예제 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Get a DepthFrame in the form of Texture2D.
 /// For platforms with ComputeShader support, it may be slower than GetRenderTexture.
 /// If possible, use GetRenderTexture.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gradient"> Gradient for depth coloring, where the light at 0 corresponds to the nearest
 /// point to the sensor, at 1 further point from the sensor.</param>
 /// <param name="textureCache">(optional) If you want to get a separate copy of the texture,
 /// and not a cached version, pass a reference to the local texture (may affect performance)</param>
 /// <returns>DepthFrame converted to Texture2D</returns>
 public static Texture2D ToTexture2D(this DepthFrame frame, Gradient gradient = null, TextureCache textureCache = null)
     return(FrameUtils.DepthToTexture.GetTexture2D(frame, gradient, textureCache));
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// See the method description: <see cref="FrameToTexture{T, U}.GetTexture(T, TextureCache)"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="textureCache">(optional) If you want to get a separate copy of the texture,
 /// and not a cached version, pass a reference to the local texture (may affect performance)</param>
 /// <returns>Texture = (RenderTexture or Texture2D)</returns>
 public static Texture ToTexture(this ColorFrame frame, TextureCache textureCache = null)
     return(FrameUtils.RGBToTexture.GetTexture(frame, textureCache));
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the DepthFrame as a RenderTexture.
 /// Recommended method for platforms with ComputeShader support.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gradient"> Gradient for depth coloring, where the light at 0 corresponds to the nearest
 /// point to the sensor, at 1 further point from the sensor.</param>
 /// <param name="textureCache">(optional) If you want to get a separate copy of the texture,
 /// and not a cached version, pass a reference to the local texture (may affect performance)</param>
 /// <returns>DepthFrame converted to RenderTexture</returns>
 public static RenderTexture ToRenderTexture(this DepthFrame frame, Gradient gradient = null, TextureCache textureCache = null)
     return(FrameUtils.DepthToTexture.GetRenderTexture(frame, gradient, textureCache));
 Texture2D GetCPUTexture(UserFrame frame, TextureCache textureCache, Color[] userColors = null)
     ref Texture2D destTexture = ref textureCache.texture2D;
예제 #5
 Texture2D GetCPUTexture(ColorFrame frame, TextureCache textureCache)
     ref Texture2D destTexture = ref textureCache.texture2D;
예제 #6
 Texture2D GetCPUTexture(DepthFrame frame, TextureCache textureCache, Gradient gradient)
     ref Texture2D destTexture = ref textureCache.texture2D;
예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the frame as a RenderTexture.
 /// Recommended method for platforms with ComputeShader support.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="SourceFrame">Source frame of nuitrack.Frame</param>
 /// <param name="textureCache">(optional) If you want to get a separate copy of the texture,
 /// and not a cached version, pass a reference to the local texture (may affect performance)</param>
 /// <returns>Frame converted to RenderTexture</returns>
 public abstract RenderTexture GetRenderTexture(T SourceFrame, TextureCache textureCache = null);
예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Get a frame in the form of Texture2D.
 /// For platforms with ComputeShader support, it may be slower than GetRenderTexture.
 /// If possible, use GetRenderTexture.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="SourceFrame">Source frame of nuitrack.Frame</param>
 /// <param name="textureCache">(optional) If you want to get a separate copy of the texture,
 /// and not a cached version, pass a reference to the local texture (may affect performance)</param>
 /// <returns>Frame converted to Texture2D</returns>
 public abstract Texture2D GetTexture2D(T SourceFrame, TextureCache textureCache = null);