예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Subscribe to the events of this NavMenu's TopMenus. We should monitor them and then bubble them upwards via this menu's own NavigationMenuEvent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topMenu">The TopMenu effecting the event.</param>
        /// <param name="eventType">The type of event handled.</param>
        public void TopMenuEventHandler(TopMenu topMenu, TopMenuEventType eventType)
            // Determine the type of event and handle it accordingly
            switch (eventType)
            // A TopMenu has been modified (buttons added or removed)
            case TopMenuEventType.MENU_MODIFIED:
                if (_navMenuEvent != null)
                    // Bubble this event upwards
                    _navMenuEvent(this, NavigationMenuEventType.MENU_MODIFIED);


            // One of the MenuItems in this TopMenu were selected
            case TopMenuEventType.MENUITEM_SELECTED:
                if (_navMenuEvent != null)
                    _navMenuEvent(this, NavigationMenuEventType.MENUITEM_SELECTED);


            // The TopMenu itself was selected
            case TopMenuEventType.TOPMENU_SELECTED:
                // De-select the old TopMenu
                _selectedTopMenu.IsSelected = false;

                // Set the new TopMenu
                _selectedTopMenu = topMenu;

                // Set the newly selected TopMenu to selected
                _selectedTopMenu.IsSelected = true;

                // Bubble the event up
                if (_navMenuEvent != null)
                    _navMenuEvent(this, NavigationMenuEventType.TOPMENU_SELECTED);

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Add another TopMenu to this NavigationMenu.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topMenu">The new TopMenu to be added.</param>
        public void AddTopMenu(TopMenu topMenu)
            // Get an Enumerator for the collection of TopMenus
            IEnumerator <TopMenu> topMenusEnum = _topMenus.GetEnumerator();

            // Determine if the TopMenu already exists
            while (topMenusEnum.MoveNext())
                if (topMenusEnum.Current.MenuId.Equals(topMenu.MenuId))
                    throw new ApplicationException("Attempting to add TopMenu with non-unique ID.");

            // Add our TopMenu event handler to the TopMenuEvent for this new menu

            // If no matches are found, add the new TopMenu

            // If this is the first TopMenu to be added, default it to selected
            if (_topMenus.Count == 1)
                // Set the TopMenu to selected
                topMenu.IsSelected = true;

                // Store a reference to the selected TopMenu
                _selectedTopMenu = topMenu;

            // Trigger a NavigationMenuEvent
            if (_navMenuEvent != null)
                _navMenuEvent(this, NavigationMenuEventType.MENU_MODIFIED);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Add another TopMenu to this NavigationMenu.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topMenu">The new TopMenu to be added.</param>
        public void AddTopMenu(TopMenu topMenu)
            // Get an Enumerator for the collection of TopMenus
            IEnumerator<TopMenu> topMenusEnum = _topMenus.GetEnumerator();

            // Determine if the TopMenu already exists
            while (topMenusEnum.MoveNext())
                if (topMenusEnum.Current.MenuId.Equals(topMenu.MenuId))
                    throw new ApplicationException("Attempting to add TopMenu with non-unique ID.");

            // Add our TopMenu event handler to the TopMenuEvent for this new menu

            // If no matches are found, add the new TopMenu

            // If this is the first TopMenu to be added, default it to selected
            if (_topMenus.Count == 1)
                // Set the TopMenu to selected
                topMenu.IsSelected = true;

                // Store a reference to the selected TopMenu
                _selectedTopMenu = topMenu;

            // Trigger a NavigationMenuEvent
            if (_navMenuEvent != null)
                _navMenuEvent(this, NavigationMenuEventType.MENU_MODIFIED);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes a TopMenu by its ID.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topMenuId">The ID of the TopMenu to be removed.</param>
        public void RemoveTopMenu(string topMenuId)
            // Get an Enumerator for the collections of TopMenus
            IEnumerator <TopMenu> topMenuItems = _topMenus.GetEnumerator();

            // Store a reference to the item to be removed
            TopMenu toRemove = null;

            while (topMenuItems.MoveNext())
                // If it does, remove it
                if (topMenuItems.Current.MenuId.Equals(topMenuId))
                    toRemove = topMenuItems.Current;

            // If no matching item was found, throw and exception
            if (toRemove == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("No TopMenu with a matching ID was found to be removed.");
                // A match was found, so remove it

                // Trigger a NavigationMenuEvent
                if (_navMenuEvent != null)
                    _navMenuEvent(this, NavigationMenuEventType.MENU_MODIFIED);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Subscribe to the events of this NavMenu's TopMenus. We should monitor them and then bubble them upwards via this menu's own NavigationMenuEvent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topMenu">The TopMenu effecting the event.</param>
        /// <param name="eventType">The type of event handled.</param>
        public void TopMenuEventHandler(TopMenu topMenu, TopMenuEventType eventType)
            // Determine the type of event and handle it accordingly
            switch (eventType)
                // A TopMenu has been modified (buttons added or removed)
                case TopMenuEventType.MENU_MODIFIED:
                        if (_navMenuEvent != null)
                            // Bubble this event upwards
                            _navMenuEvent(this, NavigationMenuEventType.MENU_MODIFIED);


                // One of the MenuItems in this TopMenu were selected
                case TopMenuEventType.MENUITEM_SELECTED:
                        if (_navMenuEvent != null)
                            _navMenuEvent(this, NavigationMenuEventType.MENUITEM_SELECTED);


                // The TopMenu itself was selected
                case TopMenuEventType.TOPMENU_SELECTED:
                        // De-select the old TopMenu
                        _selectedTopMenu.IsSelected = false;

                        // Set the new TopMenu
                        _selectedTopMenu = topMenu;

                        // Set the newly selected TopMenu to selected
                        _selectedTopMenu.IsSelected = true;

                        // Bubble the event up
                        if (_navMenuEvent != null)
                            _navMenuEvent(this, NavigationMenuEventType.TOPMENU_SELECTED);

예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles post-render tasks.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void BuildMenu()
            DataStructures.MenuItem newMenuItem;

             * Build the NavigationMenu's data structure
            TopMenu mainMenu = new TopMenu(Variables.TOP_MENU_ITEM_ID_MAIN, "Main");
            mainMenu.AddMenuItem(new DataStructures.MenuItem(Variables.MENU_ITEM_ID_HOME, "Home", "pack://application:,,,/ObdExpress;component/UI/Images/home_32.png"));
            mainMenu.AddMenuItem(new DataStructures.MenuItem(Variables.MENU_ITEM_ID_TROUBLE_CODES, "Troubleshooting", "pack://application:,,,/ObdExpress;component/UI/Images/warning_32.png"));

            TopMenu configMenu = new TopMenu(Variables.TOP_MENU_ITEM_ID_CONFIGURATION, "Configuration");
            configMenu.AddMenuItem(new DataStructures.MenuItem(Variables.MENU_ITEM_ID_CONFIGURATION, "Connection", "pack://application:,,,/ObdExpress;component/Ui/Images/connect.png"));


             * Attach our event handler

             * Render the NavigationMenu in the GUI