static JToken FindSearch(NuGetSearcherManager searcherManager, string id, string scheme) { if (id == null) { return(null); } IndexSearcher searcher = searcherManager.Get(); try { string analyzedId = id.ToLowerInvariant(); Query query = new TermQuery(new Term("Id", analyzedId)); TopDocs topDocs = searcher.Search(query, 1); if (topDocs.TotalHits > 0) { Uri registrationBaseAddress = searcherManager.RegistrationBaseAddress[scheme]; JObject obj = new JObject(); obj["registration"] = new Uri(registrationBaseAddress, string.Format("{0}/index.json", id.ToLowerInvariant())).AbsoluteUri; return(obj); } else { return(null); } } finally { searcherManager.Release(searcher); } }
public static JToken QuerySearch(NuGetSearcherManager searcherManager, string scheme, string q, bool countOnly, string projectType, string supportedFramework, bool includePrerelease, int skip, int take, bool includeExplanation, bool applyFilter) { IndexSearcher searcher = searcherManager.Get(); try { Query query = MakeQuery(q, searcherManager); TopDocs topDocs; if (applyFilter) { Filter filter = searcherManager.GetFilter(includePrerelease, supportedFramework); //TODO: uncomment these lines when we have an index that contains the appropriate @type field in every document //Filter typeFilter = new CachingWrapperFilter(new TypeFilter("")); //filter = new ChainedFilter(new Filter[] { filter, typeFilter }, ChainedFilter.Logic.AND); topDocs = searcher.Search(query, filter, skip + take); } else { topDocs = searcher.Search(query, skip + take); } return(MakeResult(searcher, scheme, topDocs, skip, take, searcherManager, includeExplanation, query)); } finally { searcherManager.Release(searcher); } }
public static Query MakeQuery(string q, NuGetSearcherManager searcherManager) { Query query = LuceneQueryCreator.Parse(q, false); Query boostedQuery = new RankingScoreQuery(query, searcherManager.GetRankings()); return(boostedQuery); }
public static void Search(JsonWriter jsonWriter, NuGetSearcherManager searcherManager, string scheme, string q, bool includePrerelease, NuGetVersion semVerLevel, int skip, int take, string feed, bool includeExplanation) { var searcher = searcherManager.Get(); try { Query query = MakeSearchQuery(q, searcher); Filter filter = null; if (searcher.TryGetFilter(false, includePrerelease, semVerLevel, feed, out filter)) { // Filter before running the query (make the search set smaller) query = new FilteredQuery(query, filter); } TopDocs topDocs = searcher.Search(query, skip + take); ResponseFormatter.WriteSearchResult(jsonWriter, searcher, scheme, topDocs, skip, take, includePrerelease, includeExplanation, semVerLevel, query); } finally { searcherManager.Release(searcher); } }
static JToken AutoCompleteSearch(NuGetSearcherManager searcherManager, string q, string id, string supportedFramework, bool includePrerelease, int skip, int take, bool includeExplanation) { IndexSearcher searcher = searcherManager.Get(); try { Filter filter = searcherManager.GetFilter(includePrerelease, supportedFramework); if (q != null) { Query query = AutoCompleteMakeQuery(q, searcherManager); TopDocs topDocs = searcher.Search(query, filter, skip + take); return(AutoCompleteMakeResult(searcher, topDocs, skip, take, searcherManager, includeExplanation, query)); } else { Query query = new TermQuery(new Term("Id", id.ToLowerInvariant())); TopDocs topDocs = searcher.Search(query, filter, 1); return(AutoCompleteMakeVersionResult(searcherManager, includePrerelease, topDocs)); } } finally { searcherManager.Release(searcher); } }
public static async Task TargetFrameworks(IOwinContext context, NuGetSearcherManager searcherManager) { IndexSearcher searcher = searcherManager.Get(); try { HashSet <string> targetFrameworks = new HashSet <string>(); IndexReader reader = searcher.IndexReader; for (int i = 0; i < reader.MaxDoc; i++) { Document document = reader[i]; Field[] frameworks = document.GetFields("TargetFramework"); foreach (Field framework in frameworks) { targetFrameworks.Add(framework.StringValue); } } JArray result = new JArray(); foreach (string targetFramework in targetFrameworks) { result.Add(targetFramework); } await ServiceHelpers.WriteResponse(context, System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK, result); } finally { searcherManager.Release(searcher); } }
public static JToken Find(IOwinContext context, NuGetSearcherManager searcherManager) { string id = context.Request.Query["id"]; string scheme = context.Request.Uri.Scheme; return(FindSearch(searcherManager, id, scheme)); }
public static JToken Query(IOwinContext context, NuGetSearcherManager searcherManager) { int skip; if (!int.TryParse(context.Request.Query["skip"], out skip)) { skip = 0; } int take; if (!int.TryParse(context.Request.Query["take"], out take)) { take = 20; } bool countOnly; if (!bool.TryParse(context.Request.Query["countOnly"], out countOnly)) { countOnly = false; } bool includePrerelease; if (!bool.TryParse(context.Request.Query["prerelease"], out includePrerelease)) { includePrerelease = false; } bool includeExplanation; if (!bool.TryParse(context.Request.Query["explanation"], out includeExplanation)) { includeExplanation = false; } bool applyFilter; if (!bool.TryParse(context.Request.Query["filter"], out applyFilter)) { applyFilter = true; } string projectType = context.Request.Query["projectType"] ?? string.Empty; string supportedFramework = context.Request.Query["supportedFramework"]; string q = context.Request.Query["q"] ?? string.Empty; string scheme = context.Request.Uri.Scheme; return(QuerySearch(searcherManager, scheme, q, countOnly, projectType, supportedFramework, includePrerelease, skip, take, includeExplanation, applyFilter)); }
public static void AutoComplete( JsonWriter jsonWriter, NuGetSearcherManager searcherManager, string q, string id, bool includePrerelease, NuGetVersion semVerLevel, int skip, int take, bool includeExplanation) { var searcher = searcherManager.Get(); try { Filter filter = null; if (q != null) { Query query = MakeAutoCompleteQuery(q, searcher.DocIdMapping, searcher.Downloads, searcher.Rankings, searcher.QueryBoostingContext); if (searcher.TryGetFilter(false, includePrerelease, semVerLevel, null, out filter)) { // Filter before running the query (make the search set smaller) query = new FilteredQuery(query, filter); } TopDocs topDocs = searcher.Search(query, skip + take); ResponseFormatter.WriteAutoCompleteResult(jsonWriter, searcher, topDocs, skip, take, includeExplanation, query); } else { Query query = MakeAutoCompleteVersionQuery(id); if (searcher.TryGetFilter(false, includePrerelease, semVerLevel, null, out filter)) { // Filter before running the query (make the search set smaller) query = new FilteredQuery(query, filter); } TopDocs topDocs = searcher.Search(query, 1); ResponseFormatter.WriteAutoCompleteVersionResult(jsonWriter, searcher, includePrerelease, semVerLevel, topDocs); } } finally { searcherManager.Release(searcher); } }
/// <summary>Initializes a <see cref="NuGetSearcherManager"/> instance.</summary> /// <param name="directory"> /// Optionally, the Lucene directory to read the index from. If <c>null</c> is provided, the directory /// implementation is determined based off of the configuration (<see cref="config"/>). /// </param> /// <param name="loader"> /// Optionally, the loader used to read the JSON data files. If <c>null</c> is provided, the loader /// implementation is determined based off of the configuration (<see cref="config"/>). /// </param> /// <param name="config"> /// The configuration to read which primarily determines whether the resulting instance will read from the local /// disk or from blob storage. /// </param> /// <param name="loggerFactory"> /// Optionally, the logger factory defined by the consuming application. /// </param> /// <returns>The resulting <see cref="NuGetSearcherManager"/> instance.</returns> public static NuGetSearcherManager Create(IndexingConfiguration config, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, Directory directory = null, ILoader loader = null) { if (loggerFactory == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(loggerFactory)); } LoggerFactory = loggerFactory; var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger <NuGetSearcherManager>(); // If a local Lucene directory has been specified, create a directory and loader for the specified directory. var luceneDirectory = config.LocalLuceneDirectory; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(luceneDirectory)) { directory = directory ?? new SimpleFSDirectory(new DirectoryInfo(luceneDirectory)); loader = loader ?? new FileLoader(config.LocalDataDirectory); } IIndexDirectoryProvider indexProvider; if (directory == null) { // If no directory has been provided, create a CloudIndexDirectoryProvider from the configuration. indexProvider = new CloudIndexDirectoryProvider(config, logger); } else { // Use the specified directory to create a FixedIndexDirectoryProvider. var indexContainerName = luceneDirectory ?? config.IndexContainer; indexProvider = new LocalIndexDirectoryProvider(directory, indexContainerName); } // If a loader has been specified, use it. // Otherwise, create a StorageLoader from the configuration. loader = loader ?? new StorageLoader(config, logger); var searcherManager = new NuGetSearcherManager(logger, indexProvider, loader, config.AuxiliaryDataRefreshRateSec, config.IndexReloadRateSec); var registrationBaseAddress = config.RegistrationBaseAddress; var semVer2RegistrationBaseAddress = config.SemVer2RegistrationBaseAddress; searcherManager.RegistrationBaseAddresses.LegacyHttp = MakeRegistrationBaseAddress("http", registrationBaseAddress); searcherManager.RegistrationBaseAddresses.LegacyHttps = MakeRegistrationBaseAddress("https", registrationBaseAddress); searcherManager.RegistrationBaseAddresses.SemVer2Http = MakeRegistrationBaseAddress("http", semVer2RegistrationBaseAddress); searcherManager.RegistrationBaseAddresses.SemVer2Https = MakeRegistrationBaseAddress("https", semVer2RegistrationBaseAddress); return(searcherManager); }
public static void Stats(JsonWriter jsonWriter, NuGetSearcherManager searcherManager) { var searcher = searcherManager.Get(); try { ResponseFormatter.WriteStatsResult(jsonWriter, searcher); } finally { searcherManager.Release(searcher); } }
public static JToken AutoComplete(IOwinContext context, NuGetSearcherManager searcherManager) { IndexSearcher searcher = searcherManager.Get(); try { int skip; if (!int.TryParse(context.Request.Query["skip"], out skip)) { skip = 0; } int take; if (!int.TryParse(context.Request.Query["take"], out take)) { take = 20; } bool includePrerelease; if (!bool.TryParse(context.Request.Query["prerelease"], out includePrerelease)) { includePrerelease = false; } bool includeExplanation = false; if (!bool.TryParse(context.Request.Query["explanation"], out includeExplanation)) { includeExplanation = false; } string supportedFramework = context.Request.Query["supportedFramework"]; string q = context.Request.Query["q"]; string id = context.Request.Query["id"]; if (q == null && id == null) { q = string.Empty; } return(AutoCompleteSearch(searcherManager, q, id, supportedFramework, includePrerelease, skip, take, includeExplanation)); } finally { searcherManager.Release(searcher); } }
public NuGetIndexSearcher( NuGetSearcherManager manager, IndexReader reader, IDictionary <string, string> commitUserData, IDictionary <string, Filter> curatedFeeds, Dictionary <LatestListedMask, Filter> latest, IReadOnlyDictionary <string, int[]> docIdMapping, Downloads downloads, VersionResult[] versions, RankingResult rankings, QueryBoostingContext context, OpenBitSet latestBitSet, OpenBitSet latestStableBitSet, OpenBitSet latestSemVer2BitSet, OpenBitSet latestStableSemVer2BitSet, OwnersResult owners, HashSet <string> verifiedPackages) : base(reader) { Manager = manager; CommitUserData = commitUserData; _curatedFeeds = new Dictionary <string, Filter>(curatedFeeds.Count); foreach (var curatedFeedsFilter in curatedFeeds) { _curatedFeeds.Add(curatedFeedsFilter.Key, new CachingWrapperFilter(curatedFeedsFilter.Value)); } _latest = latest; DocIdMapping = docIdMapping; Downloads = downloads; Versions = versions; Rankings = rankings; LatestBitSet = latestBitSet; LatestStableBitSet = latestStableBitSet; LatestSemVer2BitSet = latestSemVer2BitSet; LatestStableSemVer2BitSet = latestStableSemVer2BitSet; Owners = owners; VerifiedPackages = verifiedPackages; QueryBoostingContext = context; LastReopen = DateTime.UtcNow; }
static Query AutoCompleteMakeQuery(string q, NuGetSearcherManager searcherManager) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(q)) { return(new MatchAllDocsQuery()); } QueryParser queryParser = new QueryParser(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_30, "IdAutocomplete", new PackageAnalyzer()); //TODO: we should be doing phrase queries to get the ordering right //const int MAX_NGRAM_LENGTH = 8; //q = (q.Length < MAX_NGRAM_LENGTH) ? q : q.Substring(0, MAX_NGRAM_LENGTH); //string phraseQuery = string.Format("IdAutocompletePhrase:\"/ {0}\"~20", q); //Query query = queryParser.Parse(phraseQuery); Query query = queryParser.Parse(q); Query boostedQuery = new RankingScoreQuery(query, searcherManager.GetRankings()); return(boostedQuery); }
static JObject AutoCompleteMakeVersionResult(NuGetSearcherManager searcherManager, bool includePrerelease, TopDocs topDocs) { JObject result = new JObject(); result.Add("@context", new JObject { { "@vocab", "" } }); result.Add("indexName", searcherManager.IndexName); if (topDocs.TotalHits > 0) { ScoreDoc scoreDoc = topDocs.ScoreDocs[0]; JArray versions = searcherManager.GetVersionLists(scoreDoc.Doc); result.Add("totalHits", versions.Count()); result["data"] = versions; } else { result.Add("totalHits", 0); result["data"] = new JArray(); } return(result); }
static JToken MakeResult(IndexSearcher searcher, string scheme, TopDocs topDocs, int skip, int take, NuGetSearcherManager searcherManager, bool includeExplanation, Query query) { JToken data = MakeResultData(searcher, scheme, topDocs, skip, take, searcherManager, includeExplanation, query); JObject result = new JObject(); result.Add("@context", new JObject { { "@vocab", "" } }); result.Add("totalHits", topDocs.TotalHits); result.Add("lastReopen", searcherManager.LastReopen.ToString("o")); result.Add("index", searcherManager.IndexName); result.Add("data", data); return(result); }
public static JToken MakeResultData(IndexSearcher searcher, string scheme, TopDocs topDocs, int skip, int take, NuGetSearcherManager searcherManager, bool includeExplanation, Query query) { Uri registrationBaseAddress = searcherManager.RegistrationBaseAddress[scheme]; JArray array = new JArray(); for (int i = skip; i < Math.Min(skip + take, topDocs.ScoreDocs.Length); i++) { ScoreDoc scoreDoc = topDocs.ScoreDocs[i]; Document document = searcher.Doc(scoreDoc.Doc); string url = document.Get("Url"); string id = document.Get("Id"); string version = document.Get("Version"); JObject obj = new JObject(); obj["@id"] = new Uri(registrationBaseAddress, url).AbsoluteUri; obj["@type"] = "Package"; obj["registration"] = new Uri(registrationBaseAddress, string.Format("{0}/index.json", id.ToLowerInvariant())).AbsoluteUri; obj["id"] = id; AddField(obj, document, "domain", "Domain"); AddField(obj, document, "description", "Description"); AddField(obj, document, "summary", "Summary"); AddField(obj, document, "title", "Title"); AddField(obj, document, "iconUrl", "IconUrl"); AddFieldAsArray(obj, document, "tags", "Tags"); AddFieldAsArray(obj, document, "authors", "Authors"); obj["version"] = version; obj["versions"] = searcherManager.GetVersions(scheme, scoreDoc.Doc); if (includeExplanation) { Explanation explanation = searcher.Explain(query, scoreDoc.Doc); obj["explanation"] = explanation.ToString(); } array.Add(obj); } return(array); }
public static void Search(JsonWriter jsonWriter, NuGetSearcherManager searcherManager, string q, bool countOnly, bool includePrerelease, NuGetVersion semVerLevel, string sortBy, int skip, int take, string feed, bool ignoreFilter, bool luceneQuery) { if (jsonWriter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(jsonWriter)); } if (searcherManager == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(searcherManager)); } var searcher = searcherManager.Get(); try { // The old V2 search service would treat "id:" queries (~match) in the same way as it did "packageid:" (==match). // If "id:" is in the query, replace it. if (luceneQuery && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(q) && q.StartsWith("id:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { q = "packageid:" + q.Substring(3); } // Build the query Query query = NuGetQuery.MakeQuery(q, searcher.Owners); // Build filter bool includeUnlisted = ignoreFilter; includePrerelease = ignoreFilter || includePrerelease; feed = ignoreFilter ? null : feed; var combinedQuery = new BooleanQuery(); combinedQuery.Add(query, Occur.SHOULD); // Add this clause to the query here so we still respect semVerLevel that is passed when ignoring filters. if (!SemVerHelpers.ShouldIncludeSemVer2Results(semVerLevel)) { combinedQuery.Add( NuGetQuery.ConstructClauseQuery( new StandardAnalyzer(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_30), MetadataConstants.LuceneMetadata.SemVerLevelPropertyName, new List <string> { SemVerHelpers.SemVerLevelKeySemVer2 }), Occur.MUST_NOT); } query = combinedQuery; Filter filter = null; if (!ignoreFilter && searcher.TryGetFilter(includeUnlisted, includePrerelease, semVerLevel, feed, out filter)) { // Filter before running the query (make the search set smaller) query = new FilteredQuery(query, filter); } if (countOnly) { DocumentCountImpl(jsonWriter, searcher, query); } else { ListDocumentsImpl(jsonWriter, searcher, query, sortBy, skip, take, semVerLevel); } } finally { searcherManager.Release(searcher); } }
public static JToken AutoCompleteMakeResult(IndexSearcher searcher, TopDocs topDocs, int skip, int take, NuGetSearcherManager searcherManager, bool includeExplanation, Query query) { JArray array = new JArray(); for (int i = skip; i < Math.Min(skip + take, topDocs.ScoreDocs.Length); i++) { ScoreDoc scoreDoc = topDocs.ScoreDocs[i]; Document document = searcher.Doc(scoreDoc.Doc); string id = document.Get("Id"); array.Add(id); } JObject result = new JObject(); result.Add("@context", new JObject { { "@vocab", "" } }); result.Add("totalHits", topDocs.TotalHits); result.Add("indexName", searcherManager.IndexName); result.Add("data", array); if (includeExplanation) { JArray explanations = new JArray(); for (int i = skip; i < Math.Min(skip + take, topDocs.ScoreDocs.Length); i++) { ScoreDoc scoreDoc = topDocs.ScoreDocs[i]; Explanation explanation = searcher.Explain(query, scoreDoc.Doc); explanations.Add(explanation.ToString()); } result.Add("explanations", explanations); } return(result); }