.CovCatNum=cc.CovCatNum
							LEFT JOIN procedurecode pc ON pc.CodeNum=b.CodeNum
							WHERE (cc.CovCatNum IS NOT NULL OR b.CodeNum!=0) 
							)ProcCheck ON ProcCheck.InsSubNum=claimproc.InsSubNum
							 AND pc.ProcCode BETWEEN ProcCheck.FromCode AND ProcCheck.ToCode "                            ;
            joinCoverageInfo += "WHERE claimproc.Status IN (" + (int)ClaimProcStatus.NotReceived + ", " + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Received
                                + ", " + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Adjustment + ", " + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Supplemental + ") ";
            if (!isProcsGeneral)
                joinCoverageInfo += "AND ProcCheck.InsSubNum IS NULL ";
            joinCoverageInfo += "AND claimproc.ProcDate BETWEEN  " + POut.Date(renewDate) + @" AND " + POut.Date(renewDate.AddYears(1)) + @" ";
            if (listPatNums.Count > 0)
                joinCoverageInfo += @"AND patient.PatNum IN (" + string.Join(",", listPatNums) + ") ";
            else if (!patsWithAppts)
                joinCoverageInfo += cmdFutureApt;
            joinIndInfo      = joinCoverageInfo + " GROUP BY patplan.PatPlanNum ";
            joinFamInfo      = joinCoverageInfo + " GROUP BY claimproc.InsSubNum ";
            subSelectPlanned = @"
				(SELECT COALESCE(SUM(ProcFee),0) AmtPlanned
				FROM procedurelog "                ;
            if (code1 != "")
                subSelectPlanned += "INNER JOIN procedurecode ON procedurecode.CodeNum=procedurelog.CodeNum ";
            subSelectPlanned += "WHERE ProcStatus=" + (int)ProcStat.TP + " ";
            if (code1 != "")
                subSelectPlanned += "AND procedurecode.ProcCode>='" + POut.String(code1) + "' "
                                    + " AND procedurecode.ProcCode<='" + POut.String(code2) + "' ";
            if (dateSince.Year > 1880)
                subSelectPlanned += "AND procedurelog.DateTP>=" + POut.DateT(dateSince) + " ";
            subSelectPlanned += "AND PatNum=patient.PatNum ";
            subSelectPlanned += "GROUP BY PatNum) ";
            joinAnnualMax     = @"
				SELECT insplan.PlanNum, MAX(CASE WHEN CoverageLevel!="                 + POut.Int((int)BenefitCoverageLevel.Family) + @"
				THEN MonetaryAmt ELSE -1 END) AnnualMaxInd/*for oracle in case there's more than one*/, 
				MAX(CASE WHEN CoverageLevel="                 + POut.Int((int)BenefitCoverageLevel.Family) + @"
				THEN MonetaryAmt ELSE -1 END) AnnualMaxFam/*for oracle in case there's more than one*/
				FROM benefit
				INNER JOIN insplan ON insplan.PlanNum=benefit.PlanNum 
				INNER JOIN inssub ON inssub.PlanNum=benefit.PlanNum
				INNER JOIN patplan ON patplan.InsSubNum=inssub.InsSubNum
				INNER JOIN patient ON patient.PatNum=patplan.PatNum
				LEFT JOIN covcat ON benefit.CovCatNum=covcat.CovCatNum
				WHERE (covcat.EbenefitCat="                 + (int)EbenefitCategory.General + @" OR ISNULL(covcat.EbenefitCat))
				AND benefit.BenefitType="                 + (int)InsBenefitType.Limitations + @" 
				AND benefit.MonetaryAmt > 0
				AND benefit.QuantityQualifier="                 + (int)BenefitQuantity.None + " ";
            if (listPatNums.Count > 0)
                joinAnnualMax += @"AND patient.PatNum IN (" + string.Join(",", listPatNums) + ") ";
            else if (!patsWithAppts)
                joinAnnualMax += cmdFutureApt;
            joinAnnualMax += @"GROUP BY insplan.PlanNum";
            command        = @"SELECT patient.PatNum, patient.LName, patient.FName,
				patient.Email, patient.HmPhone, patient.PreferRecallMethod,
				patient.WirelessPhone, patient.WkPhone, patient.Address,
				patient.Address2, patient.City, patient.State, patient.Zip,
				patient.PriProv, patient.BillingType,
				COALESCE(annualMax.AnnualMaxInd,0) ""AnnualMaxInd"",
				COALESCE(annualMax.AnnualMaxFam,0) ""AnnualMaxFam"",
				IndividualInfo.AmtUsed ""AmountUsedInd"",
				FamilyInfo.AmtUsed ""AmountUsedFam"",
				IndividualInfo.AmtPending ""AmountPendingInd"",
				FamilyInfo.AmtPending ""AmountPendingFam"",
				COALESCE(annualMax.AnnualMaxInd,0)-COALESCE(IndividualInfo.AmtUsed,0)-COALESCE(IndividualInfo.AmtPending,0) AS ""$AmtRemainingInd"",
				COALESCE(annualMax.AnnualMaxFam,0)-COALESCE(FamilyInfo.AmtUsed,0)-COALESCE(FamilyInfo.AmtPending,0) AS ""$AmtRemainingFam"","                 +
                             subSelectPlanned + @"""$TreatmentPlan"", carrier.CarrierName,COALESCE(clinic.Abbr,'Unassigned') clinicAbbr
				FROM patient
				LEFT JOIN patplan ON patient.PatNum=patplan.PatNum
				LEFT JOIN inssub ON patplan.InsSubNum=inssub.InsSubNum
				LEFT JOIN insplan ON insplan.PlanNum=inssub.PlanNum
				LEFT JOIN carrier ON insplan.CarrierNum=carrier.CarrierNum
				LEFT JOIN ("
                             + joinIndInfo
                             + @")IndividualInfo ON IndividualInfo.PatPlanNum=patplan.PatPlanNum
				LEFT JOIN ("
                             + joinFamInfo
                             + @")FamilyInfo ON FamilyInfo.InsSubNum=inssub.InsSubNum
				LEFT JOIN ("
                             + joinAnnualMax
                             + @") annualMax ON annualMax.PlanNum=inssub.PlanNum
				AND (annualMax.AnnualMaxInd>0 OR annualMax.AnnualMaxFam>0)/*may not be necessary*/
				LEFT JOIN clinic ON clinic.ClinicNum=patient.ClinicNum
				AND patient.PatStatus="                 + POut.Int((int)PatientStatus.Patient) + " ";
            if (!noIns)             //if we don't want patients without insurance
                command += " AND patplan.Ordinal=1 AND insplan.MonthRenew=" + POut.Int(monthStart) + " ";
            if (aboveAmount > 0)
                command += " AND (annualMax.PlanNum IS NULL OR ((annualMax.AnnualMaxInd=-1 OR annualMax.AnnualMaxInd-COALESCE(IndividualInfo.AmtUsed,0) > "
                           + POut.Double(aboveAmount) + @")
					AND (annualMax.AnnualMaxFam=-1 OR annualMax.AnnualMaxFam-COALESCE(FamilyInfo.AmtUsed,0) > "                     + POut.Double(aboveAmount) + "))) ";
            if (listPatNums.Count > 0)
                command += " AND patient.PatNum IN (" + string.Join(",", listPatNums) + ") ";
            else if (!patsWithAppts)
                command += cmdFutureApt;
            command += @"HAVING $TreatmentPlan > 0 ";
            command += @"ORDER BY $TreatmentPlan DESC";
            DataTable rawtable = Db.GetTable(command);
            Console.WriteLine("Finishing retreiving query: {0}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            ContactMethod contmeth;
            for (int i = 0; i < rawtable.Rows.Count; i++)
                row           = table.NewRow();
                row["PatNum"] = PIn.Long(rawtable.Rows[i]["PatNum"].ToString());
                row["LName"]  = rawtable.Rows[i]["LName"].ToString();
                row["FName"]  = rawtable.Rows[i]["FName"].ToString();
                contmeth      = (ContactMethod)PIn.Long(rawtable.Rows[i]["PreferRecallMethod"].ToString());
                if (contmeth == ContactMethod.None)
                    if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.RecallUseEmailIfHasEmailAddress))                     //if user only wants to use email if contact method is email
                        if (rawtable.Rows[i]["Email"].ToString() != "")
                            row["contactMethod"] = rawtable.Rows[i]["Email"].ToString();
                            row["contactMethod"] = Lans.g("FormRecallList", "Hm:") + rawtable.Rows[i]["HmPhone"].ToString();
                        row["contactMethod"] = Lans.g("FormRecallList", "Hm:") + rawtable.Rows[i]["HmPhone"].ToString();
                else if (contmeth == ContactMethod.HmPhone)
                    row["contactMethod"] = Lans.g("FormRecallList", "Hm:") + rawtable.Rows[i]["HmPhone"].ToString();
                else if (contmeth == ContactMethod.WkPhone)
                    row["contactMethod"] = Lans.g("FormRecallList", "Wk:") + rawtable.Rows[i]["WkPhone"].ToString();
                else if (contmeth == ContactMethod.WirelessPh)
                    row["contactMethod"] = Lans.g("FormRecallList", "Cell:") + rawtable.Rows[i]["WirelessPhone"].ToString();
                else if (contmeth == ContactMethod.Email)
                    row["contactMethod"] = rawtable.Rows[i]["Email"].ToString();
                else if (contmeth == ContactMethod.Mail)
                    row["contactMethod"] = Lans.g("FormRecallList", "Mail");
                else if (contmeth == ContactMethod.DoNotCall || contmeth == ContactMethod.SeeNotes)
                    row["contactMethod"] = Lans.g("enumContactMethod", contmeth.ToString());
                row["address"] = rawtable.Rows[i]["Address"].ToString();
                if (rawtable.Rows[i]["Address2"].ToString() != "")
                    row["address"] += "\r\n" + rawtable.Rows[i]["Address2"].ToString();
                row["City"]               = rawtable.Rows[i]["City"].ToString();
                row["State"]              = rawtable.Rows[i]["State"].ToString();
                row["Zip"]                = rawtable.Rows[i]["Zip"].ToString();
                row["annualMaxInd"]       = (PIn.Double(rawtable.Rows[i]["AnnualMaxInd"].ToString())).ToString("N");
                row["annualMaxFam"]       = (PIn.Double(rawtable.Rows[i]["AnnualMaxFam"].ToString())).ToString("N");
                row["amountUsedInd"]      = (PIn.Double(rawtable.Rows[i]["AmountUsedInd"].ToString())).ToString("N");
                row["amountUsedFam"]      = (PIn.Double(rawtable.Rows[i]["AmountUsedFam"].ToString())).ToString("N");
                row["amountPendingInd"]   = (PIn.Double(rawtable.Rows[i]["AmountPendingInd"].ToString())).ToString("N");
                row["amountPendingFam"]   = (PIn.Double(rawtable.Rows[i]["AmountPendingFam"].ToString())).ToString("N");
                row["amountRemainingInd"] = (PIn.Double(rawtable.Rows[i]["$AmtRemainingInd"].ToString())).ToString("N");
                row["amountRemainingFam"] = (PIn.Double(rawtable.Rows[i]["$AmtRemainingFam"].ToString())).ToString("N");
                row["treatmentPlan"]      = (PIn.Double(rawtable.Rows[i]["$TreatmentPlan"].ToString())).ToString("N");
                row["carrierName"]        = rawtable.Rows[i]["CarrierName"].ToString();
                row["clinicAbbr"]         = rawtable.Rows[i]["clinicAbbr"].ToString();
            for (int i = 0; i < rows.Count; i++)
            Console.WriteLine("Finished Filling query result: {0}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
예제 #3
        ///<summary>Used only from FormReferenceSelect to get the list of references.</summary>
        public static DataTable GetReferenceTable(bool limit, long[] billingTypes, bool showBadRefs, bool showUsed, bool showGuarOnly, string city, string state, string zip,
                                                  string areaCode, string specialty, int superFam, string lname, string fname, string patnum, int age, string country)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), limit, billingTypes, showBadRefs, showUsed, showGuarOnly, city, state, zip, areaCode, specialty, superFam, lname, fname, patnum, age, country));
            string billingSnippet = "";

            if (billingTypes.Length != 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < billingTypes.Length; i++)
                    if (i == 0)
                        billingSnippet += "AND (";
                        billingSnippet += "OR ";
                    billingSnippet += "BillingType=" + POut.Long(billingTypes[i]) + " ";
                    if (i == billingTypes.Length - 1)
                        billingSnippet += ") ";
            string phonedigits = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < areaCode.Length; i++)
                if (Regex.IsMatch(areaCode[i].ToString(), "[0-9]"))
                    phonedigits = phonedigits + areaCode[i];
            string regexp = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < phonedigits.Length; i++)
                if (i < 1)
                    regexp = "^[^0-9]?";                  //Allows phone to start with "("
                regexp += phonedigits[i] + "[^0-9]*";
            DataTable table = new DataTable();
            DataRow   row;

            //columns that start with lowercase are altered for display rather than being raw data.
            List <DataRow> rows    = new List <DataRow>();
            string         command = @"SELECT cr.*,p.LName,p.FName,p.HmPhone,p.State,p.City,p.Zip,p.Birthdate,pf.FieldValue,
					(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM patient tempp WHERE tempp.SuperFamily=p.SuperFamily AND tempp.SuperFamily<>0) AS SuperFamily,
					(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM custrefentry tempcre WHERE tempcre.PatNumRef=cr.PatNum) AS TimesUsed,p.Country
				FROM custreference cr
				INNER JOIN patient p ON cr.PatNum=p.PatNum
				LEFT JOIN patfield pf ON cr.PatNum=pf.PatNum AND pf.FieldName='Specialty' 
				WHERE TRUE "                ;                                                                                                           //This just makes the following AND statements brainless.

            command += "AND (p.PatStatus=" + POut.Int((int)PatientStatus.Patient) + " OR p.PatStatus=" + POut.Int((int)PatientStatus.NonPatient) + ") " //excludes deleted, etc.
                       + billingSnippet;
            if (age > 0)
                command += "AND p.Birthdate <" + POut.Date(DateTime.Now.AddYears(-age)) + " ";
            if (regexp != "")
                command += "AND (p.HmPhone REGEXP '" + POut.String(regexp) + "' )";
            command += (lname.Length > 0?"AND (p.LName LIKE '" + POut.String(lname) + "%' OR p.Preferred LIKE '" + POut.String(lname) + "%') ":"")
                       + (fname.Length > 0?"AND (p.FName LIKE '" + POut.String(fname) + "%' OR p.Preferred LIKE '" + POut.String(fname) + "%') ":"")
                       + (city.Length > 0?"AND p.City LIKE '" + POut.String(city) + "%' ":"")
                       + (state.Length > 0?"AND p.State LIKE '" + POut.String(state) + "%' ":"")
                       + (zip.Length > 0?"AND p.Zip LIKE '" + POut.String(zip) + "%' ":"")
                       + (country.Length > 0?"AND p.Country LIKE '" + POut.String(country) + "%' ":"")
                       + (patnum.Length > 0?"AND p.PatNum LIKE '" + POut.String(patnum) + "%' ":"")
                       + (specialty.Length > 0?"AND pf.FieldValue LIKE '" + POut.String(specialty) + "%' ":"")
                       + (showBadRefs?"":"AND cr.IsBadRef=0 ")
                       + (showGuarOnly?"AND p.Guarantor=p.PatNum ":"")
                       + "HAVING TRUE ";                //Once again just making AND statements brainless.
            if (superFam > 0)
                command += "AND SuperFamily>" + POut.Int(superFam) + " ";
            if (showUsed)
                command += "AND TimesUsed>0 ";
            if (limit)
                command = DbHelper.LimitOrderBy(command, 40);
            DataTable rawtable = Db.GetTable(command);

            for (int i = 0; i < rawtable.Rows.Count; i++)
                row = table.NewRow();
                row["CustReferenceNum"] = rawtable.Rows[i]["CustReferenceNum"].ToString();
                row["PatNum"]           = rawtable.Rows[i]["PatNum"].ToString();
                row["FName"]            = rawtable.Rows[i]["FName"].ToString();
                row["LName"]            = rawtable.Rows[i]["LName"].ToString();
                row["HmPhone"]          = rawtable.Rows[i]["HmPhone"].ToString();
                row["State"]            = rawtable.Rows[i]["State"].ToString();
                row["City"]             = rawtable.Rows[i]["City"].ToString();
                row["Zip"]         = rawtable.Rows[i]["Zip"].ToString();
                row["Country"]     = rawtable.Rows[i]["Country"].ToString();
                row["Specialty"]   = rawtable.Rows[i]["FieldValue"].ToString();
                row["age"]         = Patients.DateToAge(PIn.Date(rawtable.Rows[i]["Birthdate"].ToString())).ToString();
                row["SuperFamily"] = rawtable.Rows[i]["SuperFamily"].ToString();
                DateTime recentDate = PIn.DateT(rawtable.Rows[i]["DateMostRecent"].ToString());
                row["DateMostRecent"] = "";
                if (recentDate.Year > 1880)
                    row["DateMostRecent"] = recentDate.ToShortDateString();
                row["TimesUsed"] = rawtable.Rows[i]["TimesUsed"].ToString();
                row["IsBadRef"]  = rawtable.Rows[i]["IsBadRef"].ToString();
            for (int i = 0; i < rows.Count; i++)
예제 #4
        ///<summary>Returns a query string used to get adjustments for all patients who have an appointment in the date range and in one of the operatories
        ///passed in.</summary>
        public static string GetQueryAdjustmentsForAppointments(DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateEnd, List <long> listOpNums, bool doGetSum)
            //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
            if (listOpNums.IsNullOrEmpty())
                return("SELECT " + (doGetSum ? "SUM(adjustment.AdjAmt)" : "*")
                       + " FROM adjustment WHERE AdjDate BETWEEN " + POut.Date(dateStart) + " AND " + POut.Date(dateEnd) + " ");
            string command = "SELECT "
                             + (doGetSum ? "SUM(adjustment.AdjAmt)" : "*")
                             + " FROM adjustment WHERE AdjDate BETWEEN " + POut.Date(dateStart) + " AND " + POut.Date(dateEnd)
                             + " AND PatNum IN("
                             + "SELECT PatNum FROM appointment "
                             + "WHERE AptDateTime BETWEEN " + POut.Date(dateStart) + " AND " + POut.Date(dateEnd.AddDays(1))
                             + "AND AptStatus IN (" + POut.Int((int)ApptStatus.Scheduled)
                             + ", " + POut.Int((int)ApptStatus.Complete)
                             + ", " + POut.Int((int)ApptStatus.Broken)
                             + ", " + POut.Int((int)ApptStatus.PtNote)
                             + ", " + POut.Int((int)ApptStatus.PtNoteCompleted) + ")"
                             + " AND Op IN(" + string.Join(",", listOpNums) + ")) ";

예제 #5
		///<summary>Gets data for the history grid in the SendClaims window.  The listEtransType must contain as least one item.</summary>
		public static DataTable RefreshHistory(DateTime dateFrom,DateTime dateTo,List<EtransType> listEtransType) {
			if(RemotingClient.RemotingRole==RemotingRole.ClientWeb) {
				return Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(),dateFrom,dateTo,listEtransType);
			string command="SELECT (CASE WHEN etrans.PatNum=0 THEN etrans.PatientNameRaw "
				+"ELSE CONCAT(CONCAT(patient.LName,', '),patient.FName) END) AS PatName,"
				+"(CASE WHEN etrans.carrierNum=0 THEN etrans.CarrierNameRaw ELSE carrier.CarrierName END) AS CarrierName,"
				+"clearinghouse.Description AS Clearinghouse,DateTimeTrans,etrans.OfficeSequenceNumber,"
				+"etrans.UserNum,etrans.PatNum "
				+"FROM etrans "
				+"LEFT JOIN carrier ON etrans.CarrierNum=carrier.CarrierNum "
				+"LEFT JOIN patient ON patient.PatNum=etrans.PatNum "
				+"LEFT JOIN clearinghouse ON clearinghouse.ClearinghouseNum=etrans.ClearinghouseNum WHERE "
				+DbHelper.DtimeToDate("DateTimeTrans")+" >= "+POut.Date(dateFrom)+" AND "
				+DbHelper.DtimeToDate("DateTimeTrans")+" <= "+POut.Date(dateTo)+" "
				+"AND Etype IN ("+POut.Long((int)listEtransType[0]);
				for(int i=1;i<listEtransType.Count;i++){//String.Join doesn't work because there's no way to cast the enums to ints in the function, db uses longs.
					command+=", "+POut.Long((int)listEtransType[i]);
				command+=") "
				//For Canada, when the undo button is used from Manage | Send Claims, the ClaimNum is set to 0 instead of deleting the etrans entry.
				//For transaction types related to claims where the claimnum=0, we do not want them to show in the history section of Manage | Send Claims because they have been undone.
				+"AND (ClaimNum<>0 OR Etype NOT IN ("+POut.Long((int)EtransType.Claim_CA)+","+POut.Long((int)EtransType.ClaimCOB_CA)+","+POut.Long((int)EtransType.Predeterm_CA)+","+POut.Long((int)EtransType.ClaimReversal_CA)+")) "
				+"ORDER BY DateTimeTrans";
			DataTable table=Db.GetTable(command);
			DataTable tHist=new DataTable("Table");
			DataRow row;
			string etype;
			for(int i=0;i<table.Rows.Count;i++) {
				else if(table.Rows[i]["AckCode"].ToString()=="R") {
				else if(table.Rows[i]["AckCode"].ToString()=="Recd") {
				else {
			return tHist;
예제 #6
        ///<summary>If not using clinics then supply an empty list of clinicNums.  listClinicNums must have at least one item if using clinics.
        ///The table returned has the following columns in this order:
        ///PatientName, ProcDate, Descript, ProcFee, ProcNum, ClinicNum, PatNum, IsInProcess</summary>
        public static DataTable GetProcsNotBilled(List <long> listClinicNums, bool includeMedProcs, DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateEnd,
                                                  bool showProcsBeforeIns, bool hasMultiVisitProcs)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), listClinicNums, includeMedProcs, dateStart, dateEnd, showProcsBeforeIns, hasMultiVisitProcs));
            string query = "SELECT ";

            if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.ReportsShowPatNum))
                query += DbHelper.Concat("CAST(PatNum AS CHAR)", "'-'", "LName", "', '", "FName", "' '", "MiddleI");
                query += DbHelper.Concat("LName", "', '", "FName", "' '", "MiddleI");
            query += " AS 'PatientName',Stat,ProcDate,Descript,procFee,ProcNum,ClinicNum,PatNum "
                     + "FROM (SELECT patient.LName,patient.FName,patient.MiddleI,"
                     + "CASE WHEN procmultivisit.ProcMultiVisitNum IS NULL "
                     + "THEN '" + Lans.g("enumProcStat", ProcStat.C.ToString()) + "' ELSE '" + Lans.g("enumProcStat", ProcStatExt.InProcess) + "' END Stat,"
                     + "procedurelog.ProcDate,procedurecode.Descript,procedurelog.ProcFee*(procedurelog.UnitQty+procedurelog.BaseUnits) procFee,"
                     + "procedurelog.ProcNum,procedurelog.ClinicNum,patient.PatNum,insplan.PlanNum,MAX(insplan.IsMedical) isMedical,"
                     + "CASE WHEN MIN(insplan.IsMedical)=0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END hasDental "
                     + "FROM patient "
                     + "INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.PatNum = patient.PatNum "
                     + "AND procedurelog.ProcFee>0 "
                     + "AND procedurelog.procstatus=" + (int)ProcStat.C + " "
                     + "AND procedurelog.ProcDate	BETWEEN "+ POut.Date(dateStart) + " AND " + POut.Date(dateEnd) + " "
                     + "INNER JOIN procedurecode ON procedurecode.CodeNum = procedurelog.CodeNum ";
            if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name.EndsWith("CA"))
                query += "AND procedurecode.IsCanadianLab=0 ";              //ignore Canadian labs
            query += "LEFT JOIN claimproc ON claimproc.ProcNum = procedurelog.ProcNum "
                     + "LEFT JOIN insplan ON insplan.PlanNum = claimproc.PlanNum "
                     + "LEFT JOIN procmultivisit ON procmultivisit.ProcNum=procedurelog.ProcNum AND procmultivisit.IsInProcess=1 "
                     + "WHERE EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM patplan WHERE patplan.PatNum=patient.PatNum) "
                     + "AND ((claimproc.NoBillIns=0 AND claimproc.Status=" + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Estimate + ") ";
            if (showProcsBeforeIns)
                query += "OR claimproc.ClaimProcNum IS NULL ";
            query += ") ";
            if (!hasMultiVisitProcs)
                query += "AND (procmultivisit.ProcMultiVisitNum IS NULL) ";
            if (listClinicNums.Count > 0)
                query += "AND procedurelog.ClinicNum IN (" + String.Join(",", listClinicNums) + ") ";
            query += "GROUP BY procedurelog.ProcNum "
                     + ") procnotbilled ";          //End of the main query which is treated like a sub query in order to process includeMedProcs and showProcsBeforeIns.
            //Having the "AND insplan.IsMedical=0" check within the WHERE clause of the main query causes slowness for large databases.
            //MySQL will freak out when looking for what index to use which causes full row scans to take place instead of simply filtering the results.
            //This problem can be resolved by putting the insplan.IsMedical=0 check into the LEFT JOIN clause and performing a corresponding NULL check.
            //However, the "OR insplan.PlanNum IS NULL" complicates the query enough to where it is easier to just put the old WHERE clause outside.
            //This sub query trick improved the following report for a large office from ~55 seconds to ~5 seconds.
            query += "WHERE (procnotbilled.hasDental=1 ";          //Always include procedures when the patient has dental insurance.
            if (includeMedProcs)
                query += "OR procnotbilled.isMedical=1 ";
            if (showProcsBeforeIns)
                query += "OR procnotbilled.PlanNum IS NULL ";
            query += ") ORDER BY LName,FName,PatNum,ProcDate";
예제 #7
        public static DataTable GetOrderTable(long patNum, bool includeDiscontinued)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), patNum, includeDiscontinued));
            DataTable table = new DataTable("orders");
            DataRow   row;

            table.Columns.Add("DateTime", typeof(DateTime));
            List <DataRow> rows    = new List <DataRow>();
            string         command = "SELECT DateTimeOrder,Description,IsDiscontinued,MedicalOrderNum,MedOrderType,ProvNum "
                                     + "FROM medicalorder WHERE PatNum = " + POut.Long(patNum);

            if (!includeDiscontinued)               //only include current orders
                command += " AND IsDiscontinued=0"; //false
            DataTable        rawOrder = Db.GetTable(command);
            DateTime         dateT;
            MedicalOrderType medOrderType;
            long             medicalOrderNum;
            bool             isDiscontinued;

            for (int i = 0; i < rawOrder.Rows.Count; i++)
                row                = table.NewRow();
                dateT              = PIn.DateT(rawOrder.Rows[i]["DateTimeOrder"].ToString());
                medOrderType       = (MedicalOrderType)PIn.Int(rawOrder.Rows[i]["MedOrderType"].ToString());
                medicalOrderNum    = PIn.Long(rawOrder.Rows[i]["MedicalOrderNum"].ToString());
                row["DateTime"]    = dateT;
                row["date"]        = dateT.ToShortDateString();
                row["description"] = PIn.String(rawOrder.Rows[i]["Description"].ToString());
                if (medOrderType == MedicalOrderType.Laboratory)
                    List <LabPanel> listPanelsForOrder = LabPanels.GetPanelsForOrder(medicalOrderNum);
                    for (int p = 0; p < listPanelsForOrder.Count; p++)
                        row["description"] += "\r\n     ";                      //new row for each panel
                        List <LabResult> listResults = LabResults.GetForPanel(listPanelsForOrder[p].LabPanelNum);
                        if (listResults.Count > 0)
                            row["description"] += listResults[0].DateTimeTest.ToShortDateString() + " - ";
                        row["description"] += listPanelsForOrder[p].ServiceName;
                row["MedicalOrderNum"]  = medicalOrderNum.ToString();
                row["MedicationPatNum"] = "0";
                row["prov"]             = Providers.GetAbbr(PIn.Long(rawOrder.Rows[i]["ProvNum"].ToString()));
                isDiscontinued          = PIn.Bool(rawOrder.Rows[i]["IsDiscontinued"].ToString());
                if (isDiscontinued)
                    row["status"] = "Discontinued";
                    row["status"] = "Active";
                row["type"] = medOrderType.ToString();
            command = "SELECT DateStart,DateStop,MedicationPatNum,MedName,PatNote,ProvNum "
                      + "FROM medicationpat "
                      + "LEFT JOIN medication ON medication.MedicationNum=medicationpat.MedicationNum "
                      + "WHERE PatNum = " + POut.Long(patNum);
            if (!includeDiscontinued)             //exclude invalid orders
                command += " AND DateStart > " + POut.Date(new DateTime(1880, 1, 1)) + " AND PatNote !='' "
                           + "AND (DateStop < " + POut.Date(new DateTime(1880, 1, 1)) + " " //no date stop
                           + "OR DateStop > " + POut.Date(DateTime.Today) + ")";            //date stop hasn't happened yet
            DataTable rawMed = Db.GetTable(command);
            DateTime  dateStop;

            for (int i = 0; i < rawMed.Rows.Count; i++)
                row             = table.NewRow();
                dateT           = PIn.DateT(rawMed.Rows[i]["DateStart"].ToString());
                row["DateTime"] = dateT;
                if (dateT.Year < 1880)
                    row["date"] = "";
                    row["date"] = dateT.ToShortDateString();
                row["description"] = PIn.String(rawMed.Rows[i]["MedName"].ToString()) + ", "
                                     + PIn.String(rawMed.Rows[i]["PatNote"].ToString());
                row["MedicalOrderNum"]  = "0";
                row["MedicationPatNum"] = rawMed.Rows[i]["MedicationPatNum"].ToString();
                row["prov"]             = Providers.GetAbbr(PIn.Long(rawMed.Rows[i]["ProvNum"].ToString()));
                dateStop = PIn.Date(rawMed.Rows[i]["DateStop"].ToString());
                if (dateStop.Year < 1880 || dateStop > DateTime.Today)             //not stopped or in the future
                    row["status"] = "Active";
                    row["status"] = "Discontinued";
                row["type"] = "Medication";
            rows.Sort(new MedicalOrderLineComparer());
            for (int i = 0; i < rows.Count; i++)
예제 #8
        ///<summary>If not using clinics then supply an empty list of clinicNums.  listClinicNums must have at least one item if using clinics.</summary>
        public static DataTable GetInsuranceOverpaid(DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateEnd, List <long> listClinicNums, bool groupByProc)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), dateStart, dateEnd, listClinicNums, groupByProc));
            string query = @"SELECT " + DbHelper.Concat("patient.LName", "', '", "patient.FName") + @" patname,
				procs.ProcDate,procs.fee ""$sumfee"",cp.PayAmt ""$PaidAndWriteoff""
				FROM (
					SELECT MIN(procedurelog.ProcNum) ProcNum,MIN(procedurelog.PatNum) PatNum,MIN(procedurelog.ProcDate) ProcDate,
					SUM(procedurelog.ProcFee*(procedurelog.UnitQty+procedurelog.BaseUnits)) fee
					FROM procedurelog
					WHERE procedurelog.ProcDate BETWEEN "                     + POut.Date(dateStart) + " AND " + POut.Date(dateEnd) + @"
					AND procedurelog.ProcStatus="                     + POut.Int((int)ProcStat.C) + @"
					AND procedurelog.ProcFee>0 "                    ;/*Negative proc fees should not show up on this report.*/

            /*We have one office that uses negative proc fees as internal adjustments*/
            if (listClinicNums.Count > 0)
                query += "AND procedurelog.ClinicNum IN (" + string.Join(",", listClinicNums) + ") ";
            if (groupByProc)
                query += "GROUP BY procedurelog.ProcNum ";
            else              //Group by patient, proc date
                query += "GROUP BY procedurelog.PatNum,procedurelog.ProcDate ";
            query += @") procs
					SELECT MIN(claimproc.ProcNum) ProcNum,MIN(claimproc.PatNum) PatNum,MIN(claimproc.ProcDate) ProcDate,
					SUM(claimproc.InsPayAmt+claimproc.Writeoff) PayAmt
					FROM claimproc
					WHERE claimproc.Status IN ("
                     + POut.Int((int)ClaimProcStatus.Received) + ","
                     + POut.Int((int)ClaimProcStatus.Supplemental) + ","
                     + POut.Int((int)ClaimProcStatus.CapClaim) + ","
                     + POut.Int((int)ClaimProcStatus.CapComplete) + @")
					AND claimproc.ProcDate BETWEEN "                     + POut.Date(dateStart) + " AND " + POut.Date(dateEnd) + " ";
            if (groupByProc)
                query += "GROUP BY claimproc.ProcNum ";
            else              //Group by patient, proc date
                query += "GROUP BY claimproc.PatNum,claimproc.ProcDate ";
            query += @"HAVING SUM(claimproc.InsPayAmt+claimproc.Writeoff)>0" /*ProcFee must be >0 and PayAmt must be >ProcFee, ergo PayAmt must be >0*/ + @"
				) cp ON "                ;
            if (groupByProc)
                query += "cp.ProcNum=procs.ProcNum ";
            else              //Group by patient, proc date
                query += @"cp.PatNum=procs.PatNum
					AND cp.ProcDate=procs.ProcDate "                    ;
            query += @"INNER JOIN patient ON patient.PatNum=procs.PatNum
				WHERE ROUND(procs.fee,3) < ROUND(cp.PayAmt,3)
				ORDER BY patient.LName,patient.FName,procs.ProcDate "                ;
            return(ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => Db.GetTable(query)));
예제 #9
        public static DataTable GetSmsUsageLocal(List <long> listClinicNums, DateTime dateMonth, List <SmsPhone> listPhones)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), listClinicNums, dateMonth, listPhones));
            #region Initialize retVal DataTable
            string          strNoActivePhones = "No Active Phones";
            List <SmsPhone> listSmsPhones     = listPhones.Where(x => x.ClinicNum.In(listClinicNums)).ToList();
            DateTime        dateStart         = dateMonth.Date.AddDays(1 - dateMonth.Day); //remove time portion and day of month portion. Remainder should be midnight of the first of the month
            DateTime        dateEnd           = dateStart.AddMonths(1);                    //This should be midnight of the first of the following month.
            //This query builds the data table that will be filled from several other queries, instead of writing one large complex query.
            //It is written this way so that the queries are simple to write and understand, and makes Oracle compatibility easier to maintain.
            string    command = @"SELECT 
							  0 ClinicNum,
							  ' ' PhoneNumber,
							  ' ' CountryCode,
							  0 SentMonth,
							  0.0 SentCharge,
								0.0 SentDiscount,
								0.0 SentPreDiscount,
							  0 ReceivedMonth,
							  0.0 ReceivedCharge 
							  DUAL"                            ; //this is a cute way to get a data table with the correct layout without having to query any real data.
            DataTable retVal  = Db.GetTable(command).Clone();    //use .Clone() to get schema only, with no rows.
            retVal.TableName = "SmsUsageLocal";
            for (int i = 0; i < listClinicNums.Count; i++)
                DataRow row = retVal.NewRow();
                row["ClinicNum"]   = listClinicNums[i];
                row["PhoneNumber"] = strNoActivePhones;
                SmsPhone firstActivePhone = listSmsPhones
                                            .Where(x => x.ClinicNum == listClinicNums[i]) //phones for this clinic
                                            .Where(x => x.DateTimeInactive.Year < 1880)   //that are active
                                            .OrderByDescending(x => x.IsPrimary)
                                            .ThenBy(x => x.DateTimeActive)
                if (firstActivePhone != null)
                    row["PhoneNumber"] = firstActivePhone.PhoneNumber;
                    row["CountryCode"] = firstActivePhone.CountryCode;
                row["SentMonth"]       = 0;
                row["SentCharge"]      = 0.0;
                row["SentDiscount"]    = 0.0;
                row["SentPreDiscount"] = 0.0;
                row["ReceivedMonth"]   = 0;
                row["ReceivedCharge"]  = 0.0;
            #region Fill retVal DataTable
            //Sent Last Month
            command = "SELECT ClinicNum, COUNT(*), ROUND(SUM(MsgChargeUSD),2),ROUND(SUM(MsgDiscountUSD),2)"
                      + ",SUM(CASE SmsPhoneNumber WHEN '" + POut.String(SmsPhones.SHORTCODE) + "' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM smstomobile "
                      + "WHERE DateTimeSent >=" + POut.Date(dateStart) + " "
                      + "AND DateTimeSent<" + POut.Date(dateEnd) + " "
                      + "AND MsgChargeUSD>0 GROUP BY ClinicNum";
            DataTable table = Db.GetTable(command);
            for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < retVal.Rows.Count; j++)
                    if (retVal.Rows[j]["ClinicNum"].ToString() != table.Rows[i]["ClinicNum"].ToString())
                    retVal.Rows[j]["SentMonth"]       = table.Rows[i][1];            //.ToString();
                    retVal.Rows[j]["SentCharge"]      = table.Rows[i][2];            //.ToString();
                    retVal.Rows[j]["SentDiscount"]    = table.Rows[i][3];
                    retVal.Rows[j]["SentPreDiscount"] = PIn.Double(retVal.Rows[j]["SentCharge"].ToString()) + PIn.Double(retVal.Rows[j]["SentDiscount"].ToString());
                    //No active phone but at least one of these messages sent from Short Code
                    if (retVal.Rows[j]["PhoneNumber"].ToString() == strNoActivePhones && PIn.Long(table.Rows[i][4].ToString()) > 0)
                        retVal.Rows[j]["PhoneNumber"] = POut.String(SmsPhones.SHORTCODE);                      //display "SHORTCODE" as primary number.
            //Received Month
            command = "SELECT ClinicNum, COUNT(*),SUM(CASE SmsPhoneNumber WHEN '" + POut.String(SmsPhones.SHORTCODE) + "' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM smsfrommobile "
                      + "WHERE DateTimeReceived >=" + POut.Date(dateStart) + " "
                      + "AND DateTimeReceived<" + POut.Date(dateEnd) + " "
                      + "GROUP BY ClinicNum";
            table = Db.GetTable(command);
            for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < retVal.Rows.Count; j++)
                    if (retVal.Rows[j]["ClinicNum"].ToString() != table.Rows[i]["ClinicNum"].ToString())
                    retVal.Rows[j]["ReceivedMonth"]  = table.Rows[i][1].ToString();
                    retVal.Rows[j]["ReceivedCharge"] = "0";
                    //No active phone but at least one of these messages sent from Short Code
                    if (retVal.Rows[j]["PhoneNumber"].ToString() == strNoActivePhones && PIn.Long(table.Rows[i][2].ToString()) > 0)
                        retVal.Rows[j]["PhoneNumber"] = POut.String(SmsPhones.SHORTCODE);                      //display "SHORTCODE" as primary number.
예제 #10
        public static DataTable GetWriteoffTable(DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateEnd, bool isIndividual, string carrierText, PPOWriteoffDateCalc writeoffType)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), dateStart, dateEnd, isIndividual, carrierText, writeoffType));
            string queryText = "";

            if (isIndividual)
                queryText = "SET @DateFrom=" + POut.Date(dateStart) + ", @DateTo=" + POut.Date(dateEnd)
                            + ", @CarrierName='%" + POut.String(carrierText) + "%';";
                if (writeoffType == PPOWriteoffDateCalc.InsPayDate)
                    queryText += @"SELECT claimproc.DateCP,
					CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(patient.LName,', '),patient.FName),' '),patient.MiddleI),
					FROM claimproc
					INNER JOIN insplan ON claimproc.PlanNum = insplan.PlanNum 
						AND insplan.PlanType='p'
					INNER JOIN patient ON claimproc.PatNum = patient.PatNum
					INNER JOIN carrier ON carrier.CarrierNum = insplan.CarrierNum 
						AND carrier.CarrierName LIKE @CarrierName
					INNER JOIN provider ON provider.ProvNum = claimproc.ProvNum
					WHERE claimproc.Status IN ("                     + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Received + "," + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Supplemental + @") 
					AND claimproc.DateCP >= @DateFrom
					AND claimproc.DateCP <= @DateTo
					GROUP BY claimproc.ClaimNum 
					ORDER BY claimproc.DateCP"                    ;
                else if (writeoffType == PPOWriteoffDateCalc.ProcDate)              //use procedure date
                    queryText += @"SELECT claimproc.ProcDate,
					CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(patient.LName,', '),patient.FName),' '),patient.MiddleI),
					FROM claimproc
					INNER JOIN insplan ON claimproc.PlanNum = insplan.PlanNum 
						AND insplan.PlanType='p'
					INNER JOIN patient ON claimproc.PatNum = patient.PatNum
					INNER JOIN carrier ON carrier.CarrierNum = insplan.CarrierNum 
						AND carrier.CarrierName LIKE @CarrierName
					INNER JOIN provider ON provider.ProvNum = claimproc.ProvNum
					WHERE claimproc.Status IN ("                     + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Received + "," + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Supplemental + "," + (int)ClaimProcStatus.NotReceived + @") 
					AND claimproc.ProcDate >= @DateFrom
					AND claimproc.ProcDate <= @DateTo
					GROUP BY claimproc.ClaimNum 
					ORDER BY claimproc.ProcDate"                    ;
                else                   //writeoffType==PPOWriteoffDateCalc.ClaimPayDate
                    queryText += @"SELECT claimsnapshot.DateTEntry,
					CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(patient.LName,', '),patient.FName),' '),patient.MiddleI),
					FROM claimproc
					INNER JOIN insplan ON insplan.PlanNum=claimProc.PlanNum 
						AND insplan.PlanType='p'
					INNER JOIN patient ON patient.PatNum=claimProc.PatNum
					INNER JOIN carrier ON carrier.CarrierNum=insplan.CarrierNum 
						AND carrier.CarrierName LIKE @CarrierName
					INNER JOIN provider ON provider.ProvNum=claimProc.ProvNum
					INNER JOIN claimsnapshot ON claimsnapshot.ClaimProcNum=claimproc.ClaimProcNum 
						AND claimsnapshot.DateTEntry BETWEEN @DateFrom AND @DateTo
					WHERE claimproc.Status IN ("                     + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Received + "," + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Supplemental + "," + (int)ClaimProcStatus.NotReceived + @") 
					GROUP BY claimproc.ClaimNum 
					ORDER BY claimsnapshot.DateTEntry"                    ;
                if (writeoffType == PPOWriteoffDateCalc.InsPayDate)
                    queryText = "SET @DateFrom=" + POut.Date(dateStart) + ", @DateTo=" + POut.Date(dateEnd)
                                + ", @CarrierName='%" + POut.String(carrierText) + "%';"
                                + @"SELECT carrier.CarrierName,
						FROM claimproc
						INNER JOIN insplan ON claimproc.PlanNum = insplan.PlanNum
							AND insplan.PlanType='p'
						INNER JOIN carrier ON carrier.CarrierNum = insplan.CarrierNum
							AND carrier.CarrierName LIKE @CarrierName
						WHERE claimproc.Status IN ("                         + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Received + "," + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Supplemental + @") 
						AND claimproc.DateCP >= @DateFrom
						AND claimproc.DateCP <= @DateTo
						GROUP BY carrier.CarrierNum 
						ORDER BY carrier.CarrierName"                        ;
                else if (writeoffType == PPOWriteoffDateCalc.ProcDate)
                    queryText = "SET @DateFrom=" + POut.Date(dateStart) + ", @DateTo=" + POut.Date(dateEnd)
                                + ", @CarrierName='%" + POut.String(carrierText) + "%';"
                                + @"SELECT carrier.CarrierName,
						FROM claimproc
						INNER JOIN insplan ON claimproc.PlanNum = insplan.PlanNum
							AND insplan.PlanType='p'
						INNER JOIN carrier ON carrier.CarrierNum = insplan.CarrierNum
							AND carrier.CarrierName LIKE @CarrierName
						WHERE claimproc.Status IN ("                         + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Received + "," + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Supplemental + "," + (int)ClaimProcStatus.NotReceived + @") 
						AND claimproc.ProcDate >= @DateFrom
						AND claimproc.ProcDate <= @DateTo
						GROUP BY carrier.CarrierNum 
						ORDER BY carrier.CarrierName"                        ;
                else                    // writeoffType==PPOWriteoffDateCalc.ClaimPayDate
                    queryText = "SET @DateFrom=" + POut.Date(dateStart) + ", @DateTo=" + POut.Date(dateEnd)
                                + ", @CarrierName='%" + POut.String(carrierText) + "%';"
                                + @"SELECT carrier.CarrierName,
						FROM claimproc
						INNER JOIN insplan on claimproc.PlanNum = insplan.PlanNum
							AND insplan.PlanType='p'
						INNER JOIN carrier on carrier.CarrierNum = insplan.CarrierNum
							AND carrier.CarrierName LIKE @CarrierName						
						INNER JOIN claimsnapshot on claimsnapshot.ClaimProcNum=claimproc.ClaimProcNum
							AND claimsnapshot.DateTEntry >= @DateFrom
							AND claimsnapshot.DateTEntry <= @DateTo
						WHERE claimproc.Status IN ("                         + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Received + "," + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Supplemental + "," + (int)ClaimProcStatus.NotReceived + @") 
						GROUP BY carrier.CarrierNum 
						ORDER BY carrier.CarrierName"                        ;
            return(ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => ReportsComplex.GetTable(queryText)));
예제 #11
        ///<summary>Returns list of credit cards that are ready for a recurring charge.</summary>
        public static DataTable GetRecurringChargeList()
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
            DataTable table = new DataTable();
            //This query will return patient information and the latest recurring payment whom:
            //	-have recurring charges setup and today's date falls within the start and stop range.
            //	-have a total balance >= recurring charge amount
            //NOTE: Query will return patients with or without payments regardless of when that payment occurred, filtering is done below.
            string command = "SELECT PatNum,PatName,FamBalTotal,LatestPayment,DateStart,Address,AddressPat,Zip,ZipPat,XChargeToken,CCNumberMasked,CCExpiration,ChargeAmt,PayPlanNum,ProvNum,ClinicNum "
                             + "FROM (";

            #region Payments
            command += "(SELECT 1,cc.PatNum," + DbHelper.Concat("pat.LName", "', '", "pat.FName") + " PatName,"    //The 'SELECT 1' garuntees the UNION will not combine results with payment plans.
                       + "guar.BalTotal-guar.InsEst FamBalTotal,CASE WHEN MAX(pay.PayDate) IS NULL THEN " + POut.Date(new DateTime(1, 1, 1)) + " ELSE MAX(pay.PayDate) END LatestPayment,"
                       + "cc.DateStart,cc.Address,pat.Address AddressPat,cc.Zip,pat.Zip ZipPat,cc.XChargeToken,cc.CCNumberMasked,cc.CCExpiration,cc.ChargeAmt,cc.PayPlanNum,cc.DateStop,0 ProvNum,pat.ClinicNum "
                       + "FROM (creditcard cc,patient pat,patient guar) "
                       + "LEFT JOIN payment pay ON cc.PatNum=pay.PatNum AND pay.IsRecurringCC=1 "
                       + "WHERE cc.PatNum=pat.PatNum "
                       + "AND pat.Guarantor=guar.PatNum "
                       + "AND cc.PayPlanNum=0 ";        //Keeps card from showing up in case they have a balance AND is setup for payment plan.
            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.MySql)
                command += "GROUP BY cc.CreditCardNum) ";
            else              //Oracle
                command += "GROUP BY cc.CreditCardNum,cc.PatNum," + DbHelper.Concat("pat.LName", "', '", "pat.FName") + ",PatName,guar.BalTotal-guar.InsEst,"
                           + "cc.Address,cc.Zip,cc.XChargeToken,cc.CCNumberMasked,cc.CCExpiration,cc.ChargeAmt,cc.PayPlanNum,cc.DateStop) ";
            command += "UNION ";
            #region Payment Plans
            command += "(SELECT 2,cc.PatNum," + DbHelper.Concat("pat.LName", "', '", "pat.FName") + " PatName,";    //The 'SELECT 2' garuntees the UNION will not combine results with payments.
            //Special select statement to figure out how much is owed on a particular payment plan.  This total amount will be Labeled as FamBalTotal for UNION purposes.
            command += "ROUND((SELECT CASE WHEN SUM(ppc.Principal+ppc.Interest) IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE SUM(ppc.Principal+ppc.Interest) END "
                       + "FROM PayPlanCharge ppc "
                       + "WHERE ppc.ChargeDate <= " + DbHelper.Curdate() + " AND ppc.PayPlanNum=cc.PayPlanNum) "
                       + "- CASE WHEN SUM(ps.SplitAmt) IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE SUM(ps.SplitAmt) END,2) FamBalTotal,";
            command += "CASE WHEN MAX(ps.DatePay) IS NULL THEN " + POut.Date(new DateTime(1, 1, 1)) + " ELSE MAX(pay.PayDate) END LatestPayment,"
                       + "cc.DateStart,cc.Address,pat.Address AddressPat,cc.Zip,pat.Zip ZipPat,cc.XChargeToken,cc.CCNumberMasked,cc.CCExpiration,cc.ChargeAmt,cc.PayPlanNum,cc.DateStop,"
                       + "(SELECT ppc1.ProvNum FROM payplancharge ppc1 WHERE ppc1.PayPlanNum=cc.PayPlanNum LIMIT 1) ProvNum,"
                       + "(SELECT ppc2.ClinicNum FROM payplancharge ppc2 WHERE ppc2.PayPlanNum=cc.PayPlanNum LIMIT 1) ClinicNum "
                       + "FROM creditcard cc "
                       + "INNER JOIN patient pat ON pat.PatNum=cc.PatNum "
                       + "LEFT JOIN paysplit ps ON ps.PayPlanNum=cc.PayPlanNum AND ps.PayPlanNum<>0 "
                       + "LEFT JOIN payment pay ON pay.PayNum=ps.PayNum AND pay.IsRecurringCC=1 "
                       + "WHERE cc.PayPlanNum<>0 ";
            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.MySql)
                command += "GROUP BY cc.CreditCardNum) ";
            else              //Oracle
                command += "GROUP BY cc.CreditCardNum,cc.PatNum," + DbHelper.Concat("pat.LName", "', '", "pat.FName") + ",PatName,guar.BalTotal-guar.InsEst,"
                           + "cc.Address,pat.Address,cc.Zip,pat.Zip,cc.XChargeToken,cc.CCNumberMasked,cc.CCExpiration,cc.ChargeAmt,cc.PayPlanNum,cc.DateStop) ";
            //Now we have all the results for payments and payment plans, so do an obvious filter. A more thorough filter happens later.
            command += ") due "
                       + "WHERE FamBalTotal>=ChargeAmt "
                       + "AND ChargeAmt>0 "
                       + "AND DateStart<=" + DbHelper.Curdate() + " "
                       + "AND (DateStop>=" + DbHelper.Curdate() + " OR YEAR(DateStop)<1880) ";
            table = Db.GetTable(command);
예제 #12
        private static string ByProceduresQuery(bool hasClinicsEnabled, DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateEnd, string whereProv, string whereClin, BrokenApptProcedure brokenApptOption)
            string queryBrokenApts = "SELECT procedurelog.ProcDate ProcDate,provider.Abbr Provider,";

            if (brokenApptOption == BrokenApptProcedure.Both)                   //Show code when running for both.
                queryBrokenApts += "procedurecode.ProcCode,";
            queryBrokenApts += DbHelper.Concat("patient.LName", "', '", "patient.FName") + " Patient, "
                               + "procedurelog.ProcFee ProcFee ";
            if (hasClinicsEnabled)
                queryBrokenApts += ",COALESCE(clinic.Description,'" + POut.String(Lans.g("FormRpBrokenAppointments", "Unassigned")) + "') ClinicDesc ";
            queryBrokenApts +=
                "FROM procedurelog ";
            switch (brokenApptOption)
            case BrokenApptProcedure.None:                            //Just in case.
            case BrokenApptProcedure.Missed:
                queryBrokenApts += "INNER JOIN procedurecode ON procedurecode.CodeNum=procedurelog.CodeNum AND procedurecode.ProcCode='D9986' ";

            case BrokenApptProcedure.Cancelled:
                queryBrokenApts += "INNER JOIN procedurecode ON procedurecode.CodeNum=procedurelog.CodeNum AND procedurecode.ProcCode='D9987' ";

            case BrokenApptProcedure.Both:
                queryBrokenApts += "INNER JOIN procedurecode ON procedurecode.CodeNum=procedurelog.CodeNum AND procedurecode.ProcCode IN ('D9986','D9987') ";
            queryBrokenApts += "INNER JOIN patient ON patient.PatNum=procedurelog.PatNum "
                               + "INNER JOIN provider ON provider.ProvNum=procedurelog.ProvNum "
                               + whereProv;
            if (hasClinicsEnabled)
                queryBrokenApts += "LEFT JOIN clinic ON clinic.ClinicNum=procedurelog.ClinicNum ";
            queryBrokenApts += "WHERE procedurelog.ProcDate BETWEEN " + POut.Date(dateStart) + " AND " + POut.Date(dateEnd) + " "
                               + "AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=" + POut.Int((int)ProcStat.C) + " ";
            if (hasClinicsEnabled)
                queryBrokenApts += whereClin + " "
                                   + "ORDER BY clinic.Description,procedurelog.ProcDate,patient.LName,patient.FName";
                queryBrokenApts += "ORDER BY procedurelog.ProcDate,patient.LName,patient.FName";
예제 #13
        private static string ByApptStatusQuery(bool hasClinicsEnabled, DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateEnd, string whereProv, string whereClin)
            string queryBrokenApts = "SELECT " + DbHelper.DateTFormatColumn("appointment.AptDateTime", "%m/%d/%Y %H:%i:%s") + " AptDateTime, "
                                     + "" + DbHelper.Concat("patient.LName", "', '", "patient.FName") + " Patient,doctor.Abbr Doctor,hygienist.Abbr Hygienist, "
                                     + "appointment.IsHygiene IsHygieneApt ";

            if (hasClinicsEnabled)
                queryBrokenApts += ",COALESCE(clinic.Description,'" + POut.String(Lans.g("FormRpBrokenAppointments", "Unassigned")) + "') ClinicDesc ";                 //Coalesce is Oracle compatible
            queryBrokenApts +=
                "FROM appointment "
                + "INNER JOIN patient ON appointment.PatNum=patient.PatNum "
                + "LEFT JOIN provider doctor ON doctor.ProvNum=appointment.ProvNum "
                + "LEFT JOIN provider hygienist ON hygienist.ProvNum=appointment.ProvHyg ";
            if (hasClinicsEnabled)
                queryBrokenApts += "LEFT JOIN clinic ON clinic.ClinicNum=appointment.ClinicNum ";
            queryBrokenApts +=
                "WHERE " + DbHelper.DtimeToDate("appointment.AptDateTime") + " BETWEEN " + POut.Date(dateStart)
                + " AND " + POut.Date(dateEnd) + " "
                + "AND appointment.AptStatus=" + POut.Int((int)ApptStatus.Broken) + " "
                + whereProv;
            if (hasClinicsEnabled)
                queryBrokenApts += whereClin + " "
                                   + "ORDER BY clinic.Description,appointment.AptDateTime,patient.LName,patient.FName";
                queryBrokenApts += "ORDER BY appointment.AptDateTime,patient.LName,patient.FName ";
예제 #14
        private static string ByAdjustmentsQuery(bool hasClinicsEnabled, DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateEnd, string whereProv, string whereClin, List <long> listAdj)
            string queryBrokenApts = "SELECT adjustment.AdjDate AdjDate,provider.Abbr Provider," + DbHelper.Concat("patient.LName", "', '", "patient.FName") + " Patient,"
                                     + "adjustment.AdjAmt AdjAmt,adjustment.AdjNote AdjNote ";

            if (hasClinicsEnabled)
                queryBrokenApts += ",COALESCE(clinic.Description,'" + POut.String(Lans.g("FormRpBrokenAppointments", "Unassigned")) + "') ClinicDesc ";
            queryBrokenApts +=
                "FROM adjustment "
                + "INNER JOIN patient ON patient.PatNum=adjustment.PatNum "
                + "INNER JOIN provider ON provider.ProvNum=adjustment.ProvNum "
                + whereProv;
            if (hasClinicsEnabled)
                queryBrokenApts += "LEFT JOIN clinic ON clinic.ClinicNum=adjustment.ClinicNum ";
            queryBrokenApts += "WHERE adjustment.AdjDate BETWEEN " + POut.Date(dateStart) + " AND " + POut.Date(dateEnd) + " ";
            if (listAdj.Count > 0)
                queryBrokenApts += "AND adjustment.AdjType IN(" + string.Join(",", listAdj) + ") ";
            if (hasClinicsEnabled)
                queryBrokenApts += whereClin + " "
                                   + "ORDER BY clinic.Description,adjustment.AdjDate,patient.LName,patient.FName";
                queryBrokenApts += "ORDER BY adjustment.AdjDate,patient.LName,patient.FName";
예제 #15
        public static List <List <int> > GetProdInc(DateTime dateFrom, DateTime dateTo)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetObject <List <List <int> > >(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), dateFrom, dateTo));
            _elapsedTimeProdInc = "";
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatch      = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatchTotal = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            _elapsedTimeProdInc = "Elapsed time for GetProdInc:\r\n";
            string command;
            command = @"SELECT procedurelog.ProcDate,
				FROM procedurelog
				LEFT JOIN claimproc ON procedurelog.ProcNum=claimproc.ProcNum
				AND claimproc.Status='7' /*only CapComplete writeoffs are subtracted here*/
				WHERE procedurelog.ProcStatus = '2'
				AND procedurelog.ProcDate >= "                 + POut.Date(dateFrom) + @"
				AND procedurelog.ProcDate <= "                 + POut.Date(dateTo) + @"
				GROUP BY MONTH(procedurelog.ProcDate)"                ;
            DataTable tableProduction = Db.GetTable(command);
            _elapsedTimeProdInc += "tableProduction: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() + "\r\n";
            command = @"SELECT AdjDate,
				FROM adjustment
				WHERE AdjDate >= "                 + POut.Date(dateFrom) + @"
				AND AdjDate <= "                 + POut.Date(dateTo) + @"
				GROUP BY MONTH(AdjDate)"                ;
            DataTable tableAdj = Db.GetTable(command);
            _elapsedTimeProdInc += "tableAdj: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() + "\r\n";
            switch ((PPOWriteoffDateCalc)PrefC.GetInt(PrefName.ReportsPPOwriteoffDefaultToProcDate))
            case PPOWriteoffDateCalc.InsPayDate:
                command = "SELECT "
                          + "claimproc.DateCP,"
                          + "SUM(claimproc.WriteOff) "
                          + "FROM claimproc "
                          + "WHERE claimproc.DateCP >= " + POut.Date(dateFrom) + " "
                          + "AND claimproc.DateCP <= " + POut.Date(dateTo) + " "
                          + "AND claimproc.Status IN (" + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Received + "," + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Supplemental + ") "             //Received or supplemental
                          + "GROUP BY MONTH(claimproc.DateCP)";

            case PPOWriteoffDateCalc.ProcDate:
                command = "SELECT "
                          + "claimproc.ProcDate,"
                          + "SUM(claimproc.WriteOff) "
                          + "FROM claimproc "
                          + "WHERE claimproc.ProcDate >= " + POut.Date(dateFrom) + " "
                          + "AND claimproc.ProcDate <= " + POut.Date(dateTo) + " "
                          + "AND claimproc.Status IN (" + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Received + "," + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Supplemental + "," + (int)ClaimProcStatus.NotReceived + ") "
                          + "GROUP BY MONTH(claimproc.ProcDate)";

            case PPOWriteoffDateCalc.ClaimPayDate:                      //Means preference is PPOWriteoffDateCalc.InsDate, or PPOWriteoffDateCalc.ClaimPayDate.
                command = "SELECT "
                          + "claimsnaptshot.DateTEntry,"
                          + "SUM(claimsnapshot.WriteOff) "
                          + "FROM claimproc "
                          + "INNER JOIN claimsnapshot ON claimsnapshot.ClaimProcNum=claimproc.ClaimProcNum "
                          + "AND claimsnapshot.DateTEntry >= " + POut.Date(dateFrom) + " "
                          + "AND claimsnapshot.DateTEntry <= " + POut.Date(dateTo) + " "
                          + "WHERE claimproc.Status IN (" + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Received + "," + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Supplemental + ") "
                          + "GROUP BY MONTH(claimsnaptshot.DateTEntry)";
            DataTable tableWriteoff = Db.GetTable(command);
            _elapsedTimeProdInc += "tableWriteoff: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() + "\r\n";
            command = "SELECT "
                      + "paysplit.DatePay,"
                      + "SUM(paysplit.SplitAmt) "
                      + "FROM paysplit "
                      + "WHERE paysplit.IsDiscount=0 "
                      + "AND paysplit.DatePay >= " + POut.Date(dateFrom) + " "
                      + "AND paysplit.DatePay <= " + POut.Date(dateTo) + " "
                      + "GROUP BY MONTH(paysplit.DatePay)";
            DataTable tablePay = Db.GetTable(command);
            _elapsedTimeProdInc += "tablePay: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() + "\r\n";
            command = "SELECT claimpayment.CheckDate,SUM(claimproc.InsPayamt) "
                      + "FROM claimpayment,claimproc WHERE "
                      + "claimproc.ClaimPaymentNum = claimpayment.ClaimPaymentNum "
                      + "AND claimpayment.CheckDate >= " + POut.Date(dateFrom) + " "
                      + "AND claimpayment.CheckDate <= " + POut.Date(dateTo) + " "
                      + " GROUP BY claimpayment.CheckDate ORDER BY checkdate";
            DataTable tableIns = Db.GetTable(command);
            _elapsedTimeProdInc += "tableIns: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() + "\r\n";
            _elapsedTimeProdInc += "Total: " + stopWatchTotal.Elapsed.ToString();
            if (_showElapsedTimesForDebug)
            List <int> listInt;
            listInt = new List <int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                decimal  prod        = 0;
                decimal  adjust      = 0;
                decimal  inswriteoff = 0;
                DateTime datePeriod  = dateFrom.AddMonths(i);             //only the month and year are important
                for (int j = 0; j < tableProduction.Rows.Count; j++)
                    if (datePeriod.Year == PIn.Date(tableProduction.Rows[j][0].ToString()).Year &&
                        datePeriod.Month == PIn.Date(tableProduction.Rows[j][0].ToString()).Month)
                        prod += PIn.Decimal(tableProduction.Rows[j][1].ToString());
                for (int j = 0; j < tableAdj.Rows.Count; j++)
                    if (datePeriod.Year == PIn.Date(tableAdj.Rows[j][0].ToString()).Year &&
                        datePeriod.Month == PIn.Date(tableAdj.Rows[j][0].ToString()).Month)
                        adjust += PIn.Decimal(tableAdj.Rows[j][1].ToString());
                for (int j = 0; j < tableWriteoff.Rows.Count; j++)
                    if (datePeriod.Year == PIn.Date(tableWriteoff.Rows[j][0].ToString()).Year &&
                        datePeriod.Month == PIn.Date(tableWriteoff.Rows[j][0].ToString()).Month)
                        inswriteoff += PIn.Decimal(tableWriteoff.Rows[j][1].ToString());
                listInt.Add((int)(prod + adjust - inswriteoff));
            List <List <int> > retVal = new List <List <int> >();
            listInt = new List <int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                decimal  ptincome   = 0;
                decimal  insincome  = 0;
                DateTime datePeriod = dateFrom.AddMonths(i);              //only the month and year are important
                for (int j = 0; j < tablePay.Rows.Count; j++)
                    if (datePeriod.Year == PIn.Date(tablePay.Rows[j][0].ToString()).Year &&
                        datePeriod.Month == PIn.Date(tablePay.Rows[j][0].ToString()).Month)
                        ptincome += PIn.Decimal(tablePay.Rows[j][1].ToString());
                for (int j = 0; j < tableIns.Rows.Count; j++)           //
                    if (datePeriod.Year == PIn.Date(tableIns.Rows[j][0].ToString()).Year &&
                        datePeriod.Month == PIn.Date(tableIns.Rows[j][0].ToString()).Month)
                        insincome += PIn.Decimal(tableIns.Rows[j][1].ToString());
                listInt.Add((int)(ptincome + insincome));
예제 #16
        ///<summary>Returns current clinic limit minus message usage for current calendar month.</summary>
        public static double GetClinicBalance(long clinicNum)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetDouble(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), clinicNum));
            double limit = 0;

            if (!PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled)
                if (PrefC.GetDate(PrefName.SmsContractDate).Year > 1880)
                    limit = PrefC.GetDouble(PrefName.SmsMonthlyLimit);
                if (clinicNum == 0 && Clinics.GetCount(true) > 0)               //Sending text for "Unassigned" patient.  Use the first non-hidden clinic. (for now)
                    clinicNum = Clinics.GetFirst(true).ClinicNum;
                Clinic clinicCur = Clinics.GetClinic(clinicNum);
                if (clinicCur != null && clinicCur.SmsContractDate.Year > 1880)
                    limit = clinicCur.SmsMonthlyLimit;
            DateTime dtStart = new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, 1);
            DateTime dtEnd   = dtStart.AddMonths(1);
            string   command = "SELECT SUM(MsgChargeUSD) FROM smstomobile WHERE ClinicNum=" + POut.Long(clinicNum) + " "
                               + "AND DateTimeSent>=" + POut.Date(dtStart) + " AND DateTimeSent<" + POut.Date(dtEnd);

            limit -= PIn.Double(Db.GetScalar(command));
예제 #17
        public static List <List <int> > GetNewPatients(DateTime dateFrom, DateTime dateTo)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetObject <List <List <int> > >(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), dateFrom, dateTo));
            Random rnd    = new Random();
            string rndStr = rnd.Next(1000000).ToString();

            _elapsedTimeNewPatients = "";
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatch      = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatchTotal = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            _elapsedTimeNewPatients = "Elapsed time for GetNewPatients:\r\n";
            string command;
            command = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempdash" + rndStr + @";";
            _elapsedTimeNewPatients += "DROP TABLE: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() + "\r\n";
            command = @"CREATE TABLE tempdash" + rndStr + @" (
				PatNum bigint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
				dateFirstProc datetime NOT NULL
				) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"                ;
            _elapsedTimeNewPatients += "CREATE TABLE: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() + "\r\n";
            //table full of individual patients and their dateFirstProcs.
            command = @"INSERT INTO tempdash" + rndStr + @" 
				SELECT PatNum, MIN(ProcDate) dateFirstProc 
				FROM procedurelog USE INDEX(indexPatNum)
				WHERE ProcStatus=2 GROUP BY PatNum
				HAVING dateFirstProc >= "                 + POut.Date(dateFrom) + " "
                      + "AND dateFirstProc <= " + POut.Date(dateTo);
            _elapsedTimeNewPatients += "INSERT INTO: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() + "\r\n";
            command = "SELECT dateFirstProc,COUNT(*) "
                      + "FROM tempdash" + rndStr + @" "
                      + "GROUP BY MONTH(dateFirstProc)";
            DataTable tableCounts = Db.GetTable(command);
            _elapsedTimeNewPatients += "SELECT dateFirstProc,COUNT(*): " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() + "\r\n";
            _elapsedTimeNewPatients += "Total: " + stopWatchTotal.Elapsed.ToString();
            if (_showElapsedTimesForDebug)
            List <int> listInt = new List <int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                int      ptcount    = 0;
                DateTime datePeriod = dateFrom.AddMonths(i);              //only the month and year are important
                for (int j = 0; j < tableCounts.Rows.Count; j++)
                    if (datePeriod.Year == PIn.Date(tableCounts.Rows[j][0].ToString()).Year &&
                        datePeriod.Month == PIn.Date(tableCounts.Rows[j][0].ToString()).Month)
                        ptcount += PIn.Int(tableCounts.Rows[j][1].ToString());
            List <List <int> > retVal = new List <List <int> >();
예제 #18
        public static int GetRecallUndoCount(DateTime date)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetInt(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), date));
            string command = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM commlog "
                             + "WHERE " + DbHelper.DateColumn("CommDateTime") + " = " + POut.Date(date) + " "
                             + "AND (SELECT ItemValue FROM definition WHERE definition.DefNum=commlog.CommType) ='" + CommItemTypeAuto.RECALL.ToString() + "'";

예제 #19
        public static List <Equipment> GetList(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, EnumEquipmentDisplayMode display, string snDesc)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetObject <List <Equipment> >(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), fromDate, toDate, display, snDesc));
            string command = "";

            if (display == EnumEquipmentDisplayMode.Purchased)
                command = "SELECT * FROM equipment "
                          + "WHERE DatePurchased >= " + POut.Date(fromDate)
                          + " AND DatePurchased <= " + POut.Date(toDate)
                          + " AND (SerialNumber LIKE '%" + POut.String(snDesc) + "%' OR Description LIKE '%" + POut.String(snDesc) + "%' OR Location LIKE '%" + POut.String(snDesc) + "%')"
                          + " ORDER BY DatePurchased";
            if (display == EnumEquipmentDisplayMode.Sold)
                command = "SELECT * FROM equipment "
                          + "WHERE DateSold >= " + POut.Date(fromDate)
                          + " AND DateSold <= " + POut.Date(toDate)
                          + " AND (SerialNumber LIKE '%" + POut.String(snDesc) + "%' OR Description LIKE '%" + POut.String(snDesc) + "%' OR Location LIKE '%" + POut.String(snDesc) + "%')"
                          + " ORDER BY DatePurchased";
            if (display == EnumEquipmentDisplayMode.All)
                command = "SELECT * FROM equipment "
                          + "WHERE ((DatePurchased >= " + POut.Date(fromDate) + " AND DatePurchased <= " + POut.Date(toDate) + ")"
                          + " OR (DateSold >= " + POut.Date(fromDate) + " AND DateSold <= " + POut.Date(toDate) + "))"
                          + " AND (SerialNumber LIKE '%" + POut.String(snDesc) + "%' OR Description LIKE '%" + POut.String(snDesc) + "%' OR Location LIKE '%" + POut.String(snDesc) + "%')"
                          + " ORDER BY DatePurchased";
예제 #20
        public static void RecallUndo(DateTime date)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                Meth.GetVoid(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), date);
            string command = "DELETE FROM commlog "
                             + "WHERE " + DbHelper.DateColumn("CommDateTime") + " = " + POut.Date(date) + " "
                             + "AND (SELECT ItemValue FROM definition WHERE definition.DefNum=commlog.CommType) ='" + CommItemTypeAuto.RECALL.ToString() + "'";

예제 #21
        ///<summary>If not using clinics then supply an empty list of clinicNums.</summary>
        public static DataSet GetPayPlanTable(DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateEnd, List <long> listProvNums, List <long> listClinicNums,
                                              bool hasAllProvs, DisplayPayPlanType displayPayPlanType, bool hideCompletedPlans, bool showFamilyBalance, bool hasDateRange, bool isPayPlanV2)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetDS(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), dateStart, dateEnd, listProvNums, listClinicNums, hasAllProvs, displayPayPlanType,
                                  hideCompletedPlans, showFamilyBalance, hasDateRange, isPayPlanV2));
            string whereProv = "";

            if (!hasAllProvs)
                whereProv += " AND payplancharge.ProvNum IN(";
                for (int i = 0; i < listProvNums.Count; i++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        whereProv += ",";
                    whereProv += POut.Long(listProvNums[i]);
                whereProv += ") ";
            string whereClin         = "";
            bool   hasClinicsEnabled = ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => (!Prefs.GetBoolNoCache(PrefName.EasyNoClinics)));

            if (hasClinicsEnabled)             //Using clinics
                whereClin += " AND payplancharge.ClinicNum IN(";
                for (int i = 0; i < listClinicNums.Count; i++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        whereClin += ",";
                    whereClin += POut.Long(listClinicNums[i]);
                whereClin += ") ";
            DataSet   ds    = new DataSet();
            DataTable table = new DataTable("Clinic");

            if (isPayPlanV2)
            DataTable tableTotals = new DataTable("Total");

            if (isPayPlanV2)
            DataRow row;
            string  datesql = "CURDATE()";         //This is used to find out how much people owe currently and has nothing to do with the selected range

            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                datesql = "(SELECT CURRENT_DATE FROM dual)";
            //Oracle TODO:  Either put entire query without GROUP BY in SUBSELECT and then GROUP BY outside, or rewrite query to use joins instead of subselects.
            string command = "SELECT FName,LName,MiddleI,PlanNum,Preferred,PlanNum, "
                             + "COALESCE((SELECT SUM(Principal+Interest) FROM payplancharge WHERE payplancharge.PayPlanNum=payplan.PayPlanNum "
                             + "AND payplancharge.ChargeType=" + POut.Int((int)PayPlanChargeType.Debit) + " "//for v1, debits are the only ChargeType.
                             + "AND ChargeDate <= " + datesql + @"),0) '_accumDue', ";

            command += "COALESCE((SELECT SUM(Interest) FROM payplancharge WHERE payplancharge.PayPlanNum=payplan.PayPlanNum "
                       + "AND payplancharge.ChargeType=" + POut.Int((int)PayPlanChargeType.Debit) + " "    //for v1, debits are the only ChargeType.
                       + "AND ChargeDate <= " + datesql + @"),0) '_accumInt', ";
            command += "COALESCE((SELECT SUM(SplitAmt) FROM paysplit WHERE paysplit.PayPlanNum=payplan.PayPlanNum AND paysplit.PayPlanNum!=0),0) '_paid', ";
            command += "COALESCE((SELECT SUM(InsPayAmt) FROM claimproc WHERE claimproc.PayPlanNum=payplan.PayPlanNum "
                       + "AND claimproc.Status IN("
                       + POut.Int((int)ClaimProcStatus.Received) + ","
                       + POut.Int((int)ClaimProcStatus.Supplemental) + ","
                       + POut.Int((int)ClaimProcStatus.CapClaim)
                       + ") AND claimproc.PayPlanNum!=0),0) '_insPaid', ";
            command += "COALESCE((SELECT SUM(Principal) FROM payplancharge WHERE payplancharge.PayPlanNum=payplan.PayPlanNum "
                       + "AND payplancharge.ChargeType=" + POut.Int((int)PayPlanChargeType.Debit) + "),0) '_principal', "   //for v1, debits are the only ChargeType.
                       + "COALESCE((SELECT SUM(Principal) FROM payplancharge WHERE payplancharge.PayPlanNum=payplan.PayPlanNum "
                       + "AND payplancharge.ChargeType=" + POut.Int((int)PayPlanChargeType.Credit) + "),0) '_credits', "    //for v1, will always be 0.
                       + "COALESCE((SELECT SUM(Principal) FROM payplancharge WHERE payplancharge.PayPlanNum=payplan.PayPlanNum "
                       + "AND payplancharge.ChargeType=" + POut.Int((int)PayPlanChargeType.Credit) + " AND ChargeDate > " + datesql + "),0) '_notDue', "
                       + "patient.PatNum PatNum, "
                       + "payplancharge.ProvNum ProvNum ";
            if (hasClinicsEnabled)
                command += ", payplancharge.ClinicNum ClinicNum ";
            //In order to determine if the patient has completely paid off their payment plan we need to get the total amount of interest as of today.
            //Then, after the query has run, we'll add the interest up until today with the total principal for the entire payment plan.
            //For this reason, we cannot use _accumDue which only gets the principle up until today and not the entire payment plan principle.
            command += ",COALESCE((SELECT SUM(Interest) FROM payplancharge WHERE payplancharge.PayPlanNum=payplan.PayPlanNum "
                       + "AND payplancharge.ChargeType=" + POut.Int((int)PayPlanChargeType.Debit) + " "            //for v1, debits are the only ChargeType.
                       + "AND ChargeDate <= " + datesql + @"),0) '_interest' "
                       + "FROM payplan "
                       + "LEFT JOIN patient ON patient.PatNum=payplan.Guarantor "
                       + "LEFT JOIN payplancharge ON payplan.PayPlanNum=payplancharge.PayPlanNum "
                       + "WHERE TRUE ";        //Always include true, so that the WHERE clause may always be present.
            if (hasDateRange)
                command += "AND payplan.PayPlanDate >= " + POut.Date(dateStart) + " "
                           + "AND payplan.PayPlanDate <= " + POut.Date(dateEnd) + " ";
            command += whereProv
                       + whereClin;
            if (displayPayPlanType == DisplayPayPlanType.Insurance)
                command += "AND payplan.PlanNum!=0 ";
            else if (displayPayPlanType == DisplayPayPlanType.Patient)
                command += "AND payplan.PlanNum=0 ";
            else if (displayPayPlanType == DisplayPayPlanType.Both)
                //Do not filter the query at all which will show both insurance and patient payment plan types.
            if (hideCompletedPlans)
                command += "AND payplan.IsClosed=0 ";
            command += "GROUP BY FName,LName,MiddleI,Preferred,payplan.PayPlanNum ";
            if (hasClinicsEnabled)
                command += "ORDER BY ClinicNum,LName,FName";
                command += "ORDER BY LName,FName";
            DataTable       raw       = ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => ReportsComplex.GetTable(command));
            List <Provider> listProvs = ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => Providers.GetAll());
            //DateTime payplanDate;
            Patient pat;
            double  princ;
            double  paid;
            double  interest;
            double  accumDue;
            double  notDue;
            decimal famBal        = 0;
            double  princTot      = 0;
            double  paidTot       = 0;
            double  interestTot   = 0;
            double  balanceTot    = 0;
            double  accumDueTot   = 0;
            double  notDueTot     = 0;
            decimal famBalTot     = 0;
            string  clinicDescOld = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < raw.Rows.Count; i++)
                princ    = PIn.Double(raw.Rows[i]["_principal"].ToString());
                interest = PIn.Double(raw.Rows[i]["_accumInt"].ToString());
                if (raw.Rows[i]["PlanNum"].ToString() == "0")               //pat payplan
                    paid = PIn.Double(raw.Rows[i]["_paid"].ToString());
                else                  //ins payplan
                    paid = PIn.Double(raw.Rows[i]["_insPaid"].ToString());
                accumDue = PIn.Double(raw.Rows[i]["_accumDue"].ToString());
                notDue   = PIn.Double(raw.Rows[i]["_notDue"].ToString());
                row      = table.NewRow();
                pat              = new Patient();
                pat.LName        = raw.Rows[i]["LName"].ToString();
                pat.FName        = raw.Rows[i]["FName"].ToString();
                pat.MiddleI      = raw.Rows[i]["MiddleI"].ToString();
                pat.Preferred    = raw.Rows[i]["Preferred"].ToString();
                row["provider"]  = Providers.GetLName(PIn.Long(raw.Rows[i]["ProvNum"].ToString()), listProvs);
                row["guarantor"] = pat.GetNameLF();
                if (raw.Rows[i]["PlanNum"].ToString() == "0")
                    row["ins"] = "";
                    row["ins"] = "X";
                row["princ"]    = princ.ToString("f");
                row["accumInt"] = interest.ToString("f");
                row["paid"]     = paid.ToString("f");
                row["balance"]  = (princ + interest - paid).ToString("f");
                row["due"]      = (accumDue - paid).ToString("f");
                if (isPayPlanV2)
                    row["notDue"] = ((princ + interest - paid) - (accumDue - paid)).ToString("f");
                if (showFamilyBalance)
                    Family famCur = ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => Patients.GetFamily(PIn.Long(raw.Rows[i]["PatNum"].ToString())));
                    famBal        = (decimal)famCur.ListPats[0].BalTotal;
                    row["famBal"] = (famBal - (decimal)famCur.ListPats[0].InsEst).ToString("F");
                if (hasClinicsEnabled)                 //Using clinics
                    List <Clinic> listClinics = ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => Clinics.GetClinicsNoCache());
                    string        clinicDesc  = Clinics.GetDesc(PIn.Long(raw.Rows[i]["ClinicNum"].ToString()), listClinics);
                    clinicDesc = (clinicDesc == "")?Lans.g("FormRpPayPlans", "Unassigned"):clinicDesc;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(clinicDescOld) && clinicDesc != clinicDescOld)                   //Reset all the total values
                        DataRow rowTot = tableTotals.NewRow();
                        rowTot["clinicName"] = clinicDescOld;
                        rowTot["princ"]      = princTot.ToString();
                        rowTot["accumInt"]   = interestTot.ToString();
                        rowTot["paid"]       = paidTot.ToString();
                        rowTot["balance"]    = balanceTot.ToString();
                        rowTot["due"]        = accumDueTot.ToString();
                        if (isPayPlanV2)
                            rowTot["notDue"] = notDueTot.ToString();
                        rowTot["famBal"] = famBalTot.ToString();
                        princTot    = 0;
                        paidTot     = 0;
                        interestTot = 0;
                        accumDueTot = 0;
                        balanceTot  = 0;
                        notDueTot   = 0;
                        famBalTot   = 0;
                    row["clinicName"] = clinicDesc;
                    clinicDescOld     = clinicDesc;
                    princTot         += princ;
                    paidTot          += paid;
                    interestTot      += interest;
                    accumDueTot      += (accumDue - paid);
                    balanceTot       += (princ + interest - paid);
                    notDueTot        += ((princ + interest - paid) - (accumDue - paid));
                    famBalTot        += famBal;
                    if (i == raw.Rows.Count - 1)
                        DataRow rowTot = tableTotals.NewRow();
                        rowTot["clinicName"] = clinicDescOld;
                        rowTot["princ"]      = princTot.ToString();
                        rowTot["accumInt"]   = interestTot.ToString();
                        rowTot["paid"]       = paidTot.ToString();
                        rowTot["balance"]    = balanceTot.ToString();
                        rowTot["due"]        = accumDueTot.ToString();
                        if (isPayPlanV2)
                            rowTot["notDue"] = notDueTot.ToString();
                        rowTot["famBal"] = famBalTot.ToString();
예제 #22
        ///<summary>If not using clinics then supply an empty list of clinicNums.  listClinicNums must have at least one item if using clinics.</summary>
        public static DataTable GetProcsNotBilled(List <long> listClinicNums, bool includeMedProcs, DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateEnd, bool showProcsBeforeIns)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), listClinicNums, includeMedProcs, dateStart, dateEnd, showProcsBeforeIns));
            string query = "SELECT ";

            if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.ReportsShowPatNum))
                query += DbHelper.Concat("CAST(patient.PatNum AS CHAR)", "'-'", "patient.LName", "', '", "patient.FName", "' '", "patient.MiddleI");
                query += DbHelper.Concat("patient.LName", "', '", "patient.FName", "' '", "patient.MiddleI");
            query += " AS 'PatientName',procedurelog.ProcDate,procedurecode.Descript,procedurelog.ProcFee*(procedurelog.UnitQty+procedurelog.BaseUnits),"
                     + "procedurelog.ProcNum,procedurelog.ClinicNum "
                     + "FROM patient "
                     + "INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.PatNum = patient.PatNum "
                     + "AND procedurelog.ProcFee>0 "
                     + "AND procedurelog.procstatus=" + (int)ProcStat.C + " "
                     + "AND procedurelog.ProcDate	BETWEEN "+ POut.Date(dateStart) + " AND " + POut.Date(dateEnd) + " "
                     + "INNER JOIN ( "
                     + "SELECT PatNum FROM patplan GROUP BY PatNum "
                     + " )HasIns ON HasIns.PatNum = patient.PatNum ";
            if (listClinicNums.Count > 0)
                query += "AND procedurelog.ClinicNum IN (" + String.Join(",", listClinicNums) + ") ";
            query += "INNER JOIN procedurecode ON procedurecode.CodeNum = procedurelog.CodeNum ";
            if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name.EndsWith("CA"))
                query += "AND procedurecode.IsCanadianLab=0 ";              //ignore Canadian labs
            query += "LEFT JOIN claimproc ON claimproc.ProcNum = procedurelog.ProcNum "
                     + "LEFT JOIN insplan ON insplan.PlanNum = claimproc.PlanNum ";
            if (showProcsBeforeIns)
                query += "WHERE ((claimproc.NoBillIns=0 "
                         + "AND claimproc.Status=" + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Estimate + ") "
                         + "OR claimproc.ClaimProcNum IS NULL) ";
                query += "WHERE claimproc.NoBillIns=0 "
                         + "AND claimproc.Status=" + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Estimate + " ";
            if (!includeMedProcs)
                query += "AND (insplan.IsMedical=0 ";
                if (showProcsBeforeIns)
                    query += "OR insplan.PlanNum IS NULL ";
                query += ") ";
            query += "GROUP BY procedurelog.ProcNum "
                     + "ORDER BY patient.LName,patient.FName,patient.PatNum,procedurelog.ProcDate";
예제 #23
		///<summary>Gets all X12 835 etrans entries relating to a specific claim.</summary>
		public static List<Etrans> GetErasOneClaim(string claimIdentifier,DateTime dateClaimService) {
			//The main goal of this check is to prevent null claimIdentifiers from causing an exception.
			//However, an empty claim identifier should also return an empty list because that is a terrible identifier IMO.
			if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(claimIdentifier)) {
				return new List<Etrans>();
			if(RemotingClient.RemotingRole==RemotingRole.ClientWeb) {
				return Meth.GetObject<List<Etrans>>(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(),claimIdentifier,dateClaimService);
			string claimId=claimIdentifier;
			if(claimId.Length>16) {
				//Our claim identifiers in the database can be longer than 20 characters (mostly when using replication).
				//When the claim identifier is sent out on the claim, it is truncated to 20 characters.
				//Therefore, if the claim identifier is longer than 20 characters,
				//then it was truncated when sent out, so we have to look for claims beginning with the claim identifier given if there is not an exact match.
				//We also send shorter identifiers for some clearinghouses.  For example, the maximum claim identifier length for Denti-Cal is 17 characters.
			string command="SELECT * FROM etrans"
				+" INNER JOIN etransmessagetext ON etransmessagetext.EtransMessageTextNum=etrans.EtransMessageTextNum"
					+" AND etransmessagetext.MessageText REGEXP 'CLP."+POut.String(claimId)+"'"
					//CLP = match CLP, . = match any character, then up to 16 other chars after.
				+" WHERE Etype="+POut.Int((int)EtransType.ERA_835)+" AND etrans.DateTimeTrans >= "+POut.Date(dateClaimService);
			if(claimIdentifier.Length<16) {
				DataTable tableEtrans=Db.GetTable(command);
				List<Etrans> listEtrans=Crud.EtransCrud.TableToList(tableEtrans);
				List<Etrans> retVal=new List<Etrans>();
				for(int i=0;i<tableEtrans.Rows.Count;i++) {
					string messageText=PIn.String(tableEtrans.Rows[i]["MessageText"].ToString());
					string separator=messageText.Substring(3,1);//The character that is used as a separator is always at the third index of the message text.
					if(messageText.Contains("CLP"+separator+claimId+separator)) {						
						retVal.Add(listEtrans[i]);//This Etrans has an exact match for the claimIdentifier, it's an accurate search result.
				return retVal;
			else {
				//If the claimIdentifier is > 16 we trust it's unique enough we don't need to do more searching.
				//Plus, we cannot trust any characters after the 16th character, since the identifier might have been truncated at some point.
				return Crud.EtransCrud.SelectMany(command);
예제 #24
        ///<summary>Computes aging for the family specified. Specify guarantor=0 in order to calculate aging for all families.
        ///Gets all info from database.
        ///The aging calculation will use the following rules within each family:
        ///1) The aging "buckets" (0 to 30, 31 to 60, 61 to 90 and Over 90) ONLY include account activity on or
        ///before AsOfDate.
        ///2) BalTotal will always include all account activity, even future entries, except when in historical
        ///mode, where BalTotal will exclude account activity after AsOfDate.
        ///3) InsEst will always include all insurance estimates, even future estimates, except when in
        ///historical mode where InsEst excludes insurance estimates after AsOfDate.
        ///4) PayPlanDue will always include all payment plan charges minus credits, except when in
        ///historical mode where PayPlanDue excludes payment plan charges and payments after AsOfDate.</summary>
        public static void ComputeAging(long guarantor, DateTime AsOfDate, bool historic)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                Meth.GetVoid(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), guarantor, AsOfDate, historic);
            //Zero out either entire database or entire family.
            //Need to zero everything out first to catch former guarantors.
            string command = "UPDATE patient SET "
                             + "Bal_0_30   = 0"
                             + ",Bal_31_60 = 0"
                             + ",Bal_61_90 = 0"
                             + ",BalOver90 = 0"
                             + ",InsEst    = 0"
                             + ",BalTotal  = 0"
                             + ",PayPlanDue= 0";

            if (guarantor != 0)
                command += " WHERE Guarantor=" + POut.Long(guarantor);
            if (AsOfDate.Year < 1880)
                AsOfDate = DateTime.Today;
            string asOfDate          = POut.Date(AsOfDate);
            string billInAdvanceDate = POut.Date(AsOfDate.AddDays(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.PayPlansBillInAdvanceDays)));

            if (historic)
                billInAdvanceDate = POut.Date(DateTime.Today.AddDays(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.PayPlansBillInAdvanceDays)));
            string thirtyDaysAgo = POut.Date(AsOfDate.AddDays(-30));
            string sixtyDaysAgo  = POut.Date(AsOfDate.AddDays(-60));
            string ninetyDaysAgo = POut.Date(AsOfDate.AddDays(-90));
            string familyPatNums = "";
            Collection <string> familyPatNumList = new Collection <string> ();

            if (guarantor != 0)
                familyPatNums = "(";
                command       = "SELECT p.PatNum FROM patient p WHERE p.Guarantor=" + guarantor;
                DataTable tFamilyPatNums = Db.GetTable(command);
                for (int i = 0; i < tFamilyPatNums.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        familyPatNums += ",";
                    string patNum = tFamilyPatNums.Rows[i][0].ToString();
                    familyPatNums += patNum;
                familyPatNums += ")";
            //We use temporary tables using the "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE" syntax here so that any temporary
            //tables created are specific to the current database connection and no actual files are created
            //in the database. This will prevent rogue files from collecting in the live database, and will
            //prevent aging calculations on one computer from affecting the aging calculations on another computer.
            //Unfortunately, this has one side effect, which is that our connector reopens the
            //connection every time a command is run, so the temporary tables only last for a single
            //command. To get around this issue, we run the aging script as a single command/script.
            //Unfortunately, the "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE" syntax gets replicated if MySQL replication is enabled,
            //which becomes a problem becauase the command is then no longer connection specific. Therefore,
            //to accomodate to the few offices using database replication with MySQL, when creating the temporary aging tables,
            //we append a random string to the temporary table names so the possibility to temporary table
            //name collision is practically zero.
            //Create a temporary table to calculate aging into temporarily, so that the patient table is
            //not being changed by multiple threads if more than one user is calculating aging.
            //Since a temporary table is dropped automatically only when the connection is closed,
            //and since we use connection pooling, drop them before using.
            string tempTableSuffix           = CodeBase.MiscUtils.CreateRandomAlphaNumericString(14);//max size for a table name in oracle is 30 chars.
            string tempAgingTableName        = "tempaging" + tempTableSuffix;
            string tempOdAgingTransTableName = "tempodagingtrans" + tempTableSuffix;

            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                try {
                    //We would use DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS syntax here but no such syntax exists in Oracle.
                    command = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE " + tempAgingTableName + ", " + tempOdAgingTransTableName;
                catch {
                    //The tables do not exist. Nothing to do.
                try {
                    //We would use DROP TABLE IF EXISTS syntax here but no such syntax exists in Oracle.
                    command = "DROP TABLE " + tempAgingTableName + ", " + tempOdAgingTransTableName;
                catch {
                    //The tables do not exist. Nothing to do.
                command = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS " + tempAgingTableName + ", " + tempOdAgingTransTableName;
                command = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + tempAgingTableName + ", " + tempOdAgingTransTableName;
            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                command = "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE " + tempAgingTableName + " (" +
                          "PatNum NUMBER," +
                          "Guarantor NUMBER," +
                          "Charges_0_30 NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0," +
                          "Charges_31_60 NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0," +
                          "Charges_61_90 NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0," +
                          "ChargesOver90 NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0," +
                          "TotalCredits NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0," +
                          "InsEst NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0," +
                          "PayPlanDue NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0," +
                          "BalTotal NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0" +
                command = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE " + tempAgingTableName + " (" +
                          "PatNum bigint," +
                          "Guarantor bigint," +
                          "Charges_0_30 DOUBLE DEFAULT 0," +
                          "Charges_31_60 DOUBLE DEFAULT 0," +
                          "Charges_61_90 DOUBLE DEFAULT 0," +
                          "ChargesOver90 DOUBLE DEFAULT 0," +
                          "TotalCredits DOUBLE DEFAULT 0," +
                          "InsEst DOUBLE DEFAULT 0," +
                          "PayPlanDue DOUBLE DEFAULT 0," +
                          "BalTotal DOUBLE DEFAULT 0" +
            if (guarantor == 0)
                //We insert all of the patient numbers and guarantor numbers only when we are running aging for everyone,
                //since we do not want to examine every patient record when running aging for a single family.
                command += "INSERT INTO " + tempAgingTableName + " (PatNum,Guarantor) " +
                           "SELECT p.PatNum,p.Guarantor " +
                           "FROM patient p;";
                //When there is only one patient that aging is being calculated for, then the indexes actually
                //slow the calculation down slightly, but they significantly improve the speed when aging is being
                //calculated for all familes.
                if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                    command += "CREATE INDEX " + tempAgingTableName.ToUpper() + "_PATNUM ON " + tempAgingTableName + " (PatNum);";
                    command += "CREATE INDEX " + tempAgingTableName.ToUpper() + "_GUAR ON " + tempAgingTableName + " (Guarantor);";
                    command += "ALTER TABLE " + tempAgingTableName + " ADD INDEX IDX_" + tempAgingTableName.ToUpper() + "_PATNUM (PatNum);";
                    command += "ALTER TABLE " + tempAgingTableName + " ADD INDEX IDX_" + tempAgingTableName.ToUpper() + "_GUARANTOR (Guarantor);";
                //Manually create insert statements to avoid having the database system visit every patient record again.
                //In my testing, this saves about 0.25 seconds on an individual family aging calculation on my machine in MySQL.
                command += "INSERT INTO " + tempAgingTableName + " (PatNum,Guarantor) VALUES ";
                for (int i = 0; i < familyPatNumList.Count; i++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        command += ",";
                    command += "(" + familyPatNumList[i] + "," + guarantor + ")";
                command += ";";
            //Create another temporary table which holds a very concise summary of the entire office transaction history,
            //so that all transactions can be treated as either a general credit or a general charge in the aging calculation.
            //Since we are recreating a temporary table with the same name as last time aging was run,
            //the old temporary table gets wiped out.
            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                command += "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " (" +
                           "PatNum NUMBER," +
                           "TranDate DATE DEFAULT TO_DATE('0001-01-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd')," +
                           "TranAmount NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0" +
                command += "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " (" +
                           "PatNum bigint," +
                           "TranDate DATE DEFAULT '0001-01-01'," +
                           "TranAmount DOUBLE DEFAULT 0" +
            //Get the completed procedure dates and charges for the entire office history.
            command += "INSERT INTO " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " (PatNum,TranDate,TranAmount) " +
                       "SELECT pl.PatNum PatNum," +
                       "pl.ProcDate TranDate," +
                       "pl.ProcFee*(pl.UnitQty+pl.BaseUnits) TranAmount " +
                       "FROM procedurelog pl " +
                       "WHERE pl.ProcStatus=2 " +
                       (guarantor == 0?"":(" AND pl.PatNum IN " + familyPatNums)) + ";";
            //Paysplits for the entire office history.
            command += "INSERT INTO " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " (PatNum,TranDate,TranAmount) " +
                       "SELECT ps.PatNum PatNum," +
                       "ps.DatePay TranDate," +
                       "-ps.SplitAmt TranAmount " +
                       "FROM paysplit ps " +
                       "WHERE ps.PayPlanNum=0 " +                //Only splits not attached to payment plans.
                       (guarantor == 0?"":(" AND ps.PatNum IN " + familyPatNums)) + ";";
            //Get the adjustment dates and amounts for the entire office history.
            command += "INSERT INTO " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " (PatNum,TranDate,TranAmount) " +
                       "SELECT a.PatNum PatNum," +
                       "a.AdjDate TranDate," +
                       "a.AdjAmt TranAmount " +
                       "FROM adjustment a " +
                       "WHERE a.AdjAmt<>0 " +
                       (guarantor == 0?"":(" AND a.PatNum IN " + familyPatNums)) + ";";
            //Claim payments and capitation writeoffs for the entire office history.
            command += "INSERT INTO " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " (PatNum,TranDate,TranAmount) " +
                       "SELECT cp.PatNum PatNum," +
                       "cp.DateCp TranDate," +                        //Always use DateCP rather than ProcDate to calculate the date of a claim payment.
                       "-cp.InsPayAmt-cp.Writeoff TranAmount " +
                       "FROM claimproc cp " +
                       "WHERE cp.status IN (1,4,5,7) " +                //received, supplemental, CapClaim or CapComplete.
                       (guarantor == 0?"":(" AND cp.PatNum IN " + familyPatNums)) + ";";
            //Payment plan principal for the entire office history.
            command += "INSERT INTO " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " (PatNum,TranDate,TranAmount) " +
                       "SELECT pp.PatNum PatNum," +
                       "pp.PayPlanDate TranDate," +
                       "-pp.CompletedAmt TranAmount " +
                       "FROM payplan pp " +
                       "WHERE pp.CompletedAmt<>0 " +
                       (guarantor == 0?"":(" AND pp.PatNum IN " + familyPatNums)) + ";";
            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                //The aging calculation buckets, insurance estimates, and payment plan due amounts are
                //not yet calculated for Oracle as they have not been needed yet. Just calculates
                //account balance totals.
                string tempTotalsTableName = "temptotals" + tempTableSuffix;
                command += "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE " + tempTotalsTableName + " (" +
                           "PatNum NUMBER DEFAULT 0," +
                           "BalTotal NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0" +
                command += "CREATE INDEX " + tempTotalsTableName.ToUpper() + "_PATNU ON " + tempTotalsTableName + " (PatNum);";
                command += "INSERT INTO " + tempTotalsTableName + " " +
                           "SELECT PatNum,ROUND(SUM(TranAmount),2) FROM " + tempOdAgingTransTableName +
                           "GROUP BY PatNum;";
                command += "UPDATE patient p " +
                           "SET p.BalTotal=(SELECT t.BalTotal FROM " + tempTotalsTableName + " t WHERE t.PatNum=p.PatNum " + DbHelper.LimitAnd(1) + ");";
                //Now that we have all of the pertinent transaction history, we will calculate all of the charges for
                //the associated patients.
                //Calculate over 90 day charges for all specified families.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           //Calculate the total charges for each patient during this time period and
                           //place the results into memory table 'chargesOver90'.
                           "(SELECT t.PatNum,SUM(t.TranAmount) TotalCharges FROM " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " t " +
                           "WHERE t.TranAmount>0 AND t.TranDate<" + DbHelper.DateColumn(ninetyDaysAgo) + " GROUP BY t.PatNum) chargesOver90 " +
                           //Update the tempaging table with the caculated charges for the time period.
                           "SET a.ChargesOver90=chargesOver90.TotalCharges " +
                           "WHERE a.PatNum=chargesOver90.PatNum;";
                //Calculate 61 to 90 day charges for all specified families.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           //Calculate the total charges for each patient during this time period and
                           //place the results into memory table 'charges_61_90'.
                           "(SELECT t.PatNum,SUM(t.TranAmount) TotalCharges FROM " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " t " +
                           "WHERE t.TranAmount>0 AND t.TranDate<" + DbHelper.DateColumn(sixtyDaysAgo) + " AND " +
                           "t.TranDate>=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(ninetyDaysAgo) + " GROUP BY t.PatNum) charges_61_90 " +
                           //Update the tempaging table with the caculated charges for the time period.
                           "SET a.Charges_61_90=charges_61_90.TotalCharges " +
                           "WHERE a.PatNum=charges_61_90.PatNum;";
                //Calculate 31 to 60 day charges for all specified families.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           //Calculate the total charges for each patient during this time period and
                           //place the results into memory table 'charges_31_60'.
                           "(SELECT t.PatNum,SUM(t.TranAmount) TotalCharges FROM " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " t " +
                           "WHERE t.TranAmount>0 AND t.TranDate<" + DbHelper.DateColumn(thirtyDaysAgo) + " AND " +
                           "t.TranDate>=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(sixtyDaysAgo) + " GROUP BY t.PatNum) charges_31_60 " +
                           //Update the tempaging table with the caculated charges for the time period.
                           "SET a.Charges_31_60=charges_31_60.TotalCharges " +
                           "WHERE a.PatNum=charges_31_60.PatNum;";
                //Calculate 0 to 30 day charges for all specified families.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           //Calculate the total charges for each patient during this time period and
                           //place the results into memory table 'charges_0_30'.
                           "(SELECT t.PatNum,SUM(t.TranAmount) TotalCharges FROM " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " t " +
                           "WHERE t.TranAmount>0 AND t.TranDate<=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(asOfDate) + " AND " +
                           "t.TranDate>=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(thirtyDaysAgo) + " GROUP BY t.PatNum) charges_0_30 " +
                           //Update the tempaging table with the caculated charges for the time period.
                           "SET a.Charges_0_30=charges_0_30.TotalCharges " +
                           "WHERE a.PatNum=charges_0_30.PatNum;";
                //Calculate the total credits each patient has ever received so we can apply the credits to the aged charges below.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           //Calculate the total credits for each patient and store the results in memory table 'credits'.
                           "(SELECT t.PatNum,-SUM(t.TranAmount) TotalCredits FROM " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " t " +
                           "WHERE t.TranAmount<0 AND t.TranDate<=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(asOfDate) + " GROUP BY t.PatNum) credits " +
                           //Update the total credit for each patient into the tempaging table.
                           "SET a.TotalCredits=credits.TotalCredits " +
                           "WHERE a.PatNum=credits.PatNum;";
                //Calculate claim estimates for each patient individually on or before the specified date.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           //Calculate the insurance estimates for each patient and store the results into
                           //memory table 't'.
                           "(SELECT cp.PatNum,SUM(cp.InsPayEst+cp.Writeoff) InsEst " +
                           "FROM claimproc cp " +
                           "WHERE cp.PatNum<>0 " +
                           (historic?(" AND ((cp.Status=0 AND cp.ProcDate<=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(asOfDate) + ") OR " +
                                      "(cp.Status=1 AND cp.DateCP>" + DbHelper.DateColumn(asOfDate) + ")) AND cp.ProcDate<=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(asOfDate) + " "):" AND cp.Status=0 ") +
                           (guarantor == 0?"":(" AND cp.PatNum IN " + familyPatNums + " ")) +
                           "GROUP BY cp.PatNum) t " + //not received claims.
                                                      //Update the tempaging table with the insurance estimates for each patient.
                           "SET a.InsEst=t.InsEst " +
                           "WHERE a.PatNum=t.PatNum;";
                //Calculate the payment plan charges for each payment plan guarantor
                //on or before the specified date (also considering the PayPlansBillInAdvanceDays setting).
                //We cannot exclude payments made outside the specified family, since payment plan
                //guarantors can be in another family.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           "(SELECT ppc.Guarantor,IFNULL(SUM(ppc.Principal+ppc.Interest),0) PayPlanCharges " +
                           "FROM payplancharge ppc " +
                           "WHERE ppc.ChargeDate<=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(billInAdvanceDate) + " " +        //bill in adv. date accounts for historic vs current because of how it is set above.
                           "GROUP BY ppc.Guarantor) c " +
                           "SET a.PayPlanDue=c.PayPlanCharges " +
                           "WHERE c.Guarantor=a.PatNum;";
                //Calculate the total payments made to each payment plan
                //on or before the specified date and store the results in memory table 'p'.
                //We cannot exclude payments made outside the specified family, since payment plan
                //guarantors can be in another family.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           "(SELECT ps.PatNum,SUM(ps.SplitAmt) PayPlanPayments " +
                           "FROM paysplit ps " +
                           "WHERE ps.PayPlanNum<>0 " +            //only payments attached to payment plans.
                           (historic?(" AND ps.DatePay<=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(asOfDate) + " "):"") +
                           "GROUP BY ps.PatNum) p " +
                           "SET a.PayPlanDue=a.PayPlanDue-p.PayPlanPayments " +
                           "WHERE p.PatNum=a.PatNum;";
                //Calculate the total balance for each patient.
                //In historical mode, only transactions on or before AsOfDate will be included.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           //Calculate the total balance for each patient and
                           //place the results into memory table 'totals'.
                           "(SELECT t.PatNum,SUM(t.TranAmount) BalTotal FROM " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " t " +
                           "WHERE t.TranAmount<>0 " + (historic?(" AND t.TranDate<=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(asOfDate)):"") + " GROUP BY t.PatNum) totals " +
                           //Update the tempaging table with the caculated charges for the time period.
                           "SET a.BalTotal=totals.BalTotal " +
                           "WHERE a.PatNum=totals.PatNum;";
                //Update the family aged balances onto the guarantor rows of the patient table
                //by placing credits on oldest charges first, then on younger charges.
                command += "UPDATE patient p," +
                           //Sum each colum within each family group inside of the tempaging table so that we are now
                           //using family amounts instead of individual patient amounts, and store the result into
                           //memory table 'f'.
                           "(SELECT a.Guarantor,SUM(a.Charges_0_30) Charges_0_30,SUM(a.Charges_31_60) Charges_31_60," +
                           "SUM(a.Charges_61_90) Charges_61_90,SUM(a.ChargesOver90) ChargesOver90," +
                           "SUM(TotalCredits) TotalCredits,SUM(InsEst) InsEst,SUM(PayPlanDue) PayPlanDue," +
                           "SUM(BalTotal) BalTotal " +
                           "FROM " + tempAgingTableName + " a " +
                           "GROUP BY a.Guarantor) f " +
                           //Perform the update of the patient table based on the family amounts summed into table 'f', and
                           //distribute the payments into the oldest balances first.
                           "SET " +
                           "p.BalOver90=ROUND((CASE " +
                           //over 90 balance paid in full.
                           "WHEN f.TotalCredits>=f.ChargesOver90 THEN 0 " +
                           //over 90 balance partially paid or unpaid.
                           "ELSE f.ChargesOver90-f.TotalCredits END),2)," +
                           "p.Bal_61_90=ROUND((CASE " +
                           //61 to 90 day balance unpaid.
                           "WHEN f.TotalCredits<=f.ChargesOver90 THEN f.Charges_61_90 " +
                           //61 to 90 day balance paid in full.
                           "WHEN f.ChargesOver90+f.Charges_61_90<=f.TotalCredits THEN 0 " +
                           //61 to 90 day balance partially paid.
                           "ELSE f.ChargesOver90+f.Charges_61_90-f.TotalCredits END),2)," +
                           "p.Bal_31_60=ROUND((CASE " +
                           //31 to 60 day balance unpaid.
                           "WHEN f.TotalCredits<f.ChargesOver90+f.Charges_61_90 THEN f.Charges_31_60 " +
                           //31 to 60 day balance paid in full.
                           "WHEN f.ChargesOver90+f.Charges_61_90+f.Charges_31_60<=f.TotalCredits THEN 0 " +
                           //31 to 60 day balance partially paid.
                           "ELSE f.ChargesOver90+f.Charges_61_90+f.Charges_31_60-f.TotalCredits END),2)," +
                           "p.Bal_0_30=ROUND((CASE " +
                           //0 to 30 day balance unpaid.
                           "WHEN f.TotalCredits<f.ChargesOver90+f.Charges_61_90+f.Charges_31_60 THEN f.Charges_0_30 " +
                           //0 to 30 day balance paid in full.
                           "WHEN f.ChargesOver90+f.Charges_61_90+f.Charges_31_60+f.Charges_0_30<=f.TotalCredits THEN 0 " +
                           //0 to 30 day balance partially paid.
                           "ELSE f.ChargesOver90+f.Charges_61_90+f.Charges_31_60+f.Charges_0_30-f.TotalCredits END),2)," +
                           "p.BalTotal=ROUND(f.BalTotal,2)," +
                           "p.InsEst=ROUND(f.InsEst,2)," +
                           "p.PayPlanDue=ROUND(f.PayPlanDue,2) " +
                           "WHERE p.PatNum=f.Guarantor;";     //Aging calculations only apply to guarantors.
            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                try {
                    //We would use DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS syntax here but no such syntax exists in Oracle.
                    command = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE " + tempAgingTableName + ", " + tempOdAgingTransTableName;
                catch {
                    //The tables do not exist. Nothing to do.
                try {
                    //We would use DROP TABLE IF EXISTS syntax here but no such syntax exists in Oracle.
                    command = "DROP TABLE " + tempAgingTableName + ", " + tempOdAgingTransTableName;
                catch {
                    //The tables do not exist. Nothing to do.
                command = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS " + tempAgingTableName + ", " + tempOdAgingTransTableName;
                command = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + tempAgingTableName + ", " + tempOdAgingTransTableName;
예제 #25
        public static DataTable GetClaimsNotSent(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, List <long> listClinicNums
                                                 , bool hasClaimTypeExpanded, ClaimNotSentStatuses claimStatusFilter)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), fromDate, toDate, listClinicNums
                                     , hasClaimTypeExpanded, claimStatusFilter));
            bool   hasClinicsEnabled = ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => !Prefs.GetBoolNoCache(PrefName.EasyNoClinics));
            string command           = "";
            string whereClin         = "";
            string claimFilter       = "";

            if (hasClinicsEnabled && listClinicNums.Count > 0)           //construct the IN statement for all of the selected clinics
                whereClin += " AND claim.ClinicNum IN(" + string.Join(",", listClinicNums) + ")";
            if (hasClinicsEnabled)
                command = "SELECT clinic.Abbr AS 'Clinic',";
                command = "SELECT ";
            if (hasClaimTypeExpanded)
                command += "claim.DateService,(CASE WHEN claim.ClaimType='P' THEN 'Primary' WHEN claim.ClaimType='S' THEN 'Secondary' "
                           + "WHEN claim.ClaimType='Cap' THEN 'Capitation' ELSE claim.ClaimType END) AS ClaimType,";
                command += "claim.DateService,claim.ClaimType,";
            //Claim statuses of Unsent, Hold until pri, and Waiting are considered for "All" in this report.
            string claimStatusAll = "AND claim.ClaimStatus IN ('U','H','W')";

            switch (claimStatusFilter)
            case ClaimNotSentStatuses.Primary:
                claimFilter = "AND claim.ClaimType='P' " + claimStatusAll;

            case ClaimNotSentStatuses.Secondary:
                claimFilter = "AND claim.ClaimType='S' " + claimStatusAll;

            case ClaimNotSentStatuses.Holding:
                claimFilter = "AND claim.ClaimStatus='H'";

            default:                    //All
                claimFilter += claimStatusAll;
            string clinJoin = "";

            if (hasClinicsEnabled)
                clinJoin = " LEFT JOIN clinic ON clinic.ClinicNum=claim.ClinicNum";
            command += "(CASE WHEN claim.ClaimStatus='U' THEN 'Unsent' WHEN "
                       + "claim.ClaimStatus='H' THEN 'Hold' WHEN claim.ClaimStatus='W' THEN 'WaitQ' ELSE claim.ClaimStatus END) AS ClaimStatus, "
                       + "CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(patient.LName,', '),patient.FName),' '),patient.MiddleI) as 'Patient Name',carrier.CarrierName"
                       + ",claim.ClaimFee,GROUP_CONCAT(procedurecode.ProcCode SEPARATOR ', ') ProcCodes,claim.ClaimNum,claim.PatNum "
                       + "FROM patient"
                       + " INNER JOIN claim ON claim.PatNum=patient.PatNum"
                       + " INNER JOIN claimproc ON claimproc.ClaimNum=claim.ClaimNum"
                       + " INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.ProcNum=claimproc.ProcNum"
                       + " INNER JOIN procedurecode ON procedurecode.CodeNum=procedurelog.CodeNum"
                       + " INNER JOIN insplan ON insplan.PlanNum=claim.PlanNum"
                       + " INNER JOIN carrier ON carrier.CarrierNum=insplan.CarrierNum"
                       + clinJoin
                       + " WHERE claim.DateService >= " + POut.Date(fromDate)
                       + " AND claim.DateService <= " + POut.Date(toDate)
                       + whereClin
                       + claimFilter
                       + " GROUP BY claim.ClaimNum";
            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                command += ",claim.Status,patient.LName,patient.FName,patient.MiddleI,carrier.CarrierName,claim.ClaimFee,claim.ClaimNum,claim.PatNum";
            command += " ORDER BY claim.DateService";
            return(ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => Db.GetTable(command)));
예제 #26
        public static DataTable GetProvList(DateTime dt)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), dt));
            _elapsedTimeProvList = "";
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatch      = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatchTotal = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            _elapsedTimeProvList = "Elapsed time for GetProvList:\r\n";
            Random rnd    = new Random();
            string rndStr = rnd.Next(1000000).ToString();
            string command;
            command = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempdash" + rndStr + @";";
            _elapsedTimeProvList += "DROP TABLE: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() + "\r\n";
            command = @"CREATE TABLE tempdash" + rndStr + @" (
				ProvNum bigint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
				production decimal NOT NULL,
				income decimal NOT NULL
				) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"                ;
            _elapsedTimeProvList += "CREATE TABLE: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() + "\r\n";
            command = @"INSERT INTO tempdash" + rndStr + @" (ProvNum)
				SELECT ProvNum
				FROM provider WHERE IsHidden=0
				ORDER BY ItemOrder"                ;
            _elapsedTimeProvList += "providers: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() + "\r\n";
            command = @"UPDATE tempdash" + rndStr + @" 
				SET production=(SELECT SUM(ProcFee*(UnitQty+BaseUnits)) FROM procedurelog 
				WHERE procedurelog.ProvNum=tempdash"                 + rndStr + @".ProvNum
				AND procedurelog.ProcStatus="                 + POut.Int((int)ProcStat.C) + @"
				AND ProcDate="                 + POut.Date(dt) + ")";
            _elapsedTimeProvList += "production - procs: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() + "\r\n";
            //capcomplete writeoffs were skipped
            command = @"UPDATE tempdash" + rndStr + @" 
				SET production=production+(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(AdjAmt),0) FROM adjustment 
				WHERE adjustment.ProvNum=tempdash"                 + rndStr + @".ProvNum
				AND AdjDate="                 + POut.Date(dt) + ")";
            _elapsedTimeProvList += "production - adjustments: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() + "\r\n";
            //insurance writeoffs
            switch ((PPOWriteoffDateCalc)PrefC.GetInt(PrefName.ReportsPPOwriteoffDefaultToProcDate))             //use procdate
            case PPOWriteoffDateCalc.ProcDate:
                command = @"UPDATE tempdash" + rndStr + @" 
					SET production=production-(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(WriteOff),0) FROM claimproc 
					WHERE claimproc.ProvNum=tempdash"                     + rndStr + @".ProvNum
					AND ProcDate="                     + POut.Date(dt) + @" 
					AND (claimproc.Status=1 OR claimproc.Status=4 OR claimproc.Status=0) )"                    ;//received or supplemental or notreceived

            case PPOWriteoffDateCalc.InsPayDate:
                command = @"UPDATE tempdash" + rndStr + @" 
					SET production=production-(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(WriteOff),0) FROM claimproc 
					WHERE claimproc.ProvNum=tempdash"                     + rndStr + @".ProvNum
					AND DateCP="                     + POut.Date(dt) + @" 
					AND (claimproc.Status=1 OR claimproc.Status=4) )"                    ;//received or supplemental

            case PPOWriteoffDateCalc.ClaimPayDate:
                command = @"UPDATE tempdash" + rndStr + @" 
					SET production=production-(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(claimsnapshot.WriteOff),0) FROM claimproc cp
					INNER JOIN claimsnapshot ON cp.ClaimProcNum=claimsnapshot.ClaimProcNum
					WHERE claimproc.ProvNum=tempdash"                     + rndStr + @".ProvNum
					AND claimsnapshot.DateTEntry="                     + POut.Date(dt) + @" 
					AND (claimproc.Status=1 OR claimproc.Status=4) )"                    ;//received or supplemental
            _elapsedTimeProvList += "production - writeoffs: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() + "\r\n";
            //patient income
            command = @"UPDATE tempdash" + rndStr + @" 
				SET income=(SELECT SUM(SplitAmt) FROM paysplit 
				WHERE paysplit.ProvNum=tempdash"                 + rndStr + @".ProvNum
				AND DatePay="                 + POut.Date(dt) + ")";
            _elapsedTimeProvList += "income - patient: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() + "\r\n";
            //ins income
            command = @"UPDATE tempdash" + rndStr + @" 
				SET income=income+(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(InsPayAmt),0) FROM claimproc 
				WHERE claimproc.ProvNum=tempdash"                 + rndStr + @".ProvNum
				AND DateCP="                 + POut.Date(dt) + ")";
            _elapsedTimeProvList += "income - insurance: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() + "\r\n";
            //final queries
            command = "SELECT * FROM tempdash" + rndStr + @"";
            DataTable table = Db.GetTable(command);
            _elapsedTimeProvList += "SELECT * : " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() + "\r\n";
            command = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempdash" + rndStr + @";";
            _elapsedTimeProvList += "DROP TABLE: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() + "\r\n";
            _elapsedTimeProvList += "Total: " + stopWatchTotal.Elapsed.ToString();
            if (_showElapsedTimesForDebug)
예제 #27
        public static DataSet GetMonthlyGoalDataSet(DateTime dateFrom, DateTime dateTo, List <Provider> listProvs, List <Clinic> listClinics, bool hasAllProvs
                                                    , bool hasAllClinics, PPOWriteoffDateCalc writeoffPayType, bool isCEMT = false)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetDS(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), dateFrom, dateTo, listProvs, listClinics, hasAllProvs, hasAllClinics, writeoffPayType, isCEMT));
            List <long> listClinicNums = listClinics.Select(x => x.ClinicNum).ToList();
            List <long> listProvNums   = listProvs.Select(x => x.ProvNum).ToList();

            #region Procedures
            string whereProv = "";
            if (!hasAllProvs && listProvNums.Count > 0)
                whereProv = "AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN (" + string.Join(",", listProvNums) + ") ";
            string whereClin = "";
            if (!hasAllClinics && listClinicNums.Count > 0)
                whereClin = "AND procedurelog.ClinicNum IN (" + string.Join(",", listClinicNums) + ") ";
            string command = "SELECT "
                             + "procedurelog.ProcDate,procedurelog.ClinicNum,"
                             + "SUM(procedurelog.ProcFee*(procedurelog.UnitQty+procedurelog.BaseUnits))-IFNULL(SUM(cp.WriteOff),0) Production "
                             + "FROM procedurelog "
                             + "LEFT JOIN (SELECT SUM(claimproc.WriteOff) AS WriteOff, claimproc.ProcNum FROM claimproc "
                             + "WHERE claimproc.Status=7 "  //only CapComplete writeoffs are subtracted here.
                             + "GROUP BY claimproc.ProcNum) cp ON procedurelog.ProcNum=cp.ProcNum "
                             + "WHERE procedurelog.ProcStatus = 2 "
                             + whereProv
                             + whereClin
                             + "AND procedurelog.ProcDate >= " + POut.Date(dateFrom) + " "
                             + "AND procedurelog.ProcDate <= " + POut.Date(dateTo) + " "
                             + "GROUP BY ClinicNum,YEAR(procedurelog.ProcDate),MONTH(procedurelog.ProcDate),DAY(procedurelog.ProcDate)";  //Does not work for Oracle. Consider enhancing with DbHelper.Year(),DbHelper.Month()
            command += " ORDER BY ClinicNum,ProcDate";
            DataTable tableProduction = new DataTable();
            if (isCEMT)
                tableProduction = Db.GetTable(command);
                tableProduction = ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => Db.GetTable(command));
            tableProduction.TableName = "tableProduction";
            #region Adjustments
            if (!hasAllProvs && listProvNums.Count > 0)
                whereProv = "AND adjustment.ProvNum IN (" + string.Join(",", listProvNums) + ") ";
            if (!hasAllClinics && listClinicNums.Count > 0)
                whereClin = "AND adjustment.ClinicNum IN (" + string.Join(",", listClinicNums) + ") ";
            command = "SELECT "
                      + "adjustment.AdjDate,"
                      + "adjustment.ClinicNum,"
                      + "SUM(adjustment.AdjAmt) Adjustment "
                      + "FROM adjustment "
                      + "WHERE adjustment.AdjDate >= " + POut.Date(dateFrom) + " "
                      + "AND adjustment.AdjDate <= " + POut.Date(dateTo) + " "
                      + whereProv
                      + whereClin
                      + "GROUP BY ClinicNum,YEAR(adjustment.AdjDate),MONTH(adjustment.AdjDate),DAY(adjustment.AdjDate)";
            command += " ORDER BY ClinicNum,AdjDate";
            DataTable tableAdj = new DataTable();
            if (isCEMT)
                tableAdj = Db.GetTable(command);
                tableAdj = ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => Db.GetTable(command));
            tableAdj.TableName = "tableAdj";
            #region TableInsWriteoff
            if (!hasAllProvs && listProvNums.Count > 0)
                whereProv = "AND claimproc.ProvNum IN (" + string.Join(",", listProvNums) + ") ";
            if (!hasAllClinics && listClinicNums.Count > 0)
                whereClin = "AND claimproc.ClinicNum IN (" + string.Join(",", listClinicNums) + ") ";
            if (writeoffPayType == PPOWriteoffDateCalc.InsPayDate)
                command = "SELECT "
                          + "claimproc.DateCP Date,"
                          + "claimproc.ClinicNum,"
                          + "SUM(claimproc.WriteOff) WriteOff "
                          + "FROM claimproc "
                          + "WHERE claimproc.DateCP >= " + POut.Date(dateFrom) + " "
                          + "AND claimproc.DateCP <= " + POut.Date(dateTo) + " "
                          + whereProv
                          + whereClin
                          + "AND claimproc.Status IN (" + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Received + "," + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Supplemental + ") "//received or supplemental
                          + "GROUP BY ClinicNum,DATE(claimproc.DateCP) "
                          + "ORDER BY ClinicNum,DateCP";
            else if (writeoffPayType == PPOWriteoffDateCalc.ProcDate)
                command = "SELECT "
                          + "claimproc.ProcDate Date,"
                          + "claimproc.ClinicNum,"
                          + "SUM(claimproc.WriteOff) WriteOff "
                          + "FROM claimproc "
                          + "WHERE claimproc.ProcDate >= " + POut.Date(dateFrom) + " "
                          + "AND claimproc.ProcDate <= " + POut.Date(dateTo) + " "
                          + whereProv
                          + whereClin
                          + "AND claimproc.Status IN (" + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Received + "," + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Supplemental + "," + (int)ClaimProcStatus.NotReceived + ") "//received or supplemental or notreceived
                          + "GROUP BY ClinicNum,DATE(claimproc.ProcDate) "
                          + "ORDER BY ClinicNum,ProcDate";
            else               // writeoffPayType==PPOWriteoffDateCalc.ClaimPayDate
                command = "SELECT "
                          + "claimsnapshot.DateTEntry Date,"
                          + "claimproc.ClinicNum,"
                          + "SUM(CASE WHEN claimsnapshot.WriteOff=-1 THEN 0 ELSE claimsnapshot.WriteOff END) WriteOff "
                          + "FROM claimproc "
                          + "INNER JOIN claimsnapshot ON claimsnapshot.ClaimProcNum=claimProc.ClaimProcNum "
                          + "WHERE " + DbHelper.BetweenDates("claimsnapshot.DateTEntry", dateFrom, dateTo) + " "
                          + whereProv
                          + whereClin
                          + "AND claimproc.Status IN (" + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Received + "," + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Supplemental + "," + (int)ClaimProcStatus.NotReceived + ") "//received or supplemental or notreceived
                          + "GROUP BY ClinicNum,DATE(claimsnapshot.DateTEntry) "
                          + "ORDER BY ClinicNum,claimsnapshot.DateTEntry";
            DataTable tableInsWriteoff = new DataTable();
            if (isCEMT)
                tableInsWriteoff = Db.GetTable(command);
                tableInsWriteoff = ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => Db.GetTable(command));
            tableInsWriteoff.TableName = "tableInsWriteoff";
            #region TableSched
            DataTable tableSched = new DataTable();
            //Reads from the procedurelog table instead of claimproc because we are looking for scheduled procedures.
            if (!hasAllProvs && listProvNums.Count > 0)
                whereProv = "AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN (" + string.Join(",", listProvNums) + ") ";
            if (!hasAllClinics && listClinicNums.Count > 0)
                whereClin = "AND procedurelog.ClinicNum IN (" + string.Join(",", listClinicNums) + ") ";
            command = "SELECT " + DbHelper.DtimeToDate("t.AptDateTime") + " SchedDate,SUM(t.Fee-t.WriteoffEstimate) Amount,ClinicNum "
                      + "FROM (SELECT appointment.AptDateTime,IFNULL(procedurelog.ProcFee*(procedurelog.UnitQty+procedurelog.BaseUnits),0) Fee,appointment.ClinicNum,";
            if (ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => Prefs.GetBoolNoCache(PrefName.ReportPandIschedProdSubtractsWO)))
                //Subtract both PPO and capitation writeoffs
                command += "SUM(IFNULL(CASE WHEN WriteOffEstOverride != -1 THEN WriteOffEstOverride ELSE WriteOffEst END,0)) WriteoffEstimate ";
                //Always subtract CapEstimate writeoffs from scheduled production. This is so that the scheduled production will match actual production
                //when the procedures are set complete. Nathan decided this 01/05/2017.
                command += "SUM(IFNULL((CASE WHEN claimproc.Status=" + POut.Int((int)ClaimProcStatus.Estimate) + " THEN 0 "
                           + "WHEN WriteOffEstOverride != -1 THEN WriteOffEstOverride ELSE WriteOffEst END),0)) WriteoffEstimate ";
            command += "FROM appointment "
                       + "LEFT JOIN procedurelog ON appointment.AptNum = procedurelog.AptNum AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=" + POut.Int((int)ProcStat.TP) + " "
                       + "LEFT JOIN claimproc ON procedurelog.ProcNum = claimproc.ProcNum "
                       + "AND claimproc.Status IN(" + POut.Int((int)ClaimProcStatus.Estimate) + "," + POut.Int((int)ClaimProcStatus.CapEstimate) + ") "
                       + " AND (WriteOffEst != -1 OR WriteOffEstOverride != -1) "
                       + "WHERE appointment.AptStatus = " + POut.Int((int)ApptStatus.Scheduled) + " "
                       + "AND " + DbHelper.DtimeToDate("appointment.AptDateTime") + " >= " + POut.Date(dateFrom) + " "
                       + "AND " + DbHelper.DtimeToDate("appointment.AptDateTime") + " <= " + POut.Date(dateTo) + " "
                       + whereProv
                       + whereClin
                       + " GROUP BY procedurelog.ProcNum) t "        //without this, there can be duplicate proc rows due to the claimproc join with dual insurance.
                       + "GROUP BY SchedDate,ClinicNum "
                       + "ORDER BY SchedDate";
            if (isCEMT)
                tableSched = Db.GetTable(command);
                tableSched = ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => Db.GetTable(command));
            tableSched.TableName = "tableSched";
            #region TableProdGoal
            //1. Find all schedules for the month
            //2. ClinicNum will come from the schedule's operatory
            //3. Fetch HourlyProdGoalAmt from provider on the schedule
            //4. Sum scheduled hours, grouped by prov and clinic
            //5. Multiply the scheduled hours by the provider's HourlyProdGoalAmt
            DataTable tableProdGoal = new DataTable();
            if (!hasAllProvs && listProvNums.Count > 0)
                whereProv = "AND schedule.ProvNum IN (" + string.Join(",", listProvNums) + ") ";
            if (!hasAllClinics && listClinicNums.Count > 0)
                whereClin = "AND COALESCE(operatory.ClinicNum,0) IN (" + string.Join(",", listClinicNums) + ") ";
            //Fetch all schedules for the month and associated information (clinic from operatory, HourlyProdGoalAmt from provider)
            command = "SELECT " + DbHelper.DtimeToDate("schedule.SchedDate") + @" AS SchedDate, schedule.StartTime AS StartTime, schedule.StopTime AS StopTime,
				COALESCE(operatory.ClinicNum,0) AS ClinicNum, provider.HourlyProdGoalAmt AS ProvProdGoal, provider.ProvNum AS ProvNum
				FROM schedule 
				INNER JOIN provider ON provider.ProvNum=schedule.ProvNum 
				LEFT JOIN scheduleop ON scheduleop.ScheduleNum=schedule.ScheduleNum 
				LEFT JOIN operatory ON scheduleop.OperatoryNum=operatory.OperatoryNum 
				WHERE schedule.SchedType="                 + POut.Int((int)ScheduleType.Provider) + " "
                      + "AND schedule.Status=" + POut.Int((int)SchedStatus.Open) + " "
                      + "AND schedule." + DbHelper.BetweenDates("SchedDate", dateFrom, dateTo) + " "
                      + whereProv
                      + whereClin;
            if (isCEMT)
                tableProdGoal = Db.GetTable(command);
                tableProdGoal = ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => Db.GetTable(command));
            tableProdGoal.TableName = "tableProdGoal";
            #region WriteOffAdjustments
            DataTable tableWriteOffAdjustments = new DataTable();
            if (!hasAllProvs && listProvNums.Count > 0)
                whereProv = "AND claimproc.ProvNum IN (" + string.Join(",", listProvNums) + ") ";
            if (!hasAllClinics && listClinicNums.Count > 0)
                whereClin = "AND claimproc.ClinicNum IN (" + string.Join(",", listClinicNums) + ") ";
            if (writeoffPayType == PPOWriteoffDateCalc.ClaimPayDate)
                //Insurance WriteOff Adjustments----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                command = $@"SELECT claimproc.DateCP Date,claimproc.ClinicNum,
					-SUM(CASE WHEN COALESCE(claimsnapshot.WriteOff,-1)=-1 THEN 0 ELSE claimsnapshot.WriteOff END) WriteOffEst,
					SUM(claimproc.WriteOff) WriteOff,
					FROM claimproc
					LEFT JOIN claimsnapshot ON claimsnapshot.ClaimProcNum=claimproc.ClaimProcNum
					WHERE claimproc.DateCP BETWEEN {POut.Date(dateFrom)} AND {POut.Date(dateTo)}
					AND claimproc.Status IN ({(int)ClaimProcStatus.Received},{(int)ClaimProcStatus.Supplemental})
					GROUP BY ClinicNum,DATE(claimproc.DateCP)"                    ;
                if (isCEMT)
                    tableWriteOffAdjustments = Db.GetTable(command);
                    tableWriteOffAdjustments = ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => Db.GetTable(command));
            tableWriteOffAdjustments.TableName = "tableWriteOffAdjustments";
            #endregion WriteOffAdjustments
            DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
예제 #28
        public static List <List <int> > GetProdProvs(DateTime dateFrom, DateTime dateTo)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetObject <List <List <int> > >(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), dateFrom, dateTo));
            Random rnd    = new Random();
            string rndStr = rnd.Next(1000000).ToString();
            string command;

            _elapsedTimeProdProvs = "";
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatch      = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatchTotal = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            _elapsedTimeProdProvs = "Elapsed time for GetProdProvs:\r\n";
            command = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempdash" + rndStr + @";";
            _elapsedTimeProdProvs += "DROP TABLE: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() + "\r\n";
            //this table will contain approx 12x3xProv rows if there was production for each prov in each month.
            command = @"CREATE TABLE tempdash" + rndStr + @" (
				DatePeriod date NOT NULL,
				ProvNum bigint NOT NULL,
				production decimal NOT NULL
				) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"                ;
            _elapsedTimeProdProvs += "CREATE TABLE: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() + "\r\n";
            //procs. Inserts approx 12xProv rows
            command = @"INSERT INTO tempdash" + rndStr + @"
				SELECT procedurelog.ProcDate,procedurelog.ProvNum,
				FROM procedurelog USE INDEX(indexPNPD)
				LEFT JOIN claimproc ON procedurelog.ProcNum=claimproc.ProcNum
				AND claimproc.Status='7' /*only CapComplete writeoffs are subtracted here*/
				WHERE procedurelog.ProcStatus = '2'
				AND procedurelog.ProcDate >= "                 + POut.Date(dateFrom) + @"
				AND procedurelog.ProcDate <= "                 + POut.Date(dateTo) + @"
				GROUP BY procedurelog.ProvNum,MONTH(procedurelog.ProcDate)"                ;
            _elapsedTimeProdProvs += "INSERT INTO: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() + "\r\n";

            //todo 2 more tables

            //get all the data as 12xProv rows
            command = @"SELECT DatePeriod,ProvNum,SUM(production) prod
				FROM tempdash"                 + rndStr + @" 
				GROUP BY ProvNum,MONTH(DatePeriod)"                ;//this fails with date issue
            DataTable tableProd = Db.GetTable(command);
            _elapsedTimeProdProvs += "tableProd: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() + "\r\n";
            command = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempdash" + rndStr + @";";
            _elapsedTimeProdProvs += "DROP TABLE: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() + "\r\n";
            command = @"SELECT ProvNum
				FROM provider WHERE IsHidden=0
				ORDER BY ItemOrder"                ;
            DataTable tableProv = Db.GetTable(command);
            _elapsedTimeProdProvs += "SELECT ProvNum FROM provider: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() + "\r\n";
            _elapsedTimeProdProvs += "Total: " + stopWatchTotal.Elapsed.ToString();
            if (_showElapsedTimesForDebug)
            List <List <int> > retVal = new List <List <int> >();
            for (int p = 0; p < tableProv.Rows.Count; p++)      //loop through each provider
                long       provNum = PIn.Long(tableProv.Rows[p]["ProvNum"].ToString());
                List <int> listInt = new List <int>();            //12 items
                for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                    decimal  prod       = 0;
                    DateTime datePeriod = dateFrom.AddMonths(i);                  //only the month and year are important
                    for (int j = 0; j < tableProd.Rows.Count; j++)
                        if (provNum == PIn.Long(tableProd.Rows[j]["ProvNum"].ToString()) &&
                            datePeriod.Month == PIn.Date(tableProd.Rows[j]["DatePeriod"].ToString()).Month &&
                            datePeriod.Year == PIn.Date(tableProd.Rows[j]["DatePeriod"].ToString()).Year)
                            prod = PIn.Decimal(tableProd.Rows[j]["prod"].ToString());
예제 #29
        public static DataTable GetInsAgingTable(RpAgingParamObject rpo)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), rpo));
            #region Insurance Aging
            string asOfDateStr   = POut.Date(rpo.AsOfDate);
            string thirtyDaysAgo = POut.Date(rpo.AsOfDate.AddDays(-30));
            string sixtyDaysAgo  = POut.Date(rpo.AsOfDate.AddDays(-60));
            string ninetyDaysAgo = POut.Date(rpo.AsOfDate.AddDays(-90));
            string patOrGuar     = (rpo.IsGroupByFam?"guar":"patient");
            string command       = "SELECT guarAging.PatNum,";
            if (ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => Prefs.GetBoolNoCache(PrefName.ReportsShowPatNum)))
                command += DbHelper.Concat("guarAging.PatNum", "' - '", "guarAging.LName", "', '", "guarAging.FName", "' '", "guarAging.MiddleI");
                command += DbHelper.Concat("guarAging.LName", "', '", "guarAging.FName", "' '", "guarAging.MiddleI");
            command += @" PatName," + (rpo.IsDetailedBreakdown ? "guarAging.CarrierName,guarAging.CarrierNum,guarAging.GroupName,guarAging.PlanNum," : "")
                       + @"guarAging.InsPayEst_0_30,guarAging.InsPayEst_31_60,guarAging.InsPayEst_61_90,guarAging.InsPayEst_90,guarAging.InsPayEst_Total
				FROM (
					SELECT "                     + patOrGuar + ".PatNum," + patOrGuar + ".LName," + patOrGuar + ".FName," + patOrGuar + @".MiddleI,"
                       + (rpo.IsDetailedBreakdown ? "carrier.CarrierName,carrier.CarrierNum,insplan.GroupName,insplan.PlanNum," : "")
                       + @"SUM(CASE WHEN cp.ProcDate >= " + thirtyDaysAgo + @" THEN cp.InsPayEst ELSE 0 END) InsPayEst_0_30,
					SUM(CASE WHEN cp.ProcDate < "                     + thirtyDaysAgo + " AND cp.ProcDate >= " + sixtyDaysAgo + @" THEN cp.InsPayEst ELSE 0 END) InsPayEst_31_60,
					SUM(CASE WHEN cp.ProcDate < "                     + sixtyDaysAgo + " AND cp.ProcDate >= " + ninetyDaysAgo + @" THEN cp.InsPayEst ELSE 0 END) InsPayEst_61_90,
					SUM(CASE WHEN cp.ProcDate < "                     + ninetyDaysAgo + @" THEN cp.InsPayEst ELSE 0 END) InsPayEst_90,
					SUM(cp.InsPayEst) InsPayEst_Total
					FROM claimproc cp
					INNER JOIN patient ON patient.PatNum=cp.PatNum"
                       + (rpo.IsGroupByFam ? @"
					INNER JOIN patient guar ON patient.Guarantor=guar.PatNum"                     : "")
                       + (rpo.IsDetailedBreakdown ? @"
					LEFT JOIN insplan ON insplan.PlanNum=cp.PlanNum
					LEFT JOIN carrier ON carrier.CarrierNum=insplan.CarrierNum"                     : "");
            command += @"
				WHERE cp.Status IN ("                 + (int)ClaimProcStatus.NotReceived + "," + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Received + @")
				AND cp.ProcDate <= "                 + asOfDateStr + @"
				AND (cp.Status = "                 + (int)ClaimProcStatus.NotReceived + " OR (cp.Status = " + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Received + " AND cp.DateCP > " + asOfDateStr + ")) ";
            if (rpo.IsDetailedBreakdown)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rpo.CarrierNameFilter))
                    command += @"
						AND (carrier.CarrierNum IS NULL OR carrier.CarrierName LIKE '%"                         + rpo.CarrierNameFilter + "%') ";
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rpo.GroupNameFilter))
                    command += @"
						AND (insplan.GroupName IS NULL OR insplan.GroupName LIKE '%"                         + rpo.GroupNameFilter + "%') ";
            if (rpo.ListBillTypes.Count > 0)          //if all bill types is selected, list will be empty
                command += "AND " + patOrGuar + ".BillingType IN (" + string.Join(",", rpo.ListBillTypes.Select(x => POut.Long(x))) + ") ";
            if (rpo.ListProvNums.Count > 0)           //if all provs is selected, list will be empty
                command += "AND " + patOrGuar + ".PriProv IN (" + string.Join(",", rpo.ListProvNums.Select(x => POut.Long(x))) + ") ";
            if (rpo.ListClinicNums.Count > 0)           //listClin may contain "Unassigned" clinic with ClinicNum 0, in which case it will also be in the query string
                command += "AND " + patOrGuar + ".ClinicNum IN (" + string.Join(",", rpo.ListClinicNums.Select(x => POut.Long(x))) + ") ";
            command += "GROUP BY " + patOrGuar + ".PatNum"
                       + (rpo.GroupByCarrier ? ",carrier.CarrierName" : "")
                       + (rpo.GroupByGroupName ? ",insplan.GroupName" : "") + @") guarAging
				WHERE (guarAging.InsPayEst_0_30 > 0.005
					OR guarAging.InsPayEst_31_60 > 0.005
					OR guarAging.InsPayEst_61_90 > 0.005
					OR guarAging.InsPayEst_90 > 0.005
					OR guarAging.InsPayEst_Total > 0.005)
				ORDER BY guarAging.LName,guarAging.FName"                ;
            ReportComplexEvent.Fire(ODEventType.ReportComplex, Lans.g("ReportComplex", "Running Insurance Estimate Query..."));
            DataTable insTable = ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => Db.GetTable(command));
            #endregion Insurance Aging
            #region Regular Aging
            DataTable regAging = new DataTable();
            //Don't run regular aging if detailed breakdown as it can take a long time to run for large customers.
            if (!rpo.IsDetailedBreakdown)
                regAging = ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => RpAging.GetAgingTable(rpo));
            #endregion Regular Aging
            #region Merge Insurance and Regular Aging
            DataTable insAgingTable = new DataTable();
            if (rpo.IsDetailedBreakdown)
            Dictionary <long, DataRow>            dictPatInsAgingRows      = new Dictionary <long, DataRow>();
            Dictionary <AgingTableRowId, DataRow> dictDetailedInsAgingRows = new Dictionary <AgingTableRowId, DataRow>();
            #region Add All Insurance Aging Rows to Dictionary
            foreach (DataRow insRow in insTable.Rows)
                DataRow newRow = insAgingTable.NewRow();              //create a new row with the structure of the new table
                //copy the ins aging table's values over to the new row and fill the pat bal columns with -insPayEst for the appropriate bucket
                newRow["PatName"] = insRow["PatName"];
                if (rpo.IsDetailedBreakdown)
                    newRow["CarrierName"] = insRow["CarrierName"];
                    newRow["GroupName"]   = insRow["GroupName"];
                newRow["InsPayEst_0_30"]  = insRow["InsPayEst_0_30"];
                newRow["InsPayEst_31_60"] = insRow["InsPayEst_31_60"];
                newRow["InsPayEst_61_90"] = insRow["InsPayEst_61_90"];
                newRow["InsPayEst_90"]    = insRow["InsPayEst_90"];
                newRow["InsPayEst_Total"] = insRow["InsPayEst_Total"];
                dictPatInsAgingRows[PIn.Long(insRow["PatNum"].ToString())]    = newRow;           //PatNum only used to link insAgingRows to regAgingRows
                dictDetailedInsAgingRows[AgingTableRowId.FromDataRow(insRow)] = newRow;           //Only used for Detailed report.
            #endregion Add All Insurance Aging Rows to Dictionary
            #region Add Regular Aging Rows and Apply Insurance Estimates to Dictionary
            foreach (DataRow row in regAging.Rows)
                long    patNumCur = PIn.Long(row["PatNum"].ToString());
                DataRow insAgingRow;
                if (dictPatInsAgingRows.TryGetValue(patNumCur, out insAgingRow))
                    //check to see if that patient exists in the insurance aging report
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_0_30"]  = PIn.Double(row["Bal_0_30"].ToString()) - PIn.Double(insAgingRow["InsPayEst_0_30"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_31_60"] = PIn.Double(row["Bal_31_60"].ToString()) - PIn.Double(insAgingRow["InsPayEst_31_60"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_61_90"] = PIn.Double(row["Bal_61_90"].ToString()) - PIn.Double(insAgingRow["InsPayEst_61_90"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_90"]    = PIn.Double(row["BalOver90"].ToString()) - PIn.Double(insAgingRow["InsPayEst_90"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_Total"] = PIn.Double(row["BalTotal"].ToString()) - PIn.Double(insAgingRow["InsPayEst_Total"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["InsWoChange"]  = PIn.Double(row["InsWoEst"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBalEst"]    = PIn.Double(insAgingRow["PatBal_Total"].ToString()) - PIn.Double(insAgingRow["InsWoChange"].ToString());
                else                  //if pat doesn't exist in ins aging report, create a new row with 0.00 insurance values and fill the patient aging values
                    insAgingRow                    = insAgingTable.NewRow();
                    insAgingRow["PatName"]         = row["PatName"];
                    insAgingRow["InsPayEst_0_30"]  = PIn.Double("0.00");
                    insAgingRow["InsPayEst_31_60"] = PIn.Double("0.00");
                    insAgingRow["InsPayEst_61_90"] = PIn.Double("0.00");
                    insAgingRow["InsPayEst_90"]    = PIn.Double("0.00");
                    insAgingRow["InsPayEst_Total"] = PIn.Double("0.00");
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_0_30"]     = PIn.Double(row["Bal_0_30"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_31_60"]    = PIn.Double(row["Bal_31_60"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_61_90"]    = PIn.Double(row["Bal_61_90"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_90"]       = PIn.Double(row["BalOver90"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_Total"]    = PIn.Double(row["BalTotal"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["InsWoChange"]     = PIn.Double(row["InsWoEst"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBalEst"]       = PIn.Double(row["BalTotal"].ToString()) - PIn.Double(row["InsWoEst"].ToString()) - PIn.Double(row["InsPayEst"].ToString());
                    dictPatInsAgingRows[patNumCur] = insAgingRow;
            #endregion Add Regular Aging Rows and Apply Insurance Estimates to Dictionary
            dictPatInsAgingRows = dictPatInsAgingRows.OrderBy(x => x.Value["PatName"]).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
            #endregion Merge Insurance and Regular Aging
            #region Add Rows to Table Filtered by Age
            if (rpo.IsDetailedBreakdown)             //Remove patient columns for detailed breakdown
                AddRowsFromDict <AgingTableRowId>(rpo, dictDetailedInsAgingRows, insAgingTable);
                AddRowsFromDict <long>(rpo, dictPatInsAgingRows, insAgingTable);
            #endregion Add Rows to Table Filtered by Age
예제 #30
        ///<summary>Returns a 7 column data table in a calendar layout so all you have to do is draw it on the screen.  If includePractice is true, then practice notes and holidays will be included.</summary>
        public static DataTable GetPeriod(DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateEnd, List <long> provNums, List <long> empNums, bool includePractice)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), dateStart, dateEnd, provNums, empNums, includePractice));
            DataTable table = new DataTable();
            DataRow   row;

            if (provNums.Count == 0 && empNums.Count == 0 && !includePractice)
            string command = "SELECT Abbr,employee.FName,Note,SchedDate,SchedType,Status,StartTime,StopTime "
                             + "FROM schedule "
                             + "LEFT JOIN provider ON schedule.ProvNum=provider.ProvNum "
                             + "LEFT JOIN employee ON schedule.EmployeeNum=employee.EmployeeNum "
                             + "WHERE SchedDate >= " + POut.Date(dateStart) + " "
                             + "AND SchedDate <= " + POut.Date(dateEnd) + " "
                             + "AND (";
            string orClause = "";          //this is guaranteed to be non empty by the time the command is assembled.

            if (includePractice)
                orClause = "SchedType=0 ";
            for (int i = 0; i < provNums.Count; i++)
                if (orClause != "")
                    orClause += "OR ";
                orClause += "schedule.ProvNum=" + POut.Long(provNums[i]) + " ";
            for (int i = 0; i < empNums.Count; i++)
                if (orClause != "")
                    orClause += "OR ";
                orClause += "schedule.EmployeeNum=" + POut.Long(empNums[i]) + " ";
            command += orClause + ") ";
            //	command+="";
            command += "ORDER BY SchedDate,employee.FName,provider.ItemOrder,StartTime";
            DataTable raw = Db.GetTable(command);
            DateTime  dateSched;
            DateTime  startTime;
            DateTime  stopTime;
            int       rowsInGrid = GetRowCal(dateStart, dateEnd) + 1; //because 0-based

            for (int i = 0; i < rowsInGrid; i++)
                row = table.NewRow();
            dateSched = dateStart;
            while (dateSched <= dateEnd)
                table.Rows[GetRowCal(dateStart, dateSched)][(int)dateSched.DayOfWeek] =
                    dateSched.ToString("MMM d, yyyy");
                dateSched = dateSched.AddDays(1);
            int rowI;

            for (int i = 0; i < raw.Rows.Count; i++)
                dateSched = PIn.Date(raw.Rows[i]["SchedDate"].ToString());
                startTime = PIn.DateT(raw.Rows[i]["StartTime"].ToString());
                stopTime  = PIn.DateT(raw.Rows[i]["StopTime"].ToString());
                rowI      = GetRowCal(dateStart, dateSched);
                if (i != 0 &&          //not first row
                    raw.Rows[i - 1]["Abbr"].ToString() == raw.Rows[i]["Abbr"].ToString() &&                //same provider as previous row
                    raw.Rows[i - 1]["FName"].ToString() == raw.Rows[i]["FName"].ToString() &&                //same employee as previous row
                    raw.Rows[i - 1]["SchedDate"].ToString() == raw.Rows[i]["SchedDate"].ToString())                   //and same date as previous row
                    table.Rows[rowI][(int)dateSched.DayOfWeek] += ", ";
                    if (startTime.TimeOfDay == PIn.DateT("12 AM").TimeOfDay &&
                        stopTime.TimeOfDay == PIn.DateT("12 AM").TimeOfDay)
                        if (raw.Rows[i]["Status"].ToString() == "2")                       //if holiday
                            table.Rows[rowI][(int)dateSched.DayOfWeek] += Lans.g("Schedules", "Holiday:");
                        table.Rows[rowI][(int)dateSched.DayOfWeek] += startTime.ToString("h:mm") + "-" + stopTime.ToString("h:mm");
                    table.Rows[rowI][(int)dateSched.DayOfWeek] += "\r\n";
                    if (startTime.TimeOfDay == PIn.DateT("12 AM").TimeOfDay &&
                        stopTime.TimeOfDay == PIn.DateT("12 AM").TimeOfDay)
                        if (raw.Rows[i]["Status"].ToString() == "2")                                       //if holiday
                            table.Rows[rowI][(int)dateSched.DayOfWeek] += Lans.g("Schedules", "Holiday:"); //+raw.Rows[i]["Note"].ToString();
                        else                                                                               //note
                            if (raw.Rows[i]["Abbr"].ToString() != "")
                                table.Rows[rowI][(int)dateSched.DayOfWeek] += raw.Rows[i]["Abbr"].ToString() + " ";
                            if (raw.Rows[i]["FName"].ToString() != "")
                                table.Rows[rowI][(int)dateSched.DayOfWeek] += raw.Rows[i]["FName"].ToString() + " ";
                        if (raw.Rows[i]["Abbr"].ToString() != "")
                            table.Rows[rowI][(int)dateSched.DayOfWeek] += raw.Rows[i]["Abbr"].ToString() + " ";
                        if (raw.Rows[i]["FName"].ToString() != "")
                            table.Rows[rowI][(int)dateSched.DayOfWeek] += raw.Rows[i]["FName"].ToString() + " ";
                        table.Rows[rowI][(int)dateSched.DayOfWeek] +=
                            startTime.ToString("h:mm") + "-" + stopTime.ToString("h:mm");
                if (raw.Rows[i]["Note"].ToString() != "")
                    table.Rows[rowI][(int)dateSched.DayOfWeek] += " " + raw.Rows[i]["Note"].ToString();