private void btnBookAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Book book = new Book(); IdCount Cn = IdCount.Creator(); book.Id = Cn.ProductId1; book.Name = txtNamebook.Text; book.Price = double.Parse(txtPriceBook.Text); book.ISBNnumber1 = int.Parse(txtISBNnumberbook.Text); book.Page = int.Parse(txtPagebook.Text); book.Publisher = txtPublisherbook.Text; book.Author = txtAuthorbook.Text; Cn.ProductId1 += 1; ProductLists Listspro = ProductLists.Createtor(); Listspro.Boklist.Add(book); txtNamebook.Text = ""; txtPriceBook.Text = ""; txtISBNnumberbook.Text = ""; txtPagebook.Text = ""; txtPublisherbook.Text = ""; txtAuthorbook.Text = ""; } catch { MessageBox.Show("ERROR! Please enter true value"); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Magazine magazine = new Magazine(); IdCount Cn = IdCount.Creator(); magazine.Id = Cn.ProductId1; magazine.Name = txtNamemagazine.Text; magazine.Price = double.Parse(txtPricemagazine.Text); magazine.Issue = int.Parse(txtIssuemagazine.Text); magazine.Type = txtTypemagazine.Text; magazine.quantity = int.Parse(txtQuantityMag.Text); Cn.ProductId1 += 1; ProductLists Listspro = ProductLists.CreateList(); Listspro.Magazinelist.Add(magazine); txtNamemagazine.Text = ""; txtPricemagazine.Text = ""; txtIssuemagazine.Text = ""; txtTypemagazine.Text = ""; txtQuantityMag.Text = ""; } catch { MessageBox.Show("ERROR! Please enter the right values"); } }
private void btnMusiccdAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { MusicCD musiccd = new MusicCD(); IdCount Cn = IdCount.Creator(); musiccd.Id = Cn.ProductId1; musiccd.Name = txtnamemusiccd.Text; musiccd.Price = double.Parse(txtPricemusiccd.Text); musiccd.Singer = txtSingermusiccd.Text; musiccd.Type = txtTypemusiccd.Text; musiccd.quantity = int.Parse(txtQuantityCD.Text); Cn.ProductId1 += 1; ProductLists Listspro = ProductLists.CreateList(); Listspro.MusicCDlist.Add(musiccd); txtnamemusiccd.Text = ""; txtPricemusiccd.Text = ""; txtSingermusiccd.Text = ""; txtTypemusiccd.Text = ""; txtQuantityCD.Text = ""; } catch { MessageBox.Show("ERROR! Please enter true value"); } }
public static IdCount Creator() { if (Coun == null) { Coun = new IdCount(); } return(Coun); }
private void btnSignupsignup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtPasswordsignup.Text.ToString() == txtpasswordconfirmsignup.Text.ToString() && txtPasswordsignup.Text.ToString() != "") { CustomerList list = CustomerList.Createtor(); IdCount Cn = IdCount.Creator(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Cstmrlist.Count; i++) { if (txtUsernamesignup.Text == list.Cstmrlist[i].Username1) { MessageBox.Show("There is a this username in system. Please enter different username"); break; } else { Customer cs = new Customer(); cs.CustomerID1 = Cn.CustumerId1; cs.Name1 = txtName.Text.ToString(); cs.Address1 = txtAdress.Text.ToString(); cs.Email1 = txtEmail.Text.ToString(); cs.Username1 = txtUsernamesignup.Text.ToString(); cs.Password1 = txtPasswordsignup.Text.ToString(); list.Cstmrlist.Add(cs); txtName.Text = ""; txtAdress.Text = ""; txtEmail.Text = ""; txtUsernamesignup.Text = ""; txtPasswordsignup.Text = ""; txtpasswordconfirmsignup.Text = ""; MessageBox.Show("Sign up is success. Now, you can login. "); grpbxLogin.Location = new Point(12, 12); grpbxMain.Visible = false; grpbxLogin.Visible = true; grpbxSignup.Visible = false; this.Size = new Size(290, 210); Cn.CustumerId1 += 1; break; } } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please enter same password"); txtpasswordconfirmsignup.Text = ""; txtPasswordsignup.Text = ""; } }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { grpbxMain.Location = new Point(0, -6); this.Size = new Size(420, 260); grpbxLogin.Visible = false; grpbxSignup.Visible = false; grpbxSupplier.Visible = false; IdCount Cn = IdCount.Creator(); CustomerList list = CustomerList.Createtor(); Customer cs1 = new Customer(); cs1.CustomerID1 = Cn.CustumerId1; Cn.CustumerId1 += 1; cs1.Name1 = "Ali Demir"; cs1.Address1 = "Eskişehir"; cs1.Email1 = "*****@*****.**"; cs1.Username1 = "Ali.26"; cs1.Password1 = "123456"; list.Cstmrlist.Add(cs1); Customer cs2 = new Customer(); cs2.CustomerID1 = Cn.CustumerId1; Cn.CustumerId1 += 1; cs2.Name1 = "Mustafa Aydın"; cs2.Address1 = "İstanbul"; cs2.Email1 = "*****@*****.**"; cs2.Username1 = "M.34"; cs2.Password1 = "123456"; list.Cstmrlist.Add(cs2); Customer cs3 = new Customer(); cs3.CustomerID1 = Cn.CustumerId1; Cn.CustumerId1 += 1; cs3.Name1 = "Zehra Çevik"; cs3.Address1 = "Antalya"; cs3.Email1 = "*****@*****.**"; cs3.Username1 = "Zehra.07"; cs3.Password1 = "123456"; list.Cstmrlist.Add(cs3); Customer cs4 = new Customer(); cs4.CustomerID1 = Cn.CustumerId1; Cn.CustumerId1 += 1; cs4.Name1 = "Ayşe Gök"; cs4.Address1 = "Zonguldak"; cs4.Email1 = "*****@*****.**"; cs4.Username1 = "Ayse_1"; cs4.Password1 = "123456"; list.Cstmrlist.Add(cs4); Customer cs5 = new Customer(); cs5.CustomerID1 = Cn.CustumerId1; Cn.CustumerId1 += 1; cs5.Name1 = "Özge Esen"; cs5.Address1 = "Ankara"; cs5.Email1 = "*****@*****.**"; cs5.Username1 = "Ozge.06"; cs5.Password1 = "123456"; list.Cstmrlist.Add(cs5); ProductLists Prlist = ProductLists.Createtor(); Book bk1 = new Book(Cn.ProductId1, "Tutunamayanlar", 32.68, 78975470, "Oğuz Atay", "İletişim Y.", 724); Cn.ProductId1 += 1; Prlist.Boklist.Add(bk1); Book bk2 = new Book(Cn.ProductId1, "Olasılıksız", 15.6, 97897560, "Adam Fawer", "April Y.", 475); Cn.ProductId1 += 1; Prlist.Boklist.Add(bk2); Book bk3 = new Book(Cn.ProductId1, "Ölü Ozanlar Derneği", 9.88, 97860552, "Nancy H. Kleinbaum", "Bilge Kültür Sanat", 136); Cn.ProductId1 += 1; Prlist.Boklist.Add(bk3); MusicCD ms1 = new MusicCD(Cn.ProductId1, "Red", 10, "Taylor Swift", "Pop"); Cn.ProductId1 += 1; Prlist.MusicCDlist.Add(ms1); MusicCD ms2 = new MusicCD(Cn.ProductId1, "Rolling Deep", 12, "Adele", "Caz"); Cn.ProductId1 += 1; Prlist.MusicCDlist.Add(ms2); MusicCD ms3 = new MusicCD(Cn.ProductId1, "Every Way That I Can", 15, "Sertab Erener", "pop"); Cn.ProductId1 += 1; Prlist.MusicCDlist.Add(ms3); Magazine mg1 = new Magazine(Cn.ProductId1, "4-4-2", 4.3, 54657856, "Sport"); Cn.ProductId1 += 1; Prlist.Magazinelist.Add(mg1); Magazine mg2 = new Magazine(Cn.ProductId1, "Otomobil", 5.3, 48567896, "Auto"); Cn.ProductId1 += 1; Prlist.Magazinelist.Add(mg2); Magazine mg3 = new Magazine(Cn.ProductId1, "PcMagazine", 6, 85623458, "Technology"); Cn.ProductId1 += 1; Prlist.Magazinelist.Add(mg3); }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { grpbxMain.Location = new Point(0, -6); this.Size = new Size(420, 260); grpbxLogin.Visible = false; grpbxSignup.Visible = false; grpbxSupplier.Visible = false; IdCount Cn = IdCount.Creator(); CustomerList list = CustomerList.CreateList(); Customer cs1 = new Customer(); cs1.CustomerID1 = Cn.CustumerId1; Cn.CustumerId1 += 1; cs1.Name1 = "Mihai Andronache"; cs1.Address1 = "Sector 1 Bucuresti"; cs1.Email1 = "*****@*****.**"; cs1.Username1 = "Mihai.26"; cs1.Password1 = "123456"; list.Cstmrlist.Add(cs1); Customer cs2 = new Customer(); cs2.CustomerID1 = Cn.CustumerId1; Cn.CustumerId1 += 1; cs2.Name1 = "Beldea Cornelia"; cs2.Address1 = "Upstate New York"; cs2.Email1 = "*****@*****.**"; cs2.Username1 = "C.34"; cs2.Password1 = "123456"; list.Cstmrlist.Add(cs2); Customer cs3 = new Customer(); cs3.CustomerID1 = Cn.CustumerId1; Cn.CustumerId1 += 1; cs3.Name1 = "Paun Cosmin"; cs3.Address1 = "Paris,Franta"; cs3.Email1 = "*****@*****.**"; cs3.Username1 = "Cosmin.07"; cs3.Password1 = "123456"; list.Cstmrlist.Add(cs3); Customer cs4 = new Customer(); cs4.CustomerID1 = Cn.CustumerId1; Cn.CustumerId1 += 1; cs4.Name1 = "Qui-Gon-Jinn"; cs4.Address1 = "Spatiu"; cs4.Email1 = "*****@*****.**"; cs4.Username1 = "QCJTheBest"; cs4.Password1 = "123456"; list.Cstmrlist.Add(cs4); Customer cs5 = new Customer(); cs5.CustomerID1 = Cn.CustumerId1; Cn.CustumerId1 += 1; cs5.Name1 = "Cristina Ovidiu"; cs5.Address1 = "Braila,Braila"; cs5.Email1 = "*****@*****.**"; cs5.Username1 = "Ovicriss.06"; cs5.Password1 = "123456"; list.Cstmrlist.Add(cs5); ProductLists Prlist = ProductLists.CreateList(); Book bk1 = new Book(Cn.ProductId1, "Cel mai iubit dintre pamanteni", 32.68, 6, 78975470, "Daniel Negreanu", "Humanitas", 724); Cn.ProductId1 += 1; Prlist.Booklist.Add(bk1); Book bk2 = new Book(Cn.ProductId1, "The Dark Forest", 15.6, 12, 97897560, "Adam Fawer", "April Y.", 475); Cn.ProductId1 += 1; Prlist.Booklist.Add(bk2); Book bk3 = new Book(Cn.ProductId1, "Cei Trei Muschetari", 9.88, 14, 97860552, "Gabreil Garcia Marquez", "Editura Universitara", 136); Cn.ProductId1 += 1; Prlist.Booklist.Add(bk3); MusicCD ms1 = new MusicCD(Cn.ProductId1, "Red", 10, 5, "Taylor Swift", "Pop"); Cn.ProductId1 += 1; Prlist.MusicCDlist.Add(ms1); MusicCD ms2 = new MusicCD(Cn.ProductId1, "Rolling Deep", 12, 13, "Adele", "Caz"); Cn.ProductId1 += 1; Prlist.MusicCDlist.Add(ms2); MusicCD ms3 = new MusicCD(Cn.ProductId1, "Every Way That I Can", 15, 11, "Sertab Erener", "pop"); Cn.ProductId1 += 1; Prlist.MusicCDlist.Add(ms3); Magazine mg1 = new Magazine(Cn.ProductId1, "4-4-2", 4.3, 12, 54657856, "Sport"); Cn.ProductId1 += 1; Prlist.Magazinelist.Add(mg1); Magazine mg2 = new Magazine(Cn.ProductId1, "Otomobil", 5.3, 4, 48567896, "Auto"); Cn.ProductId1 += 1; Prlist.Magazinelist.Add(mg2); Magazine mg3 = new Magazine(Cn.ProductId1, "PcMagazine", 6, 6, 85623458, "Technology"); Cn.ProductId1 += 1; Prlist.Magazinelist.Add(mg3); }