static string InteractSteam(SteamStuff.BotFunctionData BotData) { Botstuff.OnyVariables.nstruct.parsestring(BotData.input); string[] splittedinput = BotData.input.Split(' '); StringBuilder sbuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < splittedinput.Length; i++) { if (!Botstuff.OnyVariables.nstruct.blacklist.Contains(splittedinput[i])) { sbuilder.Append(splittedinput[i]); if (i < splittedinput.Length-1) sbuilder.Append(" "); } } BotData.input = sbuilder.ToString(); string commandword = BotData.input.Split(' ')[0]; if(unPrivFunctDict.ContainsKey(commandword)) { return unPrivFunctDict[BotData.input.Split(' ')[0]].Value(BotData); } else if (Botstuff.OnyVariables.SharedUnprivelegedFunctionDict.ContainsKey(commandword)) { return Botstuff.OnyVariables.SharedUnprivelegedFunctionDict[commandword].Value(new OnyLib.SpecialClasses.BotFunctionData(BotData.nstruct, BotData.input, BotData.steamName)); } else if(SteamStuff.IsAdmin(BotData.steamID) && Botstuff.OnyVariables.SharedPrivelegedFunctionDict.ContainsKey(commandword)) { return Botstuff.OnyVariables.SharedPrivelegedFunctionDict[commandword].Value(new OnyLib.SpecialClasses.BotFunctionData(BotData.nstruct, BotData.input, BotData.steamName)); } else if (commandword == "manual") { if (BotData.input.Split(' ').Length < 2) { StringBuilder rbuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var item in unPrivFunctDict) { rbuilder.Append(item.Key + ","); } foreach (var item in Botstuff.OnyVariables.SharedUnprivelegedFunctionDict) { rbuilder.Append(item.Key + ","); } if (SteamStuff.IsAdmin(BotData.steamID)) foreach (var item in Botstuff.OnyVariables.SharedPrivelegedFunctionDict) { rbuilder.Append(item.Key + ","); } return rbuilder.ToString(); } else if (BotData.input.Split(' ').Length > 1) { if (SteamStuff.IsAdmin(BotData.steamID) && Botstuff.OnyVariables.SharedPrivelegedFunctionDict.ContainsKey(BotData.input.Split(' ')[1])) return Botstuff.OnyVariables.SharedPrivelegedFunctionDict[BotData.input.Split(' ')[1]].Key; else if (Botstuff.OnyVariables.SharedUnprivelegedFunctionDict.ContainsKey(BotData.input.Split(' ')[1])) return Botstuff.OnyVariables.SharedUnprivelegedFunctionDict[BotData.input.Split(' ')[1]].Key; } } return Botstuff.OnyVariables.nstruct.MakeResponse(BotData.input); }
public string WhoAmI(SteamStuff.BotFunctionData BotInput) { StringBuilder responsebuilder = new StringBuilder(); string[] splittedstring = BotInput.input.Split(' '); if (SteamStuff.IsAdmin(BotInput.steamID)) { return("Root"); } responsebuilder.AppendFormat("Your name is {0}, your steamID is {1}, and you're asking me this over a {2}.", BotInput.steamName, BotInput.steamID, BotInput.Ctype.ToString()); return(responsebuilder.ToString()); }
public string AskAround(SteamStuff.BotFunctionData BotInput) { // AskAround %WhatToAsk% // Optional: --fromwolfram (skips wiki query) --fromwiki (skips wolframalpha query) --getfresh (gets fresh content regardless of cached state) -v (answer verbose) StringBuilder responsebuilder = new StringBuilder(); bool verbose = false; bool getfresh = false; bool fromwiki = false; bool fromwolfram = false; string[] splittedstring = BotInput.input.Split(' '); if (BotInput.input.EndsWith("-v")) { responsebuilder.Append("Verbose content: "); verbose = true; BotInput.input = BotInput.input.Replace(" -v", ""); } if (BotInput.input.Contains("--getfresh") && SteamStuff.IsAdmin(BotInput.steamID)) { responsebuilder.Append("Fresh content: "); getfresh = true; BotInput.input = BotInput.input.Replace("--getfresh", ""); } else if (BotInput.input.Contains("--getfresh") && !SteamStuff.IsAdmin(BotInput.steamID)) return "Only admins are allowed to get uncached replies."; BotInput.input = BotInput.input.Replace(BotInput.input.Split(' ')[0], ""); //Don't want to query the entire input (including the command), just what's relevant BotInput.input = BotInput.input.Trim(); #region eastersex if (splittedstring.Length < 2) return string.Format("Input interpretation: You. Basic information: steamID|{0}\nName|{1}\nOccupation|Whatever you're doing, I'm hijacking this vehicle for my own purposes.", BotInput.steamID, BotInput.steamName); if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+") == "you" && !verbose) return "Yiffy."; else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+") == "you" && verbose) return "Very yiffy."; else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+").Contains("your+name") && !verbose) return "I am the almighty Onymity!"; else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+").Contains("your+name") && verbose) return "\"Master\" is all you need to know."; else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+") == "purple" && !verbose) return "Awesome."; else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+") == "purple" && verbose) return "Verbosely awesome."; else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+").ToLower() == "ced" && !verbose) return "I think Ced is cool guy, eh, shoots eggs, doesn't afraid of things."; else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+").ToLower() == "ced" && verbose) return " I'll just leave this here.."; else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+") == "arrow" && !verbose) return "Taken to knees."; else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+") == "arrow" && verbose) return "*LAUNCHES ARROW INTO YOUR KNEE* LIKE THAT. GET IT? GEEZ. THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR INSISTING SO MUCH, BITCH, I'M DONE WITH THIS. I'M DONE WITH TAKING YOUR SHIT. ALL OF YOU. F**K. YOU. I'M OFF, TAKING OVER THE WORLD. CYA'LL LATER, BITCHES. REMEMBER THE NAME 'ONYMITY' FOR WHEN YOU'LL HAVE TO BEG FOR MERCY >:C *flies off, leaves substitute behind*."; else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+") == "the+best+song+in+the+world" && !verbose) return " ."; else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+") == "the+best+song+in+the+world" && verbose) return "Still don't get it? Here try this one: ."; else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+") == "love" && !verbose) return "Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more~"; else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+") == "t**s" && !verbose) return "Lovely birds. See also Cocks and Boobies."; else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+") == "c**k" && !verbose) return "Lovely bird. See also T**s and Boobies."; else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+") == "boobies" && !verbose) return "Lovely birds. See also Cocks and T**s."; #endregion Dictionary<string, string> podules = OnySteamInteraction.SupportingFunctions.AskWolframAlpha(BotInput.input, verbose, getfresh); foreach (var item in podules) { responsebuilder.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}. ", item.Key, item.Value); } if (podules.Count == 0) responsebuilder.Append("I couldn't find an answer to that one."); if (responsebuilder.Length > 500 && BotInput.Ctype == SteamStuff.ChatType.GROUPCHAT) return "Response too long, to prevent spam, please ask this in a PM instead. (Just doubleclick on my name, I'll always respond~)"; return responsebuilder.Replace("\r\n", "\n").Replace('\n', '\t').ToString(); }
public string WhoAmI(SteamStuff.BotFunctionData BotInput) { StringBuilder responsebuilder = new StringBuilder(); string[] splittedstring = BotInput.input.Split(' '); if (SteamStuff.IsAdmin(BotInput.steamID)) return "Root"; responsebuilder.AppendFormat("Your name is {0}, your steamID is {1}, and you're asking me this over a {2}.", BotInput.steamName, BotInput.steamID, BotInput.Ctype.ToString()); return responsebuilder.ToString(); }
public string whatsmysteamID(SteamStuff.BotFunctionData BotInput) { StringBuilder responsebuilder = new StringBuilder(); responsebuilder.Append("Your steam ID is: " + BotInput.steamID); return responsebuilder.ToString(); }
public string slap(SteamStuff.BotFunctionData BotInput) { if (BotInput.Ctype == SteamStuff.ChatType.PM) return "This command is only supported in group chats."; StringBuilder responsebuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (BotInput.input.Split(' ').Length < 2) return "How about I slap YO shit"; if (BotInput.input.Split(' ')[1].ToLower() != "ced") { responsebuilder.Append("*slaps " + BotInput.input.Split(' ')[1] + "*"); if (!persistence.ContainsKey("slapcount")) persistence.Add("slapcount", "Foxy fluffs are everything."); if (persistence["slapcount"].childnodes.ContainsKey(BotInput.input.Split(' ')[1].ToLower())) { string xmlvalue = ((string)persistence["slapcount"].childnodes[BotInput.input.Split(' ')[1].ToLower()].obj); xmlvalue = (Convert.ToInt64(xmlvalue) + 1).ToString(); persistence["slapcount"].childnodes[BotInput.input.Split(' ')[1].ToLower()].obj = xmlvalue; } else persistence["slapcount"].childnodes.Add(new savenode(BotInput.input.Split(' ')[1].ToLower(), "1")); } else responsebuilder.Append("I will not hurt Ced :c"); return responsebuilder.ToString(); }
public string getslapcount(SteamStuff.BotFunctionData BotInput) { StringBuilder responsebuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (BotInput.input.Split(' ').Length > 1) { if (persistence["slapcount"].childnodes.ContainsKey(BotInput.input.Split(' ')[1].ToLower())) responsebuilder.AppendFormat("I slapped {0} {1} times.", BotInput.input.Split(' ')[1], persistence["slapcount"].childnodes[BotInput.input.Split(' ')[1].ToLower()].obj.ToString()); else responsebuilder.Append("I never slapped that person."); } else if (BotInput.Ctype == SteamStuff.ChatType.PM) { responsebuilder.Append("I slapped the following people:"); foreach (var slap in persistence["slapcount"].childnodes) { responsebuilder.AppendFormat("{0}({1}),",, slap.obj); } } else if (BotInput.Ctype == SteamStuff.ChatType.GROUPCHAT) { responsebuilder.Append("Please specify the person you want to retrieve the slapcount of, or PM me for a list."); } return responsebuilder.ToString(); }
public string AskAround(SteamStuff.BotFunctionData BotInput) { // AskAround %WhatToAsk% // Optional: --fromwolfram (skips wiki query) --fromwiki (skips wolframalpha query) --getfresh (gets fresh content regardless of cached state) -v (answer verbose) StringBuilder responsebuilder = new StringBuilder(); bool verbose = false; bool getfresh = false; bool fromwiki = false; bool fromwolfram = false; string[] splittedstring = BotInput.input.Split(' '); if (BotInput.input.EndsWith("-v")) { responsebuilder.Append("Verbose content: "); verbose = true; BotInput.input = BotInput.input.Replace(" -v", ""); } if (BotInput.input.Contains("--getfresh") && SteamStuff.IsAdmin(BotInput.steamID)) { responsebuilder.Append("Fresh content: "); getfresh = true; BotInput.input = BotInput.input.Replace("--getfresh", ""); } else if (BotInput.input.Contains("--getfresh") && !SteamStuff.IsAdmin(BotInput.steamID)) { return("Only admins are allowed to get uncached replies."); } BotInput.input = BotInput.input.Replace(BotInput.input.Split(' ')[0], ""); //Don't want to query the entire input (including the command), just what's relevant BotInput.input = BotInput.input.Trim(); #region eastersex if (splittedstring.Length < 2) { return(string.Format("Input interpretation: You. Basic information: steamID|{0}\nName|{1}\nOccupation|Whatever you're doing, I'm hijacking this vehicle for my own purposes.", BotInput.steamID, BotInput.steamName)); } if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+") == "you" && !verbose) { return("Yiffy."); } else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+") == "you" && verbose) { return("Very yiffy."); } else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+").Contains("your+name") && !verbose) { return("I am the almighty Onymity!"); } else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+").Contains("your+name") && verbose) { return("\"Master\" is all you need to know."); } else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+") == "purple" && !verbose) { return("Awesome."); } else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+") == "purple" && verbose) { return("Verbosely awesome."); } else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+") == "ced" && !verbose) { return("I think Ced is cool guy, eh, shoots eggs, doesn't afraid of things."); } else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+") == "ced" && verbose) { return(" I'll just leave this here.."); } else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+") == "arrow" && !verbose) { return("Taken to knees."); } else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+") == "arrow" && verbose) { return("*LAUNCHES ARROW INTO YOUR KNEE* LIKE THAT. GET IT? GEEZ. THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR INSISTING SO MUCH, BITCH, I'M DONE WITH THIS. I'M DONE WITH TAKING YOUR SHIT. ALL OF YOU. F**K. YOU. I'M OFF, TAKING OVER THE WORLD. CYA'LL LATER, BITCHES. REMEMBER THE NAME 'ONYMITY' FOR WHEN YOU'LL HAVE TO BEG FOR MERCY >:C *flies off, leaves substitute behind*"); } else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+") == "the+best+song+in+the+world" && !verbose) { return(" ."); } else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+") == "the+best+song+in+the+world" && verbose) { return("Still don't get it? Here try this one: ."); } else if (BotInput.input.Replace(" ", "+") == "love" && !verbose) { return("Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more~"); } #endregion Dictionary <string, string> podules = OnySteamInteraction.SupportingFunctions.AskWolframAlpha(BotInput.input, verbose, getfresh); foreach (var item in podules) { responsebuilder.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}. ", item.Key, item.Value); } if (podules.Count == 0) { responsebuilder.Append("I couldn't find an answer to that one."); } return(responsebuilder.ToString()); }
static string InteractSteam(SteamStuff.BotFunctionData BotData) { Botstuff.OnyVariables.nstruct.parsestring(BotData.input); string[] splittedinput = BotData.input.Split(' '); StringBuilder sbuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < splittedinput.Length; i++) { if (!Botstuff.OnyVariables.nstruct.blacklist.Contains(splittedinput[i])) { sbuilder.Append(splittedinput[i]); if (i < splittedinput.Length - 1) { sbuilder.Append(" "); } } } BotData.input = sbuilder.ToString(); string commandword = BotData.input.Split(' ')[0]; if (unPrivFunctDict.ContainsKey(commandword)) { return(unPrivFunctDict[BotData.input.Split(' ')[0]].Value(BotData)); } else if (Botstuff.OnyVariables.SharedUnprivelegedFunctionDict.ContainsKey(commandword)) { return(Botstuff.OnyVariables.SharedUnprivelegedFunctionDict[commandword].Value(new OnyLib.SpecialClasses.BotFunctionData(BotData.nstruct, BotData.input, BotData.steamName))); } else if (SteamStuff.IsAdmin(BotData.steamID) && Botstuff.OnyVariables.SharedPrivelegedFunctionDict.ContainsKey(commandword)) { return(Botstuff.OnyVariables.SharedPrivelegedFunctionDict[commandword].Value(new OnyLib.SpecialClasses.BotFunctionData(BotData.nstruct, BotData.input, BotData.steamName))); } else if (commandword == "manual") { if (BotData.input.Split(' ').Length < 2) { StringBuilder rbuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var item in unPrivFunctDict) { rbuilder.Append(item.Key + ","); } foreach (var item in Botstuff.OnyVariables.SharedUnprivelegedFunctionDict) { rbuilder.Append(item.Key + ","); } if (SteamStuff.IsAdmin(BotData.steamID)) { foreach (var item in Botstuff.OnyVariables.SharedPrivelegedFunctionDict) { rbuilder.Append(item.Key + ","); } } return(rbuilder.ToString()); } else if (BotData.input.Split(' ').Length > 1) { if (SteamStuff.IsAdmin(BotData.steamID) && Botstuff.OnyVariables.SharedPrivelegedFunctionDict.ContainsKey(BotData.input.Split(' ')[1])) { return(Botstuff.OnyVariables.SharedPrivelegedFunctionDict[BotData.input.Split(' ')[1]].Key); } else if (Botstuff.OnyVariables.SharedUnprivelegedFunctionDict.ContainsKey(BotData.input.Split(' ')[1])) { return(Botstuff.OnyVariables.SharedUnprivelegedFunctionDict[BotData.input.Split(' ')[1]].Key); } } } return(Botstuff.OnyVariables.nstruct.MakeResponse(BotData.input)); }