public void InitializeDefault(GameInfo game) { if (playerData == null) { playerData = new List<PlayerInfo>(); } if (screens == null) { screens = new List<UserScreen>(); } if (options == null) { options = new Dictionary<string, object>(); foreach (var opt in game.Options) { options.Add(opt.Key, opt.Value.Value); } } }
private void list_Games_SelectedChanged(object arg1, Control arg2) { currentControl = (GameControl)arg1; currentGameInfo = currentControl.Game; if (currentGameInfo == null) { return; } if (!setSize) { this.Size = defaultSize; setSize = true; } panelGameName.Visible = true; label_StepTitle.Visible = true; StepPanel.Visible = true; btnBack.Visible = true; btnNext.Visible = true; currentGame = currentGameInfo.Game; btn_Play.Enabled = false; if (currentGame.Steps == null || currentStepIndex == currentGame.Steps.Length) { // can play btn_Play.Enabled = true; // remove the current step if there's one KillCurrentStep(); btnBack.Visible = false; btnNext.Visible = false; } currentProfile = new GameProfile(); currentProfile.InitializeDefault(currentGame); this.label_GameTitle.Text = currentGame.GameName; this.pic_Game.Image = currentGameInfo.Icon; Type[] steps = currentGame.Steps; if (steps != null && steps.Length > 0) { GoToStep(0); } }
private void gameBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { SelectedGame = (GameInfo)combo_Games.SelectedItem; groupBox2.Enabled = SelectedGame != null; }
public UserGameInfo AddGame(GameInfo game, string exePath) { UserGameInfo gInfo = new UserGameInfo(); gInfo.InitializeDefault(game, exePath); user.Games.Add(gInfo); SaveUserProfile(); return gInfo; }
public void ExecuteBackup(GameInfo game) { string appData = GetAppDataPath(); string gamePath = Path.Combine(appData, game.GUID); for (int i = 0; i < backupFiles.Count; i++) { BackupFile bkp = backupFiles[i]; if (File.Exists(bkp.BackupPath)) { File.Delete(bkp.Source); File.Move(bkp.BackupPath, bkp.Source); } } }
public BackupFile BackupFile(GameInfo game, string path) { string appData = GetAppDataPath(); string gamePath = Path.Combine(appData, game.GUID); string destination = Path.Combine(gamePath, Path.GetFileName(path)); if (!File.Exists(path) && File.Exists(destination)) { // we f****d up and the backup exists File.Copy(destination, path); } else { if (File.Exists(destination)) { File.Delete(destination); } File.Copy(path, destination); } BackupFile bkp = new BackupFile(path, destination); backupFiles.Add(bkp); return bkp; }
public string GetBackupFolder(GameInfo game) { string appData = GetAppDataPath(); return Path.Combine(appData, game.GUID); }
public IGameHandler MakeHandler(GameInfo game) { return (IGameHandler)Activator.CreateInstance(game.HandlerType); }
public void StartBackup(GameInfo game) { string appData = GetAppDataPath(); string gamePath = Path.Combine(appData, game.GUID); Directory.CreateDirectory(gamePath); backupFiles = new List<BackupFile>(); }
public void UpdatePlayerCount(int player, GameInfo info, UserGameInfo userGame) { = info; this.userGameInfo = userGame; if (info == null) { return; } if (player != playerCount || reset) { // Clean players! playerCount = player; players.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < loaded_screens.Count; i++) { var mscreen = loaded_screens[i]; for (int j = 0; j < mscreen.Controls.Count; j++) { Control con = mscreen.Controls[j]; if (con is PlayerControl) { mscreen.Controls.Remove(con); j--; } } } // remake monitors MakeContextStrip(); MakeMonitors(); } for (int i = 0; i < screenStrip.Items.Count; i++) { var item = screenStrip.Items[i]; item.Enabled = i < player; } if (reset) { if (info.NeedPositioning) { if (posLabel != null && panel1.Controls.Contains(posLabel)) { panel1.Controls.Remove(posLabel); } } else { panel1.Controls.Clear(); posLabel = new Label(); posLabel.Text = "The selected game does not support positioning"; posLabel.Width = 500; posLabel.Font = this.Font; panel1.Controls.Add(posLabel); } } reset = false; }
public void UpdateSelectedGame(int players, GameInfo info, UserGameInfo uInfo) { }
public void UpdateItems(GameInfo prof) { this.Controls.Clear(); var options = prof.Options; foreach (var opt in options.Values) { CoolListControl cool = new CoolListControl(); cool.Text = opt.Name; cool.Description = opt.Description; cool.Width = this.Width; this.Controls.Add(cool); // Check the value type and add a control for it if (opt.Value is bool) { SizeableCheckbox box = new SizeableCheckbox(); int border = 10; box.Checked = (bool)opt.Value; box.Width = 40; box.Height = 40; box.Left = cool.Width - box.Width - border; box.Top = (cool.Height / 2) - (box.Height / 2); box.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right; cool.AddControl(box, false); box.Tag = opt; box.CheckedChanged += box_CheckedChanged; } else if (opt.Value is int) { NumericUpDown num = new NumericUpDown(); int border = 10; num.Value = (int)opt.Value; num.Width = 150; num.Height = 40; num.Left = cool.Width - num.Width - border; num.Top = (cool.Height / 2) - (num.Height / 2); num.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right; cool.AddControl(num, false); num.Tag = opt; num.ValueChanged += num_ValueChanged; } else if (opt.Value is Enum) { ComboBox box = new ComboBox(); int border = 10; Array values = Enum.GetValues(opt.Value.GetType()); for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { box.Items.Add(((IList)values)[i]); } box.SelectedIndex = values.Length - 1; box.Width = 150; box.Height = 40; box.Left = cool.Width - box.Width - border; box.Top = (cool.Height / 2) - (box.Height / 2); box.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right; cool.AddControl(box, false); box.Tag = opt; box.SelectedValueChanged += box_SelectedValueChanged; } } }
public void InitializeDefault(GameInfo game, string exePath) { = game; this.exePath = exePath; this.profiles = new List<GameProfile>(); }
/// <summary> /// Handles updating the game's image and info when the user selects a different game /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void list_Games_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!(list_Games.SelectedItem is UserGameInfo)) { return; } ResetSteps(); step = 0; UpdateStep(); info = (UserGameInfo)list_Games.SelectedItem; gameInfo = gameManager.Games[info.GameGuid]; // Remove game from library if not found if (!File.Exists(info.ExecutablePath)) { MessageBox.Show("Game Executable not Found. Deleting game from your library. TO-DO: User might have game on a disconnected hard-drive. Handle that."); gameManager.User.Games.Remove(info); gameManager.UpdateUserProfile(); info = null; gameInfo = null; list_Games.DataSource = null; list_Games.SelectedIndex = -1; list_Games.DataSource = gameManager.User.Games; if (list_Games.Items.Count > 0) { list_Games.SelectedIndex = 0; } return; } label_GameName.Text = info.GameName; playerCount1.MaxPlayers = gameInfo.MaxPlayers; label_maxPlayas.Text = gameInfo.MaxPlayers.ToString(); if (gameInfo.SupportsKeyboard) { pic_Keyboard.Image = Resources.keyboard; } else { pic_Keyboard.Image = Resources.no_keyboard; } monitorControl1.UpdatePlayerCount(playerCount1.Players, gameInfo, info); playerOptions1.UpdateItems(gameInfo); addSteps.Clear(); if (gameInfo.Steps != null) { // Add custom steps the game might need int count = steps.Count; for (int i = 0; i < gameInfo.Steps.Length; i++) { Control s = (Control)Activator.CreateInstance(gameInfo.Steps[i]); s.Location = this.monitorControl1.Location; s.Size = this.monitorControl1.Size; s.Anchor = this.monitorControl1.Anchor; borderPanel1.Controls.Add(s); steps.Add(count + i, s); addSteps.Add(s); } } else { // Delete any old files if (steps.Count > DefaultSteps) { int count = steps.Count; for (int i = DefaultSteps; i < count; i++) { borderPanel1.Controls.Remove(steps[i]); steps.Remove(i); } } } // Extract icon from game executable if (this.game_Box.Image != null) { this.game_Box.Image.Dispose(); } using (Icon sysicon = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(info.ExecutablePath)) { using (MemoryStream str = new MemoryStream()) { sysicon.Save(str); str.Position = 0; game_Box.Image = Image.FromStream(str); } } }