예제 #1
         * Add a new paragraph run to this shape
         * @return Created paragraph run

        public XSSFTextParagraph AddNewTextParagraph()
            Npoi.Core.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.Spreadsheet.CT_TextBody txBody = ctShape.txBody;
            CT_TextParagraph  p         = txBody.AddNewP();
            XSSFTextParagraph paragraph = new XSSFTextParagraph(p, ctShape);

예제 #2
         * Prototype with the default structure of a new auto-shape.

        protected internal static CT_Shape GetPrototype()
            if (prototype == null)
                CT_Shape shape = new CT_Shape();

                CT_ShapeNonVisual nv = shape.AddNewNvSpPr();
                Npoi.Core.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.Spreadsheet.CT_NonVisualDrawingProps nvp = nv.AddNewCNvPr();
                nvp.id   = (/*setter*/ 1);
                nvp.name = (/*setter*/ "Shape 1");

                Npoi.Core.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.Spreadsheet.CT_ShapeProperties sp = shape.AddNewSpPr();
                CT_Transform2D    t2d = sp.AddNewXfrm();
                CT_PositiveSize2D p1  = t2d.AddNewExt();
                p1.cx = (/*setter*/ 0);
                p1.cy = (/*setter*/ 0);
                CT_Point2D p2 = t2d.AddNewOff();
                p2.x = (/*setter*/ 0);
                p2.y = (/*setter*/ 0);

                CT_PresetGeometry2D geom = sp.AddNewPrstGeom();
                geom.prst = (/*setter*/ ST_ShapeType.rect);

                Npoi.Core.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.Spreadsheet.CT_TextBody body = shape.AddNewTxBody();
                CT_TextBodyProperties bodypr = body.AddNewBodyPr();
                bodypr.anchor = (/*setter*/ ST_TextAnchoringType.t);
                bodypr.rtlCol = (/*setter*/ false);
                CT_TextParagraph p = body.AddNewP();
                p.AddNewPPr().algn = (/*setter*/ ST_TextAlignType.l);
                CT_TextCharacterProperties endPr = p.AddNewEndParaRPr();
                endPr.lang = (/*setter*/ "en-US");
                endPr.sz   = (/*setter*/ 1100);
                CT_SolidColorFillProperties scfpr = endPr.AddNewSolidFill();
                scfpr.AddNewSrgbClr().val         = (/*setter*/ new byte[] { 0, 0, 0 });


                prototype = shape;
예제 #3
         * Add a new paragraph run to this shape, Set to the provided rich text string
         * @return Created paragraph run

        public XSSFTextParagraph AddNewTextParagraph(XSSFRichTextString str)
            Npoi.Core.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.Spreadsheet.CT_TextBody txBody = ctShape.txBody;
            CT_TextParagraph p = txBody.AddNewP();

            if (str.NumFormattingRuns == 0)
                CT_RegularTextRun          r   = p.AddNewR();
                CT_TextCharacterProperties rPr = r.AddNewRPr();
                rPr.lang = (/*setter*/ "en-US");
                rPr.sz   = (/*setter*/ 1100);
                r.t      = (/*setter*/ str.String);
                for (int i = 0; i < str.GetCTRst().SizeOfRArray(); i++)
                    CT_RElt   lt   = str.GetCTRst().GetRArray(i);
                    CT_RPrElt ltPr = lt.rPr;
                    if (ltPr == null)
                        ltPr = lt.AddNewRPr();

                    CT_RegularTextRun          r   = p.AddNewR();
                    CT_TextCharacterProperties rPr = r.AddNewRPr();
                    rPr.lang = (/*setter*/ "en-US");

                    ApplyAttributes(ltPr, rPr);

                    r.t = (/*setter*/ lt.t);

            // Note: the XSSFTextParagraph constructor will create its required XSSFTextRuns from the provided CTTextParagraph
            XSSFTextParagraph paragraph = new XSSFTextParagraph(p, ctShape);

