static DI() { log = PublicDI.log; config = new KO2Config(); reflection = new KReflection(); showMdbgDebugMessages = false; }
static DI() { log = new WinFormsUILog(); config = new KO2Config(); o2MessageQueue = KO2MessageQueue.getO2KernelQueue(); }
private static void applyO2ConfigDependeciesInjection(KO2Config kO2Config) { if (kO2Config != null && kO2Config.dependenciesInjection != null) {"Applying O2Config Depedency Injections"); foreach (var dependency in kO2Config.dependenciesInjection) { DI.log.debug("[setting dependecy injection]: {0}.{1} = {2}", dependency.Type, dependency.Parameter, dependency.Value); var targetType = DI.reflection.getType(dependency.Type); if (targetType == null) DI.log.error(" [in applyO2ConfigDependeciesInjection] Could not get type: {0}", dependency.Type); else { var propertyInfo = DI.reflection.getPropertyInfo(dependency.Parameter, targetType); if (propertyInfo == null) DI.log.error(" [in applyO2ConfigDependeciesInjection] Could not get property {0} from type: {1}", dependency.Parameter, dependency.Type); else { if (false == DI.reflection.setProperty(propertyInfo, dependency.Value)) DI.log.error(" [in applyO2ConfigDependeciesInjection] Could not set property {0} from type: {1} with value {2}", dependency.Parameter, dependency.Type, dependency.Value); } } } } }
static DI() { config = new KO2Config(); // need to use local copy log = PublicDI.log; reflection = PublicDI.reflection; }
static DI() { log = PublicDI.log; config = new KO2Config(); reflection = new KReflection(); }
public static void mergeO2ConfigFiles(KO2Config source, KO2Config target) { if (source!=null & target!=null) { foreach (var property in DI.reflection.getProperties(source)) { var sourceValue = DI.reflection.getProperty(property.Name, source,false); if (sourceValue != null) { switch (property.Name) { case "dependenciesInjection": var sourceDependenciesInjection = (List<DependencyInjection>)DI.reflection.getProperty(property.Name, source); var targetDependenciesInjection = (List<DependencyInjection>)DI.reflection.getProperty(property.Name, target); targetDependenciesInjection.AddRange(sourceDependenciesInjection); break; case "dependencyInjectionTest": // we don't want this to be set from here (and it couldn't be anyway since it is static) KO2Config.dependencyInjectionTest = ""; break; default: DI.reflection.setProperty(property.Name, target, sourceValue); break; } } } } else DI.log.error("in mergeO2ConfigFiles false == (source!=null & target!=null)"); }
private static void saveO2ConfigFile(KO2Config o2ConfigFileToSave, string path) { O2Kernel_Serialize.createSerializedXmlFileFromObject(o2ConfigFileToSave, path, null); }
public static KO2Config createO2ConfigFile(string pathToO2ConfigFile) { var newO2ConfigFile = new KO2Config(pathToO2ConfigFile); saveO2ConfigFile(newO2ConfigFile, pathToO2ConfigFile); return newO2ConfigFile; }