예제 #1
파일: Gdal.cs 프로젝트: wangfeilong321/vdpm
 public static int ContourGenerate(Band srcBand, double contourInterval, double contourBase, int fixedLevelCount, double[] fixedLevels, int useNoData, double noDataValue, OSGeo.OGR.Layer dstLayer, int idField, int elevField, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate callback, string callback_data)
     int ret = GdalPINVOKE.ContourGenerate(Band.getCPtr(srcBand), contourInterval, contourBase, fixedLevelCount, fixedLevels, useNoData, noDataValue, OSGeo.OGR.Layer.getCPtr(dstLayer), idField, elevField, callback, callback_data);
     if (GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
     return ret;
예제 #2
        public string GetSpatialReferenceFromPath(string filepath)
            string  spatialref = null;
            Dataset ds         = Gdal.Open(filepath, Access.GA_ReadOnly);

            if (ds == null)
                Console.WriteLine("    [-] Could not create dataset from file.");
            spatialref = ds.GetProjectionRef();
예제 #3
    static GdalConfiguration()
        var executingAssemblyFile = new Uri(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase).LocalPath;
        var executingDirectory    = Path.GetDirectoryName(executingAssemblyFile);

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(executingDirectory))
            throw new InvalidOperationException("cannot get executing directory");

        var gdalPath   = Path.Combine(executingDirectory, "gdal");
        var nativePath = Path.Combine(gdalPath, GetPlatform());

        // Prepend native path to environment path, to ensure the
        // right libs are being used.
        var path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH");

        path = nativePath + ";" + Path.Combine(nativePath, "plugins") + ";" + path;
        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", path);

        // Set the additional GDAL environment variables.
        var gdalData = Path.Combine(gdalPath, "data");

        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GDAL_DATA", gdalData);
        Gdal.SetConfigOption("GDAL_DATA", gdalData);

        var driverPath = Path.Combine(nativePath, "plugins");

        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GDAL_DRIVER_PATH", driverPath);
        Gdal.SetConfigOption("GDAL_DRIVER_PATH", driverPath);

        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GEOTIFF_CSV", gdalData);
        Gdal.SetConfigOption("GEOTIFF_CSV", gdalData);

        var projSharePath = Path.Combine(gdalPath, "share");

        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PROJ_LIB", projSharePath);
        Gdal.SetConfigOption("PROJ_LIB", projSharePath);
예제 #4
 public static extern int SieveFilter(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2, HandleRef jarg3, int jarg4, int jarg5, IntPtr[] jarg6, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate jarg7, string jarg8);
예제 #5
 public static extern int Polygonize(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2, HandleRef jarg3, int jarg4, IntPtr[] jarg5, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate jarg6, string jarg7);
예제 #6
 public static extern int ComputeProximity(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2, IntPtr[] jarg3, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate jarg4, string jarg5);
예제 #7
 public static extern int DitherRGB2PCT(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2, HandleRef jarg3, HandleRef jarg4, HandleRef jarg5, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate jarg6, string jarg7);
예제 #8
 public static extern int Band_GetDefaultHistogram(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2, HandleRef jarg3, HandleRef jarg4, HandleRef jarg5, int jarg6, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate jarg7, string jarg8);
예제 #9
 public static extern int Band_ComputeStatistics(HandleRef jarg1, bool jarg2, out double jarg3, out double jarg4, out double jarg5, out double jarg6, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate jarg7, string jarg8);
예제 #10
 public static extern IntPtr Driver_CreateCopy(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, HandleRef jarg3, int jarg4, IntPtr[] jarg5, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate jarg6, string jarg7);
예제 #11
파일: Gdal.cs 프로젝트: wangfeilong321/vdpm
 public static CPLErr ReprojectImage(Dataset src_ds, Dataset dst_ds, string src_wkt, string dst_wkt, ResampleAlg eResampleAlg, double WarpMemoryLimit, double maxerror, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate callback, string callback_data)
     CPLErr ret = (CPLErr)GdalPINVOKE.ReprojectImage(Dataset.getCPtr(src_ds), Dataset.getCPtr(dst_ds), src_wkt, dst_wkt, (int)eResampleAlg, WarpMemoryLimit, maxerror, callback, callback_data);
     if (GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
     return ret;
예제 #12
파일: Gdal.cs 프로젝트: wangfeilong321/vdpm
 public static int RegenerateOverviews(Band srcBand, int overviewBandCount, SWIGTYPE_p_p_GDALRasterBandShadow overviewBands, string resampling, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate callback, string callback_data)
     int ret = GdalPINVOKE.RegenerateOverviews(Band.getCPtr(srcBand), overviewBandCount, SWIGTYPE_p_p_GDALRasterBandShadow.getCPtr(overviewBands), resampling, callback, callback_data);
     if (GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
     return ret;
예제 #13
파일: Gdal.cs 프로젝트: wangfeilong321/vdpm
 public static int RegenerateOverview(Band srcBand, Band overviewBand, string resampling, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate callback, string callback_data)
     int ret = GdalPINVOKE.RegenerateOverview(Band.getCPtr(srcBand), Band.getCPtr(overviewBand), resampling, callback, callback_data);
     if (GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
     return ret;
예제 #14
파일: Gdal.cs 프로젝트: wangfeilong321/vdpm
 public static int RasterizeLayer(Dataset dataset, int bands, int[] band_list, OSGeo.OGR.Layer layer, IntPtr pfnTransformer, IntPtr pTransformArg, int burn_values, double[] burn_values_list, string[] options, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate callback, string callback_data)
     int ret = GdalPINVOKE.RasterizeLayer(Dataset.getCPtr(dataset), bands, band_list, OSGeo.OGR.Layer.getCPtr(layer), pfnTransformer, pTransformArg, burn_values, burn_values_list, (options != null)? new GdalPINVOKE.StringListMarshal(options)._ar : null, callback, callback_data);
     if (GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
     return ret;
예제 #15
파일: Gdal.cs 프로젝트: wangfeilong321/vdpm
 public static void PushErrorHandler(Gdal.GDALErrorHandlerDelegate arg0)
     if (GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
예제 #16
 public static extern int ContourGenerate(HandleRef jarg1, double jarg2, double jarg3, int jarg4, HandleRef jarg5, int jarg6, double jarg7, HandleRef jarg8, int jarg9, int jarg10, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate jarg11, string jarg12);
예제 #17
        public void FindNoDataXYCoords(string filepath, string outputdir)
            //returns coordinates of points below a certain value, but only if N adjacent
            //nodes also fall below that value. the goal is to only identify anomalous clusters
            //of near-0 points ('data voids')
            Dataset ds = Gdal.Open(filepath, Access.GA_ReadOnly);   //Read raster

            if (ds == null)
                Console.WriteLine("    [-] Could not create raster dataset from file.");
            if (ds.RasterCount < 3)
                Console.WriteLine("    [-] Need at least a three band raster image.");
            List <string> OutputCSV = new List <string>();

            double[] gt = new double[6];
            ds.GetGeoTransform(gt); //Read geo transform info into array
            int    Rows = ds.RasterYSize;
            int    Cols = ds.RasterXSize;
            Band   redband = ds.GetRasterBand(1);
            Band   greenband = ds.GetRasterBand(2);
            Band   blueband = ds.GetRasterBand(3);
            double startX = gt[0];   //Upper left lon
            double startY = gt[3];   //Upper left lat
            double interval = gt[1]; //Cell size
            double x, y;             //Current lon and lat
            string filename           = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filepath);
            int    adjacencycount     = 0;
            int    adjacencythreshold = 25;
            bool   previousrow        = false;
            bool   isinvalid          = false;
            int    pointsoverflow     = 0;

            for (int k = 0; k < Rows; k++)  //read one line
                adjacencycount = 0;
                y = startY - k * interval;  //current lat
                int[][] buf = new int[3][];
                buf[0] = new int[Cols];
                buf[1] = new int[Cols];
                buf[2] = new int[Cols];
                int[] previouspixel = new int[3];
                //ReadRaster parameters are StartCol, StartRow, ColumnsToRead, RowsToRead, BufferToStoreInto, BufferColumns, BufferRows, 0, 0
                    redband.ReadRaster(0, k, Cols, 1, buf[0], Cols, 1, 0, 0);
                    greenband.ReadRaster(0, k, Cols, 1, buf[1], Cols, 1, 0, 0);
                    blueband.ReadRaster(0, k, Cols, 1, buf[2], Cols, 1, 0, 0);
                    if (isinvalid == false)
                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid compression result. Please rerun ImageChecker");
                        isinvalid = true;
                List <List <double> > pixlists = new List <List <double> >();
                bool previous         = false;
                bool hasblackpx       = false;
                bool existingsequence = false;
                int  firstinrow       = 1;
                int  sequencenumber   = 0;
                //iterate each item in one line
                for (int r = 0; r < Cols; r++)
                    bool isidentical = false;
                    bool isdarkpixel = false;

                    if (buf[0][r] == previouspixel[0] && buf[1][r] == previouspixel[1] && buf[2][r] == previouspixel[2])
                        isidentical = true;
                    if (buf[0][r] <= 15 && buf[1][r] <= 15 && buf[2][r] <= 15)
                        isdarkpixel = true;
                    //if we have reached this point then no additional coordinates will be found, so might as well avoid array accesses
                    if (r >= (Cols - adjacencythreshold) && adjacencycount < adjacencythreshold)
                    if ((isdarkpixel || isidentical) && previous == true)
                        //only add pixels if they're directly adjacent
                        //this way, you avoid all the errant little shadows that aren't actual data voids
                        //needs reworking
                        x = startX + r * interval;  //current lon
                        List <double> potentialresult = new List <double>();
                        double        ydistance       = Convert.ToDouble(k);
                        double        xdistance       = Convert.ToDouble(r);
                        if (previousrow == true)
                        existingsequence = false;
                        adjacencycount   = 0;
                        previous         = false;
                        if (isdarkpixel || isidentical)
                            previous = true;
                    if (adjacencycount == 0)
                        existingsequence = false;
                    if (adjacencycount == adjacencythreshold)
                        hasblackpx = true;
                        if (previousrow == true) //cuts down the # of false positives while preserving "actual" voids
                            List <double> firstresult = pixlists.First();
                            List <double> lastresult  = pixlists.Last();
                            double        firstx      = firstresult[0];
                            double        firsty      = firstresult[1];
                            double        firstrow    = firstresult[2];
                            double        firstcolumn = firstresult[3];
                            double        lastx       = lastresult[0];
                            double        lasty       = lastresult[1];
                            double        lastrow     = lastresult[2];
                            double        lastcolumn  = lastresult[3];
                            if (existingsequence == true) //save array space by only preserving first/last points in a contiguous sequence
                                //wish C# had something like pop_back()...
                                OutputCSV.RemoveAt(OutputCSV.Count - 1);
                            //just in case, don't want to hit OOM
                            if (OutputCSV.Count > 500000)
                                Console.WriteLine("[-] Found a lot of valid BlackPx. Please consider using -m to mask out shoreline tiles");
                                string overflowfile = outputdir + "\\" + filename + "_" + pointsoverflow.ToString() + ".csv";
                                WritePointData(overflowfile, OutputCSV);
                                pointsoverflow += 1;
                            //edge case
                            if (sequencenumber == Int32.MaxValue)
                                Console.WriteLine("[-] Found too many unique patterns. Please consider using -m to mask out shoreline tiles");
                                Console.WriteLine("    Reducing results size, may skew results");
                            if (existingsequence == false) //another optimization
                                sequencenumber += 1;
                                string firstline = string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6}{7}", firstx, firsty, firstrow, firstcolumn, sequencenumber, firstinrow, filename, Environment.NewLine);
                            if (existingsequence == false && firstinrow == 1)
                                firstinrow = 0;
                            string lastline = string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6}{7}", lastx, lasty, lastrow, lastcolumn, sequencenumber, firstinrow, filename, Environment.NewLine);
                        adjacencycount   = 0;
                        existingsequence = true;
                    previouspixel[0] = buf[0][r];
                    previouspixel[1] = buf[1][r];
                    previouspixel[2] = buf[2][r];
                if (hasblackpx == true)
                    previousrow = true;
                    previousrow = false;
            if (OutputCSV.Any())
                string outputfile = outputdir + "\\" + filename + ".csv";
                WritePointData(outputfile, OutputCSV);
예제 #18
파일: Gdal.cs 프로젝트: wangfeilong321/vdpm
 public static int SieveFilter(Band srcBand, Band maskBand, Band dstBand, int threshold, int connectedness, string[] options, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate callback, string callback_data)
     int ret = GdalPINVOKE.SieveFilter(Band.getCPtr(srcBand), Band.getCPtr(maskBand), Band.getCPtr(dstBand), threshold, connectedness, (options != null)? new GdalPINVOKE.StringListMarshal(options)._ar : null, callback, callback_data);
     if (GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
     return ret;
예제 #19
 public static extern int Dataset_BuildOverviews(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, int jarg3, IntPtr jarg4, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate jarg5, string jarg6);
예제 #20
 public CPLErr GetDefaultHistogram(SWIGTYPE_p_double min_ret, SWIGTYPE_p_double max_ret, SWIGTYPE_p_int buckets_ret, SWIGTYPE_p_p_int ppanHistogram, int force, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate callback, string callback_data)
     CPLErr ret = (CPLErr)GdalPINVOKE.Band_GetDefaultHistogram(swigCPtr, SWIGTYPE_p_double.getCPtr(min_ret), SWIGTYPE_p_double.getCPtr(max_ret), SWIGTYPE_p_int.getCPtr(buckets_ret), SWIGTYPE_p_p_int.getCPtr(ppanHistogram), force, callback, callback_data);
     if (GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
     return ret;
예제 #21
 public static extern int Band_GetHistogram(HandleRef jarg1, double jarg2, double jarg3, int jarg4, int[] jarg5, int jarg6, int jarg7, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate jarg8, string jarg9);
 public CPLErr ComputeStatistics(bool approx_ok, out double min, out double max, out double mean, out double stddev, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate callback, string callback_data)
     CPLErr ret = (CPLErr)GdalPINVOKE.Band_ComputeStatistics(swigCPtr, approx_ok, out min, out max, out mean, out stddev, callback, callback_data);
     if (GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
     return ret;
예제 #23
 public static extern int ComputeMedianCutPCT(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2, HandleRef jarg3, int jarg4, HandleRef jarg5, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate jarg6, string jarg7);
 public CPLErr GetDefaultHistogram(out double min_ret, out double max_ret, out int buckets_ret, out int[] ppanHistogram, int force, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate callback, string callback_data)
     CPLErr ret = (CPLErr)GdalPINVOKE.Band_GetDefaultHistogram(swigCPtr, out min_ret, out max_ret, out buckets_ret, out ppanHistogram, force, callback, callback_data);
     if (GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
     return ret;
예제 #25
 public static extern int ReprojectImage(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2, string jarg3, string jarg4, int jarg5, double jarg6, double jarg7, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate jarg8, string jarg9);
 public CPLErr GetHistogram(double min, double max, int buckets, int[] panHistogram, int include_out_of_range, int approx_ok, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate callback, string callback_data)
     CPLErr ret = (CPLErr)GdalPINVOKE.Band_GetHistogram(swigCPtr, min, max, buckets, panHistogram, include_out_of_range, approx_ok, callback, callback_data);
     if (GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
     return ret;
예제 #27
 public static extern int RasterizeLayer(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2, HandleRef jarg3, HandleRef jarg4, HandleRef jarg5, HandleRef jarg6, int jarg7, HandleRef jarg8, IntPtr[] jarg9, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate jarg10, string jarg11);
예제 #28

public int BuildOverviews( string resampling, int[] overviewlist, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate callback, string callback_data) {
      int retval;
      if (overviewlist.Length <= 0)
        throw new ArgumentException("overviewlist size is small (BuildOverviews)");
      IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(overviewlist.Length * Marshal.SizeOf(overviewlist[0]));
      try {
          Marshal.Copy(overviewlist, 0, ptr, overviewlist.Length);
          retval = BuildOverviews(resampling, overviewlist.Length, ptr, callback, callback_data);
      } finally {
      return retval;
예제 #29
 public static extern int FillNodata(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2, double jarg3, int jarg4, IntPtr[] jarg5, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate jarg6, string jarg7);
예제 #30
 public int BuildOverviews(string resampling, int overviewlist, IntPtr pOverviews, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate callback, string callback_data) {
   int ret = GdalPINVOKE.Dataset_BuildOverviews(swigCPtr, resampling, overviewlist, pOverviews, callback, callback_data);
   if (GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
   return ret;
예제 #31
 public static extern int RegenerateOverview(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2, string jarg3, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate jarg4, string jarg5);
예제 #32
        public void StartToProcess()

            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            /*      Register driver(s).                                             */
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            /*      Open dataset.                                                   */
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

            List <string> tiffFiles = GetGeoTiffFiles();

            foreach (string servertiffFile in tiffFiles)
                string localTiffFile = GetLocalTiffFileName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(servertiffFile));
                string localPngFile  = GetLocalPngFileName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(servertiffFile));
                string serverPngFile = servertiffFile.Replace(".tif", ".png");

                DownloadGeoTiffFile(servertiffFile, localTiffFile);

                Dataset ds = Gdal.Open(localTiffFile, Access.GA_Update);

                if (ds == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Can't open " + localTiffFile);
                    throw new Exception();

                Console.WriteLine("Raster dataset parameters:");
                Console.WriteLine("  Projection: " + ds.GetProjectionRef());
                Console.WriteLine("  RasterCount: " + ds.RasterCount);
                Console.WriteLine("  RasterSize (" + ds.RasterXSize + "," + ds.RasterYSize + ")");

                /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                /*      Get driver                                                      */
                /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                Driver drv = ds.GetDriver();

                if (drv == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Can't get driver.");

                Console.WriteLine("Using driver " + drv.LongName);

                /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                /*      Get raster band                                                 */
                /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                for (int iBand = 1; iBand <= ds.RasterCount; iBand++)
                    Band band = ds.GetRasterBand(iBand);
                    Console.WriteLine("Band " + iBand + " :");
                    Console.WriteLine("   DataType: " + band.DataType);
                    Console.WriteLine("   Size (" + band.XSize + "," + band.YSize + ")");
                    Console.WriteLine("   PaletteInterp: " + band.GetRasterColorInterpretation().ToString());

                    for (int iOver = 0; iOver < band.GetOverviewCount(); iOver++)
                        Band over = band.GetOverview(iOver);
                        Console.WriteLine("      OverView " + iOver + " :");
                        Console.WriteLine("         DataType: " + over.DataType);
                        Console.WriteLine("         Size (" + over.XSize + "," + over.YSize + ")");
                        Console.WriteLine("         PaletteInterp: " + over.GetRasterColorInterpretation().ToString());

                /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                /*      Processing the raster                                           */
                /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                //SaveBitmapBuffered(ds, localPngFile, -1);
                SaveBitmapGrayBuffered(ds, localPngFile, -1);

                UploadKmzFile(localPngFile, serverPngFile);
            //string fileName = "cspp-viirs-flood-globally_20180815_080000.p153435116453720";
            //string geoTiffFileName = string.Format(@"D:\Repos\GmuGeo-bak\Resources\VIIRS_floodmap_Aug15_2018\{0}.tif", fileName);
            //string pngFileName = string.Format(@"D:\Repos\GmuGeo\Examples\png\{0}.png", fileName);
예제 #33
 public int TransformGeolocations(Band xBand, Band yBand, Band zBand, Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate callback, string callback_data, string[] options)
     int ret = GdalPINVOKE.Transformer_TransformGeolocations(swigCPtr, Band.getCPtr(xBand), Band.getCPtr(yBand), Band.getCPtr(zBand), callback, callback_data, (options != null)? new GdalPINVOKE.StringListMarshal(options)._ar : null);
     if (GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw GdalPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
     return ret;
예제 #34
 public static extern void PushErrorHandler__SWIG_1(Gdal.GDALErrorHandlerDelegate jarg1);