/// <summary> /// The Destination Path /// </summary> public void BrowseDestination() { VistaSaveFileDialog dialog = new VistaSaveFileDialog { Filter = "mp4|*.mp4;*.m4v|mkv|*.mkv", AddExtension = true, OverwritePrompt = true, DefaultExt = ".mp4" }; dialog.ShowDialog(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dialog.FileName)) { switch (Path.GetExtension(dialog.FileName)) { case ".mkv": this.SelectedOutputFormat = OutputFormat.Mkv; break; case ".mp4": this.SelectedOutputFormat = OutputFormat.Mp4; break; case ".m4v": this.SelectedOutputFormat = OutputFormat.M4V; break; } this.Destination = dialog.FileName; this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CurrentTask); } }
public string GetFileSavePath(string title, string defaultExt, string filter) { if (VistaFileDialog.IsVistaFileDialogSupported) { var saveFileDialog = new VistaSaveFileDialog { Title = title, DefaultExt = defaultExt, CheckFileExists = false, RestoreDirectory = true, Filter = filter }; if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true) return saveFileDialog.FileName; } else { var ofd = new Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog { Title = title, DefaultExt = defaultExt, CheckFileExists = false, RestoreDirectory = true, Filter = filter }; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == true) return ofd.FileName; } return ""; }
public mainForm() { try { finishedLoading = false; activeOrInActiveMainForm = this; Program.Settings = Settings.LoadSettings(); Program.Settings.DirectoryList.Initialize(); InitializeComponent(); initFilesDataGridViewCheckAllCheckBox(); foldersListBox.DataSource = Program.Settings.DirectoryList.Directories; compileResultsDataGridView.DataSource = new List<Models.CompileCommandResult>(); folderBrowserDialog = new VistaFolderBrowserDialog(); outputFileDialog = new VistaSaveFileDialog() { AddExtension = true, Filter = "*.css|*.css" }; CheckForLessUpdates(); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.LogException(e); } }
public string GetFileSavePath(string title, string defaultExt, string filter) { if (VistaSaveFileDialog.IsVistaFileDialogSupported) { VistaSaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new VistaSaveFileDialog(); saveFileDialog.Title = title; saveFileDialog.DefaultExt = defaultExt; saveFileDialog.CheckFileExists = false; saveFileDialog.RestoreDirectory = true; saveFileDialog.Filter = filter; if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true) return saveFileDialog.FileName; } else { Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog ofd = new Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog(); ofd.Title = title; ofd.DefaultExt = defaultExt; ofd.CheckFileExists = false; ofd.RestoreDirectory = true; ofd.Filter = filter; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == true) return ofd.FileName; } return ""; }
public object GetPath(Security security, Type dataType, object arg, DateTime? from, DateTime? to, IMarketDataDrive drive) { var fileName = security.GetFileName(dataType, arg, from, to, ExportType); var dlg = new VistaSaveFileDialog { FileName = fileName, RestoreDirectory = true }; switch (ExportType) { case ExportTypes.Excel: dlg.Filter = @"xlsx files (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx|All files (*.*)|*.*"; break; case ExportTypes.Xml: dlg.Filter = @"xml files (*.xml)|*.xml|All files (*.*)|*.*"; break; case ExportTypes.Txt: dlg.Filter = @"text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"; break; case ExportTypes.Sql: { var wnd = new DatabaseConnectionWindow(); if (wnd.ShowModal(this)) { DatabaseConnectionCache.Instance.AddConnection(wnd.Connection); return wnd.Connection; } return null; } case ExportTypes.Bin: { var wndFolder = new VistaFolderBrowserDialog(); if (drive is LocalMarketDataDrive) wndFolder.SelectedPath = drive.Path; return wndFolder.ShowDialog(this.GetWindow()) == true ? DriveCache.Instance.GetDrive(wndFolder.SelectedPath) : null; } default: { new MessageBoxBuilder() .Error() .Owner(this) .Text(LocalizedStrings.Str2910Params.Put(ExportType)) .Show(); return null; } } return dlg.ShowDialog(this.GetWindow()) == true ? dlg.FileName : null; }
bool SaveProj() { if (!firstSaved || !File.Exists(FileName)) { var sfd = new VistaSaveFileDialog(); sfd.FileName = FileName; sfd.Filter = "ConfuserEx Projects (*.crproj)|*.crproj|All Files (*.*)|*.*"; sfd.DefaultExt = ".crproj"; sfd.AddExtension = true; if (!(sfd.ShowDialog(Application.Current.MainWindow) ?? false) || sfd.FileName == null) return false; FileName = sfd.FileName; } ConfuserProject proj = ((IViewModel<ConfuserProject>)Project).Model; proj.Save().Save(FileName); Project.IsModified = false; firstSaved = true; return true; }
public static bool TryFileSavePath(string dialogTitle, string filter, out string fileName) { var fileSelector = new VistaSaveFileDialog() { Title = dialogTitle, Filter = filter, DefaultExt = filter.Split('|').ElementAt(1).Replace("*", "") // It SHOULD be an extension method, so todo }; if (fileSelector.ShowDialog() == true) { fileName = fileSelector.FileName; return true; } else { fileName = string.Empty; return false; } }
/// <summary> /// The Destination Path /// </summary> public void BrowseDestination() { VistaSaveFileDialog dialog = new VistaSaveFileDialog { Filter = "mp4|*.mp4;*.m4v|mkv|*.mkv", AddExtension = true, OverwritePrompt = true, DefaultExt = ".mp4" }; dialog.ShowDialog(); this.CurrentTask.Destination = dialog.FileName; this.NotifyOfPropertyChange("CurrentTask"); this.SetExtension(Path.GetExtension(dialog.FileName)); }
private void ExecutedSaveCommand(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { var dlg = new VistaSaveFileDialog { RestoreDirectory = true, Filter = @"csharp files (*.cs)|*.cs|All files (*.*)|*.*", DefaultExt = "cs" }; if (dlg.ShowDialog(this.GetWindow()) == true) { File.WriteAllText(dlg.FileName, CodePanel.Code); } }
private async Task onSaveObjectAsExecute() { VistaSaveFileDialog sfd = new VistaSaveFileDialog { FileName = export.NameTableIndex.Name, DefaultExt = export.DomainObject.FileExtension, Filter = $"{export.DomainObject.FileTypeDesc}|*{export.DomainObject.FileExtension}", Title = "Save Object As..." }; bool? result = sfd.ShowDialog(); if (!result.HasValue || !result.Value) return; int compressor = menuViewModel.IsCompressorClusterFit ? 0 : menuViewModel.IsCompressorRangeFit ? 1 : 2; int errorMetric = menuViewModel.IsErrorMetricPerceptual ? 0 : 1; DdsSaveConfig config = new DdsSaveConfig(FileFormat.Unknown, compressor, errorMetric, menuViewModel.IsWeightColorByAlpha, false); await export.DomainObject.SaveObject(sfd.FileName, config); }
/// <summary> /// Export a Preset /// </summary> public void PresetExport() { VistaSaveFileDialog savefiledialog = new VistaSaveFileDialog { Filter = "plist|*.plist", CheckPathExists = true }; if (this.selectedPreset != null) { savefiledialog.ShowDialog(); string filename = savefiledialog.FileName; if (filename != null) { PlistUtility.Export(savefiledialog.FileName, this.selectedPreset, userSettingService.GetUserSetting<int>(ASUserSettingConstants.HandBrakeBuild).ToString()); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please select a preset.", "Presets", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); } }
private void btnSaveAs_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { VistaSaveFileDialog dialog = new VistaSaveFileDialog(); dialog.Title = "Save your translation as.."; dialog.Filter = "Xml files (*.xml)|*.xml|All files (*.*)|*.*"; dialog.OverwritePrompt = true; dialog.DefaultExt = "xml"; dialog.AddExtension = true; dialog.FileName = DestinationLanguage + ".xml"; if ((bool)dialog.ShowDialog()) { string file = dialog.FileName; Language destination = LanguageRepository.GetLanguage(DestinationLanguage); destination.Save(file); } }
/// <summary> /// Export the Queue to a file. /// </summary> public void Export() { VistaSaveFileDialog dialog = new VistaSaveFileDialog { Filter = "HandBrake Queue Files (*.hbq)|*.hbq", OverwritePrompt = true, DefaultExt = ".hbq", AddExtension = true }; dialog.ShowDialog(); this.queueProcessor.QueueManager.BackupQueue(dialog.FileName); }
/// <summary> /// Export a Preset /// </summary> public void PresetExport() { VistaSaveFileDialog savefiledialog = new VistaSaveFileDialog { Filter = "plist|*.plist", CheckPathExists = true, AddExtension = true, DefaultExt = ".plist", OverwritePrompt = true, FilterIndex = 0 }; if (this.selectedPreset != null) { savefiledialog.ShowDialog(); string filename = savefiledialog.FileName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { PlistUtility.Export( savefiledialog.FileName, this.selectedPreset, userSettingService.GetUserSetting<int>(ASUserSettingConstants.HandBrakeBuild) .ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please select a preset.", "Presets", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); } }
public BrowseSaveFileCommand(Action<string> actionOnExecute, Func<object, bool> executeFunc, string filter) : base(null, executeFunc) { m_saveAction = actionOnExecute; m_dialog = new VistaSaveFileDialog {Filter = filter, AddExtension = true}; }
private void ExecuteSaveLayoutCommand(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { var dlg = new VistaSaveFileDialog { Filter = LocalizedStrings.Str3584, DefaultExt = "xml", RestoreDirectory = true }; if (dlg.ShowDialog(Application.Current.GetActiveOrMainWindow()) != true) return; var cmd = new SaveLayoutCommand(); cmd.SyncProcess(SelectedStrategy); if (!cmd.Layout.IsEmpty()) File.WriteAllText(dlg.FileName, cmd.Layout); }
private void ExecutedOpenReportCommand(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { var type = (string)e.Parameter; var dlg = new VistaSaveFileDialog { Filter = LocalizedStrings.Str3591Params.Put(type), DefaultExt = type, RestoreDirectory = true, //AddExtension = false, }; if (dlg.ShowDialog(Application.Current.GetActiveOrMainWindow()) != true) return; var path = dlg.FileName; var strategies = SelectedStrategies ?? new[] { SelectedStrategy }; switch (type) { case "csv": new CsvStrategyReport(strategies, path).Generate(); break; case "xlsx": new ExcelStrategyReport(strategies, path).Generate(); break; case "xml": new XmlStrategyReport(strategies, path).Generate(); break; } path.OpenFile(); }
private void SetSourcePath() { VistaSaveFileDialog ofd = new VistaSaveFileDialog(); ofd.Filter = "All Files|*.*"; ofd.FileName = this.Item.SourcePath; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == false) return; this.Item.SourcePath = ofd.FileName; }
private void Save() { var dlg = new VistaSaveFileDialog { Filter = "Solution File (*.sln)|*.sln", AddExtension = true, DefaultExt = ".sln" }; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == true) { InternalSave(dlg.FileName); } }
/// <summary> /// Export the Queue to a file. /// </summary> public void Export() { VistaSaveFileDialog dialog = new VistaSaveFileDialog { Filter = "HandBrake Queue Files (*.hbq)|*.hbq"}; dialog.ShowDialog(); this.queueProcessor.QueueManager.BackupQueue(dialog.FileName); }
private async Task onExportHexViewExecute() { VistaSaveFileDialog sfd = new VistaSaveFileDialog { FileName = title, DefaultExt = ".txt", Filter = "Text Files|*.txt", Title = "Save Hex View As..." }; bool? result = sfd.ShowDialog(); if (!result.HasValue || !result.Value) return; StreamWriter stream = new StreamWriter(File.OpenWrite(sfd.FileName)); foreach(DomainHexData hexData in viewModel.HexData) { string line = $"0x{hexData.Index:X8} 0x{hexData.FileIndex:X8} {hexData.HexValues} {hexData.AsciiValues}"; await stream.WriteLineAsync(line); } await stream.FlushAsync(); stream.Close(); }
public string ShowSaveFileDialog( IWindow owner, bool addExtension, bool checkFileExists, bool checkPathExists, string defaultExt, bool dereferenceLinks, string filter, bool createPrompt, bool overwritePrompt, string title, string initialDirectory, out bool? result) { bool? tempresult = null; try { return ObservableObject.CurrentDispatcher.Invoke( () => { var dialog = new VistaSaveFileDialog { AddExtension = addExtension, CheckFileExists = checkFileExists, DefaultExt = defaultExt, DereferenceLinks = dereferenceLinks, Filter = filter, Title = title, CheckPathExists = checkPathExists, CreatePrompt = createPrompt, OverwritePrompt = overwritePrompt, InitialDirectory = initialDirectory }; TranslateDefaultExt(dialog); tempresult = owner != null ? dialog.ShowDialog( (Window) owner .TranslateForTechnology ()) : dialog.ShowDialog(); return tempresult == false ? null : dialog.FileName; }); } finally { result = tempresult; } }
public void Save() { var dlg = new VistaSaveFileDialog { Filter = "Solution File (*.sln)|*.sln", AddExtension = true, DefaultExt = ".sln" }; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == true) { new SaveSolutionCommand(_settings, dlg.FileName, _settings.VisualStudioVersion, this).Execute(); IsDirty = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Export a Preset /// </summary> public void PresetExport() { VistaSaveFileDialog savefiledialog = new VistaSaveFileDialog { Filter = "plist|*.plist", CheckPathExists = true }; if (this.selectedPreset != null) { savefiledialog.ShowDialog(); string filename = savefiledialog.FileName; if (filename != null) { PlistUtility.Export(savefiledialog.FileName, this.selectedPreset); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please select a preset.", "Presets", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); } }
/// <summary> /// Export a CSV file. /// </summary> public void Export() { var saveFileDialog = new VistaSaveFileDialog { Filter = "Csv File|*.csv", DefaultExt = "csv", CheckPathExists = true }; saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(saveFileDialog.FileName)) { this.ExportChaptersToCSV(saveFileDialog.FileName); } }
private void Save() { VistaSaveFileDialog dlg = new VistaSaveFileDialog(); dlg.Filter = "JaAnDoTilgung Project files (*.jtp)|*.jtp"; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == true) { string filename = dlg.FileName; Finanzierung finaToSave = null; if (this.OriginalFina != null) { finaToSave = this.OriginalFina; } else { finaToSave = this.Fina; } var serializer = new DataContractSerializer(finaToSave.GetType(), null, int.MaxValue, false, true, null); FileStream writer = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); serializer.WriteObject(writer, finaToSave); writer.Close(); } }
private void Save() { if (_fileName == null) { var dialog = new VistaSaveFileDialog { Filter = _filter }; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true) { _fileName = dialog.FileName; } else { return; } } using (FileStream fileStream = File.OpenWrite(_fileName)) { var bf = new BinaryFormatter(); bf.Serialize(fileStream, Board); } }
private void SaveAsTxt() { VistaSaveFileDialog dlg = new VistaSaveFileDialog(); dlg.Filter = "Text-files (*.txt)|*.txt"; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == true) { string filename = dlg.FileName; StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(filename); Finanzierung finaToSave = null; finaToSave = this.Fina; foreach (Darlehen dar in finaToSave.Quellen) { writer.WriteLine(String.Format("Tilgungsplan Darlehen {1} Summe {0}EUR", dar.Summe.ToString("F2"), dar.Bezeichnung)); foreach (Annuitaet ann in dar.Annuitaeten) { writer.WriteLine(String.Format( "{0} Darlehen: {1} EUR Tilgung: {2} EUR Zinsen: {3} EUR Annuität: {4} EUR" , ann.Zahlungsdatum.ToString() , ann.DarlehenssumeVorZahlung.ToString("F2").PadLeft(10) , ann.Gesamttilgung.ToString("F2").PadLeft(10) , ann.Zins.Zins.ToString("F2").PadLeft(10) , (ann.Gesamttilgung + ann.Zins.Zins).ToString("F2").PadLeft(10))); } } writer.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// The Destination Path /// </summary> public void BrowseDestination() { VistaSaveFileDialog dialog = new VistaSaveFileDialog { Filter = "mp4|*.mp4;*.m4v|mkv|*.mkv", AddExtension = true, OverwritePrompt = true, DefaultExt = ".mp4", }; if (this.CurrentTask != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CurrentTask.Destination)) { if (Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(this.CurrentTask.Destination))) { dialog.InitialDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(this.CurrentTask.Destination) + "\\"; dialog.FileName = Path.GetFileName(this.CurrentTask.Destination); } } dialog.ShowDialog(); this.Destination = dialog.FileName; // Set the Extension Dropdown. This will also set Mp4/m4v correctly. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dialog.FileName)) { switch (Path.GetExtension(dialog.FileName)) { case ".mkv": this.SelectedOutputFormat = OutputFormat.Mkv; break; case ".mp4": this.SelectedOutputFormat = OutputFormat.Mp4; break; case ".m4v": this.SelectedOutputFormat = OutputFormat.M4V; break; } this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CurrentTask); } }
/// <summary> /// The Destination Path /// </summary> public void BrowseDestination() { VistaSaveFileDialog dialog = new VistaSaveFileDialog { Filter = "MP4 File (*.mp4)|Mkv File(*.mkv)" }; dialog.ShowDialog(); dialog.AddExtension = true; this.CurrentTask.Destination = dialog.FileName; this.NotifyOfPropertyChange("CurrentTask"); }