public FontStyleEditor(IEditorService editor, ClassDefinition schema, string featureSource) : this() { m_editor = editor; m_schema = schema; var fs = (IFeatureSource)editor.ResourceService.GetResource(featureSource); _factory = (ILayerElementFactory)editor.GetEditedResource(); m_providername = fs.Provider; m_featureSource = featureSource; propertyCombo.Items.Clear(); foreach (var col in m_schema.Properties) { if (col.Type == PropertyDefinitionType.Data) propertyCombo.Items.Add(col.Name); } propertyCombo.Items.Add(Strings.ExpressionItem); fontCombo.Items.Clear(); foreach (FontFamily f in new System.Drawing.Text.InstalledFontCollection().Families) fontCombo.Items.Add(f.Name); }
public PreviewPane(string fsId, QueryMode mode, ClassDefinition cls, IFeatureService featSvc, FdoProviderCapabilities caps) : this() { _fsId = fsId; _mode = mode; _cls = cls; _featSvc = featSvc; IQueryControl ctrl = null; switch (_mode) { case QueryMode.SQL: ctrl = new SqlQueryCtrl(fsId, featSvc); _inner = ctrl; break; case QueryMode.Standard: ctrl = new StandardQueryCtrl(fsId, featSvc, cls, caps); _inner = ctrl; break; } if (ctrl == null) { throw new ArgumentException(Strings.UnknownQueryMode); } ctrl.Content.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; queryPane.Controls.Add(ctrl.Content); }
public ElevationDialog(IEditorService edSvc, IVectorScaleRange2 vsr2, string featureSourceId, ClassDefinition clsDef, string provider) { InitializeComponent(); _edSvc = edSvc; _vsr2 = vsr2; _clsDef = clsDef; _provider = provider; _featureSourceId = featureSourceId; cmbUnits.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(LengthUnitType)); cmbZOffsetType.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ElevationTypeType)); _elSettings = vsr2.ElevationSettings; grpSettings.Enabled = (_elSettings != null); chkEnabled.Checked = (_elSettings != null); if (_elSettings == null) _elSettings = vsr2.Create("0", "0", ElevationTypeType.RelativeToGround, LengthUnitType.Meters); //NOXLATE try { _init = true; txtZExtrusion.Text = _elSettings.ZExtrusion; txtZOffset.Text = _elSettings.ZOffset; cmbUnits.SelectedItem = _elSettings.Unit; cmbZOffsetType.SelectedItem = _elSettings.ZOffsetType; } finally { _init = false; } }
public CalculationSettings(IEditorService edSvc, ClassDefinition cls, IFeatureSource parent, ICalculatedProperty calc) : this() { _edSvc = edSvc; _cls = cls; _parent = parent; TextBoxBinder.BindText(txtExpression, calc, "Expression"); //NOXLATE TextBoxBinder.BindText(txtName, calc, "Name"); //NOXLATE }
public SymbolInstancePropertiesDialog(ISymbolInstance inst, IEditorService edSvc, ClassDefinition cls, string featureSourceId, string providerName) : this() { _edSvc = edSvc; _cls = cls; _featureSourceId = featureSourceId; _providerName = providerName; symAddToExclusionRegion.SetBooleanMode(); symAddToExclusionRegion.Bind(inst, "AddToExclusionRegion"); symCheckExclusionRegion.SetBooleanMode(); symCheckExclusionRegion.Bind(inst, "CheckExclusionRegion"); symDrawLast.SetBooleanMode(); symDrawLast.Bind(inst, "DrawLast"); symSizeContext.SetEnumMode<SizeContextType>(); symSizeContext.Bind(inst, "SizeContext"); symInsertOffsetX.Bind(inst, "InsertionOffsetX"); symInsertOffsetY.Bind(inst, "InsertionOffsetY"); symPositioningAlgorithm.Items = new string[] { "'Default'", "'EightSurrounding'", "'PathLabels'" }; symPositioningAlgorithm.Bind(inst, "PositioningAlgorithm"); symScaleX.Bind(inst, "ScaleX"); symScaleY.Bind(inst, "ScaleY"); var inst2 = inst as ISymbolInstance2; if (inst2 != null) { symGeometryContext.SetEnumMode<GeometryContextType>(); symUsageContext.SetEnumMode<UsageContextType>(); symRenderingPass.Bind(inst2, "RenderingPass"); symGeometryContext.Bind(inst2, "GeometryContext"); symUsageContext.Bind(inst2, "UsageContext"); } else { symRenderingPass.Visible = symGeometryContext.Visible = symUsageContext.Visible = lblRenderingPass.Visible = lblGeometryContext.Visible = lblUsageContext.Visible = false; } }
public FdoExpressionCompletionDataProvider(ClassDefinition cls, FdoProviderCapabilities caps) { _klass = cls; _caps = caps; this.DefaultIndex = 0; this.PreSelection = null; this.ImageList = new System.Windows.Forms.ImageList(); this.ImageList.Images.Add(Properties.Resources.block); this.ImageList.Images.Add(; this.ImageList.Images.Add(Properties.Resources.funnel); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="StandardQueryCtrl"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="fsId">The fs id.</param> /// <param name="featSvc">The feat SVC.</param> /// <param name="cls">The CLS.</param> /// <param name="caps">The caps.</param> public StandardQueryCtrl(string fsId, IFeatureService featSvc, ClassDefinition cls, FdoProviderCapabilities caps) : this() { _fsId = fsId; _featSvc = featSvc; _cls = cls; _caps = caps; foreach (var prop in cls.Properties) { chkProperties.Items.Add(prop.Name, true); } }
public ThemeCreator(IEditorService editor, ILayerDefinition layer, ClassDefinition schema, object ruleCollection) : this() { m_editor = editor; m_layer = layer; m_featureClass = schema; m_ruleCollection = ruleCollection; _factory = (ILayerElementFactory2)editor.GetEditedResource(); ColorBrewerColorSet.SetCustomRender(new CustomCombo.RenderCustomItem(DrawColorSetPreview)); }
public SelectJoinKeyDialog(ClassDefinition primary, ClassDefinition secondary) : this() { lblPrimary.Text = primary.QualifiedName; lblSecondary.Text = secondary.QualifiedName; cmbPrimary.DisplayMember = "Name"; //NOXLATE cmbSecondary.DisplayMember = "Name"; //NOXLATE cmbPrimary.DataSource = primary.Properties; cmbSecondary.DataSource = secondary.Properties; cmbPrimary.SelectedIndex = 0; cmbSecondary.SelectedIndex = 0; }
private void RemoveInvalidMappings(OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Schema.ClassDefinition cls) { var remove = new List <INameStringPair>(); foreach (var mp in _vl.PropertyMapping) { if (cls.FindProperty(mp.Name) == null) { remove.Add(mp); } } foreach (var mp in remove) { _vl.RemovePropertyMapping(mp); } }
public static ClassDefinition ConvertClassDefinition(MgClassDefinition mgClass) { var cls = new ClassDefinition(mgClass.Name, mgClass.Description); //foreach (var prop in mgClass.GetProperties()) var props = mgClass.GetProperties(); int pcount = props.GetCount(); for (int i = 0; i < pcount; i++) { var prop = props.GetItem(i); if (prop.PropertyType == MgFeaturePropertyType.DataProperty) { MgDataPropertyDefinition mgData = (MgDataPropertyDefinition)prop; var dp = ConvertDataProperty(mgData); //API Bug? passing object reference gives incorrect result for identity //properties bool identity = (mgClass.GetIdentityProperties().Contains(prop.Name)); cls.AddProperty(dp, identity); } else if (prop.PropertyType == MgFeaturePropertyType.GeometricProperty) { MgGeometricPropertyDefinition mgGeom = (MgGeometricPropertyDefinition)prop; var geom = ConvertGeometricProperty(mgGeom); cls.AddProperty(geom); } else if (prop.PropertyType == MgFeaturePropertyType.RasterProperty) { MgRasterPropertyDefinition mgRaster = (MgRasterPropertyDefinition)prop; var raster = ConvertRasterProperty(mgRaster); cls.AddProperty(raster); } else if (prop.PropertyType == MgFeaturePropertyType.ObjectProperty) { } else if (prop.PropertyType == MgFeaturePropertyType.AssociationProperty) { } } cls.DefaultGeometryPropertyName = mgClass.DefaultGeometryPropertyName; return cls; }
public SymbolInstancesDialog(IEditorService edSvc, ICompositeSymbolization comp, ClassDefinition cls, string provider, string featureSourceId, ILayerStylePreviewable prev) { InitializeComponent(); _edSvc = edSvc; _comp = comp; _cls = cls; _provider = provider; _featureSourceId = featureSourceId; _preview = prev; var conn = edSvc.GetEditedResource().CurrentConnection; if (Array.IndexOf(conn.Capabilities.SupportedServices, (int)ServiceType.Mapping) >= 0) { _mappingSvc = (IMappingService)conn.GetService((int)ServiceType.Mapping); } foreach (var inst in _comp.SymbolInstance) AddInstance(inst, false); }
internal AreaFeatureStyleEditor(IEditorService editor, ClassDefinition schema, string featureSource, ILayerStylePreviewable prev) : this() { m_editor = editor; m_schema = schema; _factory = (ILayerElementFactory)editor.GetEditedResource(); var fs = (IFeatureSource)m_editor.ResourceService.GetResource(featureSource); m_providername = fs.Provider; m_featureSource = featureSource; _preview = prev; var conn = editor.GetEditedResource().CurrentConnection; if (Array.IndexOf(conn.Capabilities.SupportedServices, (int)ServiceType.Mapping) >= 0) { _mappingSvc = (IMappingService)conn.GetService((int)ServiceType.Mapping); } lnkRefresh.Visible = this.UseLayerIconPreview; }
public void SetContent(ISymbolInstance symRef, IEditorService edSvc, ClassDefinition cls, string provider, string featureSourceId) { _symRef = symRef; _edSvc = edSvc; _cls = cls; _provider = provider; _featureSourceId = featureSourceId; _params.Clear(); //Add existing overrides foreach (var p in symRef.ParameterOverrides.Override) { _params.Add(p); } //Now add available parameters PopulateAvailableParameters(); grpSettings.Controls.Clear(); Control c = CreateEditor(symRef, edSvc.ResourceService); c.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; grpSettings.Controls.Add(c); }
private TreeNode CreateClassNode(ClassDefinition cls) { var node = new TreeNode(); node.Name = cls.Name; node.Text = cls.Name; foreach (PropertyDefinition prop in cls.Properties) { var pNode = new TreeNode(); pNode.Name = prop.Name; pNode.Text = prop.Name; pNode.Tag = prop; node.Nodes.Add(pNode); } node.Tag = cls; return node; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the index of the specified class definition /// </summary> /// <param name="cls"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int IndexOf(ClassDefinition cls) => _classes.IndexOf(cls);
private void SetFeatureClass(ClassDefinition item) { txtFeatureClass.Text = item.QualifiedName; _selectedClass = item; //See if geometry needs invalidation bool invalidate = true; foreach (var col in item.Properties) { if (col.Type == PropertyDefinitionType.Raster && col.Name.Equals(txtGeometry.Text)) { invalidate = false; break; } } if (invalidate) { txtGeometry.Text = string.Empty; } //See if we can auto-assign geometry List<PropertyDefinition> geoms = new List<PropertyDefinition>(); foreach (var col in _selectedClass.Properties) { if (col.Type == PropertyDefinitionType.Raster) geoms.Add(col); } if (geoms.Count == 1) txtGeometry.Text = geoms[0].Name; //OnFeatureClassChanged(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FeatureBase"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="clsDef">The class definition.</param> public FeatureBase(ClassDefinition clsDef) : base() { _clsDef = clsDef; for (int i = 0; i < clsDef.Properties.Count; i++) { var prop = clsDef[i]; _ordinalMap[i] = prop.Name; switch (prop.Type) { case PropertyDefinitionType.Data: { DataPropertyDefinition dp = (DataPropertyDefinition)prop; switch (dp.DataType) { case DataPropertyType.Blob: _values[prop.Name] = new BlobValue(); break; case DataPropertyType.Boolean: _values[prop.Name] = new BooleanValue(); break; case DataPropertyType.Byte: _values[prop.Name] = new ByteValue(); break; case DataPropertyType.Clob: _values[prop.Name] = new ClobValue(); break; case DataPropertyType.DateTime: _values[prop.Name] = new DateTimeValue(); break; case DataPropertyType.Double: _values[prop.Name] = new DoubleValue(); break; case DataPropertyType.Int16: _values[prop.Name] = new Int16Value(); break; case DataPropertyType.Int32: _values[prop.Name] = new Int32Value(); break; case DataPropertyType.Int64: _values[prop.Name] = new Int64Value(); break; case DataPropertyType.Single: _values[prop.Name] = new SingleValue(); break; case DataPropertyType.String: _values[prop.Name] = new StringValue(); break; } } break; case PropertyDefinitionType.Geometry: _values[prop.Name] = new GeometryValue(); break; case PropertyDefinitionType.Object: _values[prop.Name] = new FeatureValue(); break; case PropertyDefinitionType.Raster: _values[prop.Name] = new RasterValue(); break; } } }
private static void UpdateClassNode(TreeNode classNode, ClassDefinition cls) { //var classNode = new TreeNode(cls.Name); classNode.Nodes.Clear(); classNode.Name = cls.Name; classNode.Text = cls.Name; var clsTag = classNode.Tag as ClassNodeTag; if (clsTag == null) { classNode.Tag = new ClassNodeTag(cls.Parent.Name, cls.Name) { Loaded = true, Class = cls }; } else { clsTag.Loaded = true; clsTag.Class = cls; } classNode.ImageIndex = classNode.SelectedImageIndex = IDX_CLASS; classNode.ToolTipText = string.Format(Strings.FsPreview_ClassNodeTooltip, cls.Name, cls.Description, cls.DefaultGeometryPropertyName, Environment.NewLine); foreach (var prop in cls.Properties) { var propNode = new TreeNode(prop.Name); propNode.Text = prop.Name; propNode.Tag = prop; if (prop.Type == PropertyDefinitionType.Geometry) { var g = (GeometricPropertyDefinition)prop; propNode.ImageIndex = propNode.SelectedImageIndex = IDX_GEOMETRY; propNode.ToolTipText = string.Format(Strings.FsPreview_GeometryPropertyNodeTooltip, g.Name, g.Description, g.GeometryTypesToString(), g.IsReadOnly, g.HasElevation, g.HasMeasure, g.SpatialContextAssociation, Environment.NewLine); } else if (prop.Type == PropertyDefinitionType.Data) { var d = (DataPropertyDefinition)prop; if (cls.IdentityProperties.Contains((DataPropertyDefinition)prop)) propNode.ImageIndex = propNode.SelectedImageIndex = IDX_IDENTITY; else propNode.ImageIndex = propNode.SelectedImageIndex = IDX_PROP; propNode.ToolTipText = string.Format(Strings.FsPreview_DataPropertyNodeTooltip, d.Name, d.Description, d.DataType.ToString(), d.IsNullable, d.IsReadOnly, d.Length, d.Precision, d.Scale, Environment.NewLine); } else if (prop.Type == PropertyDefinitionType.Raster) { var r = (RasterPropertyDefinition)prop; propNode.ImageIndex = propNode.SelectedImageIndex = IDX_RASTER; propNode.ToolTipText = string.Format(Strings.FsPreview_RasterPropertyNodeTooltip, r.Name, r.Description, r.IsNullable, r.DefaultImageXSize, r.DefaultImageYSize, r.SpatialContextAssociation, Environment.NewLine); } else { propNode.ImageIndex = propNode.SelectedImageIndex = IDX_PROP; } classNode.Nodes.Add(propNode); } }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { if (_cachedDesc == null) _cachedDesc = _edsvc.FeatureService.DescribeFeatureSource(txtFeatureSource.Text); //Init cached schemas and selected class if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFeatureClass.Text)) { var cls = _cachedDesc.GetClass(txtFeatureClass.Text); if (cls != null) { _selectedClass = cls; } } else { SetFeatureClass(_cachedDesc.Schemas[0].Classes[0]); } }
internal PointFeatureStyleEditor(IEditorService editor, ClassDefinition schema, string featureSource, Image currentW2D, ILayerStylePreviewable prev) : this(editor, schema, featureSource, prev) { grpW2DStyle.Tag = currentW2D; }
/// <summary> /// Edits the expression. /// </summary> /// <param name="currentExpr">The current expr.</param> /// <param name="classDef">The class def.</param> /// <param name="providerName">Name of the provider.</param> /// <param name="featureSourceId">The feature source id.</param> /// <param name="attachStylizationFunctions">If true, FDO stylization functions are also included in the function list</param> /// <returns></returns> public string EditExpression(string currentExpr, ClassDefinition classDef, string providerName, string featureSourceId, bool attachStylizationFunctions) { var ed = FdoExpressionEditorFactory.Create(); new ExpressionEditor(); var caps = this.FeatureService.GetProviderCapabilities(providerName); ed.Initialize(this.FeatureService, caps, classDef, featureSourceId, attachStylizationFunctions); ed.Expression = currentExpr; if (ed.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { return ed.Expression; } return null; }
private WmsConfigurationDocument BuildDefaultWmsDocument() { var doc = new WmsConfigurationDocument(); var contexts = _fs.GetSpatialInfo(false); var schemaName = _fs.GetSchemaNames()[0]; var clsNames = _fs.GetClassNames(schemaName); var schema = new FeatureSchema(schemaName, string.Empty); doc.AddSchema(schema); foreach (var sc in contexts.SpatialContext) { doc.AddSpatialContext(sc); } var defaultSc = contexts.SpatialContext[0]; foreach (var clsName in clsNames) { var className = clsName.Split(':')[1]; //NOXLATE var cls = new ClassDefinition(className, string.Empty); cls.AddProperty(new DataPropertyDefinition("Id", string.Empty) //NOXLATE { DataType = DataPropertyType.String, Length = 256, IsNullable = false }, true); cls.AddProperty(new RasterPropertyDefinition("Image", string.Empty) //NOXLATE { DefaultImageXSize = 1024, DefaultImageYSize = 1024, SpatialContextAssociation = defaultSc.Name }); schema.AddClass(cls); var item = CreateDefaultItem(schema.Name, cls.Name, "Image", defaultSc); //NOXLATE doc.AddRasterItem(item); } return doc; }
private void lstFeatureClasses_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { var item = (RasterWmsItem)lstFeatureClasses.SelectedItem; grpRaster.Controls.Clear(); _updatingLogicalClassUI = true; try { if (item != null) { var ctrl = new RasterDefinitionCtrl(_config, item, _service); ctrl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; grpRaster.Controls.Add(ctrl); btnRemove.Enabled = true; //Get logical class string schemaName = item.SchemaName; string className = item.FeatureClass; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(schemaName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(className)) { _logicalClass = _config.GetClass(schemaName, className); if (_logicalClass != null) { txtClassName.Text = _logicalClass.Name; txtClassDescription.Text = _logicalClass.Description; } else { txtClassName.Text = string.Empty; txtClassDescription.Text = string.Empty; } } else { _logicalClass = null; txtClassName.Text = string.Empty; txtClassDescription.Text = string.Empty; } } else { _logicalClass = null; txtClassName.Text = string.Empty; txtClassDescription.Text = string.Empty; } } finally { _updatingLogicalClassUI = false; } grpLogicalClass.Enabled = (_logicalClass != null); }
private void btnSwapAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show(Strings.ConfirmWmsLogicalClassSwap, string.Empty, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { using (new WaitCursor(this)) { _logicalClass = null; lstFeatureClasses.SelectedItem = null; foreach (var item in _config.RasterOverrides) { var cls = _config.GetClass(item.SchemaName, item.FeatureClass); if (cls == null) continue; var tmp = cls.Name; cls.Name = cls.Description; cls.Description = tmp; item.FeatureClass = cls.Name; } lstFeatureClasses.DataSource = _config.RasterOverrides; //rebind } } }
private static RasterPropertyDefinition GetRasterProperty(ClassDefinition cls) { foreach (var prop in cls.Properties) { if (prop.Type == OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Schema.PropertyDefinitionType.Raster) return (RasterPropertyDefinition)prop; } return null; }
/// <summary> /// Adds the specified class definition /// </summary> /// <param name="cls"></param> public void AddClass(ClassDefinition cls) { _classes.Add(cls); cls.Parent = this; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance /// </summary> /// <param name="feature"></param> /// <param name="source"></param> protected MutableFeatureBase(IRecordInitialize feature, ClassDefinition source) : base(feature) { _clsDef = ClassDefinition.Clone(source); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a clone of the specified instance /// </summary> /// <param name="source">The instance to clone.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static ClassDefinition Clone(ClassDefinition source) { var clone = new ClassDefinition(source.Name, source.Description); foreach (var prop in source.Properties) { var clonedProp = PropertyDefinition.Clone(prop); if (clonedProp.Type == PropertyDefinitionType.Data && source.IdentityProperties.Contains((DataPropertyDefinition)prop)) { clone.AddProperty((DataPropertyDefinition)clonedProp, true); } else { clone.AddProperty(clonedProp); } } clone.DefaultGeometryPropertyName = source.DefaultGeometryPropertyName; clone.IsAbstract = source.IsAbstract; clone.IsComputed = source.IsComputed; if (source.Parent != null) clone.Parent = new FeatureSchema(source.Parent.Name, source.Parent.Description); //TODO: Base Class return clone; }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { if (this.DesignMode) return; //Init cached schemas and selected class if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFeatureClass.Text)) { var cls = _edsvc.FeatureService.GetClassDefinition(txtFeatureSource.Text, txtFeatureClass.Text); if (cls != null) { _selectedClass = cls; OnFeatureClassChanged(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the dialog. /// </summary> /// <param name="featSvc">The feature service.</param> /// <param name="caps">The provider capabilities.</param> /// <param name="cls">The class definition.</param> /// <param name="featuresSourceId">The features source id.</param> /// <param name="attachStylizationFunctions">if set to <c>true</c> stylization functions are also attached</param> public void Initialize(IFeatureService featSvc, FdoProviderCapabilities caps, ClassDefinition cls, string featuresSourceId, bool attachStylizationFunctions) { try { _cls = cls; _featSvc = featSvc; m_featureSource = featuresSourceId; _caps = caps; SortedList<string, PropertyDefinition> sortedCols = new SortedList<string, PropertyDefinition>(); foreach (var col in _cls.Properties) { sortedCols.Add(col.Name, col); } ColumnName.Items.Clear(); ColumnName.Tag = sortedCols; foreach (var col in sortedCols.Values) { string name = col.Name; ToolStripButton btn = new ToolStripButton(); btn.Name = name; btn.Text = name; btn.Click += delegate { InsertText(name); }; btnProperties.DropDown.Items.Add(btn); ColumnName.Items.Add(name); } if (ColumnName.Items.Count > 0) ColumnName.SelectedIndex = 0; //Functions SortedList<string, FdoProviderCapabilitiesExpressionFunctionDefinition> sortedFuncs = new SortedList<string, FdoProviderCapabilitiesExpressionFunctionDefinition>(); foreach (FdoProviderCapabilitiesExpressionFunctionDefinition func in caps.Expression.FunctionDefinitionList) { sortedFuncs.Add(func.Name, func); } if (attachStylizationFunctions) { foreach (var func in Utility.GetStylizationFunctions()) { sortedFuncs.Add(func.Name, func); } } foreach (FdoProviderCapabilitiesExpressionFunctionDefinition func in sortedFuncs.Values) { string name = func.Name; ToolStripButton btn = new ToolStripButton(); btn.Name = name; btn.Text = name; btn.ToolTipText = func.Description; string fmt = "{0}({1})"; //NOXLATE List<string> args = new List<string>(); foreach (FdoProviderCapabilitiesExpressionFunctionDefinitionArgumentDefinition argDef in func.ArgumentDefinitionList) { args.Add(argDef.Name.Trim()); } string expr = string.Format(fmt, name, FdoExpressionCompletionDataProvider.StringifyFunctionArgs(args)); btn.Click += delegate { InsertText(expr); }; btnFunctions.DropDown.Items.Add(btn); } //Spatial Operators foreach (FdoProviderCapabilitiesFilterOperation op in caps.Filter.Spatial) { string name = op.ToString().ToUpper(); ToolStripButton btn = new ToolStripButton(); btn.Name = btn.Text = btn.ToolTipText = op.ToString(); btn.Click += delegate { InsertSpatialFilter(name); }; btnSpatial.DropDown.Items.Add(btn); } //Distance Operators foreach (FdoProviderCapabilitiesFilterOperation1 op in caps.Filter.Distance) { string name = op.ToString().ToUpper(); ToolStripButton btn = new ToolStripButton(); btn.Name = btn.Text = btn.ToolTipText = op.ToString(); btn.Click += delegate { InsertSpatialFilter(name); }; btnDistance.DropDown.Items.Add(btn); } //Conditional Operators foreach (FdoProviderCapabilitiesFilterOperation op in caps.Filter.Condition) { string name = op.ToString().ToUpper(); ToolStripButton btn = new ToolStripButton(); btn.Name = btn.Text = btn.ToolTipText = op.ToString(); btn.Click += delegate { InsertSpatialFilter(name); }; btnCondition.DropDown.Items.Add(btn); } } catch { } }
private void UpdateColumns() { if (txtLayer.Tag != null) { _columns.Clear(); var ldf = (ILayerDefinition)_edsvc.ResourceService.GetResource(txtLayer.Tag.ToString()); var vl = (IVectorLayerDefinition)ldf.SubLayer; _cls = _edsvc.FeatureService.GetClassDefinition(vl.ResourceId, vl.FeatureName); COL_PROPERTY.DisplayMember = "Name"; COL_PROPERTY.DataSource = _cls.Properties; } }
void AddPreviewPane(ClassDefinition cls, QueryMode mode) { if (mode == QueryMode.SQL) { if (!hasSql) { var pane = new PreviewPane(currentFsId, mode, cls, _fsvc, _caps); var page = new TabPage(); page.Text = Strings.SQLQuery; page.Tag = mode; pane.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; page.Controls.Add(pane); tabPreviews.TabPages.Add(page); tabPreviews.SelectedIndex = tabPreviews.TabPages.IndexOf(page); hasSql = true; } } else { var pane = new PreviewPane(currentFsId, mode, cls, _fsvc, _caps); var page = new TabPage(); page.Text = Strings.StandardQuery + " - " + cls.QualifiedName; //NOXLATE page.Tag = mode; pane.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; page.Controls.Add(pane); tabPreviews.TabPages.Add(page); tabPreviews.SelectedIndex = tabPreviews.TabPages.IndexOf(page); } btnClose.Enabled = (tabPreviews.TabPages.Count > 0); }