public Dictionary <int, int> SelectUserToRole() { const string q = @"SELECT AS user_id, AS role_id FROM dbo.Users AS u LEFT JOIN dbo.Roles AS r ON r.code = u.role_code"; Dictionary <int, int> userToRole = new Dictionary <int, int>(); using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) { using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r.Empty) { return(userToRole); } while (r.Read()) { int userId = r.GetInt("user_id"); int roleId = r.GetInt("role_id"); userToRole.Add(userId, roleId); } } } } return(userToRole); }
public List <City> SelectCityByDistrictId(int pDistrictId) { List <City> cities = new List <City>(); const string q = "SELECT name, id FROM City WHERE district_id = @id and deleted = 0 ORDER BY name"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { c.AddParam("@id", pDistrictId); using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r != null) { while (r.Read()) { City city = new City { Name = r.GetString("name"), Id = r.GetInt("id"), DistrictId = pDistrictId }; cities.Add(city); } } } } return(cities); }
public Dictionary <int, List <int> > SelectBranchRel() { const string q = @"SELECT user_id, branch_id FROM dbo.UsersBranches ORDER BY user_id"; Dictionary <int, List <int> > retval = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >(); using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r.Empty) { return(retval); } while (r.Read()) { int userId = r.GetInt("user_id"); if (!retval.ContainsKey(userId)) { retval.Add(userId, new List <int>()); } retval[userId].Add(r.GetInt("branch_id")); } } return(retval); }
public List <User> GetSubordinate(int idUser) { var listUsers = new List <User>(); using (var conn = GetConnection()) { using (var coman = new OpenCbsCommand { Connection = conn }) { coman.CommandText = "select * from dbo.GetSubordinates(@id)"; coman.AddParam("@id", idUser); var reader = coman.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); while (reader.Read()) { listUsers.Add(new User { Id = reader.GetInt("id"), FirstName = reader.GetString("first_name"), LastName = reader.GetString("last_name"), IsDeleted = reader.GetBool("deleted"), UserName = reader.GetString("user_name"), Password = reader.GetString("user_pass"), Mail = reader.GetString("mail"), Sex = reader.GetChar("sex"), HasContract = reader.GetInt("num_contracts") > 0 }); } } } return(listUsers); }
/// <summary> /// This methods allows us to find all domains of application /// </summary> /// <returns>hierarchic collection of DomainOfApplication /// </returns> public List <EconomicActivity> SelectAllEconomicActivities() { List <EconomicActivity> doaList = new List <EconomicActivity>(); const string sqlText = "SELECT id FROM EconomicActivities WHERE parent_id IS NULL AND deleted = 0"; using (SqlConnection connection = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand selectAll = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, connection)) { using (OpenCbsReader reader = selectAll.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { EconomicActivity domain = new EconomicActivity { Id = reader.GetInt("id") }; doaList.Add(domain); } } } for (int i = 0; i < doaList.Count; i++) { doaList[i] = SelectEconomicActivity(doaList[i].Id); } return(doaList); }
public Dictionary <int, List <int> > SelectSubordinateRel() { const string q = @"SELECT user_id, subordinate_id FROM dbo.UsersSubordinates ORDER BY user_id"; Dictionary <int, List <int> > retval = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >(); using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r.Empty) { return(retval); } int currentId = 0; while (r.Read()) { int userId = r.GetInt("user_id"); if (currentId != userId) { currentId = userId; retval.Add(currentId, new List <int>()); } retval[currentId].Add(r.GetInt("subordinate_id")); } } return(retval); }
/// <summary> /// Returns requested picture. /// </summary> /// <param name="pGroup">Picture group</param> /// <param name="pId">Picture Id</param> /// <param name="pSubID">Picture sub Id</param> /// <param name="pThumbnail">Do you want the thumbnail or the actual picture?</param> /// <returns>Found picture informations</returns> public PictureInfo GetPicture(string pGroup, int pId, int pSubID, bool pThumbnail) { string sql = pThumbnail ? "SELECT thumbnail,name FROM Pictures WHERE [group]=@group AND id=@id AND subid=@subid" : "SELECT picture,name FROM Pictures WHERE [group]=@group AND id=@id AND subid=@subid"; using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(sql, AttachmentsConnection)) { c.AddParam("@group", pGroup); c.AddParam("@id", pId); c.AddParam("@subid", pSubID); using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r == null || r.Empty) { return(null); } r.Read(); PictureInfo pi = new PictureInfo { Binary = r.GetBytes(0), Name = r.GetString(1), Id = pId, SubId = pSubID, Group = pGroup }; return(pi); } } }
public bool ThisActivityAlreadyExist(string pName, int pParentId, bool isLoanPurpose) { int id = 0; if (isLoanPurpose) { const string sqlText = @"SELECT id, name, deleted FROM LoanPurpose WHERE parent_id = @id AND name = @name AND deleted = 0"; using (SqlConnection connection = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand sqlCommand = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, connection)) { sqlCommand.AddParam("@name", pName); sqlCommand.AddParam("@id", pParentId); using (OpenCbsReader reader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()) { if (!reader.Empty) { reader.Read(); id = reader.GetInt("id"); } } } } else { ThisActivityAlreadyExist(pName, pParentId); } return(id != 0); }
public bool IsThisActionAllowedForThisRole(int pRoleId, ActionItemObject pAction) { string q = @"SELECT allowed FROM AllowedRoleActions WHERE action_id = @actionId AND role_id = @roleId"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) { using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { c.AddParam("@roleId", pRoleId); c.AddParam("@actionId", pAction.Id); using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r != null) { if (!r.Empty) { return(r.GetBool("allowed")); } } } } } return(true); }
public List <Province> SelectAllProvinces() { List <Province> provinces = new List <Province>(); const string q = "SELECT id,name FROM Provinces ORDER BY name"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r != null) { while (r.Read()) { Province province = new Province { Id = r.GetInt("id"), Name = r.GetString("name") }; provinces.Add(province); } } } return(provinces); }
public int SelectUserForThisRole(string pRoleName) { string q = @"SELECT TOP 1 [user_id] FROM UserRole INNER JOIN Roles ON UserRole.role_id = INNER JOIN Users ON = UserRole.[user_id] WHERE Roles.code = @roleCode AND Users.deleted = 0"; int foundId = 0; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) { using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { c.AddParam("@roleCode", pRoleName); using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r != null) { if (!r.Empty) { r.Read(); foundId = r.GetInt("user_id"); } } } return(foundId); } } }
/// <summary> /// Select a role by its name /// </summary> /// <param name="pRoleName"></param> /// <param name="pIncludeDeleted"></param> /// <returns>selected role or null otherwise</returns> public Role SelectRole(string pRoleName, bool pIncludeDeleted) { string q = @"SELECT [id], [code], [deleted], [description], [role_of_loan], [role_of_saving], [role_of_teller] FROM [Roles] WHERE [code] = @name "; q += pIncludeDeleted ? "" : "AND [deleted] = 0"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) { using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { c.AddParam("@name", pRoleName); Role role; using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r == null || r.Empty) { return(null); } r.Read(); role = GetRole(r); } role.SetMenuItems(GetAllowedMenuList(role.Id)); role.SetActionItems(GetAllowedActionList(role.Id)); return(role); } } }
/// <summary> /// Select a Role by its database id with an Sqltransaction contexte /// </summary> /// <param name="pRoleId"></param> /// <param name="pIncludeDeletedRole"></param> /// <param name="pSqlTransac"></param> /// <returns>selected Role or null otherwise</returns> public Role SelectRole(int pRoleId, bool pIncludeDeletedRole, SqlTransaction pSqlTransac) { string q = @"SELECT [Roles].[id], [code], [deleted], [description], [role_of_loan], [role_of_saving], [role_of_teller] FROM [Roles] WHERE [id] = @id "; if (!pIncludeDeletedRole) { q += " AND [deleted] = 0"; } using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { c.AddParam("@id", pRoleId); using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r != null) { if (!r.Empty) { r.Read(); Role role = GetRole(r); return(role); } } } return(null); } }
public Branch SelectBranchByName(string name) { string query = @"SELECT id , name , deleted , code , address , description FROM dbo.Branches WHERE name LIKE '%{0}%'"; query = string.Format(query, name); using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand cmd = new OpenCbsCommand(query, conn)) using (OpenCbsReader r = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (r.Empty) { return(null); } if (!r.Read()) { return(null); } return(new Branch { Id = r.GetInt("id"), Code = r.GetString("code"), Name = r.GetString("name"), Deleted = r.GetBool("deleted"), Description = r.GetString("description") }); } }
public string GetBranchCodeByClientId(int clientId) { const string q = @"SELECT Branches.code FROM Tiers INNER JOIN Branches ON = Tiers.branch_id WHERE = @id"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { c.AddParam("@id", clientId); string code = string.Empty; using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r.Empty) { return(null); } if (r.Read()) { code = r.GetString("code"); } } return(code); } }
public District SelectDistrictByName(string name) { District district = null; const string q = "SELECT,, Districts.province_id, " + " AS province_id, AS province_name " + "FROM Districts INNER JOIN " + "Provinces ON Districts.province_id = " + "WHERE @name"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { c.AddParam("@name", name); using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r != null) { if (!r.Empty) { r.Read(); district = new District(); district.Province = new Province(); district.Id = r.GetInt("id"); district.Name = r.GetString("name"); district.Province.Id = r.GetInt("province_id"); district.Province.Name = r.GetString("province_name"); } } } } return(district); }
public List <District> GetDistricts() { List <Province> provinces = GetProvinces(); List <District> districts = new List <District>(); const string q = "SELECT [id], [name], [province_id] FROM [Districts] WHERE [deleted]=0 ORDER BY name"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) using (OpenCbsReader reader = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader != null) { while (reader.Read()) { District district = new District(); district.Id = reader.GetInt("id"); district.Name = reader.GetString("name"); int province_id = reader.GetInt("province_id"); foreach (Province p in provinces) { if (p.Id == province_id) { district.Province = p; } } districts.Add(district); } } } return(districts); }
public List <District> SelectDistrictsByProvinceId(int pProvinceId) { List <District> districts = new List <District>(); const string q = "SELECT,, Districts.province_id, " + " AS province_id, AS province_name " + "FROM Districts INNER JOIN " + "Provinces ON Districts.province_id = " + "WHERE @id AND Districts.deleted = 0 ORDER BY"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { c.AddParam("@id", pProvinceId); using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r != null) { while (r.Read()) { District district = new District(); district.Province = new Province(); district.Id = r.GetInt("id"); district.Name = r.GetString("name"); district.Province.Id = r.GetInt("province_id"); district.Province.Name = r.GetString("province_name"); districts.Add(district); } } } } return(districts); }
private List <EconomicActivity> SelectLPChildren(int pParentId) { List <EconomicActivity> doaList = new List <EconomicActivity>(); const string sqlText = "SELECT id, name, deleted FROM LoanPurpose WHERE parent_id = @id AND deleted = 0"; using (SqlConnection connection = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand sqlCommand = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, connection)) { sqlCommand.AddParam("@id", pParentId); using (OpenCbsReader reader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { EconomicActivity domain = new EconomicActivity { Id = reader.GetInt("id"), Name = reader.GetString("name"), Deleted = reader.GetBool("deleted") }; doaList.Add(domain); } } } for (int i = 0; i < doaList.Count; i++) { doaList[i].Childrens = SelectLPChildren(doaList[i].Id); } return(doaList); }
public int CountActiveLoans(int branchId) { const string sqlText = @";with lode(id, event_type) as ( select distinct contract_id , event_type from dbo.ContractEvents ce where event_type = 'LODE' and is_deleted = 0 ) , loce(id, event_type) as ( select distinct contract_id , event_type from dbo.ContractEvents ce where event_type in('LOCE','WROE') and is_deleted = 0 ) , raw_loans (id, lode, loce, project_id,contract_code) as ( select id , lode.event_type lode , loce.event_type loce , c.project_id project_id , c.contract_code from lode inner join Contracts c on = left join loce on = ) select count(*) count from raw_loans rl left join Projects pr on = rl.project_id left join Tiers t on = pr.tiers_id where loce is null and t.branch_id = @branchId"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) { using (OpenCbsCommand select = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, conn)) { select.AddParam("@branchId", branchId); using (OpenCbsReader reader = select.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader == null || reader.Empty) { return(-1); } reader.Read(); var result = reader.GetInt("count"); return(result); } } } }
public FundingLine SelectFundingLineByNameAndPurpose(FundingLine lookupFundingLine, SqlTransaction sqlTransac, bool includeAll) { FundingLine newFL = new FundingLine(); string q = @"SELECT FundingLines.[id], [deleted], [currency_id], Currencies.[name] as currency_name, Currencies.[code] as currency_code, Currencies.[is_pivot] as currency_pivot, Currencies.[is_swapped] as currency_is_swapped FROM [FundingLines] LEFT JOIN Currencies ON FundingLines.currency_id = WHERE [purpose] = @purpose AND FundingLines.[name] = @name"; if (!includeAll) { q += "and [deleted]=@deleted"; } using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, sqlTransac.Connection, sqlTransac)) { c.AddParam("@purpose", lookupFundingLine.Purpose); c.AddParam("@name", lookupFundingLine.Name); if (!includeAll) { c.AddParam("@deleted", lookupFundingLine.Deleted); } using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r != null) { if (!r.Empty) { r.Read(); newFL.Id = r.GetInt("id"); newFL.Deleted = r.GetBool("deleted"); newFL.Currency = new Currency { Id = r.GetInt("currency_id"), Name = r.GetString("currency_name"), Code = r.GetString("currency_code"), IsPivot = r.GetBool("currency_is_pivot"), IsSwapped = r.GetBool("currency_is_swapped") }; } } } } SetLazyLoader(newFL); return(newFL); }
public List <Teller> SelectAllOfUser(int userId) { var tellers = new List <Teller>(); const string q = @"SELECT id , name , [desc] , account_id , deleted , branch_id , user_id , currency_id , amount_min , amount_max , deposit_amount_min , deposit_amount_max , withdrawal_amount_min , withdrawal_amount_max FROM dbo.Tellers WHERE user_id = @user_id AND deleted = 0"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { c.AddParam("@user_id", userId); using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r.Empty) { return(tellers); } while (r.Read()) { var teller = new Teller(); teller.Id = r.GetInt("id"); teller.Name = r.GetString("name"); teller.Description = r.GetString("desc"); teller.Deleted = r.GetBool("deleted"); teller.Account = accountManager.Select(r.GetInt("account_id")); teller.Branch = branchManager.Select(r.GetInt("branch_id")); int uId = r.GetInt("user_id"); teller.User = uId == 0 ? new User { Id = 0 } : userManager.SelectUser(uId, false); teller.Currency = currencyManager.SelectCurrencyById(r.GetInt("currency_id")); teller.MinAmountTeller = r.GetMoney("amount_min"); teller.MaxAmountTeller = r.GetMoney("amount_max"); teller.MinAmountDeposit = r.GetMoney("deposit_amount_min"); teller.MaxAmountDeposit = r.GetMoney("deposit_amount_max"); teller.MinAmountWithdrawal = r.GetMoney("withdrawal_amount_min"); teller.MaxAmountWithdrawal = r.GetMoney("withdrawal_amount_max"); tellers.Add(teller); } } } return(tellers); }
public FundingLine SelectFundingLineByName(string name) { FundingLine fundingLine = null; string q = @"SELECT FundingLines.[id], FundingLines.[name], FundingLines.[deleted], FundingLines.[amount], FundingLines.[begin_date], FundingLines.[end_date], FundingLines.[purpose], FundingLines.[currency_id], Currencies.[name] as currency_name, Currencies.[code] as currency_code, Currencies.[is_pivot] as currency_is_pivot, Currencies.[is_swapped] as currency_is_swapped FROM [FundingLines] LEFT JOIN Currencies ON FundingLines.currency_id = WHERE FundingLines.[name]=@name AND [deleted]=0"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { c.AddParam("@name", name); using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r != null) { if (!r.Empty) { r.Read(); fundingLine = new FundingLine(); fundingLine.Id = r.GetInt("id"); fundingLine.Name = r.GetString("name"); fundingLine.Deleted = r.GetBool("deleted"); fundingLine.StartDate = r.GetDateTime("begin_date"); fundingLine.Purpose = r.GetString("purpose"); fundingLine.EndDate = r.GetDateTime("end_date"); fundingLine.Amount = r.GetMoney("amount"); fundingLine.Currency = new Currency { Id = r.GetInt("currency_id"), Name = r.GetString("currency_name"), Code = r.GetString("currency_code"), IsPivot = r.GetBool("currency_is_pivot"), IsSwapped = r.GetBool("currency_is_swapped") }; } } } } SetLazyLoader(fundingLine); return(fundingLine); }
public CollateralProduct SelectCollateralProductByPropertyId(int propertyId) { int productId; const string sqlProductIdText = @"SELECT product_id FROM [CollateralProperties] WHERE id = @id "; using (SqlConnection connection = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand cmd = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlProductIdText, connection)) { cmd.AddParam("@id", propertyId); using (OpenCbsReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.Empty) { return(null); // nothing is coming... (c) } reader.Read(); productId = reader.GetInt("product_id"); } } const string sqlText = @"SELECT [name] ,[desc] ,[deleted] FROM CollateralProducts WHERE id = @id"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand selectProduct = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, conn)) { selectProduct.AddParam("@id", productId); using (OpenCbsReader reader = selectProduct.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.Empty) { return(null); } reader.Read(); CollateralProduct colProduct = new CollateralProduct { Id = productId, Name = reader.GetString("name"), Description = reader.GetString("desc"), Delete = reader.GetBool("deleted") }; return(colProduct); } } }
public List <FundingLine> SelectFundingLines() { List <FundingLine> list = new List <FundingLine>(); string q = @"SELECT FundingLines.[id], FundingLines.[name], [begin_date], [end_date], [amount], [purpose], [deleted], [currency_id], Currencies.[name] as currency_name, Currencies.[code] as currency_code, Currencies.[is_pivot] as currency_is_pivot, Currencies.[is_swapped] as currency_is_swapped FROM [FundingLines] LEFT JOIN Currencies ON FundingLines.currency_id = WHERE [deleted] = 0"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read()) { FundingLine fundingLine = new FundingLine(); fundingLine.Id = r.GetInt("id"); fundingLine.Name = r.GetString("name"); fundingLine.StartDate = r.GetDateTime("begin_date"); fundingLine.EndDate = r.GetDateTime("end_date"); fundingLine.Amount = r.GetMoney("amount"); fundingLine.Amount = r.GetMoney("amount"); fundingLine.Purpose = r.GetString("purpose"); fundingLine.Deleted = r.GetBool("deleted"); fundingLine.Currency = new Currency { Id = r.GetInt("currency_id"), Name = r.GetString("currency_name"), Code = r.GetString("currency_code"), IsPivot = r.GetBool("currency_is_pivot"), IsSwapped = r.GetBool("currency_is_swapped") }; SetLazyLoader(fundingLine); list.Add(fundingLine); } } return(list); }
public List <KeyValuePair <int, Installment> > SelectInstalments() { const string q = @"SELECT contract_id, expected_date, interest_repayment, capital_repayment, number, paid_interest, paid_capital, fees_unpaid, paid_date, paid_fees, comment, pending, start_date, olb, commission, paid_commission, last_interest_accrual_date, extra_amount_1, extra_amount_2 FROM Installments WHERE paid_capital = 0 AND paid_interest = 0"; //select only those Installments that have not had any repayments using (var conn = GetConnection()) using (var c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { using (var r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r == null || r.Empty) { return(new List <KeyValuePair <int, Installment> >()); } var installmentList = new List <KeyValuePair <int, Installment> >(); while (r.Read()) { var result = new KeyValuePair <int, Installment>( r.GetInt("contract_id"), GetInstallment(r)); installmentList.Add(result); } return(installmentList); } } }
public List <User> SelectAll() { const string q = @"SELECT id, deleted, user_name, first_name, last_name, user_pass, mail, sex, phone, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.Credit WHERE loanofficer_id = AS num_contracts FROM dbo.Users AS u"; List <User> users = new List <User>(); using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r.Empty) { return(users); } while (r.Read()) { User u = new User { Id = r.GetInt("id"), FirstName = r.GetString("first_name"), LastName = r.GetString("last_name"), IsDeleted = r.GetBool("deleted"), UserName = r.GetString("user_name"), Password = r.GetString("user_pass"), Mail = r.GetString("mail"), Sex = r.GetChar("sex"), HasContract = r.GetInt("num_contracts") > 0 }; users.Add(u); } } return(users); }
private void SelectAllPublicHolidays() { const string sqlText = @"SELECT name, date FROM PublicHolidays ORDER BY date"; using (SqlConnection connection = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand select = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, connection)) using (OpenCbsReader reader = select.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { nonWorkingDateHelper.PublicHolidays.Add(reader.GetDateTime("date"), reader.GetString("name")); } } }
public MyInformation GetQuestionnaire() { const string sqlText = @"SELECT Name , Country , Email , NumberOfClients , GrossPortfolio , PositionInCompony , PersonName , Phone , Skype , PurposeOfUsage , OtherMessages , is_sent FROM Questionnaire"; MyInformation myInformation = new MyInformation(); myInformation.MfiName = null; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (var cmd = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, conn)) { using (OpenCbsReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (!reader.Empty) { reader.Read(); myInformation.MfiName = reader.GetString("Name"); myInformation.Country = reader.GetString("Country"); myInformation.Email = reader.GetString("Email"); myInformation.NumberOfClients = reader.GetString("NumberOfClients"); myInformation.GrossPortfolio = reader.GetString("GrossPortfolio"); myInformation.PositionInCompany = reader.GetString("PositionInCompony"); myInformation.PersonName = reader.GetString("PersonName"); myInformation.Phone = reader.GetString("Phone"); myInformation.Skype = reader.GetString("Skype"); myInformation.PurposeOfUsage = reader.GetString("PurposeOfUsage"); myInformation.Comment = reader.GetString("OtherMessages"); myInformation.IsSent = reader.GetBool("is_sent"); return(myInformation); } return(null); } } }
public Dictionary <ActionItemObject, bool> GetAllowedActionList(int pRoleId) { //select maintained allowed flags for actions or true if nothing was specified string q = @"SELECT ActionItems.[id], ActionItems.[class_name], ActionItems.[method_name], ISNULL((SELECT allowed FROM AllowedRoleActions WHERE AllowedRoleActions.action_item_id = AND AllowedRoleActions.role_id = @roleId), 1) as allowed FROM ActionItems"; Dictionary <ActionItemObject, bool> Actions = new Dictionary <ActionItemObject, bool>(); using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) { using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { c.AddParam("@roleId", pRoleId); using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r != null) { if (!r.Empty) { while (r.Read()) { Actions.Add(new ActionItemObject { Id = r.GetInt("id"), ClassName = r.GetString("class_name").Trim(), MethodName = r.GetString("method_name").Trim() }, r.GetBool("allowed")); } } } } } } return(Actions); }
public MyInformation GetQuestionnaire() { const string sqlText = @"SELECT Name , Country , Email , NumberOfClients , GrossPortfolio , PositionInCompony , PersonName , Phone , Skype , PurposeOfUsage , OtherMessages , is_sent FROM Questionnaire"; MyInformation myInformation = new MyInformation(); myInformation.MfiName = null; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (var cmd = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, conn)) { using(OpenCbsReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (!reader.Empty) { reader.Read(); myInformation.MfiName = reader.GetString("Name"); myInformation.Country = reader.GetString("Country"); myInformation.Email = reader.GetString("Email"); myInformation.NumberOfClients = reader.GetString("NumberOfClients"); myInformation.GrossPortfolio = reader.GetString("GrossPortfolio"); myInformation.PositionInCompany = reader.GetString("PositionInCompony"); myInformation.PersonName = reader.GetString("PersonName"); myInformation.Phone = reader.GetString("Phone"); myInformation.Skype = reader.GetString("Skype"); myInformation.PurposeOfUsage = reader.GetString("PurposeOfUsage"); myInformation.Comment = reader.GetString("OtherMessages"); myInformation.IsSent = reader.GetBool("is_sent"); return myInformation; } return null; } } }
public List<string> SelectProjectPurposes() { List<string> list = new List<string>(); const string sqlText = "SELECT * FROM ProjectPurposes"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand select = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, conn)) { using (OpenCbsReader reader = select.ExecuteReader()) { if (!reader.Empty) { while (reader.Read()) { list.Add(reader.GetString("name")); } } } } return list; }
/// <summary> /// This method allows us to select a package from database. We use the NullableTypes to make the correspondance between /// nullable int, decimal and double types in database and our own objects /// </summary> /// <param name="colProductId">id's of package searched</param> /// <returns>A package Object if id matches with datas in database, null if not</returns> public CollateralProduct SelectCollateralProduct(int colProductId) { const string sqlText = @"SELECT [name] ,[desc] ,[deleted] FROM CollateralProducts WHERE id = @id"; CollateralProduct colProduct = new CollateralProduct(); using (SqlConnection connection = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand cmd = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, connection)) { cmd.AddParam("@id", colProductId); using (OpenCbsReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.Empty) return null; reader.Read(); colProduct.Id = colProductId; colProduct.Name = reader.GetString("name"); colProduct.Description = reader.GetString("desc"); colProduct.Delete = reader.GetBool("deleted"); reader.Dispose(); } } List<CollateralProperty> properties = new List<CollateralProperty>(); const string sqlPropertyText = @"SELECT id ,type_id ,[name] ,[desc] FROM CollateralProperties WHERE product_id = @product_id"; using (SqlConnection connection = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand cmd = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlPropertyText, connection)) { cmd.AddParam("@product_id", colProduct.Id); using (OpenCbsReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.Empty) return null; while (reader.Read()) { CollateralProperty collateralProperty = new CollateralProperty(); collateralProperty.Id = reader.GetInt("id"); collateralProperty.Type = (OCollateralPropertyTypes)Enum.ToObject(typeof(OCollateralPropertyTypes), reader.GetInt("type_id")); collateralProperty.Name = reader.GetString("name"); collateralProperty.Description = reader.GetString("desc"); if (collateralProperty.Type == OCollateralPropertyTypes.Collection) { List<string> propertyList = new List<string>(); const string sqlListText = @"SELECT [value] FROM CollateralPropertyCollections WHERE property_id = @property_id"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand selectList = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlListText, conn)) { selectList.AddParam("@property_id", collateralProperty.Id); using (OpenCbsReader listReader = selectList.ExecuteReader()) { if (listReader.Empty) return null; while (listReader.Read()) { propertyList.Add(listReader.GetString("value")); } collateralProperty.Collection = propertyList; } } } properties.Add(collateralProperty); } colProduct.Properties = properties; } } return colProduct; }
public EconomicActivity SelectEconomicActivity(string pName) { EconomicActivity doa; const string sqlText = "SELECT id, name, deleted FROM EconomicActivities WHERE name = @name"; using (SqlConnection connection = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand selectById = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, connection)) { selectById.AddParam("@name", pName); using (OpenCbsReader reader = selectById.ExecuteReader()) { doa = GetEconomicActivity(reader); } } doa.Childrens = SelectChildren(doa.Id); return doa; }
/// <summary> /// This methods allows us to find all domains of application /// </summary> /// <returns>hierarchic collection of DomainOfApplication /// </returns> public List<EconomicActivity> SelectAllEconomicActivities() { List<EconomicActivity> doaList = new List<EconomicActivity>(); const string sqlText = "SELECT id FROM EconomicActivities WHERE parent_id IS NULL AND deleted = 0"; using (SqlConnection connection = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand selectAll = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, connection)) { using (OpenCbsReader reader = selectAll.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { EconomicActivity domain = new EconomicActivity {Id = reader.GetInt("id")}; doaList.Add(domain); } } } for (int i = 0; i < doaList.Count; i++) doaList[i] = SelectEconomicActivity(doaList[i].Id); return doaList; }
public PaymentMethod SelectPaymentMethodById(int paymentMethodId) { string q = @"SELECT pm.[id] ,[name] ,[description] ,[pending] , 0 AS account_id FROM [dbo].[PaymentMethods] pm WHERE = @id"; PaymentMethod pm = new PaymentMethod(); using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { c.AddParam("@id", paymentMethodId); using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r != null && !r.Empty) { r.Read(); pm = GetPaymentMethodFromReader(r); } } } return pm; }
public List<PaymentMethod> SelectPaymentMethodOfBranch(int branchId) { string q = @"SELECT [lbpm].[payment_method_id], [lbpm].[id], [pm].[name], [pm].[description], [pm].[pending], [lbpm].[branch_id], [lbpm].[date], [lbpm].[account_id] FROM PaymentMethods pm INNER JOIN LinkBranchesPaymentMethods lbpm ON lbpm.payment_method_id = WHERE [lbpm].[branch_id] = @id AND [lbpm].[deleted] = 0"; List<PaymentMethod> paymentMethods = new List<PaymentMethod>(); using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { c.AddParam("@id", branchId); using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r.Empty) return paymentMethods; while (r.Read()) { PaymentMethod paymentMethod = new PaymentMethod { Id = r.GetInt("payment_method_id"), Name = r.GetString("name"), Description = r.GetString("description"), IsPending = r.GetBool("pending"), LinkId = r.GetInt("id"), Branch = _branchManager.Select(r.GetInt("branch_id")), Date = r.GetDateTime("date"), Account = _accountManager.Select(r.GetInt("account_id")) }; paymentMethods.Add(paymentMethod); } } } return paymentMethods; }
private Project SelectProject(int pId) { Project project = null; string sqlText = "SELECT * FROM Projects WHERE id = @id"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand select = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, conn)) { select.AddParam("@id", pId); using (OpenCbsReader reader = select.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader != null) if (!reader.Empty) { reader.Read(); project = GetProject(reader); } else return project; } if (project.District != null) { project.District = _locations.SelectDistrictById(project.District.Id); } if (project.Id != 0) { project.FollowUps.AddRange(SelectFollowUps(project.Id)); } if (project.Id != 0) { project.AddCredits(_creditManager.SelectLoansByProject(project.Id)); } } return project; }
public Dictionary<int, List<int>> SelectSubordinateRel() { const string q = @"SELECT user_id, subordinate_id FROM dbo.UsersSubordinates ORDER BY user_id"; Dictionary<int, List<int>> retval = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>(); using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r.Empty) return retval; int currentId = 0; while (r.Read()) { int userId = r.GetInt("user_id"); if (currentId != userId) { currentId = userId; retval.Add(currentId, new List<int>()); } retval[currentId].Add(r.GetInt("subordinate_id")); } } return retval; }
public List<int> SelectSubordinateRel(int userId) { const string q = @"SELECT user_id, subordinate_id FROM dbo.UsersSubordinates WHERE user_id = @id"; var retval = new List<int>(); using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) { using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { c.AddParam("@id", userId); using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r.Empty) return retval; while (r.Read()) { retval.Add(r.GetInt("subordinate_id")); } } } } return retval; }
public Dictionary<int, List<int>> SelectBranchRel() { const string q = @"SELECT user_id, branch_id FROM dbo.UsersBranches ORDER BY user_id"; Dictionary<int, List<int>> retval = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>(); using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r.Empty) return retval; while (r.Read()) { int userId = r.GetInt("user_id"); if (!retval.ContainsKey(userId)) retval.Add(userId, new List<int>()); retval[userId].Add(r.GetInt("branch_id")); } } return retval; }
public List<User> SelectAll() { const string q = @"SELECT id, deleted, user_name, first_name, last_name, user_pass, mail, sex, phone, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.Credit WHERE loanofficer_id = AS num_contracts FROM dbo.Users AS u"; List<User> users = new List<User>(); using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r.Empty) return users; while (r.Read()) { User u = new User { Id = r.GetInt("id"), FirstName = r.GetString("first_name"), LastName = r.GetString("last_name"), IsDeleted = r.GetBool("deleted"), UserName = r.GetString("user_name"), Password = r.GetString("user_pass"), Mail = r.GetString("mail"), Sex = r.GetChar("sex"), HasContract = r.GetInt("num_contracts") > 0 }; users.Add(u); } } return users; }
public Dashboard GetDashboard(int branchId, int subordinateId, int loanProductId) { var dashboard = new Dashboard(); using (var connection = GetConnection()) using (var command = new OpenCbsCommand("GetDashboard", connection) .AsStoredProcedure() .With("@date", TimeProvider.Today) .With("@userId", User.CurrentUser.Id) .With("@subordinateId", subordinateId) .With("@branchId", branchId) .With("@loanProductId", loanProductId) .WithTimeout(200)) using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { var portfolioLine = new PortfolioLine { Name = reader.GetString("name"), Amount = reader.GetDecimal("amount"), Quantity = reader.GetInt("quantity"), Color = reader.GetString("color") }; dashboard.PortfolioLines.Add(portfolioLine); } reader.NextResult(); while (reader.Read()) { var stat = new ActionStat { Date = reader.GetDateTime("date"), AmountDisbursed = reader.GetDecimal("amount_disbursed"), NumberDisbursed = reader.GetInt("number_disbursed"), AmountRepaid = reader.GetDecimal("amount_repaid"), NumberRepaid = reader.GetInt("number_repaid"), }; dashboard.ActionStats.Add(stat); } } return dashboard; }
public CollateralProperty SelectCollateralProperty(int propertyId) { const string sqlPropertyText = @"SELECT [type_id] , [name] , [desc] FROM CollateralProperties WHERE id = @id"; CollateralProperty collateralProperty = new CollateralProperty(); using (SqlConnection connection = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand selectProperty = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlPropertyText, connection)) { selectProperty.AddParam("@id", propertyId); using (OpenCbsReader propertyReader = selectProperty.ExecuteReader()) { if (propertyReader.Empty) return null; // nothing is coming! (c) propertyReader.Read(); collateralProperty.Id = propertyId; collateralProperty.Type = (OCollateralPropertyTypes)Enum.ToObject(typeof(OCollateralPropertyTypes), propertyReader.GetInt("type_id")); collateralProperty.Name = propertyReader.GetString("name"); collateralProperty.Description = propertyReader.GetString("desc"); if (collateralProperty.Type == OCollateralPropertyTypes.Collection) { List<string> propertyList = new List<string>(); const string sqlListText = @"SELECT [value] FROM CollateralPropertyCollections WHERE property_id = @property_id"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand selectList = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlListText, conn)) { selectList.AddParam("@property_id", collateralProperty.Id); using (OpenCbsReader listReader = selectList.ExecuteReader()) { if (listReader.Empty) return null; while (listReader.Read()) { propertyList.Add(listReader.GetString("value")); } collateralProperty.Collection = propertyList; } } } } } return collateralProperty; }
public CollateralProduct SelectCollateralProductByPropertyId(int propertyId) { int productId; const string sqlProductIdText = @"SELECT product_id FROM [CollateralProperties] WHERE id = @id "; using (SqlConnection connection = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand cmd = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlProductIdText, connection)) { cmd.AddParam("@id", propertyId); using (OpenCbsReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.Empty) return null; // nothing is coming... (c) reader.Read(); productId = reader.GetInt("product_id"); } } const string sqlText = @"SELECT [name] ,[desc] ,[deleted] FROM CollateralProducts WHERE id = @id"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand selectProduct = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, conn)) { selectProduct.AddParam("@id", productId); using (OpenCbsReader reader = selectProduct.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.Empty) return null; reader.Read(); CollateralProduct colProduct = new CollateralProduct { Id = productId, Name = reader.GetString("name"), Description = reader.GetString("desc"), Delete = reader.GetBool("deleted") }; return colProduct; } } }
public List<Project> SelectProjectsByClientId(int pClientId) { var list = new List<Project>(); var listIds = new List<int>(); const string query = "SELECT id FROM Projects WHERE tiers_id = @tiersId"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand select = new OpenCbsCommand(query, conn)) { select.AddParam("@tiersId", pClientId); using (OpenCbsReader reader = select.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader != null) if (!reader.Empty) { while (reader.Read()) { listIds.Add(reader.GetInt("id")); } } } foreach (int id in listIds) { list.Add(SelectProject(id)); } } return list; }
private IEnumerable<FollowUp> SelectFollowUps(int pProjectId) { List<FollowUp> list = new List<FollowUp>(); const string sqlText = "SELECT * FROM FollowUp WHERE project_id = @pId"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand select = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, conn)) { select.AddParam("@pId", pProjectId); using (OpenCbsReader reader = select.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader == null || reader.Empty) return new List<FollowUp>(); while (reader.Read()) { FollowUp followUp = new FollowUp(); followUp.Id = reader.GetInt("id"); followUp.Year = reader.GetInt("year"); followUp.Jobs1 = reader.GetInt("Jobs1"); followUp.Jobs2 = reader.GetInt("Jobs2"); followUp.CA = reader.GetMoney("CA"); followUp.PersonalSituation = reader.GetString("PersonalSituation"); followUp.Activity = reader.GetString("activity"); followUp.Comment = reader.GetString("comment"); list.Add(followUp); } return list; } } }
public List<User> SellectAllWithoutTellerOfBranch(Branch branch, User user) { const string q = @"SELECT, u.deleted, u.user_name, u.first_name, u.last_name, u.user_pass, u.mail,,, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.Credit WHERE loanofficer_id = AS num_contracts FROM dbo.Users AS u INNER JOIN dbo.UsersBranches ub ON ub.user_id = INNER JOIN UserRole ur ON ur.user_id = u .id INNER JOIN Roles r ON = ur.role_id WHERE u.deleted = 0 AND r.role_of_teller = 1 AND ( NOT IN (SELECT user_id FROM Tellers WHERE deleted = 0) OR = @user_id) AND ub.branch_id = @branch_id AND IN (SELECT @boss_id UNION ALL SELECT subordinate_id FROM dbo.UsersSubordinates WHERE user_id = @boss_id)"; List<User> users = new List<User>(); using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { c.AddParam("@branch_id", branch.Id); c.AddParam("@boss_id", User.CurrentUser.Id); c.AddParam("@user_id", user == null ? 0 : user.Id); using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r.Empty) return users; while (r.Read()) { User u = new User { Id = r.GetInt("id"), FirstName = r.GetString("first_name"), LastName = r.GetString("last_name"), IsDeleted = r.GetBool("deleted"), UserName = r.GetString("user_name"), Password = r.GetString("user_pass"), Mail = r.GetString("mail"), Sex = r.GetChar("sex"), HasContract = r.GetInt("num_contracts") > 0 }; users.Add(u); } } } return users; }
public PaymentMethod SelectPaymentMethodByName(string name) { const string q = @"SELECT pm.[id] ,[name] ,[description] ,[pending] ,0 AS account_id FROM [PaymentMethods] pm WHERE [name] = @name"; PaymentMethod pm = new PaymentMethod(); using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { c.AddParam("@name", name); using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r != null && !r.Empty) { r.Read(); pm = GetPaymentMethodFromReader(r); } } } return pm; }
private User SelectUser(int? pUserId, string username, string password, bool pIncludeDeletedUser) { var selectUser = @"SELECT [Users].[id] as user_id, [user_name], [user_pass], [role_code], [first_name], [last_name], [mail], [sex], [phone], [Users].[deleted], [Roles].[id] as role_id, [Roles].[code] AS role_name, (SELECT COUNT( FROM (SELECT, loanofficer_id FROM Credit GROUP BY, loanofficer_id ) a WHERE a.loanofficer_id = AS contract_count FROM [Users] INNER JOIN UserRole on UserRole.user_id = INNER JOIN Roles ON = UserRole.role_id WHERE 1 = 1 "; if (username != null && password != null) selectUser += @" AND [Users].[user_name] = @username AND [Users].[user_pass] = @password"; if (pUserId != null) selectUser += @" AND [Users].[id] = @id"; if (!pIncludeDeletedUser) selectUser += @" AND [Users].[deleted] = 0"; selectUser += @" GROUP BY [Users].[id], [Users].[deleted], [user_name], [user_pass], [role_code], [first_name], [last_name], [mail], [sex], [phone], [Roles].id, [Roles].code "; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand sqlCommand = new OpenCbsCommand(selectUser, conn)) { if (username != null && password != null) { sqlCommand.AddParam("@username", username); sqlCommand.AddParam("@password", password); } if (pUserId != null) sqlCommand.AddParam("@id", pUserId); using (OpenCbsReader reader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader != null) { if (!reader.Empty) { reader.Read(); return _GetUser(reader); } } } return null; } }
public List<PaymentMethod> SelectPaymentMethodsForClosure() { string q = @"SELECT pm.[id] ,[name] ,[description] ,[pending] ,[account_id] FROM [PaymentMethods] pm INNER JOIN LinkBranchesPaymentMethods lbpm ON lbpm.payment_method_id = ORDER BY pm.[id]"; List<PaymentMethod> paymentMethods = new List<PaymentMethod>(); using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r != null && !r.Empty) while (r.Read()) { paymentMethods.Add(GetPaymentMethodFromReader(r)); } } return paymentMethods; }
public InstallmentType SelectInstallmentTypeByName(string name) { const string q = "SELECT * FROM InstallmentTypes WHERE name = @name"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand c = new OpenCbsCommand(q, conn)) { c.AddParam("@name", name); using (OpenCbsReader r = c.ExecuteReader()) { if (r == null || r.Empty) return null; r.Read(); return GetInstallmentTypeFromReader(r); } } }
public int GetNumberProject(string pQuery) { string SELECT_FROM_PROJET_ = @" SELECT DISTINCT,pro.code, as name_project,pro.aim,pers.first_name, pers.last_name,tie.client_type_code, as tiers_id, as companyName FROM (Projects as pro INNER JOIN Tiers tie on ) LEFT JOIN Corporates corp on LEFT JOIN Persons pers on ) maTable"; string CloseWhere = @" WHERE ( companyName LIKE @companyName OR code LIKE @code OR name_project LIKE @nameProject OR aim LIKE @aim OR last_name LIKE @lastName OR first_name LIKE @firtName )) maTable "; QueryEntity q = new QueryEntity(pQuery, SELECT_FROM_PROJET_, CloseWhere); string pSqlText = q.ConstructSQLEntityNumberProxy(); using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand select = new OpenCbsCommand(pSqlText, conn)) { foreach (var item in q.DynamiqParameters()) { select.AddParam(item.Key, string.Format("%{0}%", item.Value)); } using (OpenCbsReader reader = select.ExecuteReader()) { reader.Read(); return reader.GetInt(0); } } }
public Project SelectProjectByContractId(int pContractId) { string sqlText = @"SELECT Projects.* FROM Projects INNER JOIN Contracts ON = Contracts.project_id WHERE = @contractId"; Project project = null; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand select = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, conn)) { select.AddParam("@contractId", pContractId); using (OpenCbsReader reader = select.ExecuteReader()) { if (!reader.Empty) { reader.Read(); project = GetProject(reader); } } } if (_clientManager != null) project.Client = _clientManager.SelectClientByProjectId(project.Id); return project; }
/// <summary> /// This methods allows us to find a economic activity. /// We use recursive method to find parent /// </summary> /// <param name="id">the id searched</param> /// <returns>DomainOfApplication object</returns> public EconomicActivity SelectEconomicActivity(int pId) { EconomicActivity doa; const string sqlText = @"SELECT [id], [name], [deleted] FROM EconomicActivities WHERE id = @id"; using (SqlConnection connection = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand selectById = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, connection)) { selectById.AddParam("@id", pId); using (OpenCbsReader reader = selectById.ExecuteReader()) { doa = GetEconomicActivity(reader); } } doa.Childrens = SelectChildren(doa.Id); return doa; }
public List<ProjetSearchResult> SelectProjectByCriteres(int pageNumber, string pQuery) { List<ProjetSearchResult> list = new List<ProjetSearchResult>(); string SELECT_FROM_PROJET_ = @" SELECT DISTINCT,pro.code, as name_project,pro.aim,pers.first_name, pers.last_name,tie.client_type_code, as tiers_id, as companyName FROM (Projects as pro INNER JOIN Tiers tie on ) LEFT JOIN Corporates corp on LEFT JOIN Persons pers on ) maTable"; string CloseWhere = @" WHERE ( companyName LIKE @companyName OR code LIKE @code OR name_project LIKE @nameProject OR aim LIKE @aim OR last_name LIKE @lastName OR first_name LIKE @firtName )) maTable"; QueryEntity q = new QueryEntity(pQuery, SELECT_FROM_PROJET_, CloseWhere); string pSqlText = q.ConstructSQLEntityByCriteresProxy(20, (pageNumber - 1) * 20); using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand select = new OpenCbsCommand(pSqlText, conn)) { foreach (var item in q.DynamiqParameters()) { select.AddParam(item.Key, string.Format("%{0}%", item.Value)); } using (OpenCbsReader reader = select.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { ProjetSearchResult resultat = new ProjetSearchResult(); resultat.Id = reader.GetInt("id"); resultat.Code = reader.GetString("code"); resultat.ProjectName = reader.GetString("name_project"); resultat.CompanyName = reader.GetString("companyName"); resultat.Aim = reader.GetString("aim"); resultat.TiersId = reader.GetInt("tiers_id"); resultat.Status = reader.GetChar("client_type_code"); resultat.LastName = reader.GetString("last_name"); resultat.FirstName = reader.GetString("first_name"); //resultat.ContractCode = reader.GetString("contract_code"); list.Add(resultat); } } } return list; }
public bool ThisActivityAlreadyExist(string pName, int pParentId) { int id = 0; const string sqlText = @"SELECT id, name, deleted FROM EconomicActivities WHERE parent_id = @id AND name = @name AND deleted = 0"; using (SqlConnection connection = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand sqlCommand = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, connection)) { sqlCommand.AddParam("@name", pName); sqlCommand.AddParam("@id", pParentId); using (OpenCbsReader reader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()) { if (!reader.Empty) { reader.Read(); id = reader.GetInt("id"); } } } return id != 0; }
private List<EconomicActivity> SelectChildren(int pParentId) { List<EconomicActivity> doaList = new List<EconomicActivity>(); const string sqlText = "SELECT id, name, deleted FROM EconomicActivities WHERE parent_id = @id AND deleted = 0"; using (SqlConnection connection = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand sqlCommand = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, connection)) { sqlCommand.AddParam("@id", pParentId); using (OpenCbsReader reader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { EconomicActivity domain = new EconomicActivity { Id = reader.GetInt("id"), Name = reader.GetString("name"), Deleted = reader.GetBool("deleted") }; doaList.Add(domain); } } } for (int i = 0; i < doaList.Count; i++) doaList[i].Childrens = SelectChildren(doaList[i].Id); return doaList; }
public bool EconomicActivityLoanHistoryDeleted(int contractId, int personId, SqlTransaction sqlTransaction) { int id = 0; const string sqlText = @"SELECT contract_id, person_id, group_id, economic_activity_id, deleted FROM EconomicActivityLoanHistory WHERE contract_id = @contract_id AND person_id = @person_id AND deleted = 1"; using (OpenCbsCommand sqlCommand = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, sqlTransaction.Connection, sqlTransaction)) { sqlCommand.AddParam("@contract_id", contractId); sqlCommand.AddParam("@person_id", personId); using (OpenCbsReader reader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()) { if (!reader.Empty) { reader.Read(); id = reader.GetInt("contract_id"); } } } return id != 0; }
/// <summary> /// Select all packages in database /// </summary> /// <param name="pShowAlsoDeleted"></param> /// <returns>a list contains all packages</returns> public List<CollateralProduct> SelectAllCollateralProducts(bool pShowAlsoDeleted) { List<CollateralProduct> packagesList = new List<CollateralProduct>(); string sqlText = @"SELECT id FROM CollateralProducts WHERE 1 = 1"; if (!pShowAlsoDeleted) sqlText += " AND deleted = 0"; using (SqlConnection connection = GetConnection()) using (OpenCbsCommand selectPackages = new OpenCbsCommand(sqlText, connection)) { using (OpenCbsReader reader = selectPackages.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.Empty) return new List<CollateralProduct>(); while (reader.Read()) { CollateralProduct pack = new CollateralProduct { Id = reader.GetInt("id") }; packagesList.Add(pack); } } } for (int i = 0; i < packagesList.Count; i++) { packagesList[i] = SelectCollateralProduct(packagesList[i].Id); } return packagesList; }