public void GivenSubscriptionToTwoLevelPath_WhenRootChanges_NotificationsShouldArrive()
            var changeSource = new DummyViewModel { Child = new DummyViewModel { Text = "Old text" } };
            var sut = new ObservablePropertyChain(changeSource, "Child.Text");
            object actualText = null;

            sut.Subscribe(o => actualText = o);
            changeSource.Child = new DummyViewModel { Text = "This is the real thing" };

            Assert.AreEqual("This is the real thing", actualText);
        public void SubscriptionToTwoLevelPath()
            var changeSource = new DummyViewModel { Child = new DummyViewModel() };
            var sut = new ObservablePropertyChain(changeSource, "Child.Text");
            object actualText = null;

            sut.Subscribe(o => actualText = o);
            changeSource.Child.Text = "Hello world";

            Assert.AreEqual("Hello world", actualText);
        public void GivenSubscriptionToTwoLevelPath_WhenRootChangesButValuesAreSame_NoNotificationIsSent()
            var changeSource = new DummyViewModel { Child = new DummyViewModel { Text = "Same" } };
            var sut = new ObservablePropertyChain(changeSource, "Child.Text");

            bool hit = false;
            sut.Subscribe(o => hit = true);
            changeSource.Child = new DummyViewModel { Text = "Same" };
