예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Default initializer for MonoBehavior sub-classes
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Awake()
            base.forceFrontalCamera = true;             // we work with frontal cams here, let's force it for macOS s MacBook doesn't state frontal cam correctly

            byte[] shapeDat = shapes.bytes;
//			if (shapeDat.Length == 0)
//			{
//				string errorMessage =
//					"In order to have Face Landmarks working you must download special pre-trained shape predictor " +
//					"available for free via DLib library website and replace a placeholder file located at " +
//					"\"OpenCV+Unity/Assets/Resources/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.bytes\"\n\n" +
//					"Without shape predictor demo will only detect face rects.";

//				// query user to download the proper shape predictor
//				if (UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Shape predictor data missing", errorMessage, "Download", "OK, process with face rects only"))
//					Application.OpenURL("http://dlib.net/files/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat.bz2");
//             UnityEngine.Debug.Log(errorMessage);
//			}

            processor = new FaceProcessorLive <WebCamTexture>();
            processor.Initialize(faces.text, eyes.text, shapes.bytes);

            // data stabilizer - affects face rects, face landmarks etc.
            processor.DataStabilizer.Enabled      = true;               // enable stabilizer
            processor.DataStabilizer.Threshold    = 2.0;                // threshold value in pixels
            processor.DataStabilizer.SamplesCount = 2;                  // how many samples do we need to compute stable data

            // performance data - some tricks to make it work faster
            processor.Performance.Downscale = 256;                      // processed image is pre-scaled down to N px by long side
            processor.Performance.SkipRate  = 0;                        // we actually process only each Nth frame (and every frame for skipRate = 0)
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Default initializer for MonoBehavior sub-classes
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Awake()
            base.forceFrontalCamera = true;             // we work with frontal cams here, let's force it for macOS s MacBook doesn't state frontal cam correctly

            byte[] shapeDat = shapes.bytes;

            processor = new FaceProcessorLive <WebCamTexture>();
            processor.Initialize(faces.text, eyes.text, shapes.bytes);

            // data stabilizer - affects face rects, face landmarks etc.
            processor.DataStabilizer.Enabled      = true;               // enable stabilizer
            processor.DataStabilizer.Threshold    = 2.0;                // threshold value in pixels
            processor.DataStabilizer.SamplesCount = 2;                  // how many samples do we need to compute stable data

            // performance data - some tricks to make it work faster
            processor.Performance.Downscale = 256;                      // processed image is pre-scaled down to N px by long side
            processor.Performance.SkipRate  = 0;                        // we actually process only each Nth frame (and every frame for skipRate = 0)
예제 #3
        protected override void Awake()

            forceFrontalCamera = true;

            string shapesFilePath = Application.dataPath + "/Data/" + shapesFileName;

            byte[] shapesBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(shapesFilePath);

            processor = new FaceProcessorLive <WebCamTexture>();
            processor.Initialize(faces.text, eyes.text, shapesBytes);

            // data stabilizer - affects face rects, face landmarks etc.
            processor.DataStabilizer.Enabled      = true;   // enable stabilizer
            processor.DataStabilizer.Threshold    = 2.0;    // threshold value in pixels
            processor.DataStabilizer.SamplesCount = 2;      // how many samples do we need to compute stable data

            // performance data - some tricks to make it work faster
            processor.Performance.Downscale = 256;          // processed image is pre-scaled down to N px by long side
            processor.Performance.SkipRate  = 0;            // we actually process only each Nth frame (and every frame for skipRate = 0)