public DataTable GetAllDatabaseData() { Dictionary<string, string> tabs = new Dictionary<string, string>() { {"Websites Loaded", "webpage_log"}, {"Websites Actions", "webpage_actions"}, {"OSIRT Actions", "osirt_actions" }, {"Attachments", "attachments" }, {"Videos", "videos" }, }; DataTable merged = new DataTable(); foreach (string table in tabs.Values) { string columns = DatabaseTableHelper.GetTableColumns(table); DataTable data = GetRowsFromColumns(table: table, columns: columns); merged.Merge(data, true, MissingSchemaAction.Add); } DataTable dt = new DatabaseHandler().GetRowsFromColumns("case_notes", "", "date", "time", "note"); merged.Merge(dt, true, MissingSchemaAction.Add); merged.TableName = "merged"; DataView view = new DataView(merged); view.Sort = "date asc, time asc"; DataTable sortedTable = view.ToTable(); return sortedTable; }
public static DataTable Search(string databaseTable, string pattern) { if (databaseTable == "all") { tableToSearch = GetMergedDataTable(); } else { DatabaseHandler dbHandler = new DatabaseHandler(); tableToSearch = dbHandler.GetAllRows(databaseTable); } SetColumnNames(); DataRow[] dataRows = tableToSearch.Select(BuildQueryString(pattern)); if (dataRows.Any()) //can't copy to dataTable if there are no DataRows { tableToSearch = dataRows.CopyToDataTable(); } else { tableToSearch = null; } return tableToSearch; }
public static string GetFormattedPage(string table, string exportPath, string containerName, string gscp, bool isHtmlReport) { DatabaseHandler db = new DatabaseHandler(); string columns = DatabaseTableHelper.GetTableColumns(table); string page = DatatableToHtml.ConvertToHtml(db.GetRowsFromColumns(table: table, columns: columns), exportPath, containerName); return ReplaceReportDetails(page, gscp, isHtmlReport); }
private void EnableTablesToPrint() { DatabaseHandler dbHandler = new DatabaseHandler(); var checkboxes = uiReportSelectionGroupBox.GetChildControls<CheckBox>(); foreach (CheckBox cb in checkboxes) { string table = cb.Tag.ToString(); if (dbHandler.TableIsEmpty(table)) { cb.Enabled = false; cb.Checked = false; } } }
public static string GetCaseDetails() { DataTable table = new DatabaseHandler().GetRowsFromColumns("case_details", "", "investigating_agency", "operation_name", "case_reference", "evidence_reference", "notes"); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns) { string columnName = column.ColumnName.Replace("_", " ").ToLower(); string html = $@"<p><strong>{CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(columnName)}</strong>: {row[column]} </p>"; stringBuilder.Append(html); } } return stringBuilder.ToString(); }
private string GetExistingCaseNotes() { DataTable table = new DatabaseHandler().GetRowsFromColumns("case_notes", "", "date", "time", "note"); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns) { string cellValue = row[column].ToString(); string toAppend = column.ColumnName == "note" ? Environment.NewLine + cellValue : cellValue + " "; stringBuilder.Append(toAppend); } stringBuilder.Append(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); } return stringBuilder.ToString(); }
private static DataTable GetMergedDataTable() { DatabaseHandler db = new DatabaseHandler(); DataTable merged = new DataTable(); foreach (string table in DatabaseTableHelper.GetTables()) { string columns = DatabaseTableHelper.GetTableColumns(table); DataTable dt = db.GetRowsFromColumns(table: table, columns: columns); merged.Merge(dt, true, MissingSchemaAction.Add); } merged.TableName = "merged"; DataView view = new DataView(merged); view.Sort = "date asc, time asc"; DataTable sortedTable = view.ToTable(); return sortedTable; }
private static string GetCaseNotesToHtml() { DataTable table = new DatabaseHandler().GetRowsFromColumns("case_notes", "", "date", "time", "note"); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { string html = $@" <div id='note'> <p class='date-time'>{row["date"]} {row["time"]}</p> <hr class='underline'> <p class='note'>{row["note"]}</p> </div> "; stringBuilder.Append(html); } return stringBuilder.ToString(); }
protected override void OsirtGridView_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { //Don't want this to execute when the column header/row is clicked (OOB) if (e.RowIndex < 0 || e.ColumnIndex < 0) return; if (Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex] is DataGridViewCheckBoxCell) { DataGridViewCheckBoxCell column = (DataGridViewCheckBoxCell)Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex]; if (column.Value != null) { bool isChecked = (bool)column.Value; string id = Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["id"].Value.ToString(); string query = $"UPDATE {TableName} SET print = '{(!isChecked)}' WHERE id='{id}'"; DatabaseHandler db = new DatabaseHandler(); db.ExecuteNonQuery(query); //TODO: Place an Update method in the db handler } } }
public void CreateTables() { List<string> tables = new List<string>(); foreach (var kv in tablesAndColumns) { string insert = $@"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {kv.Key} (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, print BOOLEAN, {kv.Value.Replace(",", " TEXT,")} "; insert += "TEXT)"; tables.Add(insert); } tables.Add(@"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS case_details (investigating_officer TEXT, investigating_agency TEXT, operation_name TEXT, case_reference TEXT PRIMARY KEY, evidence_reference TEXT, hash_function TEXT, notes TEXT, hashed_password TEXT)"); tables.Add(@"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS case_notes (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, date TEXT, time TEXT, note TEXT)"); DatabaseHandler handler = new DatabaseHandler(); foreach (string table in tables) { handler.ExecuteNonQuery(table); } }
private void AuditLogForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { //re-update the database so print is all true again //perhaps wrap this in a wait window... "performing audit log closing functions... etc" DatabaseHandler db = new DatabaseHandler(); db.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE webpage_log SET print = 'true'"); db.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE webpage_actions SET print = 'true'"); db.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE osirt_actions SET print = 'true'"); db.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE attachments SET print = 'true'"); db.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE videos SET print = 'true'"); //can't UPDATE multiple tables... look into transactions: // // }
/// <summary> /// Logs the specified /// </summary> /// <param name="log"></param> public static void Log(BaseLog log) { Type logType = log.GetType(); Dictionary<string, string> toLog = new Dictionary<string, string> { {"print", "true"}, {"date", log.Date}, {"time", log.Time}, {"action", log.Action.ToString().SplitAtCapitalLetter()} }; DatabaseHandler handler = new DatabaseHandler(); if (logType == typeof(WebpageActionsLog)) { //webpage_actions (date TEXT, time TEXT, action TEXT, url TEXT, file_name TEXT, hash TEXT, note TEXT WebpageActionsLog webpageAction = (WebpageActionsLog)log; toLog.Add("url", webpageAction.Url); toLog.Add("file", webpageAction.File); toLog.Add("hash", webpageAction.Hash); toLog.Add("note", webpageAction.Note); handler.Insert("webpage_actions", toLog); } else if (logType == typeof(WebsiteLog)) { //webpage_log (date TEXT, time TEXT, action TEXT, url TEXT)" WebsiteLog webSiteLog = (WebsiteLog)log; toLog.Add("url", webSiteLog.Url); handler.Insert("webpage_log", toLog); } else if (logType == typeof(AttachmentsLog)) { //date TEXT, time TEXT, action, file TEXT , hash TEXT, notes TEXT) AttachmentsLog attachLog = (AttachmentsLog)log; toLog.Add("file", attachLog.File); toLog.Add("hash", attachLog.Hash); toLog.Add("note", attachLog.Note); handler.Insert("attachments", toLog); } else if(logType == typeof(OsirtActionsLog)) { //osirt_actions (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, print BOOLEAN, date TEXT, time TEXT, action TEXT, file TEXT, hash TEXT)" OsirtActionsLog osirtAction = (OsirtActionsLog)log; toLog.Add("hash", osirtAction.Hash); toLog.Add("file", osirtAction.File); handler.Insert("osirt_actions", toLog); } else if (logType == typeof(VideoLog)) { //date TEXT, time TEXT, action, file TEXT , hash TEXT, notes TEXT) VideoLog attachLog = (VideoLog)log; toLog.Add("file", attachLog.File); toLog.Add("hash", attachLog.Hash); toLog.Add("note", attachLog.Note); handler.Insert("videos", toLog); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the number of rows for this particular tab in the DataGridView /// </summary> private int TotalRowCount() { DatabaseHandler db = new DatabaseHandler(); int count = db.GetTotalRowsFromTable(TableName); return count; }
private void GoToPage(int page) { DatabaseHandler db = new DatabaseHandler(); Table = db.GetPaginatedDataTable(TableName, page); PopulateGrid(Table); }
private void AddCaseDetailsToDb() { DatabaseHandler handler = new DatabaseHandler(); handler.Insert("case_details", caseDetails); }
private DataTable GetMergedDataTable() { DatabaseHandler db = new DatabaseHandler(); DataTable merged = new DataTable(); foreach (string table in GetSelectedTables()) { string columns = DatabaseTableHelper.GetTableColumns(table); DataTable dt = db.GetRowsFromColumns(table: table, columns: columns); merged.Merge(dt, true, MissingSchemaAction.Add); } //added if(uiMergeCaseNotesCheckBox.Checked) { DataTable dt = new DatabaseHandler().GetRowsFromColumns("case_notes", "", "date", "time", "note"); merged.Merge(dt, true, MissingSchemaAction.Add); } //end ad merged.TableName = "merged"; DataView view = new DataView(merged); view.Sort = "date asc, time asc"; DataTable sortedTable = view.ToTable(); return sortedTable; }
private void UpdateCaseTableWithPassword(string hash) { DatabaseHandler dbHandler = new DatabaseHandler(); dbHandler.ExecuteNonQuery($"UPDATE case_details SET hashed_password = '******'"); }