/// <summary> /// Store the config info to field member(Entity). /// </summary> /// <param name="config">ConfigManager object.</param> protected override void SetEntity(ConfigManagerBase config) { if (config == null) { this.VLANIDMapping = new List<VSEMVLANIDMapping>(); } else { this.VLANIDMapping = ((VLANIDMappingConfig)config).VLANIDMapping; } }
/// <summary> /// Store the config info to field member(Entity). /// </summary> /// <param name="config">ConfigManager object.</param> protected override void SetEntity(ConfigManagerBase config) { if (config == null) { this.VMNetwork = new VSEMVMNetwork(); this.VMNetwork.VmNetworks = new List<VMNetwork>(); this.VMNetwork.VMNetworkMappingInformation = new VMNetworkMappingInfo(); this.VMNetwork.VMNetworkMappingInformation.VMNetworkInfo = new List<VMNetworkInfo>(); } else { this.VMNetwork = ((VMNetworkConfig)config).VMNetwork; } }
/// <summary> /// Delete the config file. /// </summary> /// <param name="config">ConfigManager object.</param> public void DelConfig(ConfigManagerBase config) { // Parameter check. if (config == null) { ODLVSEMETW.EventWriteConfigManagerDiagError(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, "The parameter 'config' is null or invalid."); throw new ArgumentException( "The parameter 'config' is null or invalid."); } // Delete the config file. config.Del(); }
/// <summary> /// Set the ConfigManager to Managers. /// </summary> /// <param name="config">ConfigManager object.</param> /// <param name="mode">Open mode of config file.</param> public void SetConfigManager(ConfigManagerBase config, OpenMode mode) { // Parameter check. if (config == null) { ODLVSEMETW.EventWriteConfigManagerDiagError(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, "The parameter 'config' is null or invalid."); throw new ArgumentException( "The parameter 'config' is null or invalid."); } if (!OpenMode.IsDefined(typeof(OpenMode), mode)) { ODLVSEMETW.EventWriteConfigManagerDiagError(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, "The parameter 'mode' is null or invalid."); throw new ArgumentException( "The parameter 'mode' is null or invalid."); } // Initialize ConfigManager. config.Initialize(mode); // Set the Managers. this.Managers.Add(config); }
/// <summary> /// Initialize of ConfigManager. /// </summary> /// <param name="mode">Open mode of config file.</param> public void Initialize(TransactionManager.OpenMode mode) { ConfigManagerBase config = null; if (mode == TransactionManager.OpenMode.WriteMode) { FileInfo info = new FileInfo(this.Path); if (info.Directory.Exists == false) { info.Directory.Create(); } } // Open the config file. // (Retry max RETRY_COUNT times at RETRY_INTERVAL msec intervals) for (var cnt = 1; cnt <= RETRY_COUNT; cnt++) { try { if (mode == TransactionManager.OpenMode.WriteMode) { // Open the config file by WriteMode. this.FileStreamInfo = new FileStream(this.Path, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None); } else if (mode == TransactionManager.OpenMode.ReadMode) { // Open the config file by ReadMode. this.FileStreamInfo = new FileStream(this.Path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); } ODLVSEMETW.EventWriteConfigManagerFileOpen(this.Path, (uint)mode); break; } catch (Exception e) { // If the config file is locked, retry the open. if (e.HResult != unchecked ((int)FILE_LOCK_FAILED_CODE) || cnt == RETRY_COUNT) { ODLVSEMETW.EventWriteConfigManagerFileIOError(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, e.Message); throw; } Thread.Sleep(RETRY_INTERVAL); } } try { // If the config file is not empty, get the config info. if (this.FileStreamInfo.Length != 0) { var dcs = new DataContractSerializer(this.GetType()); config = (ConfigManagerBase)dcs.ReadObject(this.FileStreamInfo); } this.SetEntity(config); } catch (Exception e) { // The config file closed because failed to get the config info. ODLVSEMETW.EventWriteConfigManagerFileIOError(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, e.Message); this.FileStreamInfo.Close(); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Store the config info to field member(Entity) of inheritance class. /// </summary> /// <param name="config">ConfigManager object.</param> protected abstract void SetEntity(ConfigManagerBase config);
/// <summary> /// Store the config info to field member(Entity). /// </summary> /// <param name="config">ConfigManager object.</param> protected override void SetEntity(ConfigManagerBase config) { if (config == null) { this.Info = null; } else { this.Info = ((OdlInformation)config).Info; } }
/// <summary> /// Store the config info to field member(Entity). /// </summary> /// <param name="config">ConfigManager object.</param> protected override void SetEntity(ConfigManagerBase config) { if (config == null) { this.LogicalNetworks = new List<LogicalNetwork>(); } else { this.LogicalNetworks = ((LogicalNetworkConfig)config).LogicalNetworks; } }
/// <summary> /// Store the config info to field member(Entity). /// </summary> /// <param name="config">ConfigManager object.</param> protected override void SetEntity(ConfigManagerBase config) { if (config == null) { this.UplinkPortProfiles = new List<VSEMUplinkPortProfile>(); this.VirtualPortProfiles = new List<VSEMVirtualPortProfile>(); } else { this.UplinkPortProfiles = ((PortProfileConfig)config).UplinkPortProfiles; this.VirtualPortProfiles = ((PortProfileConfig)config).VirtualPortProfiles; } }
/// <summary> /// Store the config info to field member(Entity). /// </summary> /// <param name="config">ConfigManager object.</param> protected override void SetEntity(ConfigManagerBase config) { if (config == null) { this.Info = new VSEMInfo(); this.NetworkServiceSystemInformation = new NetworkServiceSystemInformation(); this.Controller = new VSEMController(); this.SwitchExtensionInfo = new List<VSEMSwitchExtensionInfo>(); } else { this.Info = ((VSEMConfig)config).Info; this.NetworkServiceSystemInformation = ((VSEMConfig)config).NetworkServiceSystemInformation; this.Controller = ((VSEMConfig)config).Controller; this.SwitchExtensionInfo = ((VSEMConfig)config).SwitchExtensionInfo; } }