예제 #1
        public static bool carboxylatesBlocked(OBMol mol, OBAtom aA, OBAtom carbA, OBAtom aB, OBAtom carbB)
            bool inCone = OBFunctions.atomsInCarboxylateCone(aA, carbA, mol);

            inCone = inCone || OBFunctions.atomsInCarboxylateCone(aB, carbB, mol);
예제 #2
        public static void trajectoryFrameToCIF(string frame, string outFile, List <int> esequence,
                                                OBConversion obconv)
            //converts a frame from the above function into a CIF file
            //lammps trajectory files have unit cell dimension data for every frame
            //requires an element sequence for identifying element type from lammps atom types
            OBUnitCell  uc  = new OBUnitCell();
            OBMol       mol = new OBMol();
            OBMatrix3x3 mat = new OBMatrix3x3();

            using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(frame)) {
                string line        = "";
                bool   foundMatrix = false;

                    line = reader.ReadLine();
                    if (line.Contains("BOX BOUNDS"))
                        //data from lammps is in this format
                        //ITEM: BOX BOUNDS xy xz yz
                        //xlo_bound xhi_bound xy
                        //ylo_bound yhi_bound xz
                        //zlo_bound zhi_bound yz
                        string row0 = reader.ReadLine();

                        double[] row0d = OBFunctions.spacedStringToDoubleArray(row0);
                        double   xlo   = row0d[0];

                        double xhi = row0d[1];
                        double xy  = row0d[2];

                        string   row1  = reader.ReadLine();
                        double[] row1d = OBFunctions.spacedStringToDoubleArray(row1);
                        double   ylo   = row1d[0];
                        double   yhi   = row1d[1];
                        double   xz    = row1d[2];

                        string   row2  = reader.ReadLine();
                        double[] row2d = OBFunctions.spacedStringToDoubleArray(row2);
                        double   zlo   = row2d[0];
                        double   zhi   = row2d[1];
                        double   yz    = row2d[2];

                        //adjust box bounds, taken from VMD's source for reading lammps files

                        double xdelta = Math.Min(0, xy);
                        xdelta = Math.Min(xdelta, xz);
                        xdelta = Math.Min(xdelta, xy + xz);
                        xlo    = xlo - xdelta;
                        xdelta = Math.Max(0, xy);
                        xdelta = Math.Max(xdelta, xz);
                        xdelta = Math.Max(xdelta, xy + xz);
                        xhi    = xhi - xdelta;
                        ylo    = ylo - Math.Min(0, yz);
                        yhi    = yhi - Math.Max(0, yz);
                        OBVector3 A = new OBVector3(xhi - xlo, 0, 0);
                        OBVector3 B = new OBVector3(xy, yhi - ylo, 0);
                        OBVector3 C = new OBVector3(xz, yz, zhi - zlo);
                        //OBVector3 A = new OBVector3 (xhi-xlo, xy, xz);
                        //OBVector3 B = new OBVector3 (0, yhi-ylo, yz);
                        //OBVector3 C= new OBVector3 (0, 0, zhi-zlo);
                        mat = new OBMatrix3x3(A, B, C);
                        uc.SetData(A, B, C);

                        foundMatrix = true;
                } while (!foundMatrix);
                //uc.SetData (mat);
                bool foundAtoms = false;
                    line = reader.ReadLine();
                    if (line.Contains("ITEM: ATOMS"))
                        foundAtoms = true;
                } while (!foundAtoms);

                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                    string[] splitline  = line.Split((char[])null, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    int      lammpstype = Convert.ToInt32(splitline[1]) - 1;
                    int      atype      = esequence[lammpstype];
                    OBAtom   a          = new OBAtom();
                    //position in fraction coordinates
                    OBVector3 fvec = new OBVector3(Convert.ToDouble(splitline[3]), Convert.ToDouble(splitline[4]),
                    //OBVector3 fvec = new OBVector3 (Convert.ToDouble (splitline [2]), Convert.ToDouble (splitline [3]), Convert.ToDouble (splitline [4]));
                    //convert to cartesian.
                    OBVector3 cvec = uc.FractionalToCartesian(fvec);

                obconv.WriteFile(mol, outFile);
예제 #3
        public static double trajectoryFrameVolume(string frame)
            using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(frame)) {
                string line        = "";
                bool   foundMatrix = false;
                double volume      = 0;
                    line = reader.ReadLine();
                    if (line.Contains("BOX BOUNDS"))
                        //data from lammps is in this format
                        //ITEM: BOX BOUNDS xy xz yz
                        //xlo_bound xhi_bound xy
                        //ylo_bound yhi_bound xz
                        //zlo_bound zhi_bound yz
                        string row0 = reader.ReadLine();

                        double[] row0d = OBFunctions.spacedStringToDoubleArray(row0);
                        double   xlo   = row0d[0];

                        double xhi = row0d[1];
                        double xy  = row0d[2];

                        string   row1  = reader.ReadLine();
                        double[] row1d = OBFunctions.spacedStringToDoubleArray(row1);
                        double   ylo   = row1d[0];
                        double   yhi   = row1d[1];
                        double   xz    = row1d[2];

                        string   row2  = reader.ReadLine();
                        double[] row2d = OBFunctions.spacedStringToDoubleArray(row2);
                        double   zlo   = row2d[0];
                        double   zhi   = row2d[1];
                        double   yz    = row2d[2];

                        //adjust box bounds, taken from VMD's source for reading lammps files

                        double xdelta = Math.Min(0, xy);
                        xdelta = Math.Min(xdelta, xz);
                        xdelta = Math.Min(xdelta, xy + xz);
                        xlo    = xlo - xdelta;
                        xdelta = Math.Max(0, xy);
                        xdelta = Math.Max(xdelta, xz);
                        xdelta = Math.Max(xdelta, xy + xz);
                        xhi    = xhi - xdelta;
                        ylo    = ylo - Math.Min(0, yz);
                        yhi    = yhi - Math.Max(0, yz);
                        double[] A = new double[] { xhi - xlo, 0, 0 };
                        double[] B = new double[] { xy, yhi - ylo, 0 };
                        double[] C = new double[] { xz, yz, zhi - zlo };
                        volume = StarMath.dotProduct(A, StarMath.crossProduct(B, C));

                        foundMatrix = true;
                } while (!foundMatrix);