/// <summary>
        /// Adds a column to the grid that should be managed by the user
        /// </summary>
        public static IGridViewColumn <TypeToBindTo> AddUnboundColumn <TypeToBindTo>(this GridViewBinder <TypeToBindTo> gridViewBinder)
            var column = new GridViewColumn <TypeToBindTo>(gridViewBinder);

        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the property to the grid using the dev express data binding features.
        /// (i.e. Value will be set automtically into bound objects).
        /// Error notification if available however, if the source implements the IValidatable interface
        /// or the IDxErrorInfo
        /// </summary>
        public static IGridViewAutoBindColumn <TypeToBindTo, PropertyType> AutoBind <TypeToBindTo, PropertyType>
            (this GridViewBinder <TypeToBindTo> gridViewBinder, Expression <Func <TypeToBindTo, PropertyType> > propertyToBindTo)
            //Resolve property info for the given expression
            var propertyInfo = new ExpressionInspectorFactory().Create <TypeToBindTo>().PropertyFor(propertyToBindTo);

            //Create a column binder and add it to the gridview binder
            var columnBinder = new GridViewAutoBindColumn <TypeToBindTo, PropertyType>(gridViewBinder, propertyInfo);
