public async void Check() { if (!CanCheck()) { return; } IsRunning = true; try { await Task.Run(() => { var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var comparer = new Comparer(Configuration, (IProgressReporter)this); AddMessage(string.Format("Comparing {0} files ", Submissions.Count)); var compareResult = comparer.Compare(Submissions.Select(i => i.Submission).ToArray()); AddMessage(string.Format(" finished; time: {0:n2} sec.", watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)); AddMessage("Creating statistics"); var result = OSPCResult.Create(compareResult); var friends = new OSPC.FriendFinder(Configuration); friends.Find(result, compareResult); AddMessage(string.Format(" finished; time: {0:n2} sec.", watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)); AddMessage("Creating reports"); var html = new OSPC.Reporter.Html.HtmlReporter(HtmlReportPath, (IProgressReporter)this); html.Create(this.Configuration, result); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(System.IO.Path.Combine(html.OutPath, "index.html")); AddMessage(string.Format(" finished in total {0:n2} sec.", watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)); SaveUserSettings(); }); } finally { IsRunning = false; } }
public async void Check() { if (!CanCheck()) return; IsRunning = true; try { await Task.Run(() => { var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var comparer = new Comparer(Configuration, (IProgressReporter)this); AddMessage(string.Format("Comparing {0} files ", Submissions.Count)); var compareResult = comparer.Compare(Submissions.Select(i => i.Submission).ToArray()); AddMessage(string.Format(" finished; time: {0:n2} sec.", watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)); AddMessage("Creating statistics"); var result = OSPCResult.Create(compareResult); var friends = new OSPC.FriendFinder(Configuration); friends.Find(result, compareResult); AddMessage(string.Format(" finished; time: {0:n2} sec.", watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)); AddMessage("Creating reports"); var html = new OSPC.Reporter.Html.HtmlReporter(HtmlReportPath, (IProgressReporter)this); html.Create(this.Configuration, result); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(System.IO.Path.Combine(html.OutPath, "index.html")); AddMessage(string.Format(" finished in total {0:n2} sec.", watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)); SaveUserSettings(); }); } finally { IsRunning = false; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { var cfg = new Configuration(); bool showHelp = false; // common dependencies var progress = new ConsoleProgressReporter(); // changable through config or arguments Reporter.IReporter html = null; Reporter.IReporter console = new Reporter.ConsoleReporter(); Tokenizer.ITokenizer tokenizer = new Tokenizer.CLikeTokenizer(); var p = new OptionSet() { { "h|?|help", "Prints this help", v => showHelp = true }, { "c=", "Reads the given configuration. Note, this switch should be the first argument as it overrides any other argument parsed yet.", v => cfg = LoadConfig(v) }, { "write-config=", "Write the current configuration to the given file. Note, this switch should be the last argument.", v => SaveConfig(cfg, v) }, { "f=", "File filter. If -d is specified, then -f defaults to \"*.*.\"", v => cfg.Filter.Add(v) }, { "d=", "Specifies a directory where the filer applies. If -f is specified, then -d defaults to \".\"", v => cfg.Dirs.Add(v) }, { "include=", "Specifies a regular expression that every file must match. More than one expression is allowed. A file must match any of these expressions.", v => cfg.Include.Add(v) }, { "exclude=", "Specifies a regular expression to exclude files. More than one expression is allowed. If a file must match any of these expressions it will be excluded.", v => cfg.Exclude.Add(v) }, { "recurse", "Traversals all directories recurse. Use include-dir and exclude-dir to have more control over the selected directories.", v => cfg.Recurse = true }, { "include-dir=", "Specifies a regular expression that every file must match. More than one expression is allowed. A file must match any of these expressions.", v => cfg.IncludeDir.Add(v) }, { "exclude-dir=", "Specifies a regular expression to exclude files. More than one expression is allowed. If a file must match any of these expressions it will be excluded.", v => cfg.ExcludeDir.Add(v) }, { "againstdir", "Compares the files specified as arguments against the directory set with -d", v => cfg.OneAgainstDir = true }, { "detailed", "Print a detailed report to the console", v => console = new Reporter.DetailedConsoleReporter() }, { "summary", "Print only a summay to the console. Usefull if --html is used.", v => console = new Reporter.SummaryConsoleReporter() }, { "html:", "Saves a html report to the specified directory. Defaults to \"report\"", v => html = new Reporter.Html.HtmlReporter(v, progress) }, { "min-similarity=", "Minimum similarity of match reports (0 - 1). Default is 0.5 (=50%).", v => cfg.MIN_SIMILARITY = double.Parse(v, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }, { "min-match-length=", "Minimum count of matching tokens, including non-matching tokens.", v => cfg.MIN_MATCH_LENGTH = int.Parse(v) }, { "max-match-distance=", "Maximum distance between tokens to count as a match. 1 = exact match.", v => cfg.MAX_MATCH_DISTANCE = int.Parse(v) }, { "min-common-token=", "Percent of token that must match to count as a match. 1 = every token must match.", v => cfg.MIN_COMMON_TOKEN = double.Parse(v, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }, { "v|verbose", "Verbose output.", v => cfg.Verbose = true }, }; var extraFiles = p.Parse(args); // split that, as during parse the reference of cfg may change. // The compiler might save the reference to the old, overridden // config instance. cfg.ExtraFiles = extraFiles; if (showHelp) { ShowHelp(p); return; } var comparer = new Comparer(cfg, progress); var friendfinder = new FriendFinder(cfg); var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); if (cfg.OneAgainstDir) { var dirFiles = CollectFiles(cfg, tokenizer, true, false); var givenFiles = CollectFiles(cfg, tokenizer, false, true); var compareResult = comparer.Compare(givenFiles, dirFiles); var result = OSPCResult.Create(compareResult); friendfinder.Find(result, compareResult); CreateReports(cfg, html, console, result); } else { var files = CollectFiles(cfg, tokenizer); if (files.Length != 0) { var compareResult = comparer.Compare(files); var result = OSPCResult.Create(compareResult); friendfinder.Find(result, compareResult); CreateReports(cfg, html, console, result); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("********** Error occurred, exiting **********"); Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); Environment.Exit(1); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { var cfg = new Configuration(); bool showHelp = false; // common dependencies var progress = new ConsoleProgressReporter(); // changable through config or arguments Reporter.IReporter html = null; Reporter.IReporter console = new Reporter.ConsoleReporter(); Tokenizer.ITokenizer tokenizer = new Tokenizer.CLikeTokenizer(); Console.WriteLine("Open Software Plagiarism Checker"); Console.WriteLine("================================"); Console.WriteLine("Version {0}", typeof(OSPC.Program).Assembly.GetName().Version); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Copyright (C) 2015 Arthur Zaczek at the UAS Technikum Wien, GPL V3"); Console.WriteLine("This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see the GPL V3 for details."); Console.WriteLine("This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it"); Console.WriteLine("under certain conditions; see the GPL V3 for details."); Console.WriteLine(); var p = new OptionSet() { { "h|?|help", "Prints this help", v => showHelp = true }, { "c=", "Reads the given configuration. Note, this switch should be the first argument as it overrides any other argument parsed yet.", v => cfg = LoadConfig(v) }, { "write-config=", "Write the current configuration to the given file. Note, this switch should be the last argument.", v => SaveConfig(cfg, v) }, { "f=", "File filter. If -d is specified, then -f defaults to \"*.*.\"", v => cfg.Filter.Add(v) }, { "d=", "Specifies a directory where the filer applies. If -f is specified, then -d defaults to \".\"", v => cfg.Dirs.Add(v) }, { "include=", "Specifies a regular expression that every file must match. More than one expression is allowed. A file must match any of these expressions.", v => cfg.Include.Add(v) }, { "exclude=", "Specifies a regular expression to exclude files. More than one expression is allowed. If a file must match any of these expressions it will be excluded.", v => cfg.Exclude.Add(v) }, { "recurse", "Traversals all directories recurse. Use include-dir and exclude-dir to have more control over the selected directories.", v => cfg.Recurse = true }, { "include-dir=", "Specifies a regular expression that every file must match. More than one expression is allowed. A file must match any of these expressions.", v => cfg.IncludeDir.Add(v) }, { "exclude-dir=", "Specifies a regular expression to exclude files. More than one expression is allowed. If a file must match any of these expressions it will be excluded.", v => cfg.ExcludeDir.Add(v) }, { "detailed", "Print a detailed report to the console", v => console = new Reporter.DetailedConsoleReporter() }, { "summary", "Print only a summay to the console. Usefull if --html is used.", v => console = new Reporter.SummaryConsoleReporter() }, { "html:", "Saves a html report to the specified directory. Defaults to \"report\"", v => html = new Reporter.Html.HtmlReporter(v, progress) }, { "min-similarity=", "Minimum similarity of match reports (0 - 1). Default is 0.5 (=50%).", v => cfg.MIN_SIMILARITY = double.Parse(v, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }, { "min-match-length=", "Minimum count of matching tokens, including non-matching tokens.", v => cfg.MIN_MATCH_LENGTH = int.Parse(v) }, { "max-match-distance=", "Maximum distance between tokens to count as a match. 1 = exact match.", v => cfg.MAX_MATCH_DISTANCE = int.Parse(v) }, { "min-common-token=", "Percent of token that must match to count as a match. 1 = every token must match.", v => cfg.MIN_COMMON_TOKEN = double.Parse(v, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }, { "v|verbose", "Verbose output.", v => cfg.Verbose = true }, }; var extraFiles = p.Parse(args); // split that, as during parse the reference of cfg may change. // The compiler might save the reference to the old, overridden // config instance. cfg.ExtraFiles = extraFiles; if (showHelp) { ShowHelp(p); return; } var comparer = new Comparer(cfg, progress); var friendfinder = new FriendFinder(cfg); var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Console.WriteLine("Collecting files"); var files = CollectFiles(cfg, tokenizer); Console.WriteLine(" finished; time: {0:n2} sec.", watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); if (files.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No files found to compare!"); } else { Console.Write("Comparing {0} files ", files.Length); var compareResult = comparer.Compare(files); Console.WriteLine(" finished; time: {0:n2} sec.", watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); Console.WriteLine("Creating statistics"); var result = OSPCResult.Create(compareResult); friendfinder.Find(result, compareResult); Console.WriteLine(" finished; time: {0:n2} sec.", watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); Console.WriteLine("Creating reports"); CreateReports(cfg, html, console, result); Console.WriteLine(" finished in total {0:n2} sec.", watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("********** Error occurred, exiting **********"); Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); Environment.Exit(1); } }