예제 #1
        private List <Challenge> ImportChallenges(ExcelPackage package)
            var actionByCode       = _actions.ToDictionary(i => i.Code);
            List <Challenge> items = new List <Challenge>();

                ExcelWorksheet workSheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets["Challenge"];

                int lastRow = workSheet.Dimension.End.Row;
                for (int row = 3; row <= lastRow; row++)
                    //var id = workSheet.Cells[row, 1].GetValue<string>();
                    var name    = workSheet.Cells[row, 1].GetValue <string>();
                    var actions = workSheet.Cells[row, 2].GetValue <string>();
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))

                    var challenge = new Challenge
                        Id               = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        Name             = name,
                        CreatedById      = Constants.SystemUserId,
                        CreatedOn        = DateTimeOffset.Now,
                        LastModifiedById = Constants.SystemUserId,
                        LastModifiedOn   = DateTimeOffset.Now

                    List <string> codes = actions.Split(',').Select(p => p.Trim()).ToList();
                    foreach (var code in codes)
                        Action foundAction = null;
                        if (actionByCode.TryGetValue(code.Trim(), out foundAction))
                            var challengeAction = new ChallengeAction
                                Id        = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                Action    = foundAction,
                                Challenge = challenge
                    #region Create Levels
                    for (int levelCounter = 0; levelCounter < 3; levelCounter++)
                        int levelStartColIndex = 3 + levelCounter * 2;
                        var levelName          = workSheet.Cells[row, levelStartColIndex].GetValue <string>();
                        var triggerPoints      = workSheet.Cells[row, levelStartColIndex + 1].GetValue <int>();

                        var challengeLevel = new ChallengeLevel()
                            Challenge     = challenge,
                            Id            = Guid.NewGuid(),
                            Name          = levelName,
                            TriggerPoint  = triggerPoints,
                            IconUrl       = string.Empty,
                            Description   = string.Empty,
                            LockedIconUrl = string.Empty,
                            Hyperlink     = string.Empty
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogError(ex, $"Exception in {nameof(ImportChallenges)}()");

예제 #2
        private void UpdateUserChallenges()
            var challengeLevels = _context.ChallengeLevel.ToList();

            foreach (var userAction in _context.UserAction.Include(i => i.Action).Include(i => i.Action.ChallengeAction))
                Action action = userAction.Action;
                if (action.IsEnabled)
                    int countOfThisActionToday = 0;                    //TODO:  Calculate this

                    if (countOfThisActionToday < action.LimitPerDay)
                        DateTime dateTimeOfLastSameAction = DateTime.MinValue;                        //TODO:  Calculate This
                        double   lastTimeOfSameAction     = (DateTime.Now - dateTimeOfLastSameAction).TotalSeconds;
                        if (lastTimeOfSameAction > action.ThrottleSeconds)
                            //var userAction = new UserAction
                            //	Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
                            //	ActionId = action.Id,
                            //	UserId = userPlayer.Id,
                            //	CreatedOn = createdOn.Value,

                //Fetch all the “Enabled” Challenge this Action belongs to

                var challengeActions = _context.ChallengeAction.Where(i => i.ActionId == action.Id).ToList();
                foreach (var challengeAction in challengeActions)
                    UserChallenge userChallenge = _context.UserChallenge.Include(i => i.ChallengeLevel).Where(i => i.UserId == userAction.UserId && i.ChallengeId == challengeAction.ChallengeId).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (userChallenge == null)
                        userChallenge = _context.UserChallenge.Local.Where(i => i.UserId == userAction.UserId && i.ChallengeId == challengeAction.ChallengeId).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (userChallenge == null)
                        //var firstLevel = challengeLevels.Where(i => i.ChallengeId == challenge.Id).OrderBy(i => i.TriggerPoint).First();
                        userChallenge = new UserChallenge
                            Id          = Guid.NewGuid(),
                            ChallengeId = challengeAction.ChallengeId,
                            UserId      = userAction.UserId,
                            //PointsTotal = action.Points,
                            //PointsThisWeek = action.Points,
                            //ChallengeLevelId = firstLevel.Id
                    userChallenge.PointsTotal    += action.Points;
                    userChallenge.PointsThisWeek += action.Points;

                    #region Update Challenge Level
                    var            levels             = challengeLevels.Where(i => i.ChallengeId == challengeAction.ChallengeId).OrderBy(i => i.TriggerPoint).ToList();
                    ChallengeLevel userChallengeLevel = null;
                    foreach (var level in levels)
                        if (userChallenge.PointsTotal >= level.TriggerPoint)
                            userChallengeLevel = level;
                    if (userChallenge.ChallengeLevelId != userChallengeLevel.Id)
                        //leveled up!
                        userChallenge.ChallengeLevelId = userChallengeLevel.Id;
                    #endregion Update Challenge Level