public ProcessIssue(Issue issue) { this.Issue = issue; var collection = new ObservableCollection<ProcessIssue>(); collection.CollectionChanged += (sender, args) => { switch (args.Action) { case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add: args.NewItems.OfType<ProcessIssue>() .ToList() .ForEach(i => i.Parent = this); break; case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove: args.NewItems.OfType<ProcessIssue>() .ToList() .ForEach(i => i.Parent = null); break; default: break; } }; Children = collection; }
public async Task when_task_list_link_doesnt_exists_then_adds_it_automatically() { var github = new Mock<IGitHubClient>(); var task = new Issue { Number = 1, Title = "Issue with story link", Body = "Story #2", }; github.SetupGet(repository, task); github.SetupGet(repository, new Issue { Number = 2, Title = "Story" }); var expectedLink = OctoHook.Properties.Strings.FormatTask(" ", "#" + task.Number, task.Title); var linker = new AutoTask(github.Object); await linker.ProcessAsync(new Octokit.Events.IssuesEvent { Action = IssuesEvent.IssueAction.Opened, Issue = task, Repository = repository, Sender = repository.Owner }); github.Verify(x => x.Issue.Update(repository.Owner.Login, repository.Name, 2, It.Is<IssueUpdate>(u => u.Body.Contains(expectedLink)))); }
public AddCommentViewModel() { _issue = GitHubApi.Issue; CloseIssueCommand = new RelayCommand(OnCloseIssue, p => CanCloseIssue()); CommentCommand = new RelayCommand(OnCommentOnIssue, p => CanCommentOnIssue()); }
public async Task when_octohook_header_doesnt_exists_then_adds_it_automatically() { var github = new Mock<IGitHubClient>(); var task = new Issue { Number = 1, Title = "Issue with story link", Body = "Story #2", }; github.SetupGet(repository, task); github.SetupGet(repository, new Issue { Number = 2, Title = "Story" }); var linker = new AutoTask(github.Object); await linker.ProcessAsync(new Octokit.Events.IssuesEvent { Action = IssuesEvent.IssueAction.Opened, Issue = task, Repository = repository, Sender = repository.Owner }); github.Verify(x => x.Issue.Update(repository.Owner.Login, repository.Name, 2, It.Is<IssueUpdate>(u => u.Body.Contains(AutoTask.header)))); }
public static void HandleIssue(Octokit.Issue issue, long repo) { HandleUser(issue.User); bool IsSame(Issue i) { return(i.Number == issue.Number && i.Repository == repo); } using (var db = new RFCContext()) { var existing = db.Issues.Where(IsSame).FirstOrDefault(); if (existing != null) { db.Entry(existing).CurrentValues.SetValues(issue.ToDBIssue(existing, repo)); } else { existing = new Issue(); issue.ToDBIssue(existing, repo); db.Issues.Add(existing); } db.SaveChanges(); } }
public IssueDrop(Issue issue, IEnumerable<string> excludedLabels) { Number = issue.Number; Title = issue.Title; Url = issue.HtmlUrl; Labels = issue.Labels.Where(label => !label.MatchesAny(excludedLabels)) .Select(label => label.Name).ToArray(); }
public void ShouldConvertEmptyIssueToModel() { var issue = new Octokit.Issue(); var result = issue.ToModel(); result.Should().NotBeNull(); }
public bool? ShowModal() { _issue = new Issue(null, null, _issue.Number, ItemState.Open, "new title", "new body", null, null, null, null, 1, null, null, DateTimeOffset.Now, null); var api = Factory.Get<GitHubApiBase>(); api.Issue = _issue; return true; }
protected override bool IssueFilter(Issue issue) { if (Filter == null) return base.IssueFilter(issue); if (Filter.IssueState == IssueState.Open) return base.IssueFilter(issue) && issue.State == ItemState.Open; if (Filter.IssueState == IssueState.Closed) return base.IssueFilter(issue) && issue.State == ItemState.Closed; return base.IssueFilter(issue); }
public IssueEvent(int id, Uri url, User actor, User assignee, Label label, EventInfoState @event, string commitId, DateTimeOffset createdAt, Issue issue) { Id = id; Url = url; Actor = actor; Assignee = assignee; Label = label; Event = @event; CommitId = commitId; CreatedAt = createdAt; Issue = issue; }
private void LoadAssigneesAndSetIssueAssignee(Issue issue) { LoadAssignees(); if (GitHubApi.Repository != null) { if (issue != null && issue.Assignee != null) { SetAssignee(issue.Assignee); } } }
private string PredictLabel(Octokit.Issue issue) { var corefxIssue = new GitHubIssue { ID = issue.Number.ToString(), Title = issue.Title, Description = issue.Body }; var predictedLabel = Predict(corefxIssue); return(predictedLabel); }
private FullPrediction[] PredictLabels(Octokit.Issue issue) { var corefxIssue = new GitHubIssue { ID = issue.Number.ToString(), Title = issue.Title, Description = issue.Body }; _fullPredictions = Predict(corefxIssue); return(_fullPredictions); }
void ValidateNeedsLabels(Issue issue, ValidationErrors validationErrors, Repository repository) { var lastActivityOnIssue = issue.UpdatedAt; //todo: does this include comments? if (issue.Labels.Any(l => l.Name == "Type: Bug") && !issue.Labels.Any(l => l.Name.StartsWith("Needs:"))) { if (lastActivityOnIssue < DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-3)) { validationErrors.Add(new ValidationError { Reason = "This bug doesn't seem to be triaged, use one of the `Needs: X` labels to remember what the next steps are", Issue = issue, Repository = repository }); } return; } if (issue.Labels.Any(l => l.Name == "Needs: Triage") && lastActivityOnIssue < DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-3)) { validationErrors.Add(new ValidationError { Reason = "Issue needs triage but hasn't been updated for 3 days", Issue = issue, Repository = repository }); } if (issue.Labels.Any(l => l.Name == "Needs: Reproduction") && lastActivityOnIssue < DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-7)) { validationErrors.Add(new ValidationError { Reason = "Issue needs a repro but hasn't been touched in the last 7 days", Issue = issue, Repository = repository }); } if (issue.Labels.Any(l => l.Name == "Needs: Scheduling") && lastActivityOnIssue < DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-3)) { validationErrors.Add(new ValidationError { Reason = "Issue needs scheduling but hasn't been touched in the last 3 months", Issue = issue, Repository = repository }); } }
internal static GitHubIssueKey GetIssueKey(this Octokit.Issue issue) { var regex = new Regex(@"[\w\d-]+)/([\w\d-]+)/issues/\d+"); var match = regex.Match(issue.HtmlUrl.ToString()); if (!match.Success) { throw new Exception("Cannot parse GitHub issue URL"); } return(new GitHubIssueKey( match.Groups[1].Value, match.Groups[2].Value, issue.Number)); }
private async void LoadAssignees(Issue issue) { if (GitHubApi.Repository != null) { IReadOnlyList <User> assignees = await GitHubApi.GetAssignees(_repository); foreach (var assignee in assignees) { Assignees.Add(assignee); } if (issue != null && issue.Assignee != null) { SetAssignee(issue.Assignee); } } }
internal IssueItemViewModel(Issue issue) { var isPullRequest = issue.PullRequest != null && issue.PullRequest.HtmlUrl != null; var s1 = issue.Url.AbsolutePath.Substring(issue.Url.AbsolutePath.IndexOf("/repos/", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 7); var repoId = new RepositoryIdentifier(s1.Substring(0, s1.IndexOf("/issues", StringComparison.Ordinal))); RepositoryFullName = repoId.Owner + "/" + repoId.Name; RepositoryName = repoId.Name; RepositoryOwner = repoId.Owner; IsPullRequest = isPullRequest; Title = issue.Title; Number = issue.Number; State = issue.State.ToString(); Comments = issue.Comments; Assignee = issue.Assignee != null ? issue.Assignee.Login : "******"; UpdatedAt = issue.UpdatedAt ?? DateTimeOffset.Now; GoToCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(); }
PullRequestView GetNewPullRequestView(Octokit.Issue request) { var repositoryName = request.PullRequest.HtmlUrl.Segments[2].TrimEnd('/'); var newRequest = new PullRequestView() { RepoName = repositoryName, Title = request.Title, Id = request.Number, Created = request.CreatedAt, Updated = request.UpdatedAt.GetValueOrDefault(), State = request.State, Developer = request.User.Login, JiraIssues = GetJiraIssues(request, repositoryName), //TODO: Get Commits, Comments, etc? Tag = request }; return(newRequest); }
public static Issue ToDBIssue(this Octokit.Issue issue, Issue inIssue, long repo) { inIssue.Assignee = issue.Assignee?.Id; inIssue.Body = issue.Body; inIssue.ClosedAt = issue.ClosedAt; inIssue.CreatedAt = issue.CreatedAt; inIssue.IsPullRequest = issue.PullRequest != null; inIssue.Labels = issue.Labels.Select(x => x.Name).ToList(); inIssue.Locked = issue.Locked; inIssue.Number = issue.Number; inIssue.Open = issue.State.Value == ItemState.Open; inIssue.Title = issue.Title; inIssue.UpdatedAt = issue.UpdatedAt; inIssue.User = (int)(issue.User?.Id); inIssue.Repository = repo; return(inIssue); }
async Task <PullRequestView> UpdateCommits(Octokit.Issue request, PullRequestView pullRequest, string sha) { var commitTask = await Client.Repository.Commit.Get(_owner, pullRequest.RepoName, sha); if (null != commitTask) { pullRequest.Commits.Add(commitTask); pullRequest.HasDbUpgrade = commitTask.Files.Any(f => f.Filename.Contains("AdvUpgrade")); pullRequest.HasBuildScriptChange = commitTask.Files.Any(f => f.Filename.Contains("build.ps1")); pullRequest.Files = commitTask.Files.Select(f => f.Filename).ToList(); var advantagePatchBuilder = new PullRequestAssembyHelper(pullRequest, "rroberts"); pullRequest.AssembliesChanged = advantagePatchBuilder.AssemblyFiles; } return(pullRequest); }
// TODO add lambda to remove repetetive logic in this class // -> call and pass a lambda calls create, and if fails remake and call it again. public async Task <Octokit.Issue> GetIssue(string owner, string repo, int number) { if (_client == null) { _client = await _gitHubClientFactory.CreateAsync(_skipAzureKeyVault); } Octokit.Issue iop = null; try { iop = await _client.Issue.Get(owner, repo, number); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError($"ex was of type {ex.GetType()}, message: {ex.Message}"); _client = await _gitHubClientFactory.CreateAsync(_skipAzureKeyVault); iop = await _client.Issue.Get(owner, repo, number); } return(iop); }
async Task <PullRequestView> GetPullRequestDetails(Octokit.Issue request, PullRequestView pullRequest) { var pullRequestDetails = await Client.Repository.PullRequest.Get(_owner, pullRequest.RepoName, pullRequest.Id); pullRequest.Branch = pullRequestDetails.Base.Ref; pullRequest.RepoBranch = BranchVersionHelper.Map.GetRepoBranch(pullRequest.Branch); if (null != pullRequest.RepoBranch) { pullRequest.Version = pullRequest.RepoBranch.Version; } pullRequest.Mergeable = pullRequestDetails.Mergeable; pullRequest.Merged = pullRequestDetails.Merged; pullRequest.ChangedFileCount = pullRequestDetails.ChangedFiles; pullRequest.State = pullRequestDetails.State; pullRequest.CommitCount = pullRequestDetails.Commits; pullRequest.JiraIssues = GetJiraIssues(request, pullRequest.RepoName); pullRequest = await UpdateCommits(request, pullRequest, pullRequestDetails.Head.Sha); return(pullRequest); }
IList <Atlassian.Jira.Issue> GetJiraIssues(Octokit.Issue request, string repoName) { var jiraIssues = new List <Atlassian.Jira.Issue>(); string titleAndBody = String.Empty; if (request.Title.Contains("…")) { titleAndBody = request.Title.Replace("…", ""); } else { titleAndBody = request.Title; } if (request.Body.Contains("…")) { titleAndBody += request.Body.Replace("…", ""); } else { titleAndBody += request.Body; } var jiraIssueNumbers = GetJiraIssueNumbers(titleAndBody); foreach (var jiraIssueNumber in jiraIssueNumbers) { try { var jiraIssue = JiraHelper.GetJiraIssueByKey(jiraIssueNumber); if (null != jiraIssue) { jiraIssues.Add(jiraIssue); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Exception reading JIRA issue with key " + jiraIssueNumber + ": " + ex.ToString()); } } return(jiraIssues); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the issue to add/edit. If null, we are adding, if set, we edit /// </summary> /// <param name="issue">The issue.</param> public void SetIssue(Issue issue) { LoadAssignees(issue); if (issue == null) { return; } _issueNumber = issue.Number; Title = issue.Title; Body = issue.Body; Assignee = issue.Assignee; if (issue.Labels != null) { foreach (var label in issue.Labels) { AddLabel(label); } } SetMilestone(issue.Milestone); }
public void when_processing_issue_other_links_then_updates_with_story_link_from_prefix() { var github = new Mock<IGitHubClient>(MockBehavior.Strict); var task = new Issue { Number = 1, Title = "[ui] Issue with story prefix", Body = "An issue with an existing issue #2 link", Labels = new[] { new Label { Name = "Task" } } }; github.SetupGet(repository, task); github.SetupGet(repository, new Issue { Number = 2, Labels = new List<Label>() }); github.SetupSearch(new Issue { Number = 3, Title = "[ui] Story" }); var linker = new AutoLink(github.Object); var update = new IssueUpdate(); var updated = linker.Process(new Octokit.Events.IssuesEvent { Action = IssuesEvent.IssueAction.Opened, Issue = task, Repository = repository, Sender = repository.Owner, }, update); Assert.True(updated); Assert.True(update.Body.Contains("#3")); }
private IssueItemViewModel CreateItemViewModel(Issue issue) { var item = new IssueItemViewModel(issue); if (item.IsPullRequest) { item.GoToCommand.Subscribe(_ => { var vm = this.CreateViewModel<PullRequestViewModel>(); vm.Init(item.RepositoryOwner, item.RepositoryName, item.Number, issue: issue); vm.IssueUpdated.Subscribe(x => UpdateIssue(x)); NavigateTo(vm); }); } else { item.GoToCommand.Subscribe(_ => { var vm = this.CreateViewModel<IssueViewModel>(); vm.Init(item.RepositoryOwner, item.RepositoryName, item.Number, issue); vm.IssueUpdated.Subscribe(x => UpdateIssue(x)); NavigateTo(vm); }); } return item; }
public override async void AddComment(Issue issue, string comment) { if (Repository == null) return; try { var newComment = await _github.Issue.Comment.Create(Repository.Repository.Owner.Login, Repository.Repository.Name, issue.Number, comment); // Append the current comment AppendComments(new[] { newComment }); } catch ( Exception exception ) { _log.Write(LogLevel.Error, "Failed to add comment to issue.", exception ); } }
public override async void CloseIssue(Issue issue, string comment) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(comment)) AddComment(issue, comment); if (Repository == null) return; var update = new IssueUpdate(); update.State = ItemState.Closed; try { var updatedIssue = await _github.Issue.Update(Repository.Repository.Owner.Login, Repository.Repository.Name, issue.Number, update); if (updatedIssue.State == ItemState.Closed) { AllIssues.Remove(issue); Issue = null; IssueMarkdown = string.Empty; } } catch ( Exception exception ) { _log.Write(LogLevel.Error, "Failed to update issue.", exception ); } }
static void CheckForValidLabels(Issue issue) { var count = issue.Labels.Count(l => l.Name == "Bug" || l.Name == "Internal refactoring" || l.Name == "Feature" || l.Name == "Improvement"); if (count != 1) { var message = string.Format("Bad Issue {0} expected to find a single label with either 'Bug', 'Internal refactoring', 'Improvement' or 'Feature'.", issue.HtmlUrl); throw new Exception(message); } }
protected override async void GetComments(Issue issue) { if (issue == null) return; IssueMarkdown = issue.Body; if (issue.Comments == 0 || Repository == null) return; try { IReadOnlyList<IssueComment> comments = await _github.Issue.Comment.GetAllForIssue(Repository.Repository.Owner.Login, Repository.Repository.Name, issue.Number); AppendComments(comments); } catch ( Exception exception ) { _log.Write( LogLevel.Error, "Failed to fetch comments for issue.", exception ); } }
protected override void GetComments(Issue issue) { IssueMarkdown += "\r\nComment"; }
public PullRequestViewModel Init(string repositoryOwner, string repositoryName, int id, PullRequest pullRequest = null, Issue issue = null) { RepositoryOwner = repositoryOwner; RepositoryName = repositoryName; Id = id; PullRequest = pullRequest; Issue = issue; return this; }
public abstract void AddComment(Issue issue, string comment);
public override void SaveIssue(Repository repository, NewIssue newIssue) { var issue = new Issue(null, null, 69, ItemState.Open, newIssue.Title, newIssue.Body, null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, DateTimeOffset.Now, null); AllIssues.Add(issue); Issue = issue; }
public override void CloseIssue(Issue issue, string comment) { AddComment(issue, comment); Issue = new Issue(null, null, Issue.Number, ItemState.Closed, Issue.Title, Issue.Body, null, null, null, null, 1, null, null, Issue.CreatedAt, null); //issue.State = ItemState.Closed; }
/// <summary> /// Export PullRequest To XML /// </summary> /// <param name="items"></param> public async void ExportPullRequestToXML(IReadOnlyList <TItem> items) { #region Pull Requests with More than One Issues var project = "joda-time"; var path = "JodaOrg"; XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load("C:\\PhD\\Workbrench\\GitHub_NeturalNetworks\\Datasets\\PullRequests" + project + ".xml"); XmlNode rootNode = xmlDoc["PullRequests"]; foreach (var item in items) { Octokit.Issue m = item as Octokit.Issue; /*Checked it is not robot,check issue is mentioned in pullrequest*/ if (m != null) { XmlNode PullRequestNode = xmlDoc.CreateElement("PullRequest"); XmlElement elemID = xmlDoc.CreateElement("IssueID"); elemID.InnerText = m.Number.ToString(); PullRequestNode.AppendChild(elemID); XmlElement elemRepoID = xmlDoc.CreateElement("RepoID"); elemRepoID.InnerText = project; PullRequestNode.AppendChild(elemRepoID); XmlElement elemFixedByID = xmlDoc.CreateElement("FixedByID"); elemFixedByID.InnerText = m.User.Login; PullRequestNode.AppendChild(elemFixedByID); XmlElement elemTitle = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Title"); elemTitle.InnerText = RemoveSpecialCharacters(m.Title?.ToString()); PullRequestNode.AppendChild(elemTitle); XmlElement elemDescription = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Description"); //elemDescription.InnerText = RemoveSpecialCharacters(m.Body?.ToString()); elemDescription.InnerText = m.Body?.ToString(); PullRequestNode.AppendChild(elemDescription); XmlElement elemOpenedAt = xmlDoc.CreateElement("CreatedDate"); elemOpenedAt.InnerText = m.CreatedAt.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); PullRequestNode.AppendChild(elemOpenedAt); XmlElement elemClosedAt = xmlDoc.CreateElement("ClosedDate"); elemClosedAt.InnerText = m.ClosedAt?.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); PullRequestNode.AppendChild(elemClosedAt); XmlElement pullrequestLabels = xmlDoc.CreateElement("PullRequestLabels"); foreach (var _label in m.Labels) { XmlElement label = xmlDoc.CreateElement("PullRequestLabel"); label.InnerText = _label.Name; pullrequestLabels.AppendChild(label); } PullRequestNode.AppendChild(pullrequestLabels); var issues = HasIssueNo(m.Body?.ToString()); if (issues != null && issues.Count() > 0) { /*Get Issue List*/ XmlElement IssuesNodes = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Issues"); foreach (var issue in issues) { var _tempissue = MainForm.GetIssue(path, project, Convert.ToInt32(issue.Replace("#", ""))); if (!_tempissue.IsCompleted) { var tempIssue = await _tempissue.ConfigureAwait(false); Octokit.Issue _issue = tempIssue as Octokit.Issue; /*Get Only Class File (*.cs)*/ if (_issue != null) { XmlElement IssuesNode = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Issue"); if (_issue.Labels != null && _issue.Labels.Count() > 0) { XmlElement issue_RepoID = xmlDoc.CreateElement("RepoID"); issue_RepoID.InnerText = project; IssuesNode.AppendChild(issue_RepoID); XmlElement parent_IssueID = xmlDoc.CreateElement("PullRequestID"); parent_IssueID.InnerText = m.Number.ToString(); IssuesNode.AppendChild(parent_IssueID); XmlElement issueID = xmlDoc.CreateElement("IssueID"); issueID.InnerText = _issue.Number.ToString(); IssuesNode.AppendChild(issueID); XmlElement issueTitle = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Title"); issueTitle.InnerText = _issue.Title?.ToString(); IssuesNode.AppendChild(issueTitle); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_issue.Body)) { XmlElement issueDescription = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Description"); issueDescription.InnerText = _issue.Body; var codeblockcount = Regex.Matches(issueDescription.InnerText, "```").Count; if (codeblockcount > 1) { /*Remove Code from Description*/ var noofcodeblock = codeblockcount / 2; for (int i = 0; i <= noofcodeblock; i++) { var _valueD = issueDescription.InnerText; int startIndex_D = _valueD.IndexOf("```"); int endIndex_D = _valueD.LastIndexOf("```"); int length_D = endIndex_D - startIndex_D + 1; if (startIndex_D > -1 && endIndex_D > -1) { _valueD = _valueD.Remove(startIndex_D, length_D); issueDescription.InnerText = _valueD; } } XmlElement issueCode = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Code"); string tempdata = _issue.Body?.ToString(); /*Extract Code -- if csharp exist*/ for (int i = 0; i <= noofcodeblock; i++) { /*Extract Code from Description*/ var _valueDCode = tempdata; int startIndex_DCode = _valueDCode.IndexOf("```"); int endIndex_DCode = _valueDCode.LastIndexOf("```"); int length_DCode = endIndex_DCode - startIndex_DCode + 1; if (startIndex_DCode > -1 && endIndex_DCode > -1) { _valueDCode = _valueDCode.Substring(startIndex_DCode, length_DCode); if (_valueDCode.Contains("csharp") || _valueDCode.Contains("c#") || _valueDCode.Contains("cs") || _valueDCode.Contains("java")) { issueCode.InnerText = issueCode.InnerText + _valueDCode; } tempdata = tempdata.Remove(startIndex_DCode, length_DCode); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(issueCode.InnerText)) { issueCode.InnerText = issueCode.InnerText.Replace("```", string.Empty); issueCode.InnerText = issueCode.InnerText.Replace(">", ">"); issueCode.InnerText = issueCode.InnerText.Replace("<", "<"); IssuesNode.AppendChild(issueCode); } } issueDescription.InnerText = Regex.Replace(issueDescription.InnerText, @"http[^\s]+", ""); /*Removed URL*/ issueDescription.InnerText = Regex.Replace(issueDescription.InnerText, @"(?<!\r)\n", String.Empty); /*Removed line Break*/ //issueDescription.InnerText = RemoveSpecialCharacters(issueDescription.InnerText issueDescription.InnerText = issueDescription.InnerText; IssuesNode.AppendChild(issueDescription); } XmlElement issueOpenedAt = xmlDoc.CreateElement("CreatedDate"); issueOpenedAt.InnerText = _issue.CreatedAt.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); IssuesNode.AppendChild(issueOpenedAt); XmlElement issueClosedAt = xmlDoc.CreateElement("ClosedDate"); issueClosedAt.InnerText = _issue.ClosedAt?.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); IssuesNode.AppendChild(issueClosedAt); XmlElement issueLabels = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Labels"); foreach (var _label in _issue.Labels) { XmlElement label = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Label"); label.InnerText = _label.Name; issueLabels.AppendChild(label); } IssuesNode.AppendChild(issueLabels); /*Add to Parent Issue*/ IssuesNodes.AppendChild(IssuesNode); } } } } PullRequestNode.AppendChild(IssuesNodes); rootNode.AppendChild(PullRequestNode); ///*Get File List*/ //var files = MainForm.GetPullRequestFiles(path, project, Convert.ToInt32(m.Number)); //if (!files.IsCompleted) //{ // var tempFiles = await files.ConfigureAwait(false); // IReadOnlyList<PullRequestFile> _Files = tempFiles as IReadOnlyList<PullRequestFile>; // /*Get Only Class File (*.cs)*/ // if (_Files != null && _Files.Count() > 0 && _Files.Where(x => x.FileName.EndsWith(".cs")).Any()) // { // _Files = _Files.Where(x => x.FileName.EndsWith(".cs")).ToList(); // XmlElement FilesNode = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Files"); // XmlElement parent_FileID = xmlDoc.CreateElement("PullRequestID"); // parent_FileID.InnerText = m.Number.ToString(); // XmlElement File_RepoID = xmlDoc.CreateElement("RepoID"); // File_RepoID.InnerText = project; // FilesNode.AppendChild(File_RepoID); // FilesNode.AppendChild(parent_FileID); // foreach (var file in _Files) // { // if (file != null) // { // XmlElement File = xmlDoc.CreateElement("File"); // File.InnerText = file.FileName; // FilesNode.AppendChild(File); // } // } // PullRequestNode.AppendChild(FilesNode); // rootNode.AppendChild(PullRequestNode); // } //} } } } xmlDoc.Save("C:\\PhD\\Workbrench\\GitHub_NeturalNetworks\\Datasets\\PullRequests" + project + ".xml"); #endregion Pull Requests with More than One Issues }
/// <summary> /// Sets the issue to add/edit. If null, we are adding, if set, we edit /// </summary> /// <param name="issue">The issue.</param> public void SetIssue(Octokit.Issue issue) { _gitHubViewModel.SetIssue(issue); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the issue to add/edit /// </summary> /// <param name="issue">The issue.</param> public void SetIssue(Issue issue) { _issue = issue ?? new Issue(); }
public Issue(Octokit.Issue issue) : base(issue.Title, issue.HtmlUrl) { AssignedTo = issue.Assignee?.Login; Milestone = issue.Milestone?.Title; }
public IssueEvent(int id, string nodeId, string url, User actor, User assignee, Label label, EventInfoState @event, string commitId, DateTimeOffset createdAt, Issue issue, string commitUrl) { Id = id; NodeId = nodeId; Url = url; Actor = actor; Assignee = assignee; Label = label; Event = @event; CommitId = commitId; CreatedAt = createdAt; Issue = issue; CommitUrl = commitUrl; }
public abstract void CloseIssue(Issue issue, string comment);
public override void GetIssues() { var issue = new Issue(null, null, 1, ItemState.Open, "title", "##body##", new User("", null, null, 1, null, DateTimeOffset.Now, 1, "*****@*****.**", 1, 1, true, null, 1, 1, null, "user", "name", 1, null, 0, 0, 0, null, false), null, null, null, 1, null, null, DateTimeOffset.Now, null); AllIssues.Add(issue); Issue = issue; IssueMarkdown = issue.Body; }
protected abstract void GetComments(Issue issue);
public override void UpdateIssue(Repository repository, int id, IssueUpdate update) { Issue = new Issue(null, null, id, ItemState.Open, update.Title, update.Body, null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, DateTimeOffset.Now, null ); }
public void SetUp() { var cache = new Mock<ICache>().Object; _moq = new Mock<GitHubApiBase>(cache); _api = _moq.Object; _label = new Label(null, "One", ""); _milestone = new Milestone(null, 1, ItemState.All, "1.0", "", null, 1, 1, DateTimeOffset.Now, null, null); _issue = new Issue(null, null, null, 1, ItemState.Open, "Title one", "Body one", null, new List<Label>(new[] {_label}), null, _milestone, 1, null, null, DateTimeOffset.Now, null); _api.AllIssues.Add(_issue); var issue2 = new Issue(null, null, null, 2, ItemState.Open, "Two", "Two", null, new List<Label>(), null, new Milestone(null, 2, ItemState.All, "2.0", "", null, 1, 1, DateTimeOffset.Now, null, null), 1, null, null, DateTimeOffset.Now, null); _api.AllIssues.Add(issue2); var issue3 = new Issue(null, null, null, 3, ItemState.Open, "Three", "Three", null, new List<Label>(), null, null, 1, null, null, DateTimeOffset.Now, null); _api.AllIssues.Add(issue3); }
public override void AddComment(Issue issue, string comment) { IssueMarkdown += comment; }
private void CheckForValidLabels(Issue issue) { var count = this.configuration.IssueLabelsInclude.Sum(issueLabel => issue.Labels.Count(l => l.Name.ToUpperInvariant() == issueLabel.ToUpperInvariant())); if (count != 1) { var allIssueLabels = this.configuration.IssueLabelsInclude.Union(this.configuration.IssueLabelsExclude).ToList(); var allIssuesExceptLast = allIssueLabels.Take(allIssueLabels.Count - 1); var lastLabel = allIssueLabels.Last(); var allIssuesExceptLastString = string.Join(", ", allIssuesExceptLast); var message = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Bad Issue {0} expected to find a single label with either {1} or {2}.", issue.HtmlUrl, allIssuesExceptLastString, lastLabel); throw new InvalidOperationException(message); } }
private async Task UpdateIssueLabelsAsync(PortingInfo ruleToPort, Issue existingIssue) { var existingLabelNames = new Collection<string>(existingIssue.Labels.Select(label => label.Name).ToList()); var labelNamesToAdd = new Collection<string>(); var labelNamesToRemove = new Collection<string>(); AddLabel(FxCopPortLabel, labelNamesToAdd, existingLabelNames); if (ruleToPort.Soon) { AddLabel(UrgencySoonLabel, labelNamesToAdd, existingLabelNames); } else { RemoveLabel(UrgencySoonLabel, labelNamesToRemove, existingLabelNames); } switch (ruleToPort.Disposition) { case Disposition.NeedsReview: AddLabel(NeedsReviewLabel, labelNamesToAdd, existingLabelNames); RemoveLabel(CutLabel, labelNamesToRemove, existingLabelNames); RemoveLabel(PortedLabel, labelNamesToRemove, existingLabelNames); break; case Disposition.Port: RemoveLabel(NeedsReviewLabel, labelNamesToRemove, existingLabelNames); RemoveLabel(CutLabel, labelNamesToRemove, existingLabelNames); RemoveLabel(PortedLabel, labelNamesToRemove, existingLabelNames); break; case Disposition.Cut: AddLabel(CutLabel, labelNamesToAdd, existingLabelNames); RemoveLabel(NeedsReviewLabel, labelNamesToRemove, existingLabelNames); RemoveLabel(PortedLabel, labelNamesToRemove, existingLabelNames); break; case Disposition.Ported: AddLabel(PortedLabel, labelNamesToAdd, existingLabelNames); RemoveLabel(CutLabel, labelNamesToRemove, existingLabelNames); RemoveLabel(NeedsReviewLabel, labelNamesToRemove, existingLabelNames); break; } RemoveAreaLabels(existingLabelNames, labelNamesToRemove); AddAreaLabel(ruleToPort, labelNamesToAdd); if (_options.DryRun) { _log.Info(Resources.InfoDryRunLabelsNotUpdated); } else { if (labelNamesToAdd.Any()) { await _issuesLabelsClient.AddToIssue( _options.RepoOwner, _options.RepoName, existingIssue.Number, labelNamesToAdd.ToArray()); } // Take care not to remove any labels we've just added. // // For some reason the "Remove" API doesn't take an array. foreach (string labelName in labelNamesToRemove.Except(labelNamesToAdd)) { await _issuesLabelsClient.RemoveFromIssue( _options.RepoOwner, _options.RepoName, existingIssue.Number, labelName); } } }
private async Task ProcessBuildNotificationsAsync(Build build) { const string fullBranchPrefix = "refs/heads/"; foreach (var monitor in _options.Value.Monitor.Builds) { if (!string.Equals(build.Project.Name, monitor.Project, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { continue; } if (!string.Equals(monitor.DefinitionPath, $"{build.Definition.Path}\\{build.Definition.Name}", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { continue; } if (monitor.Branches.All(mb => !string.Equals($"{fullBranchPrefix}{mb}", build.SourceBranch, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { continue; } if (monitor.Tags != null && monitor.Tags.Any() && !(monitor.Tags.Intersect(build.Tags).Any())) { // We should only skip processing if tags were specified in the monitor, and none of those tags were found in the build continue; } string prettyBranch = build.SourceBranch; if (prettyBranch.StartsWith(fullBranchPrefix)) { prettyBranch = prettyBranch.Substring(fullBranchPrefix.Length); } string prettyTags = (monitor.Tags != null && monitor.Tags.Any()) ? $"{string.Join(", ", build.Tags)}" : ""; _logger.LogInformation( "Build '{buildNumber}' in project '{projectName}' with definition '{definitionPath}', tags '{prettyTags}', and branch '{branch}' matches monitoring criteria, sending notification", build.BuildNumber, build.Project.Name, build.Definition.Path, prettyTags, build.SourceBranch); _logger.LogInformation("Fetching timeline messages..."); string timelineMessage = await BuildTimelineMessage(build); _logger.LogInformation("Fetching changes messages..."); string changesMessage = await BuildChangesMessage(build); BuildMonitorOptions.IssuesOptions repo = _options.Value.Issues.SingleOrDefault(i => string.Equals(monitor.IssuesId, i.Id, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (repo != null) { IGitHubClient github = await _gitHubApplicationClientFactory.CreateGitHubClientAsync(repo.Owner, repo.Name); DateTimeOffset?finishTime = DateTimeOffset.TryParse(build.FinishTime, out var parsedFinishTime) ?parsedFinishTime: (DateTimeOffset?)null; DateTimeOffset?startTime = DateTimeOffset.TryParse(build.StartTime, out var parsedStartTime) ? parsedStartTime:(DateTimeOffset?)null; string timeString = ""; string durationString = ""; if (finishTime.HasValue) { timeString = finishTime.Value.ToString("R"); if (startTime.HasValue) { durationString = ((int)(finishTime.Value - startTime.Value).TotalMinutes) + " minutes"; } } string icon = build.Result == "failed" ? ":x:" : ":warning:"; string body = @$ "Build [#{build.BuildNumber}]({build.Links.Web.Href}) {build.Result} ## {icon} : {build.Project.Name} / {build.Definition.Name} {build.Result} ### Summary **Finished** - {timeString} **Duration** - {durationString} **Requested for** - {build.RequestedFor.DisplayName} **Reason** - {build.Reason} ### Details {timelineMessage} ### Changes {changesMessage} "; string issueTitlePrefix = $"Build failed: {build.Definition.Name}/{prettyBranch} {prettyTags}"; if (repo.UpdateExisting) { // There is no way to get the username of our bot directly from the GithubApp with the C# api. // Issue opened in Octokit: // We do, however, have access to the HtmlUrl, which ends with the name of the bot. // Additionally, when the bot opens issues, the username used ends with [bot], which isn't strictly // part of the name anywhere else. So, to get the correct creator name, get the HtmlUrl, grab // the bot's name from it, and append [bot] to that string. var githubAppClient = _gitHubApplicationClientFactory.CreateGitHubAppClient(); string creator = (await githubAppClient.GitHubApps.GetCurrent()).HtmlUrl.Split("/").Last(); RepositoryIssueRequest issueRequest = new RepositoryIssueRequest { Creator = $"{creator}[bot]", State = ItemStateFilter.Open, SortProperty = IssueSort.Created, SortDirection = SortDirection.Descending }; foreach (string label in repo.Labels.OrEmpty()) { issueRequest.Labels.Add(label); } foreach (string label in monitor.Labels.OrEmpty()) { issueRequest.Labels.Add(label); } List <Issue> matchingIssues = (await github.Issue.GetAllForRepository(repo.Owner, repo.Name, issueRequest)).ToList(); Issue matchingIssue = matchingIssues.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Title.StartsWith(issueTitlePrefix)); if (matchingIssue != null) { _logger.LogInformation("Found matching issue {issueNumber} in {owner}/{repo}. Will attempt to add a new comment.", matchingIssue.Number, repo.Owner, repo.Name); // Add a new comment to the issue with the body IssueComment newComment = await github.Issue.Comment.Create(repo.Owner, repo.Name, matchingIssue.Number, body); _logger.LogInformation("Logged comment in {owner}/{repo}#{issueNumber} for build failure", repo.Owner, repo.Name, matchingIssue.Number); return; } else { _logger.LogInformation("Matching issues for {issueTitlePrefix} not found. Creating a new issue.", issueTitlePrefix); } } // Create new issue if repo.UpdateExisting is false or there were no matching issues var newIssue = new NewIssue($"{issueTitlePrefix} #{build.BuildNumber}") { Body = body, }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(monitor.Assignee)) { newIssue.Assignees.Add(monitor.Assignee); } foreach (string label in repo.Labels.OrEmpty()) { newIssue.Labels.Add(label); } foreach (string label in monitor.Labels.OrEmpty()) { newIssue.Labels.Add(label); } Issue issue = await github.Issue.Create(repo.Owner, repo.Name, newIssue); _logger.LogInformation("Logged issue {owner}/{repo}#{issueNumber} for build failure", repo.Owner, repo.Name, issue.Number); }