The view for the side-bar.
상속: TestHarnessViewBase
 /// <summary>Constructor.</summary>
 /// <param name="container">The containing DIV.</param>
 public ShellView(jQueryObject container) : base(container)
     // Create child views.
     sidebar = new SidebarView();
     controlHost = new ControlHostView();
     logContainer = new LogContainerView();
        /// <summary>Constructor.</summary>
        /// <param name="rootNode">The root list-item node.</param>
        public PackageController(PackageListItem rootNode)
            // Store values.
            this.rootNode = rootNode;
            sidebarView = Common.Shell.Sidebar;
            events = Common.Events;

            // Wire up events.
            rootNode.SelectionChanged += OnSelectionChanged;
            rootNode.ChildSelectionChanged += OnChildSelectionChanged;
        /// <summary>Constructor.</summary>
        /// <param name="classInfo">The test-class that is under control.</param>
        public ClassController(ClassInfo classInfo)
            // Setup initial conditions.
            this.classInfo = classInfo;
            sidebarView = Common.Shell.Sidebar;
            events = Common.Events;

            // Wire up events.
            events.MethodClicked += OnMethodClicked;
            sidebarView.MethodList.RunClick += OnRunClick;
            sidebarView.MethodList.RefreshClick += OnRefreshClick;
            // Finish up.
        /// <summary>Constructor.</summary>
        /// <param name="sidebarView">The sidebar.</param>
        public MethodListHeightController(SidebarView sidebarView)
            // Setup initial conditions.
            this.sidebarView = sidebarView;
            methodList = sidebarView.MethodList;
            divSidebarContent = sidebarView.Container.Children(CssSelectors.SidebarContent);
            events = Common.Events;

            // Wire up events.
            events.SelectedClassChanged += OnSelectedClassChanged;

            // Finish up.
        /// <summary>Constructor.</summary>
        public SidebarController()
            // Setup initial conditions.
            events = Common.Events;
            listRoot = new ListItem();
            view = Common.Shell.Sidebar;
            view.RootList.RootNode = listRoot;

            // Create child controllers.
            methodListController = new MethodListController();

            // Insert the 'Add Package' list-item.
            listRoot.AddChild(new CustomListItem(CustomListItemType.AddPackage));

            // Wire up events.
            listRoot.ChildSelectionChanged += OnChildSelectionChanged;
            events.AddPackage += OnAddPackageRequest;