public void ImagingTest(string inputImagePath, string outputImagePath) { ErrorCode error; //Load and compile kernel source code. string programPath = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/../../"; //The path to the source file may vary if (!System.IO.File.Exists(programPath)) { Console.WriteLine("Program doesn't exist at path " + programPath); return; } string programSource = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(programPath); using (Program program = Cl.CreateProgramWithSource(_context, 1, new[] { programSource }, null, out error)) { CheckErr(error, "Cl.CreateProgramWithSource"); //Compile kernel source error = Cl.BuildProgram(program, 1, new[] { _device }, string.Empty, null, IntPtr.Zero); CheckErr(error, "Cl.BuildProgram"); //Check for any compilation errors if (Cl.GetProgramBuildInfo(program, _device, ProgramBuildInfo.Status, out error).CastTo <BuildStatus>() != BuildStatus.Success && 1 == 0) { CheckErr(error, "Cl.GetProgramBuildInfo"); Console.WriteLine("Cl.GetProgramBuildInfo != Success"); Console.WriteLine(Cl.GetProgramBuildInfo(program, _device, ProgramBuildInfo.Log, out error)); return; } //Create the required kernel (entry function) Kernel kernel = Cl.CreateKernel(program, "imagingTest", out error); CheckErr(error, "Cl.CreateKernel"); int intPtrSize = 0; intPtrSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)); //Image's RGBA data converted to an unmanaged[] array byte[] inputByteArray; //OpenCL memory buffer that will keep our image's byte[] data. Mem inputImage2DBuffer; OpenCL.Net.ImageFormat clImageFormat = new OpenCL.Net.ImageFormat(ChannelOrder.RGBA, ChannelType.Unsigned_Int8); int inputImgWidth, inputImgHeight; int inputImgBytesSize; int inputImgStride; //Try loading the input image using (FileStream imageFileStream = new FileStream(inputImagePath, FileMode.Open)) { System.Drawing.Image inputImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(imageFileStream); if (inputImage == null) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to load input image"); return; } inputImgWidth = inputImage.Width; inputImgHeight = inputImage.Height; System.Drawing.Bitmap bmpImage = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(inputImage); //Get raw pixel data of the bitmap //The format should match the format of clImageFormat BitmapData bitmapData = bmpImage.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpImage.Width, bmpImage.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);//inputImage.PixelFormat); inputImgStride = bitmapData.Stride; inputImgBytesSize = bitmapData.Stride * bitmapData.Height; //Copy the raw bitmap data to an unmanaged byte[] array inputByteArray = new byte[inputImgBytesSize]; Marshal.Copy(bitmapData.Scan0, inputByteArray, 0, inputImgBytesSize); //Allocate OpenCL image memory buffer inputImage2DBuffer = (OpenCL.Net.Mem)OpenCL.Net.Cl.CreateImage2D(_context, OpenCL.Net.MemFlags.CopyHostPtr | OpenCL.Net.MemFlags.ReadOnly, clImageFormat, (IntPtr)bitmapData.Width, (IntPtr)bitmapData.Height, (IntPtr)0, inputByteArray, out error); CheckErr(error, "Cl.CreateImage2D input"); } //Unmanaged output image's raw RGBA byte[] array byte[] outputByteArray = new byte[inputImgBytesSize]; //Allocate OpenCL image memory buffer OpenCL.Net.Mem outputImage2DBuffer = (OpenCL.Net.Mem)OpenCL.Net.Cl.CreateImage2D(_context, OpenCL.Net.MemFlags.CopyHostPtr | OpenCL.Net.MemFlags.WriteOnly, clImageFormat, (IntPtr)inputImgWidth, (IntPtr)inputImgHeight, (IntPtr)0, outputByteArray, out error); CheckErr(error, "Cl.CreateImage2D output"); //Pass the memory buffers to our kernel function error = Cl.SetKernelArg(kernel, 0, (IntPtr)intPtrSize, inputImage2DBuffer); error |= Cl.SetKernelArg(kernel, 1, (IntPtr)intPtrSize, outputImage2DBuffer); CheckErr(error, "Cl.SetKernelArg"); //Create a command queue, where all of the commands for execution will be added CommandQueue cmdQueue = Cl.CreateCommandQueue(_context, _device, (CommandQueueProperties)0, out error); CheckErr(error, "Cl.CreateCommandQueue"); OpenCL.Net.Event clevent; //Copy input image from the host to the GPU. IntPtr[] originPtr = new IntPtr[] { (IntPtr)0, (IntPtr)0, (IntPtr)0 }; //x, y, z IntPtr[] regionPtr = new IntPtr[] { (IntPtr)inputImgWidth, (IntPtr)inputImgHeight, (IntPtr)1 }; //x, y, z IntPtr[] workGroupSizePtr = new IntPtr[] { (IntPtr)inputImgWidth, (IntPtr)inputImgHeight, (IntPtr)1 }; error = Cl.EnqueueWriteImage(cmdQueue, inputImage2DBuffer, OpenCL.Net.Bool.True, originPtr, regionPtr, (IntPtr)0, (IntPtr)0, inputByteArray, 0, null, out clevent); CheckErr(error, "Cl.EnqueueWriteImage"); //Execute our kernel (OpenCL code) // CommandQueue q = new OpenCL.Net.CommandQueue(); //enqueue nd range kernel // error = cmdQueue.EnqueueKernel(cmdQueue, kernel, 2, null, workGroupSizePtr, null, 0, null, out clevent); // OpenCL.Net.Cl.EnqueueNDRangeKernel( OpenCL.Net.Cl.EnqueueNDRangeKernel(cmdQueue, kernel, 2, null, workGroupSizePtr, null, 0, null, out clevent); CheckErr(error, "Cl.EnqueueNDRangeKernel"); //Wait for completion of all calculations on the GPU. error = Cl.Finish(cmdQueue); CheckErr(error, "Cl.Finish"); //Read the processed image from GPU to raw RGBA data byte[] array error = Cl.EnqueueReadImage(cmdQueue, outputImage2DBuffer, OpenCL.Net.Bool.True, originPtr, regionPtr, (IntPtr)0, (IntPtr)0, outputByteArray, 0, null, out clevent); CheckErr(error, "Cl.clEnqueueReadImage"); //Clean up memory Cl.ReleaseKernel(kernel); Cl.ReleaseCommandQueue(cmdQueue); Cl.ReleaseMemObject(inputImage2DBuffer); Cl.ReleaseMemObject(outputImage2DBuffer); //Get a pointer to our unmanaged output byte[] array GCHandle pinnedOutputArray = GCHandle.Alloc(outputByteArray, GCHandleType.Pinned); IntPtr outputBmpPointer = pinnedOutputArray.AddrOfPinnedObject(); //Create a new bitmap with processed data and save it to a file. Bitmap outputBitmap = new Bitmap(inputImgWidth, inputImgHeight, inputImgStride, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb, outputBmpPointer); outputBitmap.Save(outputImagePath, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); pinnedOutputArray.Free(); } }
public MemDebugView(Mem <TElem> mem) { _mem = mem; }
public static ErrorCode SetKernelArg(Kernel kernel, uint argIndex, Mem value) { return(SetKernelArg(kernel, argIndex, IntPtr.Size, value)); }
public bool Equals(Mem <T> other) { return(_handle.ToInt64() == other._handle.ToInt64()); }
public static InfoBuffer GetImageInfo(Mem image, ImageInfo paramName, out ErrorCode error) { return(GetInfo(GetImageInfo, image, paramName, out error)); }