예제 #1
        ///<summary>When appt is null you must provide aptNum and HistApptAction will be set to deleted.</summary>
        public static void CreateHistoryEntry(Appointment appt, HistAppointmentAction action, long aptNum = 0)
            HistAppointment hist = new HistAppointment();

            hist.HistUserNum    = Security.CurUser.UserNum;
            hist.ApptSource     = Security.CurUser.EServiceType;
            hist.HistApptAction = action;
            if (appt != null)           //Null if deleted
                hist.AptNum         = aptNum;
                hist.HistApptAction = HistAppointmentAction.Deleted;
예제 #2
        ///<summary>When appt is null you must provide aptNum and HistApptAction will be set to deleted.</summary>
        public static void CreateHistoryEntry(Appointment appt, HistAppointmentAction action, long aptNum = 0)
            if (Security.CurUser == null)
                return;                //There is no user currently logged on so do not create a HistAppointment.
            HistAppointment hist = new HistAppointment();

            hist.HistUserNum    = Security.CurUser.UserNum;
            hist.ApptSource     = Security.CurUser.EServiceType;
            hist.HistApptAction = action;
            if (appt != null)           //Null if deleted
                hist.AptNum         = aptNum;
                hist.HistApptAction = HistAppointmentAction.Deleted;
예제 #3
        ///<summary>Calculates the time available to verify based on a variety of patient and appointment factors.
        ///Looks at Appointment date, appointment creation date, last verification date, next scheduled verification, insurance renewal
        public static InsVerify SetTimeAvailableForVerify(InsVerify insVer, PlanToVerify planType, int appointmentScheduledDays, int insBenefitEligibilityDays,
                                                          int patientEnrollmentDays)
            DateTime dateTimeLatestApptScheduling;
            //DateAppointmentScheduled-appointmentScheduledDays (default is 7)
            DateTime dateTimeUntilAppt;
            //DateTime the appointment takes place.
            DateTime dateTimeAppointment;
            //DateTime the patient was scheduled to be re-verified
            DateTime dateTimeScheduledReVerify;
            //DateTime verification last took place.  Will be 01/01/0001 if verification has never happened.
            DateTime dateTimeLastVerified;
            //DateTime the insurance renewal month rolls over.
            //The month the renewal takes place is stored in the database.  If the month is 0, then it is actually january.
            //It is the first day of the given month at midnight, or (Month#)/01/(year) @ 00:00AM.
            //Set to max val by default in case the PrefName.InsVerifyFutureDateBenefitYear=false.
            //Since max val is later in time than the appointment time, it will be ignored.
            DateTime dateBenifitRenewalNeeded = DateTime.MaxValue;

            #region Appointment Dates
            dateTimeAppointment = insVer.AppointmentDateTime;
            dateTimeUntilAppt   = insVer.AppointmentDateTime.AddDays(-appointmentScheduledDays);
            //Calculate when the appointment was put into it's current time slot.
            //This will be the earliest datetime where the scheduled appointment time is what it is now
            List <HistAppointment> listHistAppt = HistAppointments.GetForApt(insVer.AptNum);
            listHistAppt.RemoveAll(x => x.AptDateTime.Date != insVer.AppointmentDateTime.Date);
            listHistAppt = listHistAppt.Where(x => x.AptStatus == ApptStatus.Scheduled).OrderBy(x => x.AptDateTime).ToList();
            if (listHistAppt.Count > 0)
                //If the appointment was moved to the current date after the (Apt.DateTime-appointmentScheduledDays),
                //we only had (Apt.DateTime-listHistAppt.First().HistDateTstamp) days instead of (appointmentScheduledDays)
                dateTimeLatestApptScheduling = listHistAppt.First().HistDateTStamp;
                //Just in case there's no history for an appointment for some reason.
                //Shouldn't happen because a log entry is created when the appointment is created.
                //Use the date the appointment was created.  This is better than nothing and should never happen anyways.
                dateTimeLatestApptScheduling = Appointments.GetOneApt(insVer.AptNum).SecDateEntry;
            #endregion Appointment Dates
            #region Insurance Verification
            dateTimeLastVerified = insVer.DateLastVerified;
            //Add defined number of days to date last verified to calculate when the next verification date should have started.
            if (planType == PlanToVerify.InsuranceBenefits)
                if (insVer.DateLastVerified == DateTime.MinValue)               //If it's the min value, the insurance has never been verified.
                    dateTimeScheduledReVerify = insVer.DateTimeEntry;
                    dateTimeScheduledReVerify = insVer.DateLastVerified.AddDays(insBenefitEligibilityDays);
            else              //PlanToVerify.PatientEligibility
                if (insVer.DateLastVerified == DateTime.MinValue)
                    dateTimeScheduledReVerify = insVer.DateTimeEntry;
                    dateTimeScheduledReVerify = insVer.DateLastVerified.AddDays(patientEnrollmentDays);
            #endregion insurance verification
            #region Benifit Renewal
            if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.InsVerifyFutureDateBenefitYear))
                InsPlan insPlan = InsPlans.GetPlan(insVer.PlanNum, null);
                //Setup the month renew dates.  Need all 3 years in case the appointment verify window crosses over a year
                //e.g. Appt verify date: 12/30/2016 and Appt Date: 1/6/2017
                DateTime dateTimeOldestRenewal = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year - 1, Math.Max((byte)1, insPlan.MonthRenew), 1);
                DateTime dateTimeMiddleRenewal = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, Math.Max((byte)1, insPlan.MonthRenew), 1);
                DateTime dateTimeNewestRenewal = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year + 1, Math.Max((byte)1, insPlan.MonthRenew), 1);
                //We want to find the date closest to the appointment date without going past it.
                if (dateTimeMiddleRenewal > dateTimeAppointment)
                    dateBenifitRenewalNeeded = dateTimeOldestRenewal;
                    if (dateTimeNewestRenewal > dateTimeAppointment)
                        dateBenifitRenewalNeeded = dateTimeMiddleRenewal;
                        dateBenifitRenewalNeeded = dateTimeNewestRenewal;
            #endregion Benifit Renewal
            DateTime dateTimeAbleToVerify = VerifyDateCalulation(dateTimeUntilAppt, dateTimeLatestApptScheduling, dateTimeScheduledReVerify, dateBenifitRenewalNeeded);
            insVer.HoursAvailableForVerification = insVer.AppointmentDateTime.Subtract(dateTimeAbleToVerify).TotalHours;