예제 #1
        public void DependencyCascade()
            // Dependency triggers:
            // Tax => Categories => Products

            // First create a Tax object:
            TaxDto taxDto = new TaxDto()
                TaxTitle = Rand.AnyTitle,
                Rate     = 10,
            }.SetObjectAsReady() as TaxDto;

            // Category next:
            CategoryDto categoryDto = new CategoryDto()
                CategoryTitle = Rand.AnyTitle,
                CategoryDesc  = Rand.AnyDescription,
            }.SetObjectAsReady() as CategoryDto;

            // And also a product:
            ProductDto productDto = new ProductDto()
                ProductTitle = Rand.AnyTitle,
                BaseCost     = 100,
                //TaxComponent = 0, // Don't bother, it will be overwritten
            }.SetObjectAsReady() as ProductDto;

            // Declare dependencies:

            taxDto.Rate = 20;

            // We need to manually update to head version:
            categoryDto = (CategoryDto)OdCepManager.Versioning.GetHeadVersion(typeof(CategoryDto), categoryDto.Uuid);
            productDto  = (ProductDto)OdCepManager.Versioning.GetHeadVersion(typeof(ProductDto), productDto.Uuid);

            decimal taxRateInCat = taxDto.Rate;

            Assert.AreEqual(taxRateInCat, categoryDto.TaxRate, "Category tax rate not as expected.");
            decimal expectedTaxAmountInProduct = productDto.BaseCost * taxRateInCat / 100;

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedTaxAmountInProduct, productDto.TaxComponent, "Product tax component not as expected.");

            taxDto.Rate = 50;

            categoryDto = (CategoryDto)OdCepManager.Versioning.GetHeadVersion(typeof(CategoryDto), categoryDto.Uuid, out string c);
            productDto  = (ProductDto)OdCepManager.Versioning.GetHeadVersion(typeof(ProductDto), productDto.Uuid, out c);

            taxRateInCat = taxDto.Rate;
            Assert.AreEqual(taxRateInCat, categoryDto.TaxRate, "Category tax rate not as expected.");
            expectedTaxAmountInProduct = productDto.BaseCost * taxRateInCat / 100;
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedTaxAmountInProduct, productDto.TaxComponent, "Product tax component not as expected.");
예제 #2
        public override ObjectDto OnPrincipalObjectUpdated(ObjectDto updatedPrincipalObj, string optionalArg)
            // Do whatever you need to do here to manage this change.
            // Do NOT attempt to save this object, else it will result in undefined behaviour; just manage
            // the change in the object and that's it. The library will ensure that the object is auto-saved.
            // Avoid doing any disk/network io here.

            if (updatedPrincipalObj is TaxDto)
                TaxDto taxDto = updatedPrincipalObj as TaxDto;
                TaxRate = taxDto.Rate;
