public NpgsqlAsciiRow(NpgsqlRowDescription rowDesc, ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, byte[] inputBuffer, char[] chars) : base(rowDesc, protocolVersion) { NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, CLASSNAME); _inputBuffer = inputBuffer; _chars = chars; }
public StringRowReaderV3(NpgsqlRowDescription rowDesc, Stream inputStream) : base(rowDesc, inputStream) { _messageSize = PGUtil.ReadInt32(inputStream); if (PGUtil.ReadInt16(inputStream) != rowDesc.NumFields) { throw new DataException(); } }
public override void SetRowDescription(NpgsqlRowDescription rowDesc) { if (Stream.ReadInt16() != rowDesc.NumFields) { throw new DataException(); } _rowDesc = rowDesc; }
private DataTable GetResultsetSchema() { NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "GetResultsetSchema"); DataTable result = null; NpgsqlRowDescription rd = _currentResultset.RowDescription; Int16 numFields = rd.NumFields; if (numFields > 0) { result = new DataTable("SchemaTable"); result.Columns.Add("ColumnName", typeof(string)); result.Columns.Add("ColumnOrdinal", typeof(int)); result.Columns.Add("ColumnSize", typeof(int)); result.Columns.Add("NumericPrecision", typeof(int)); result.Columns.Add("NumericScale", typeof(int)); result.Columns.Add("IsUnique", typeof(bool)); result.Columns.Add("IsKey", typeof(bool)); result.Columns.Add("BaseCatalogName", typeof(string)); result.Columns.Add("BaseColumnName", typeof(string)); result.Columns.Add("BaseSchemaName", typeof(string)); result.Columns.Add("BaseTableName", typeof(string)); result.Columns.Add("DataType", typeof(Type)); result.Columns.Add("AllowDBNull", typeof(bool)); result.Columns.Add("ProviderType", typeof(string)); result.Columns.Add("IsAliased", typeof(bool)); result.Columns.Add("IsExpression", typeof(bool)); result.Columns.Add("IsIdentity", typeof(bool)); result.Columns.Add("IsAutoIncrement", typeof(bool)); result.Columns.Add("IsRowVersion", typeof(bool)); result.Columns.Add("IsHidden", typeof(bool)); result.Columns.Add("IsLong", typeof(bool)); result.Columns.Add("IsReadOnly", typeof(bool)); if (_connection.Connector.BackendProtocolVersion == ProtocolVersion.Version2) { FillSchemaTable_v2(result); } else if (_connection.Connector.BackendProtocolVersion == ProtocolVersion.Version3) { FillSchemaTable_v3(result); } } return(result); }
public NpgsqlRowDescription Sync(NpgsqlConnector context) { NpgsqlRowDescription lastDescription = null; foreach (IServerResponseObject obj in SyncEnum(context)) { if (obj is NpgsqlRowDescription) { lastDescription = obj as NpgsqlRowDescription; } else { if (obj is IDisposable) { (obj as IDisposable).Dispose(); } } } return(lastDescription); }
public void AddCompletedResponse(String response) { if (_rd != null) { // Finished receiving the resultset. Add it to the buffer. _resultSets.Add(new NpgsqlResultSet(_rd, _rows)); // Add a placeholder response. _responses.Add(null); // Discard the RowDescription. _rd = null; } else { // Add a placeholder resultset. _resultSets.Add(null); // It was just a non query string. Just add the response. _responses.Add(response); } }
internal NpgsqlDataReader(IEnumerable<IServerResponseObject> dataEnumeration, CommandBehavior behavior, NpgsqlCommand command, NpgsqlConnector.NotificationThreadBlock threadBlock, bool preparedStatement = false, NpgsqlRowDescription rowDescription = null) { _behavior = behavior; _connection = (_command = command).Connection; _connector = command.Connector; _dataEnumerator = dataEnumeration.GetEnumerator(); _connector.CurrentReader = this; _threadBlock = threadBlock; _preparedStatement = preparedStatement; CurrentDescription = rowDescription; // For un-prepared statements, the first response is always a row description. // For prepared statements, we may be recycling a row description from a previous Execute. if (CurrentDescription == null) { NextResultInternal(); } UpdateOutputParameters(); }
private void FillSchemaTable_v3(DataTable schema) { NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "FillSchemaTable_v3"); NpgsqlRowDescription rd = _currentResultset.RowDescription; Hashtable oidTableLookup = null; KeyLookup keyLookup = new KeyLookup(); Hashtable columnLookup = null; if ((_behavior & CommandBehavior.KeyInfo) == CommandBehavior.KeyInfo) { ArrayList tableOids = new ArrayList(); for (short i = 0; i < rd.NumFields; ++i) { if (rd[i].table_oid != 0 && !tableOids.Contains(rd[i].table_oid)) { tableOids.Add(rd[i].table_oid); } } oidTableLookup = GetTablesFromOids(tableOids); if (oidTableLookup != null && oidTableLookup.Count == 1) { // only 1, but we can't index into the Hashtable foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in oidTableLookup) { keyLookup = GetKeys((Int32)entry.Key); } } columnLookup = GetColumns(); } DataRow row; for (Int16 i = 0; i < rd.NumFields; i++) { row = schema.NewRow(); string baseColumnName = GetBaseColumnName(columnLookup, i); row["ColumnName"] = GetName(i); row["ColumnOrdinal"] = i + 1; if (rd[i].type_modifier != -1 && rd[i].type_info != null && (rd[i].type_info.Name == "varchar" || rd[i].type_info.Name == "bpchar")) { row["ColumnSize"] = rd[i].type_modifier - 4; } else if (rd[i].type_modifier != -1 && rd[i].type_info != null && (rd[i].type_info.Name == "bit" || rd[i].type_info.Name == "varbit")) { row["ColumnSize"] = rd[i].type_modifier; } else { row["ColumnSize"] = (int)rd[i].type_size; } if (rd[i].type_modifier != -1 && rd[i].type_info != null && rd[i].type_info.Name == "numeric") { row["NumericPrecision"] = ((rd[i].type_modifier - 4) >> 16) & ushort.MaxValue; row["NumericScale"] = (rd[i].type_modifier - 4) & ushort.MaxValue; } else { row["NumericPrecision"] = 0; row["NumericScale"] = 0; } row["IsUnique"] = IsUnique(keyLookup, baseColumnName); row["IsKey"] = IsKey(keyLookup, baseColumnName); if (rd[i].table_oid != 0 && oidTableLookup != null) { row["BaseCatalogName"] = ((object[])oidTableLookup[rd[i].table_oid])[Tables.table_catalog]; row["BaseSchemaName"] = ((object[])oidTableLookup[rd[i].table_oid])[Tables.table_schema]; row["BaseTableName"] = ((object[])oidTableLookup[rd[i].table_oid])[Tables.table_name]; } else { row["BaseCatalogName"] = ""; row["BaseSchemaName"] = ""; row["BaseTableName"] = ""; } row["BaseColumnName"] = baseColumnName; row["DataType"] = GetFieldType(i); row["AllowDBNull"] = IsNullable(columnLookup, i); if (rd[i].type_info != null) { row["ProviderType"] = rd[i].type_info.Name; } row["IsAliased"] = string.CompareOrdinal((string)row["ColumnName"], baseColumnName) != 0; row["IsExpression"] = false; row["IsIdentity"] = false; row["IsAutoIncrement"] = IsAutoIncrement(columnLookup, i); row["IsRowVersion"] = false; row["IsHidden"] = false; row["IsLong"] = false; row["IsReadOnly"] = false; schema.Rows.Add(row); } }
private void UnPrepare() { if (prepared == PrepareStatus.V3Prepared) { bind = null; execute = null; portalDescribeSent = false; currentRowDescription = null; prepared = PrepareStatus.NeedsPrepare; } else if (prepared == PrepareStatus.V2Prepared) { planName = String.Empty; prepared = PrepareStatus.NeedsPrepare; } }
protected virtual void ProcessBackendResponses_Ver_3(NpgsqlConnector context) { NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "ProcessBackendResponses"); Stream stream = context.Stream; NpgsqlMediator mediator = context.Mediator; // Often used buffers Byte[] inputBuffer = new Byte[4]; String Str; Boolean readyForQuery = false; byte[] asciiRowBytes = new byte[300]; char[] asciiRowChars = new char[300]; while (!readyForQuery) { // Check the first Byte of response. Int32 message = stream.ReadByte(); switch (message) { case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.ErrorResponse: { NpgsqlError error = new NpgsqlError(context.BackendProtocolVersion); error.ReadFromStream(stream, context.Encoding); error.ErrorSql = mediator.SqlSent; mediator.Errors.Add(error); NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ErrorResponse", LogLevel.Debug, error.Message); } // Return imediately if it is in the startup state or connected state as // there is no more messages to consume. // Possible error in the NpgsqlStartupState: // Invalid password. // Possible error in the NpgsqlConnectedState: // No pg_hba.conf configured. if (!mediator.RequireReadyForQuery) { return; } break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.AuthenticationRequest: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "AuthenticationRequest"); // Eat length PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); { Int32 authType = PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); if (authType == NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.AuthenticationOk) { NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_AuthenticationOK", LogLevel.Debug); break; } if (authType == NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.AuthenticationClearTextPassword) { NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_AuthenticationClearTextRequest", LogLevel.Debug); // Send the PasswordPacket. ChangeState(context, NpgsqlStartupState.Instance); context.Authenticate(context.Password); break; } if (authType == NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.AuthenticationMD5Password) { NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_AuthenticationMD5Request", LogLevel.Debug); // Now do the "MD5-Thing" // for this the Password has to be: // 1. md5-hashed with the username as salt // 2. md5-hashed again with the salt we get from the backend MD5 md5 = MD5.Create(); // 1. byte[] passwd = context.Encoding.GetBytes(context.Password); byte[] saltUserName = context.Encoding.GetBytes(context.UserName); byte[] crypt_buf = new byte[passwd.Length + saltUserName.Length]; passwd.CopyTo(crypt_buf, 0); saltUserName.CopyTo(crypt_buf, passwd.Length); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); byte[] hashResult = md5.ComputeHash(crypt_buf); foreach (byte b in hashResult) { sb.Append(b.ToString("x2")); } String prehash = sb.ToString(); byte[] prehashbytes = context.Encoding.GetBytes(prehash); stream.Read(inputBuffer, 0, 4); // Send the PasswordPacket. ChangeState(context, NpgsqlStartupState.Instance); // 2. crypt_buf = new byte[prehashbytes.Length + 4]; prehashbytes.CopyTo(crypt_buf, 0); inputBuffer.CopyTo(crypt_buf, prehashbytes.Length); sb = new StringBuilder("md5"); // This is needed as the backend expects md5 result starts with "md5" hashResult = md5.ComputeHash(crypt_buf); foreach (byte b in hashResult) { sb.Append(b.ToString("x2")); } context.Authenticate(sb.ToString()); break; } // Only AuthenticationClearTextPassword and AuthenticationMD5Password supported for now. mediator.Errors.Add(new NpgsqlError(context.BackendProtocolVersion, String.Format(resman.GetString("Exception_AuthenticationMethodNotSupported"), authType))); } return; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.RowDescription: // This is the RowDescription message. NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "RowDescription"); { NpgsqlRowDescription rd = new NpgsqlRowDescription(context.BackendProtocolVersion); rd.ReadFromStream(stream, context.Encoding, context.OidToNameMapping); mediator.AddRowDescription(rd); } // Now wait for the AsciiRow messages. break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.ParameterDescription: // Do nothing,for instance, just read... int lenght = PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); int nb_param = PGUtil.ReadInt16(stream, inputBuffer); for (int i = 0; i < nb_param; i++) { int typeoid = PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); } break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.DataRow: // This is the AsciiRow message. NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "DataRow"); { NpgsqlAsciiRow asciiRow = new NpgsqlAsciiRow(context.Mediator.LastRowDescription, context.BackendProtocolVersion, asciiRowBytes, asciiRowChars); asciiRow.ReadFromStream(stream, context.Encoding); // Add this row to the rows array. mediator.AddAsciiRow(asciiRow); } // Now wait for CompletedResponse message. break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.ReadyForQuery: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "ReadyForQuery"); // Possible status bytes returned: // I = Idle (no transaction active). // T = In transaction, ready for more. // E = Error in transaction, queries will fail until transaction aborted. // Just eat the status byte, we have no use for it at this time. PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); PGUtil.ReadString(stream, context.Encoding, 1); readyForQuery = true; ChangeState(context, NpgsqlReadyState.Instance); break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.BackendKeyData: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "BackendKeyData"); // BackendKeyData message. NpgsqlBackEndKeyData backend_keydata = new NpgsqlBackEndKeyData(context.BackendProtocolVersion); backend_keydata.ReadFromStream(stream); mediator.SetBackendKeydata(backend_keydata); // Wait for ReadForQuery message break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.NoticeResponse: // Notices and errors are identical except that we // just throw notices away completely ignored. { NpgsqlError notice = new NpgsqlError(context.BackendProtocolVersion); notice.ReadFromStream(stream, context.Encoding); mediator.Notices.Add(notice); NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_NoticeResponse", LogLevel.Debug, notice.Message); } // Wait for ReadForQuery message break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.CompletedResponse: // This is the CompletedResponse message. // Get the string returned. PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); Str = PGUtil.ReadString(stream, context.Encoding); NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_CompletedResponse", LogLevel.Debug, Str); // Add result from the processing. mediator.AddCompletedResponse(Str); break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.ParseComplete: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "ParseComplete"); // Just read up the message length. PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); readyForQuery = true; break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.BindComplete: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "BindComplete"); // Just read up the message length. PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); readyForQuery = true; break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.EmptyQueryResponse: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "EmptyQueryResponse"); PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.NotificationResponse: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "NotificationResponse"); // Eat the length PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); { // Process ID sending notification Int32 PID = PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); // Notification string String notificationResponse = PGUtil.ReadString(stream, context.Encoding); // Additional info, currently not implemented by PG (empty string always), eat it PGUtil.ReadString(stream, context.Encoding); mediator.AddNotification(new NpgsqlNotificationEventArgs(PID, notificationResponse)); } if (context.IsNotificationThreadRunning) { readyForQuery = true; } // Wait for ReadForQuery message break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.ParameterStatus: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "ParameterStatus"); NpgsqlParameterStatus parameterStatus = new NpgsqlParameterStatus(); parameterStatus.ReadFromStream(stream, context.Encoding); NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ParameterStatus", LogLevel.Debug, parameterStatus.Parameter, parameterStatus.ParameterValue); mediator.AddParameterStatus(parameterStatus.Parameter, parameterStatus); if (parameterStatus.Parameter == "server_version") { // Add this one under our own name so that if the parameter name // changes in a future backend version, we can handle it here in the // protocol handler and leave everybody else put of it. mediator.AddParameterStatus("__npgsql_server_version", parameterStatus); // context.ServerVersionString = parameterStatus.ParameterValue; } break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.NoData: // This nodata message may be generated by prepare commands issued with queries which doesn't return rows // for example insert, update or delete. // Just eat the message. NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "ParameterStatus"); PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); break; case -1: // Connection broken. Mono returns -1 instead of throw an exception as does. throw new IOException(); default: // This could mean a number of things // We've gotten out of sync with the backend? // We need to implement this type? // Backend has gone insane? // FIXME // what exception should we really throw here? throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Backend sent unrecognized response type: {0}", (Char)message)); } } }
public NullMap(NpgsqlRowDescription desc, Stream inputStream) { _map = new byte[(desc.NumFields + 7) / 8]; PGUtil.CheckedStreamRead(inputStream, _map, 0, _map.Length); }
void PrepareInternal() { // Use the extended query parsing... _planName = _connector.NextPlanName(); const string portalName = ""; _preparedCommandText = GetCommandText(true); NpgsqlRowDescription returnRowDesc = null; ParameterDescriptionResponse parameterDescription = null; var numInputParameters = 0; for (var i = 0; i < _parameters.Count; i++) { if (_parameters[i].IsInputDirection) { numInputParameters++; } } var parameterTypeOIDs = new int[numInputParameters]; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < _parameters.Count; i++) { if (_parameters[i].IsInputDirection) { parameterTypeOIDs[j++] = _parameters[i].TypeInfo.NpgsqlDbType == NpgsqlDbType.Unknown ? 0 : _connector.OidToNameMapping[_parameters[i].TypeInfo.Name].OID; } } // Write Parse, Describe, and Sync messages to the wire. _connector.SendParse(_planName, _preparedCommandText, parameterTypeOIDs); _connector.SendDescribeStatement(_planName); _connector.SendSync(); // Tell to mediator what command is being sent. _connector.Mediator.SetSqlSent(_preparedCommandText, NpgsqlMediator.SQLSentType.Parse); // Look for ParameterDescriptionResponse, NpgsqlRowDescription in the responses, discarding everything else. while (true) { var msg = _connector.ReadMessage(); if (msg is ReadyForQueryMsg) { break; } var asParameterDescription = msg as ParameterDescriptionResponse; if (asParameterDescription != null) { parameterDescription = asParameterDescription; continue; } var asRowDesc = msg as NpgsqlRowDescription; if (asRowDesc != null) { returnRowDesc = asRowDesc; continue; } var asDisposable = msg as IDisposable; if (asDisposable != null) { asDisposable.Dispose(); } } if (parameterDescription != null) { if (parameterDescription.TypeOIDs.Length != numInputParameters) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Wrong number of parameters. Got " + numInputParameters + " but expected " + parameterDescription.TypeOIDs.Length + "."); } for (int i = 0, j = 0; j < numInputParameters; i++) { if (_parameters[i].IsInputDirection) { _parameters[i].SetTypeOID(parameterDescription.TypeOIDs[j++], _connector.NativeToBackendTypeConverterOptions); } } } if (returnRowDesc != null) { _resultFormatCodes = new short[returnRowDesc.NumFields]; for (var i = 0; i < returnRowDesc.NumFields; i++) { var returnRowDescData = returnRowDesc[i]; if (returnRowDescData.TypeInfo != null) { // Binary format? // PG always defaults to text encoding. We can fix up the row description // here based on support for binary encoding. Once this is done, // there is no need to request another row description after Bind. returnRowDescData.FormatCode = returnRowDescData.TypeInfo.SupportsBinaryBackendData ? FormatCode.Binary : FormatCode.Text; _resultFormatCodes[i] = (short)returnRowDescData.FormatCode; } else { // Text format (default). _resultFormatCodes[i] = (short)FormatCode.Text; } } } else { _resultFormatCodes = new short[] { 0 }; } // Save the row description for use with all future Executes. _currentRowDescription = returnRowDesc; _prepared = PrepareStatus.Prepared; }
protected virtual void ProcessBackendResponses_Ver_2( NpgsqlConnector context ) { NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "ProcessBackendResponses"); Stream stream = context.Stream; NpgsqlMediator mediator = context.Mediator; // Often used buffer Byte[] inputBuffer = new Byte[ 4 ]; Boolean readyForQuery = false; byte[] asciiRowBytes = new byte[300]; char[] asciiRowChars = new char[300]; while (!readyForQuery) { // Check the first Byte of response. switch ( stream.ReadByte() ) { case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.ErrorResponse : { NpgsqlError error = new NpgsqlError(context.BackendProtocolVersion); error.ReadFromStream(stream, context.Encoding); error.ErrorSql = mediator.SqlSent; mediator.Errors.Add(error); NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ErrorResponse", LogLevel.Debug, error.Message); } // Return imediately if it is in the startup state or connected state as // there is no more messages to consume. // Possible error in the NpgsqlStartupState: // Invalid password. // Possible error in the NpgsqlConnectedState: // No pg_hba.conf configured. if (! mediator.RequireReadyForQuery) { return; } break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.AuthenticationRequest : NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "AuthenticationRequest"); { Int32 authType = PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); if ( authType == NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.AuthenticationOk ) { NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_AuthenticationOK", LogLevel.Debug); break; } if ( authType == NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.AuthenticationClearTextPassword ) { NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_AuthenticationClearTextRequest", LogLevel.Debug); // Send the PasswordPacket. ChangeState( context, NpgsqlStartupState.Instance ); context.Authenticate(context.Password); break; } if ( authType == NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.AuthenticationMD5Password ) { NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_AuthenticationMD5Request", LogLevel.Debug); // Now do the "MD5-Thing" // for this the Password has to be: // 1. md5-hashed with the username as salt // 2. md5-hashed again with the salt we get from the backend MD5 md5 = MD5.Create(); // 1. byte[] passwd = context.Encoding.GetBytes(context.Password); byte[] saltUserName = context.Encoding.GetBytes(context.UserName); byte[] crypt_buf = new byte[passwd.Length + saltUserName.Length]; passwd.CopyTo(crypt_buf, 0); saltUserName.CopyTo(crypt_buf, passwd.Length); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); byte[] hashResult = md5.ComputeHash(crypt_buf); foreach (byte b in hashResult) sb.Append (b.ToString ("x2")); String prehash = sb.ToString(); byte[] prehashbytes = context.Encoding.GetBytes(prehash); byte[] saltServer = new byte[4]; stream.Read(saltServer, 0, 4); // Send the PasswordPacket. ChangeState( context, NpgsqlStartupState.Instance ); // 2. crypt_buf = new byte[prehashbytes.Length + saltServer.Length]; prehashbytes.CopyTo(crypt_buf, 0); saltServer.CopyTo(crypt_buf, prehashbytes.Length); sb = new StringBuilder ("md5"); // This is needed as the backend expects md5 result starts with "md5" hashResult = md5.ComputeHash(crypt_buf); foreach (byte b in hashResult) sb.Append (b.ToString ("x2")); context.Authenticate(sb.ToString ()); break; } // Only AuthenticationClearTextPassword and AuthenticationMD5Password supported for now. mediator.Errors.Add(new NpgsqlError(context.BackendProtocolVersion, String.Format(resman.GetString("Exception_AuthenticationMethodNotSupported"), authType))); } return; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.RowDescription: // This is the RowDescription message. NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "RowDescription"); { NpgsqlRowDescription rd = new NpgsqlRowDescription(context.BackendProtocolVersion); rd.ReadFromStream(stream, context.Encoding, context.OidToNameMapping); // Initialize the array list which will contain the data from this rowdescription. mediator.AddRowDescription(rd); } // Now wait for the AsciiRow messages. break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.AsciiRow: // This is the AsciiRow message. NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "AsciiRow"); { NpgsqlAsciiRow asciiRow = new NpgsqlAsciiRow(context.Mediator.LastRowDescription, context.BackendProtocolVersion, asciiRowBytes, asciiRowChars); asciiRow.ReadFromStream(stream, context.Encoding); // Add this row to the rows array. mediator.AddAsciiRow(asciiRow); } // Now wait for CompletedResponse message. break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.BinaryRow: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "BinaryRow"); { NpgsqlBinaryRow binaryRow = new NpgsqlBinaryRow(context.Mediator.LastRowDescription); binaryRow.ReadFromStream(stream, context.Encoding); mediator.AddBinaryRow(binaryRow); } break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.ReadyForQuery : NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "ReadyForQuery"); readyForQuery = true; ChangeState( context, NpgsqlReadyState.Instance ); break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.BackendKeyData : NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "BackendKeyData"); // BackendKeyData message. NpgsqlBackEndKeyData backend_keydata = new NpgsqlBackEndKeyData(context.BackendProtocolVersion); backend_keydata.ReadFromStream(stream); mediator.SetBackendKeydata(backend_keydata); // Wait for ReadForQuery message break; ; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.NoticeResponse : { NpgsqlError notice = new NpgsqlError(context.BackendProtocolVersion); notice.ReadFromStream(stream, context.Encoding); mediator.Notices.Add(notice); NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_NoticeResponse", LogLevel.Debug, notice.Message); } // Wait for ReadForQuery message break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.CompletedResponse : // This is the CompletedResponse message. // Get the string returned. String result = PGUtil.ReadString(stream, context.Encoding); NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_CompletedResponse", LogLevel.Debug, result); // Add result from the processing. mediator.AddCompletedResponse(result); // Now wait for ReadyForQuery message. break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.CursorResponse : // This is the cursor response message. // It is followed by a C NULL terminated string with the name of // the cursor in a FETCH case or 'blank' otherwise. // In this case it should be always 'blank'. // [FIXME] Get another name for this function. NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "CursorResponse"); String cursorName = PGUtil.ReadString(stream, context.Encoding); // Continue waiting for ReadyForQuery message. break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.EmptyQueryResponse : NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "EmptyQueryResponse"); PGUtil.ReadString(stream, context.Encoding); break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.NotificationResponse : NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "NotificationResponse"); Int32 PID = PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); String notificationResponse = PGUtil.ReadString( stream, context.Encoding ); mediator.AddNotification(new NpgsqlNotificationEventArgs(PID, notificationResponse)); if (context.IsNotificationThreadRunning) readyForQuery = true; // Wait for ReadForQuery message break; case -1: // Connection broken. Mono returns -1 instead of throw an exception as does. throw new IOException(); default : // This could mean a number of things // We've gotten out of sync with the backend? // We need to implement this type? // Backend has gone insane? // FIXME // what exception should we really throw here? throw new NotSupportedException("Backend sent unrecognized response type"); } } }
private object ReadLargeObject(NpgsqlRowDescription.FieldData field_descr, int field_value_size) { var cms = new ChunkedMemoryStream(Stream, field_value_size); try { return NpgsqlTypesHelper.ConvertBackendStringToSystemType( field_descr.TypeInfo, new StreamReader(cms, Encoding.UTF8), field_descr.TypeSize, field_descr.TypeModifier); } catch (InvalidCastException ice) { return ice; } catch (Exception ex) { return new InvalidCastException(ex.Message, ex); } }
public NpgsqlBinaryRow(NpgsqlRowDescription rowDesc) : base(rowDesc, ProtocolVersion.Version2) { NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, CLASSNAME); }
public NpgsqlRow(NpgsqlRowDescription rowDesc, ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { data = new ArrayList(); row_desc = rowDesc; protocol_version = protocolVersion; }
void PrepareInternal() { // Use the extended query parsing... _planName = _connector.NextPlanName(); const string portalName = ""; _preparedCommandText = GetCommandText(true); var parse = new NpgsqlParse(_planName, _preparedCommandText, new int[] { }); var statementDescribe = new NpgsqlDescribeStatement(_planName); NpgsqlRowDescription returnRowDesc = null; // Write Parse, Describe, and Sync messages to the wire. _connector.Parse(parse); _connector.Describe(statementDescribe); _connector.Sync(); // Tell to mediator what command is being sent. _connector.Mediator.SetSqlSent(_preparedCommandText, NpgsqlMediator.SQLSentType.Parse); // Flush and wait for response. var responseEnum = _connector.ProcessBackendResponsesEnum(); // Look for a NpgsqlRowDescription in the responses, discarding everything else. foreach (var response in responseEnum) { if (response is NpgsqlRowDescription) { returnRowDesc = (NpgsqlRowDescription)response; } else if (response is IDisposable) { (response as IDisposable).Dispose(); } } short[] resultFormatCodes; if (returnRowDesc != null) { resultFormatCodes = new short[returnRowDesc.NumFields]; for (var i = 0; i < returnRowDesc.NumFields; i++) { var returnRowDescData = returnRowDesc[i]; if (returnRowDescData.TypeInfo != null) { // Binary format? // PG always defaults to text encoding. We can fix up the row description // here based on support for binary encoding. Once this is done, // there is no need to request another row description after Bind. returnRowDescData.FormatCode = returnRowDescData.TypeInfo.SupportsBinaryBackendData ? FormatCode.Binary : FormatCode.Text; resultFormatCodes[i] = (short)returnRowDescData.FormatCode; } else { // Text format (default). resultFormatCodes[i] = (short)FormatCode.Text; } } } else { resultFormatCodes = new short[] { 0 }; } // Save the row description for use with all future Executes. _currentRowDescription = returnRowDesc; // The Bind and Execute message objects live through multiple Executes. // Only Bind changes at all between Executes, which is done in BindParameters(). _bind = new NpgsqlBind(portalName, _planName, new Int16[Parameters.Count], null, resultFormatCodes); _execute = new NpgsqlExecute(portalName, 0); _prepared = PrepareStatus.Prepared; }
protected IEnumerable <IServerResponseObject> ProcessBackendResponses_Ver_2(NpgsqlConnector context) { NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "ProcessBackendResponses"); using (new ContextResetter(context)) { Stream stream = context.Stream; NpgsqlMediator mediator = context.Mediator; NpgsqlRowDescription lastRowDescription = null; List <NpgsqlError> errors = new List <NpgsqlError>(); for (;;) { // Check the first Byte of response. switch ((BackEndMessageCode)stream.ReadByte()) { case BackEndMessageCode.ErrorResponse: { NpgsqlError error = new NpgsqlError(context.BackendProtocolVersion, stream); error.ErrorSql = mediator.SqlSent; errors.Add(error); NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ErrorResponse", LogLevel.Debug, error.Message); } // Return imediately if it is in the startup state or connected state as // there is no more messages to consume. // Possible error in the NpgsqlStartupState: // Invalid password. // Possible error in the NpgsqlConnectedState: // No pg_hba.conf configured. if (!context.RequireReadyForQuery) { throw new NpgsqlException(errors); } break; case BackEndMessageCode.AuthenticationRequest: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "AuthenticationRequest"); AuthenticationRequestType authType = (AuthenticationRequestType)PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream); switch (authType) { case AuthenticationRequestType.AuthenticationOk: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_AuthenticationOK", LogLevel.Debug); break; case AuthenticationRequestType.AuthenticationClearTextPassword: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_AuthenticationClearTextRequest", LogLevel.Debug); // Send the PasswordPacket. ChangeState(context, NpgsqlStartupState.Instance); context.Authenticate(context.Password); break; case AuthenticationRequestType.AuthenticationMD5Password: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_AuthenticationMD5Request", LogLevel.Debug); // Now do the "MD5-Thing" // for this the Password has to be: // 1. md5-hashed with the username as salt // 2. md5-hashed again with the salt we get from the backend MD5 md5 = MD5.Create(); // 1. byte[] passwd = context.Password; byte[] saltUserName = ENCODING_UTF8.GetBytes(context.UserName); byte[] crypt_buf = new byte[passwd.Length + saltUserName.Length]; passwd.CopyTo(crypt_buf, 0); saltUserName.CopyTo(crypt_buf, passwd.Length); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); byte[] hashResult = md5.ComputeHash(crypt_buf); foreach (byte b in hashResult) { sb.Append(b.ToString("x2")); } String prehash = sb.ToString(); byte[] prehashbytes = ENCODING_UTF8.GetBytes(prehash); byte[] saltServer = new byte[4]; stream.Read(saltServer, 0, 4); // Send the PasswordPacket. ChangeState(context, NpgsqlStartupState.Instance); // 2. crypt_buf = new byte[prehashbytes.Length + saltServer.Length]; prehashbytes.CopyTo(crypt_buf, 0); saltServer.CopyTo(crypt_buf, prehashbytes.Length); sb = new StringBuilder("md5"); // This is needed as the backend expects md5 result starts with "md5" hashResult = md5.ComputeHash(crypt_buf); foreach (byte b in hashResult) { sb.Append(b.ToString("x2")); } context.Authenticate(ENCODING_UTF8.GetBytes(sb.ToString())); break; default: // Only AuthenticationClearTextPassword and AuthenticationMD5Password supported for now. errors.Add( new NpgsqlError(context.BackendProtocolVersion, String.Format(resman.GetString("Exception_AuthenticationMethodNotSupported"), authType))); throw new NpgsqlException(errors); } break; case BackEndMessageCode.RowDescription: yield return(lastRowDescription = new NpgsqlRowDescriptionV2(stream, context.OidToNameMapping, context.CompatVersion)); ; break; case BackEndMessageCode.DataRow: yield return(new ForwardsOnlyRow(new StringRowReaderV2(lastRowDescription, stream))); break; case BackEndMessageCode.BinaryRow: throw new NotSupportedException(); case BackEndMessageCode.ReadyForQuery: ChangeState(context, NpgsqlReadyState.Instance); if (errors.Count != 0) { throw new NpgsqlException(errors); } yield break; case BackEndMessageCode.BackendKeyData: context.BackEndKeyData = new NpgsqlBackEndKeyData(context.BackendProtocolVersion, stream); break; case BackEndMessageCode.NoticeResponse: context.FireNotice(new NpgsqlError(context.BackendProtocolVersion, stream)); break; case BackEndMessageCode.CompletedResponse: yield return(new CompletedResponse(stream)); break; case BackEndMessageCode.CursorResponse: // This is the cursor response message. // It is followed by a C NULL terminated string with the name of // the cursor in a FETCH case or 'blank' otherwise. // In this case it should be always 'blank'. // [FIXME] Get another name for this function. NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "CursorResponse"); String cursorName = PGUtil.ReadString(stream); // Continue waiting for ReadyForQuery message. break; case BackEndMessageCode.EmptyQueryResponse: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "EmptyQueryResponse"); PGUtil.ReadString(stream); break; case BackEndMessageCode.NotificationResponse: context.FireNotification(new NpgsqlNotificationEventArgs(stream, false)); if (context.IsNotificationThreadRunning) { yield break; } break; case BackEndMessageCode.IO_ERROR: // Connection broken. Mono returns -1 instead of throw an exception as does. throw new IOException(); default: // This could mean a number of things // We've gotten out of sync with the backend? // We need to implement this type? // Backend has gone insane? throw new DataException("Backend sent unrecognized response type"); } } } }
protected IEnumerable <IServerResponseObject> ProcessBackendResponses_Ver_3(NpgsqlConnector context) { NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "ProcessBackendResponses"); using (new ContextResetter(context)) { Stream stream = context.Stream; NpgsqlMediator mediator = context.Mediator; NpgsqlRowDescription lastRowDescription = null; List <NpgsqlError> errors = new List <NpgsqlError>(); for (;;) { // Check the first Byte of response. BackEndMessageCode message = (BackEndMessageCode)stream.ReadByte(); switch (message) { case BackEndMessageCode.ErrorResponse: NpgsqlError error = new NpgsqlError(context.BackendProtocolVersion, stream); error.ErrorSql = mediator.SqlSent; errors.Add(error); NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ErrorResponse", LogLevel.Debug, error.Message); // Return imediately if it is in the startup state or connected state as // there is no more messages to consume. // Possible error in the NpgsqlStartupState: // Invalid password. // Possible error in the NpgsqlConnectedState: // No pg_hba.conf configured. if (!context.RequireReadyForQuery) { throw new NpgsqlException(errors); } break; case BackEndMessageCode.AuthenticationRequest: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "AuthenticationRequest"); // Get the length in case we're getting AuthenticationGSSContinue int authDataLength = PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream) - 8; AuthenticationRequestType authType = (AuthenticationRequestType)PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream); switch (authType) { case AuthenticationRequestType.AuthenticationOk: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_AuthenticationOK", LogLevel.Debug); break; case AuthenticationRequestType.AuthenticationClearTextPassword: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_AuthenticationClearTextRequest", LogLevel.Debug); // Send the PasswordPacket. ChangeState(context, NpgsqlStartupState.Instance); context.Authenticate(context.Password); break; case AuthenticationRequestType.AuthenticationMD5Password: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_AuthenticationMD5Request", LogLevel.Debug); // Now do the "MD5-Thing" // for this the Password has to be: // 1. md5-hashed with the username as salt // 2. md5-hashed again with the salt we get from the backend MD5 md5 = MD5.Create(); // 1. byte[] passwd = context.Password; byte[] saltUserName = ENCODING_UTF8.GetBytes(context.UserName); byte[] crypt_buf = new byte[passwd.Length + saltUserName.Length]; passwd.CopyTo(crypt_buf, 0); saltUserName.CopyTo(crypt_buf, passwd.Length); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); byte[] hashResult = md5.ComputeHash(crypt_buf); foreach (byte b in hashResult) { sb.Append(b.ToString("x2")); } String prehash = sb.ToString(); byte[] prehashbytes = ENCODING_UTF8.GetBytes(prehash); crypt_buf = new byte[prehashbytes.Length + 4]; stream.Read(crypt_buf, prehashbytes.Length, 4); // Send the PasswordPacket. ChangeState(context, NpgsqlStartupState.Instance); // 2. prehashbytes.CopyTo(crypt_buf, 0); sb = new StringBuilder("md5"); // This is needed as the backend expects md5 result starts with "md5" hashResult = md5.ComputeHash(crypt_buf); foreach (byte b in hashResult) { sb.Append(b.ToString("x2")); } context.Authenticate(ENCODING_UTF8.GetBytes(sb.ToString())); break; #if WINDOWS && UNMANAGED case AuthenticationRequestType.AuthenticationSSPI: { if (context.IntegratedSecurity) { // For SSPI we have to get the IP-Address (hostname doesn't work) string ipAddressString = ((IPEndPoint)context.Socket.RemoteEndPoint).Address.ToString(); context.SSPI = new SSPIHandler(ipAddressString, "POSTGRES"); ChangeState(context, NpgsqlStartupState.Instance); context.Authenticate(context.SSPI.Continue(null)); break; } else { // TODO: correct exception throw new Exception(); } } case AuthenticationRequestType.AuthenticationGSSContinue: { byte[] authData = new byte[authDataLength]; PGUtil.CheckedStreamRead(stream, authData, 0, authDataLength); byte[] passwd_read = context.SSPI.Continue(authData); if (passwd_read.Length != 0) { context.Authenticate(passwd_read); } break; } #endif default: // Only AuthenticationClearTextPassword and AuthenticationMD5Password supported for now. errors.Add( new NpgsqlError(context.BackendProtocolVersion, String.Format(resman.GetString("Exception_AuthenticationMethodNotSupported"), authType))); throw new NpgsqlException(errors); } break; case BackEndMessageCode.RowDescription: yield return(lastRowDescription = new NpgsqlRowDescriptionV3(stream, context.OidToNameMapping, context.CompatVersion)); break; case BackEndMessageCode.ParameterDescription: // Do nothing,for instance, just read... int lenght = PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream); int nb_param = PGUtil.ReadInt16(stream); for (int i = 0; i < nb_param; i++) { int typeoid = PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream); } break; case BackEndMessageCode.DataRow: yield return(new ForwardsOnlyRow(new StringRowReaderV3(lastRowDescription, stream))); break; case BackEndMessageCode.ReadyForQuery: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "ReadyForQuery"); // Possible status bytes returned: // I = Idle (no transaction active). // T = In transaction, ready for more. // E = Error in transaction, queries will fail until transaction aborted. // Just eat the status byte, we have no use for it at this time. PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream); stream.ReadByte(); ChangeState(context, NpgsqlReadyState.Instance); if (errors.Count != 0) { throw new NpgsqlException(errors); } yield break; case BackEndMessageCode.BackendKeyData: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "BackendKeyData"); // BackendKeyData message. NpgsqlBackEndKeyData backend_keydata = new NpgsqlBackEndKeyData(context.BackendProtocolVersion, stream); context.BackEndKeyData = backend_keydata; // Wait for ReadForQuery message break; case BackEndMessageCode.NoticeResponse: // Notices and errors are identical except that we // just throw notices away completely ignored. context.FireNotice(new NpgsqlError(context.BackendProtocolVersion, stream)); break; case BackEndMessageCode.CompletedResponse: PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream); yield return(new CompletedResponse(stream)); break; case BackEndMessageCode.ParseComplete: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "ParseComplete"); // Just read up the message length. PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream); yield break; case BackEndMessageCode.BindComplete: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "BindComplete"); // Just read up the message length. PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream); yield break; case BackEndMessageCode.EmptyQueryResponse: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "EmptyQueryResponse"); PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream); break; case BackEndMessageCode.NotificationResponse: // Eat the length PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream); context.FireNotification(new NpgsqlNotificationEventArgs(stream, true)); if (context.IsNotificationThreadRunning) { yield break; } break; case BackEndMessageCode.ParameterStatus: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "ParameterStatus"); NpgsqlParameterStatus parameterStatus = new NpgsqlParameterStatus(stream); NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ParameterStatus", LogLevel.Debug, parameterStatus.Parameter, parameterStatus.ParameterValue); context.AddParameterStatus(parameterStatus); if (parameterStatus.Parameter == "server_version") { // Deal with this here so that if there are // changes in a future backend version, we can handle it here in the // protocol handler and leave everybody else put of it. string versionString = parameterStatus.ParameterValue.Trim(); for (int idx = 0; idx != versionString.Length; ++idx) { char c = parameterStatus.ParameterValue[idx]; if (!char.IsDigit(c) && c != '.') { versionString = versionString.Substring(0, idx); break; } } context.ServerVersion = new Version(versionString); } break; case BackEndMessageCode.NoData: // This nodata message may be generated by prepare commands issued with queries which doesn't return rows // for example insert, update or delete. // Just eat the message. NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "ParameterStatus"); PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream); break; case BackEndMessageCode.CopyInResponse: // Enter COPY sub protocol and start pushing data to server NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "CopyInResponse"); ChangeState(context, NpgsqlCopyInState.Instance); PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream); // length redundant context.CurrentState.StartCopy(context, ReadCopyHeader(stream)); yield break; // Either StartCopy called us again to finish the operation or control should be passed for user to feed copy data case BackEndMessageCode.CopyOutResponse: // Enter COPY sub protocol and start pulling data from server NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "CopyOutResponse"); ChangeState(context, NpgsqlCopyOutState.Instance); PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream); // length redundant context.CurrentState.StartCopy(context, ReadCopyHeader(stream)); yield break; // Either StartCopy called us again to finish the operation or control should be passed for user to feed copy data case BackEndMessageCode.CopyData: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "CopyData"); Int32 len = PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream) - 4; byte[] buf = new byte[len]; PGUtil.ReadBytes(stream, buf, 0, len); context.Mediator.ReceivedCopyData = buf; yield break; // read data from server one chunk at a time while staying in copy operation mode case BackEndMessageCode.CopyDone: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "CopyDone"); PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream); // CopyDone can not have content so this is always 4 // This will be followed by normal CommandComplete + ReadyForQuery so no op needed break; case BackEndMessageCode.IO_ERROR: // Connection broken. Mono returns -1 instead of throwing an exception as does. throw new IOException(); default: // This could mean a number of things // We've gotten out of sync with the backend? // We need to implement this type? // Backend has gone insane? // FIXME // what exception should we really throw here? throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Backend sent unrecognized response type: {0}", (Char)message)); } } } }
public StringRowReaderV2(NpgsqlRowDescription rowDesc, Stream inputStream) : base(rowDesc, inputStream) { _nullMap = new NullMap(rowDesc, inputStream); }
protected virtual void ProcessBackendResponses_Ver_3( NpgsqlConnector context ) { NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "ProcessBackendResponses"); Stream stream = context.Stream; NpgsqlMediator mediator = context.Mediator; // Often used buffers Byte[] inputBuffer = new Byte[ 4 ]; String Str; Boolean readyForQuery = false; byte[] asciiRowBytes = new byte[300]; char[] asciiRowChars = new char[300]; while (!readyForQuery) { // Check the first Byte of response. Int32 message = stream.ReadByte(); switch ( message ) { case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.ErrorResponse : { NpgsqlError error = new NpgsqlError(context.BackendProtocolVersion); error.ReadFromStream(stream, context.Encoding); error.ErrorSql = mediator.SqlSent; mediator.Errors.Add(error); NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ErrorResponse", LogLevel.Debug, error.Message); } // Return imediately if it is in the startup state or connected state as // there is no more messages to consume. // Possible error in the NpgsqlStartupState: // Invalid password. // Possible error in the NpgsqlConnectedState: // No pg_hba.conf configured. if (! mediator.RequireReadyForQuery) { return; } break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.AuthenticationRequest : NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "AuthenticationRequest"); // Eat length PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); { Int32 authType = PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); if ( authType == NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.AuthenticationOk ) { NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_AuthenticationOK", LogLevel.Debug); break; } if ( authType == NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.AuthenticationClearTextPassword ) { NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_AuthenticationClearTextRequest", LogLevel.Debug); // Send the PasswordPacket. ChangeState( context, NpgsqlStartupState.Instance ); context.Authenticate(context.Password); break; } if ( authType == NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.AuthenticationMD5Password ) { NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_AuthenticationMD5Request", LogLevel.Debug); // Now do the "MD5-Thing" // for this the Password has to be: // 1. md5-hashed with the username as salt // 2. md5-hashed again with the salt we get from the backend MD5 md5 = MD5.Create(); // 1. byte[] passwd = context.Encoding.GetBytes(context.Password); byte[] saltUserName = context.Encoding.GetBytes(context.UserName); byte[] crypt_buf = new byte[passwd.Length + saltUserName.Length]; passwd.CopyTo(crypt_buf, 0); saltUserName.CopyTo(crypt_buf, passwd.Length); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); byte[] hashResult = md5.ComputeHash(crypt_buf); foreach (byte b in hashResult) sb.Append (b.ToString ("x2")); String prehash = sb.ToString(); byte[] prehashbytes = context.Encoding.GetBytes(prehash); stream.Read(inputBuffer, 0, 4); // Send the PasswordPacket. ChangeState( context, NpgsqlStartupState.Instance ); // 2. crypt_buf = new byte[prehashbytes.Length + 4]; prehashbytes.CopyTo(crypt_buf, 0); inputBuffer.CopyTo(crypt_buf, prehashbytes.Length); sb = new StringBuilder ("md5"); // This is needed as the backend expects md5 result starts with "md5" hashResult = md5.ComputeHash(crypt_buf); foreach (byte b in hashResult) sb.Append (b.ToString ("x2")); context.Authenticate(sb.ToString ()); break; } // Only AuthenticationClearTextPassword and AuthenticationMD5Password supported for now. mediator.Errors.Add(new NpgsqlError(context.BackendProtocolVersion, String.Format(resman.GetString("Exception_AuthenticationMethodNotSupported"), authType))); } return; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.RowDescription: // This is the RowDescription message. NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "RowDescription"); { NpgsqlRowDescription rd = new NpgsqlRowDescription(context.BackendProtocolVersion); rd.ReadFromStream(stream, context.Encoding, context.OidToNameMapping); mediator.AddRowDescription(rd); } // Now wait for the AsciiRow messages. break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.ParameterDescription: // Do nothing,for instance, just read... int lenght = PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); int nb_param = PGUtil.ReadInt16(stream, inputBuffer); for (int i=0; i < nb_param; i++) { int typeoid = PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); } break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.DataRow: // This is the AsciiRow message. NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "DataRow"); { NpgsqlAsciiRow asciiRow = new NpgsqlAsciiRow(context.Mediator.LastRowDescription, context.BackendProtocolVersion, asciiRowBytes, asciiRowChars); asciiRow.ReadFromStream(stream, context.Encoding); // Add this row to the rows array. mediator.AddAsciiRow(asciiRow); } // Now wait for CompletedResponse message. break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.ReadyForQuery : NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "ReadyForQuery"); // Possible status bytes returned: // I = Idle (no transaction active). // T = In transaction, ready for more. // E = Error in transaction, queries will fail until transaction aborted. // Just eat the status byte, we have no use for it at this time. PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); PGUtil.ReadString(stream, context.Encoding, 1); readyForQuery = true; ChangeState( context, NpgsqlReadyState.Instance ); break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.BackendKeyData : NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "BackendKeyData"); // BackendKeyData message. NpgsqlBackEndKeyData backend_keydata = new NpgsqlBackEndKeyData(context.BackendProtocolVersion); backend_keydata.ReadFromStream(stream); mediator.SetBackendKeydata(backend_keydata); // Wait for ReadForQuery message break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.NoticeResponse : // Notices and errors are identical except that we // just throw notices away completely ignored. { NpgsqlError notice = new NpgsqlError(context.BackendProtocolVersion); notice.ReadFromStream(stream, context.Encoding); mediator.Notices.Add(notice); NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_NoticeResponse", LogLevel.Debug, notice.Message); } // Wait for ReadForQuery message break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.CompletedResponse : // This is the CompletedResponse message. // Get the string returned. PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); Str = PGUtil.ReadString(stream, context.Encoding); NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_CompletedResponse", LogLevel.Debug, Str); // Add result from the processing. mediator.AddCompletedResponse(Str); break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.ParseComplete : NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "ParseComplete"); // Just read up the message length. PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); readyForQuery = true; break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.BindComplete : NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "BindComplete"); // Just read up the message length. PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); readyForQuery = true; break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.EmptyQueryResponse : NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "EmptyQueryResponse"); PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.NotificationResponse : NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "NotificationResponse"); // Eat the length PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); { // Process ID sending notification Int32 PID = PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); // Notification string String notificationResponse = PGUtil.ReadString( stream, context.Encoding ); // Additional info, currently not implemented by PG (empty string always), eat it PGUtil.ReadString( stream, context.Encoding ); mediator.AddNotification(new NpgsqlNotificationEventArgs(PID, notificationResponse)); } if (context.IsNotificationThreadRunning) readyForQuery = true; // Wait for ReadForQuery message break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.ParameterStatus : NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "ParameterStatus"); NpgsqlParameterStatus parameterStatus = new NpgsqlParameterStatus(); parameterStatus.ReadFromStream(stream, context.Encoding); NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ParameterStatus", LogLevel.Debug, parameterStatus.Parameter, parameterStatus.ParameterValue); mediator.AddParameterStatus(parameterStatus.Parameter, parameterStatus); if (parameterStatus.Parameter == "server_version") { // Add this one under our own name so that if the parameter name // changes in a future backend version, we can handle it here in the // protocol handler and leave everybody else put of it. mediator.AddParameterStatus("__npgsql_server_version", parameterStatus); // context.ServerVersionString = parameterStatus.ParameterValue; } break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_3.NoData : // This nodata message may be generated by prepare commands issued with queries which doesn't return rows // for example insert, update or delete. // Just eat the message. NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "ParameterStatus"); PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); break; case -1: // Connection broken. Mono returns -1 instead of throw an exception as does. throw new IOException(); default : // This could mean a number of things // We've gotten out of sync with the backend? // We need to implement this type? // Backend has gone insane? // FIXME // what exception should we really throw here? throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Backend sent unrecognized response type: {0}", (Char)message)); } } }
public override void SetRowDescription(NpgsqlRowDescription rowDesc) { _rowDesc = rowDesc; _nullMap = new NullMap(rowDesc, Stream); }
void UnPrepare() { if (_prepared == PrepareStatus.Prepared) { _connector.ExecuteBlind("DEALLOCATE " + _planName); _currentRowDescription = null; _prepared = PrepareStatus.NeedsPrepare; } _preparedCommandText = null; }
public void AddRowDescription(NpgsqlRowDescription rowDescription) { _rd = rowDescription; _rows = new ArrayList(); }
public RowReader(NpgsqlRowDescription rowDesc, Stream stream) { _rowDesc = rowDesc; _stream = stream; }
protected virtual void ProcessBackendResponses_Ver_2(NpgsqlConnector context) { NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "ProcessBackendResponses"); Stream stream = context.Stream; NpgsqlMediator mediator = context.Mediator; // Often used buffer Byte[] inputBuffer = new Byte[4]; Boolean readyForQuery = false; byte[] asciiRowBytes = new byte[300]; char[] asciiRowChars = new char[300]; while (!readyForQuery) { // Check the first Byte of response. switch (stream.ReadByte()) { case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.ErrorResponse: { NpgsqlError error = new NpgsqlError(context.BackendProtocolVersion); error.ReadFromStream(stream, context.Encoding); error.ErrorSql = mediator.SqlSent; mediator.Errors.Add(error); NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ErrorResponse", LogLevel.Debug, error.Message); } // Return imediately if it is in the startup state or connected state as // there is no more messages to consume. // Possible error in the NpgsqlStartupState: // Invalid password. // Possible error in the NpgsqlConnectedState: // No pg_hba.conf configured. if (!mediator.RequireReadyForQuery) { return; } break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.AuthenticationRequest: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "AuthenticationRequest"); { Int32 authType = PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); if (authType == NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.AuthenticationOk) { NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_AuthenticationOK", LogLevel.Debug); break; } if (authType == NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.AuthenticationClearTextPassword) { NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_AuthenticationClearTextRequest", LogLevel.Debug); // Send the PasswordPacket. ChangeState(context, NpgsqlStartupState.Instance); context.Authenticate(context.Password); break; } if (authType == NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.AuthenticationMD5Password) { NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_AuthenticationMD5Request", LogLevel.Debug); // Now do the "MD5-Thing" // for this the Password has to be: // 1. md5-hashed with the username as salt // 2. md5-hashed again with the salt we get from the backend MD5 md5 = MD5.Create(); // 1. byte[] passwd = context.Encoding.GetBytes(context.Password); byte[] saltUserName = context.Encoding.GetBytes(context.UserName); byte[] crypt_buf = new byte[passwd.Length + saltUserName.Length]; passwd.CopyTo(crypt_buf, 0); saltUserName.CopyTo(crypt_buf, passwd.Length); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); byte[] hashResult = md5.ComputeHash(crypt_buf); foreach (byte b in hashResult) { sb.Append(b.ToString("x2")); } String prehash = sb.ToString(); byte[] prehashbytes = context.Encoding.GetBytes(prehash); byte[] saltServer = new byte[4]; stream.Read(saltServer, 0, 4); // Send the PasswordPacket. ChangeState(context, NpgsqlStartupState.Instance); // 2. crypt_buf = new byte[prehashbytes.Length + saltServer.Length]; prehashbytes.CopyTo(crypt_buf, 0); saltServer.CopyTo(crypt_buf, prehashbytes.Length); sb = new StringBuilder("md5"); // This is needed as the backend expects md5 result starts with "md5" hashResult = md5.ComputeHash(crypt_buf); foreach (byte b in hashResult) { sb.Append(b.ToString("x2")); } context.Authenticate(sb.ToString()); break; } // Only AuthenticationClearTextPassword and AuthenticationMD5Password supported for now. mediator.Errors.Add(new NpgsqlError(context.BackendProtocolVersion, String.Format(resman.GetString("Exception_AuthenticationMethodNotSupported"), authType))); } return; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.RowDescription: // This is the RowDescription message. NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "RowDescription"); { NpgsqlRowDescription rd = new NpgsqlRowDescription(context.BackendProtocolVersion); rd.ReadFromStream(stream, context.Encoding, context.OidToNameMapping); // Initialize the array list which will contain the data from this rowdescription. mediator.AddRowDescription(rd); } // Now wait for the AsciiRow messages. break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.AsciiRow: // This is the AsciiRow message. NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "AsciiRow"); { NpgsqlAsciiRow asciiRow = new NpgsqlAsciiRow(context.Mediator.LastRowDescription, context.BackendProtocolVersion, asciiRowBytes, asciiRowChars); asciiRow.ReadFromStream(stream, context.Encoding); // Add this row to the rows array. mediator.AddAsciiRow(asciiRow); } // Now wait for CompletedResponse message. break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.BinaryRow: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "BinaryRow"); { NpgsqlBinaryRow binaryRow = new NpgsqlBinaryRow(context.Mediator.LastRowDescription); binaryRow.ReadFromStream(stream, context.Encoding); mediator.AddBinaryRow(binaryRow); } break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.ReadyForQuery: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "ReadyForQuery"); readyForQuery = true; ChangeState(context, NpgsqlReadyState.Instance); break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.BackendKeyData: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "BackendKeyData"); // BackendKeyData message. NpgsqlBackEndKeyData backend_keydata = new NpgsqlBackEndKeyData(context.BackendProtocolVersion); backend_keydata.ReadFromStream(stream); mediator.SetBackendKeydata(backend_keydata); // Wait for ReadForQuery message break; ; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.NoticeResponse: { NpgsqlError notice = new NpgsqlError(context.BackendProtocolVersion); notice.ReadFromStream(stream, context.Encoding); mediator.Notices.Add(notice); NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_NoticeResponse", LogLevel.Debug, notice.Message); } // Wait for ReadForQuery message break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.CompletedResponse: // This is the CompletedResponse message. // Get the string returned. String result = PGUtil.ReadString(stream, context.Encoding); NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_CompletedResponse", LogLevel.Debug, result); // Add result from the processing. mediator.AddCompletedResponse(result); // Now wait for ReadyForQuery message. break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.CursorResponse: // This is the cursor response message. // It is followed by a C NULL terminated string with the name of // the cursor in a FETCH case or 'blank' otherwise. // In this case it should be always 'blank'. // [FIXME] Get another name for this function. NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "CursorResponse"); String cursorName = PGUtil.ReadString(stream, context.Encoding); // Continue waiting for ReadyForQuery message. break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.EmptyQueryResponse: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "EmptyQueryResponse"); PGUtil.ReadString(stream, context.Encoding); break; case NpgsqlMessageTypes_Ver_2.NotificationResponse: NpgsqlEventLog.LogMsg(resman, "Log_ProtocolMessage", LogLevel.Debug, "NotificationResponse"); Int32 PID = PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, inputBuffer); String notificationResponse = PGUtil.ReadString(stream, context.Encoding); mediator.AddNotification(new NpgsqlNotificationEventArgs(PID, notificationResponse)); if (context.IsNotificationThreadRunning) { readyForQuery = true; } // Wait for ReadForQuery message break; case -1: // Connection broken. Mono returns -1 instead of throw an exception as does. throw new IOException(); default: // This could mean a number of things // We've gotten out of sync with the backend? // We need to implement this type? // Backend has gone insane? // FIXME // what exception should we really throw here? throw new NotSupportedException("Backend sent unrecognized response type"); } } }
private NpgsqlRow GetNextRow(bool clearPending) { if (_pendingDescription != null) { return null; } if (((_behavior & CommandBehavior.SingleRow) != 0 && CurrentRow != null && _pendingDescription == null) || ((_behavior & CommandBehavior.SchemaOnly) != 0)) { if (!clearPending) { return null; } //We should only have one row, and we've already had it. Move to end //of recordset. CurrentRow = null; for (object skip = GetNextResponseObject(); skip != null && (_pendingDescription = skip as NpgsqlRowDescription) == null; skip = GetNextResponseObject()) { if (skip is NpgsqlRow) { (skip as NpgsqlRow).Dispose(); } } return null; } if (_pendingRow != null) { NpgsqlRow ret = _pendingRow; if (clearPending) { _pendingRow = null; } if (!_hasRows) { // when rows are found, store that this result has rows. _hasRows = (ret != null); } return ret; } CurrentRow = null; object objNext = GetNextResponseObject(); if (clearPending) { _pendingRow = null; } if (objNext is NpgsqlRowDescription) { _pendingDescription = objNext as NpgsqlRowDescription; return null; } if (!_hasRows) { // when rows are found, store that this result has rows. _hasRows = objNext is NpgsqlRow; } return objNext as NpgsqlRow; }
internal ForwardsOnlyDataReader GetReader(CommandBehavior cb) { CheckConnectionState(); // reset any responses just before getting new ones Connector.Mediator.ResetResponses(); // Set command timeout. m_Connector.Mediator.CommandTimeout = CommandTimeout; // Block the notification thread before writing anything to the wire. using (m_Connector.BlockNotificationThread()) { IEnumerable<IServerResponseObject> responseEnum; ForwardsOnlyDataReader reader; if (prepared == PrepareStatus.NeedsPrepare) { PrepareInternal(); } if (prepared == PrepareStatus.NotPrepared || prepared == PrepareStatus.V2Prepared) { NpgsqlQuery query; query = new NpgsqlQuery(m_Connector, GetCommandText()); // Write the Query message to the wire. m_Connector.Query(query); // Flush and wait for responses. responseEnum = m_Connector.ProcessBackendResponsesEnum(); // Construct the return reader. reader = new ForwardsOnlyDataReader( responseEnum, cb, this, m_Connector.BlockNotificationThread() ); if ( type == CommandType.StoredProcedure && reader.FieldCount == 1 && reader.GetDataTypeName(0) == "refcursor" ) { // When a function returns a sole column of refcursor, transparently // FETCH ALL from every such cursor and return those results. StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); string queryText; while (reader.Read()) { sw.WriteLine("FETCH ALL FROM \"{0}\";", reader.GetString(0)); } reader.Dispose(); queryText = sw.ToString(); if (queryText == "") { queryText = ";"; } // Passthrough the commandtimeout to the inner command, so user can also control its timeout. // TODO: Check if there is a better way to handle that. query = new NpgsqlQuery(m_Connector, queryText); // Write the Query message to the wire. m_Connector.Query(query); // Flush and wait for responses. responseEnum = m_Connector.ProcessBackendResponsesEnum(); // Construct the return reader. reader = new ForwardsOnlyDataReader( responseEnum, cb, this, m_Connector.BlockNotificationThread() ); } } else { bool sendPortalDescribe = ! portalDescribeSent; // Update the Bind object with current parameter data as needed. BindParameters(); // Write the Bind message to the wire. m_Connector.Bind(bind); if (sendPortalDescribe) { NpgsqlDescribe portalDescribe = new NpgsqlDescribePortal(bind.PortalName); // Write a Describe message to the wire. m_Connector.Describe(portalDescribe); portalDescribeSent = true; } // Finally, write the Execute and Sync messages to the wire. m_Connector.Execute(execute); m_Connector.Sync(); // Flush and wait for responses. responseEnum = m_Connector.ProcessBackendResponsesEnum(); // Construct the return reader, possibly with a saved row description. reader = new ForwardsOnlyDataReader( responseEnum, cb, this, m_Connector.BlockNotificationThread(), true, currentRowDescription ); if (sendPortalDescribe) { // We sent a Describe message. If the query produces a result set, // PG sent a row description, and the reader has now found it, currentRowDescription = reader.CurrentDescription; } } return reader; } }
private void FillSchemaTable_v2(DataTable schema) { NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "FillSchemaTable_v2"); NpgsqlRowDescription rd = _currentResultset.RowDescription; ArrayList keyList = null; if ((_behavior & CommandBehavior.KeyInfo) == CommandBehavior.KeyInfo) { keyList = GetPrimaryKeys(GetTableNameFromQuery()); } DataRow row; for (Int16 i = 0; i < rd.NumFields; i++) { row = schema.NewRow(); row["ColumnName"] = GetName(i); row["ColumnOrdinal"] = i + 1; if (rd[i].type_modifier != -1 && rd[i].type_info != null && (rd[i].type_info.Name == "varchar" || rd[i].type_info.Name == "bpchar")) { row["ColumnSize"] = rd[i].type_modifier - 4; } else if (rd[i].type_modifier != -1 && rd[i].type_info != null && (rd[i].type_info.Name == "bit" || rd[i].type_info.Name == "varbit")) { row["ColumnSize"] = rd[i].type_modifier; } else { row["ColumnSize"] = (int)rd[i].type_size; } if (rd[i].type_modifier != -1 && rd[i].type_info != null && rd[i].type_info.Name == "numeric") { row["NumericPrecision"] = ((rd[i].type_modifier - 4) >> 16) & ushort.MaxValue; row["NumericScale"] = (rd[i].type_modifier - 4) & ushort.MaxValue; } else { row["NumericPrecision"] = 0; row["NumericScale"] = 0; } row["IsUnique"] = false; row["IsKey"] = IsKey(GetName(i), keyList); row["BaseCatalogName"] = ""; row["BaseSchemaName"] = ""; row["BaseTableName"] = ""; row["BaseColumnName"] = GetName(i); row["DataType"] = GetFieldType(i); row["AllowDBNull"] = IsNullable(null, i); if (rd[i].type_info != null) { row["ProviderType"] = rd[i].type_info.Name; } row["IsAliased"] = false; row["IsExpression"] = false; row["IsIdentity"] = false; row["IsAutoIncrement"] = false; row["IsRowVersion"] = false; row["IsHidden"] = false; row["IsLong"] = false; row["IsReadOnly"] = false; schema.Rows.Add(row); } }
public NpgsqlResultSet(NpgsqlRowDescription rowDesc, ArrayList data) { this.row_desc = rowDesc; = data; }
private void PrepareInternal() { if (m_Connector.BackendProtocolVersion == ProtocolVersion.Version2) { planName = Connector.NextPlanName(); preparedCommandText = GetCommandText(true, false); ExecuteBlind(m_Connector, preparedCommandText); prepared = PrepareStatus.V2Prepared; // Tell to mediator what command is being sent. m_Connector.Mediator.SetSqlSent(preparedCommandText, NpgsqlMediator.SQLSentType.Prepare); } else { // Use the extended query parsing... planName = m_Connector.NextPlanName(); String portalName = ""; preparedCommandText = GetCommandText(true, true); NpgsqlParse parse = new NpgsqlParse(planName, preparedCommandText, new Int32[] { }); NpgsqlDescribe statementDescribe = new NpgsqlDescribeStatement(planName); IEnumerable <IServerResponseObject> responseEnum; NpgsqlRowDescription returnRowDesc = null; // Write Parse, Describe, and Sync messages to the wire. m_Connector.Parse(parse); m_Connector.Describe(statementDescribe); m_Connector.Sync(); // Tell to mediator what command is being sent. m_Connector.Mediator.SetSqlSent(preparedCommandText, NpgsqlMediator.SQLSentType.Parse); // Flush and wait for response. responseEnum = m_Connector.ProcessBackendResponsesEnum(); // Look for a NpgsqlRowDescription in the responses, discarding everything else. foreach (IServerResponseObject response in responseEnum) { if (response is NpgsqlRowDescription) { returnRowDesc = (NpgsqlRowDescription)response; } else if (response is IDisposable) { (response as IDisposable).Dispose(); } } Int16[] resultFormatCodes; if (returnRowDesc != null) { resultFormatCodes = new Int16[returnRowDesc.NumFields]; for (int i = 0; i < returnRowDesc.NumFields; i++) { NpgsqlRowDescription.FieldData returnRowDescData = returnRowDesc[i]; if (returnRowDescData.TypeInfo != null) { // Binary format? // PG always defaults to text encoding. We can fix up the row description // here based on support for binary encoding. Once this is done, // there is no need to request another row description after Bind. returnRowDescData.FormatCode = returnRowDescData.TypeInfo.SupportsBinaryBackendData ? FormatCode.Binary : FormatCode.Text; resultFormatCodes[i] = (Int16)returnRowDescData.FormatCode; } else { // Text format (default). resultFormatCodes[i] = (Int16)FormatCode.Text; } } } else { resultFormatCodes = new Int16[] { 0 }; } // Save the row description for use with all future Executes. currentRowDescription = returnRowDesc; // The Bind and Execute message objects live through multiple Executes. // Only Bind changes at all between Executes, which is done in BindParameters(). bind = new NpgsqlBind(portalName, planName, new Int16[Parameters.Count], null, resultFormatCodes); execute = new NpgsqlExecute(portalName, 0); prepared = PrepareStatus.V3Prepared; } }
public void SetRowDescription(NpgsqlRowDescription rowDescr) { _reader.SetRowDescription(rowDescr); }
/// <summary> /// Advances the data reader to the next result, when multiple result sets were returned by the PostgreSQL backend. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if the reader was advanced, otherwise false.</returns> private NpgsqlRowDescription GetNextRowDescription() { if ((_behavior & CommandBehavior.SingleResult) != 0 && CurrentDescription != null) { CleanUp(false); return null; } NpgsqlRowDescription rd = _pendingDescription; while (rd == null) { object objNext = GetNextResponseObject(); if (objNext == null) { break; } if (objNext is NpgsqlRow) { (objNext as NpgsqlRow).Dispose(); } rd = objNext as NpgsqlRowDescription; } _pendingDescription = null; // If there were records affected before, keep track of their values. if (_recordsAffected != null) _recordsAffected += (_nextRecordsAffected ?? 0); else _recordsAffected = _nextRecordsAffected; _nextRecordsAffected = null; LastInsertedOID = _nextInsertOID; _nextInsertOID = null; return rd; }
public virtual void SetRowDescription(NpgsqlRowDescription rowDesc) { _rowDesc = rowDesc; }
private readonly Int16 READ_BUFFER_SIZE = 300; //[FIXME] Is this enough?? public NpgsqlAsciiRow(NpgsqlRowDescription rowDesc, ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) : base(rowDesc, protocolVersion) { NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, CLASSNAME); }