public static void Handler() { if (Subscreens.FirstDraw) { Subscreens.FirstDraw = false; var lines = text.Split('\n').Length; var height = lines + 1; var listHeight = 0; if (type == BoxType.List) { listHeight = options.Count; if (listHeight > Program.Rows - 9) { listHeight = Program.Rows - 9; } height += 1 + listHeight; } else if (type == BoxType.Input) { height += 2; } var top = (Program.Rows / 2) - (height / 2); if (top < 0) { top = 0; } if (UIManager.Elements == null || fromWalkaround) { UIManager.Initialize(); } if (icon != null) { icon.Left = Program.Cols - icon.Bitmap.Width; icon.Top = Program.Rows - icon.Bitmap.Height; UIManager.Elements.Add(icon); } var left = (Program.Cols / 2) - (width / 2); win = new UIWindow(type == BoxType.Question ? i18n.GetString("msgbox_question") : title) { Left = left, Top = top, Width = width + 4, Height = height }; UIManager.Elements.Add(win); lbl = new UILabel(text) { Left = left + 2, Top = top + 1, Width = width, Height = lines }; UIManager.Elements.Add(lbl); lst = null; txt = null; if (type == BoxType.List) { lst = new UIList(string.Empty, Enter, options.Values.ToList(), 0) { Left = left + 2, Top = top + lines + 1, Width = width, Height = listHeight }; lst.Change += (s, e) => { option = lst.Index; Answer = options.Keys.ToArray()[option]; }; lst.Change(null, null); UIManager.Elements.Add(lst); } else if (type == BoxType.Input) { txt = new UITextBox((string)Answer) { Left = left + 2, Top = top + lines + 1, Width = width - 1, Height = 1 }; UIManager.Elements.Add(txt); } var keys = string.Empty; if (type == BoxType.Notice || type == BoxType.Input) { keys = " \x137 "; } else if (type == BoxType.Question) { keys = " " + Toolkit.TranslateKey(KeyBinding.Accept) + "/" + Toolkit.TranslateKey(KeyBinding.Back) + " "; } else if (type == BoxType.List) { keys = " \x18/\x19 "; } key = new UILabel(keys) { Top = top + height - 1, Left = left + width - 2 - keys.Length() }; UIManager.Elements.Add(key); Subscreens.Redraw = true; } if (Subscreens.Redraw) { Subscreens.Redraw = false; UIManager.Draw(); } if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Back) || NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Accept) || Vista.Triggers == XInputButtons.A || Vista.Triggers == XInputButtons.B) { if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Back) || Vista.Triggers == XInputButtons.B) { if (type == BoxType.List) { if (!allowEscape) { return; } else { option = -1; } } else if (type == BoxType.Input) { UIManager.CheckKeys(); return; } } Enter(null, null); if (type == BoxType.Question) { if ((NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Accept) || Vista.Triggers == XInputButtons.A) && onYes != null) { NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); onYes(); } else if ((NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Back) || Vista.Triggers == XInputButtons.B) && onNo != null) { NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); onNo(); } } else if (type == BoxType.List) { Answer = option == -1 ? -1 : options.ElementAt(option).Key; onYes(); NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); } else if (type == BoxType.Input) { Answer = txt.Text; onYes(); NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); } else { type = BoxType.Notice; NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); } if (ScriptPauseHandler != null) { ScriptPauseHandler(); ScriptPauseHandler = null; } } else { UIManager.CheckKeys(); } }
/// <summary> /// Displays a list at the given screen location or close to it. /// </summary> /// <param name="title">The title of the window.</param> /// <param name="x">The horizontal coordinate to aim the window at.</param> /// <param name="y">The vertical coordinate to aim the window at.</param> /// <param name="options">A list of options to display.</param> /// <param name="okay">What to do when an option is chosen.</param> public static void Show(string title, int x, int y, Dictionary <object, string> options, Action okay) { option = 0; onChoice = okay; Answer = null; ActionList.options = options; //Determine window width according to its contents. var width = title.Length() + 4; foreach (var o in options.Values) { if (o.Length() > width) { width = o.Length(); } } width += 4; //Place the window just to the right of the specified location. //If this goes off-screen, try placing it to the left instead. if (x + 1 + width >= Program.Cols) { x = x - width; } else { x++; } var height = options.Count + 2; if (height > Program.Rows - 5) { height = Program.Rows - 5; } //Check if we're going off the bottom of the screen and correct. if (y + height >= Program.Rows - 5) { y = Program.Rows - height - 5; } //If we go off the left or top, f**k it -- overlap the target. if (x < 0) { x = 0; } if (y < NoxicoGame.Messages.Count) { y = NoxicoGame.Messages.Count; } UIManager.Initialize(); win = new UIWindow(title) { Left = x, Top = y, Width = width, Height = height }; lst = new UIList(string.Empty, Enter, options.Values.ToList(), 0) { Left = x + 1, Top = y + 1, Width = width - 2, Height = height - 2, Background = UIColors.WindowBackground }; lst.Change += (s, e) => { option = lst.Index; ActionList.Answer = options.Keys.ToArray()[option]; }; lst.Change(null, null); //Make sure we have something -- the first item -- selected. UIManager.Elements.Add(win); UIManager.Elements.Add(lst); NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Subscreen; Subscreens.FirstDraw = true; NoxicoGame.Subscreen = ActionList.Handler; }
/// <summary> /// Generic Subscreen handler. /// </summary> public static void Handler() { var keys = NoxicoGame.KeyMap; var player = NoxicoGame.Me.Player; var width = (Program.Cols / 2) - 2; if (Subscreens.FirstDraw) { UIManager.Initialize(); UIManager.Elements.Clear(); //Prepare the left item list and its UIElements... var height = 1; containerTokens.Clear(); containerItems.Clear(); containerList = null; var containerTexts = new List <string>(); containerWindow = new UIWindow(title) { Left = 1, Top = 1, Width = width, Height = 2 + height }; containerList = new UIList(string.Empty, null, containerTexts) { Width = width - 2, Height = height, Index = indexLeft, Background = UIColors.WindowBackground }; containerList.Move(1, 1, containerWindow); UIManager.Elements.Add(containerWindow); var emptyMessage = mode == ContainerMode.Vendor ? i18n.Format("inventory_x_hasnothing", vendorChar.Name.ToString()) : mode == ContainerMode.Corpse ? i18n.GetString("inventory_nothingleft") : i18n.GetString("inventory_empty"); var emptyMessageC = new UILabel(emptyMessage) { Width = width - 3, Height = 1 }; emptyMessageC.Move(2, 1, containerWindow); UIManager.Elements.Add(emptyMessageC); UIManager.Elements.Add(containerList); if (other.Tokens.Count == 0) { containerList.Hidden = true; containerWindow.Height = 3; } else { //Populate the left list... foreach (var carriedItem in other.Tokens) { //Only let vendors sell things meant for sale, not their literal shirt off their back if (vendorChar != null && !carriedItem.HasToken("for_sale")) { continue; } var find = NoxicoGame.KnownItems.Find(x => x.ID == carriedItem.Name); if (find == null) { continue; } containerTokens.Add(carriedItem); containerItems.Add(find); var item = find; var itemString = item.ToString(carriedItem, false, false); if (itemString.Length > width - 5) { itemString = itemString.Disemvowel(); } itemString = itemString.PadEffective(width - 5); //Add any extra sigils. if (mode == ContainerMode.Vendor && carriedItem.HasToken("equipped")) { itemString = itemString.Remove(width - 6) + i18n.GetString("sigil_short_worn"); } if (carriedItem.Path("cursed/known") != null) { itemString = itemString.Remove(width - 6) + "C"; //DO NOT TRANSLATE -- Curses will be replaced with better terms and variants such as "Slippery" or "Sticky". } containerTexts.Add(itemString); } height = containerItems.Count; if (height > Program.Rows - 15) { height = Program.Rows - 15; } if (indexLeft >= containerItems.Count) { indexLeft = containerItems.Count - 1; } containerList.Items.Clear(); containerList.Items.AddRange(containerTexts); containerWindow.Height = 2 + height; containerList.Height = height; } //Prepare the right item list and its UIElements... playerTokens.Clear(); playerItems.Clear(); playerList = null; var playerTexts = new List <string>(); playerWindow = new UIWindow(i18n.GetString("inventory_yours")) { Width = width, Height = 3 }; playerWindow.MoveBeside(2, 0, containerWindow); playerList = new UIList(string.Empty, null, playerTexts) { Width = width - 2, Height = 1, Index = indexRight, Background = UIColors.WindowBackground }; playerList.Move(1, 1, playerWindow); UIManager.Elements.Add(playerWindow); var playerNothing = new UILabel(i18n.GetString("inventory_youhavenothing")) { Left = width + 5, Top = 2, Width = width - 3, Height = 1 }; playerNothing.Move(2, 1, playerWindow); UIManager.Elements.Add(playerNothing); UIManager.Elements.Add(playerList); if (player.Character.GetToken("items").Tokens.Count == 0) { playerList.Hidden = true; playerWindow.Height = 3; } else { //Populate the right list... foreach (var carriedItem in player.Character.GetToken("items").Tokens) { var find = NoxicoGame.KnownItems.Find(x => x.ID == carriedItem.Name); if (find == null) { continue; } playerTokens.Add(carriedItem); playerItems.Add(find); var item = find; var itemString = item.ToString(carriedItem, false, false); if (itemString.Length > width - 5) { itemString = itemString.Disemvowel(); } itemString = itemString.PadEffective(width - 5); if (carriedItem.HasToken("equipped")) { itemString = itemString.Remove(width - 6) + i18n.GetString("sigil_short_worn"); } if (carriedItem.Path("cursed/known") != null) { itemString = itemString.Remove(width - 6) + "C"; //DO NOT TRANSLATE -- Curses will be replaced with better terms and variants such as "Slippery" or "Sticky". } playerTexts.Add(itemString); } var height2 = playerItems.Count; if (height2 == 0) { height2 = 1; } if (height2 > Program.Rows - 15) { height2 = Program.Rows - 15; } if (indexRight >= playerItems.Count) { indexRight = playerItems.Count - 1; } if (height2 > height) { height = height2; } playerList.Items.Clear(); playerList.Items.AddRange(playerTexts); playerWindow.Height = 2 + height2; playerList.Height = height2; } //Build the bottom window. UIManager.Elements.Add(new UILabel(new string(' ', Program.Cols)) { Left = 0, Top = 0, Width = Program.Cols - 1, Height = 1, Background = UIColors.StatusBackground, Foreground = UIColors.StatusForeground }); UIManager.Elements.Add(new UILabel(i18n.GetString(mode == ContainerMode.Vendor ? "inventory_pressenter_vendor" : "inventory_pressenter_container")) { Left = 0, Top = 0, Width = Program.Cols - 1, Height = 1, Background = UIColors.StatusBackground, Foreground = UIColors.StatusForeground }); descriptionWindow = new UIWindow(string.Empty) { Left = 2, Top = Program.Rows - 10, Width = Program.Cols - 4, Height = 8, Title = UIColors.RegularText }; description = new UILabel(string.Empty) { Width = Program.Cols - 8, Height = 5 }; description.Move(2, 1, descriptionWindow); capacity = new UILabel(string.Format("{0:F2}/{1:F2}", player.Character.Carried, player.Character.Capacity)); capacity.MoveBelow(4, -1, descriptionWindow); UIManager.Elements.Add(descriptionWindow); UIManager.Elements.Add(description); UIManager.Elements.Add(capacity); //Should we be trading, replace the weight with a money indication. if (mode == ContainerMode.Vendor) { capacity.Text = i18n.Format("inventory_money", vendorChar.Name.ToString(), vendorChar.GetToken("money").Value, player.Character.GetToken("money").Value); } //FIXME: why is this check a thing? if (containerList != null) { containerList.Change = (s, e) => { if (containerList.Items.Count == 0) { return; } indexLeft = containerList.Index; //Build up the content for the description window. var t = containerTokens[containerList.Index]; var i = containerItems[containerList.Index]; descriptionWindow.Text = i.ToString(t, false, false); var desc = i.GetDescription(t); price = 0; //Reset price no matter the mode so we don't accidentally pay for free shit. if (mode == ContainerMode.Vendor && i.HasToken("price")) { price = i.GetToken("price").Value; desc += "\n" + i18n.Format("inventory_itcosts", price); } if (mode == ContainerMode.Vendor && i.HasToken("equipable") && t.HasToken("equipped")) { desc += "\n" + i18n.Format("inventory_vendorusesthis", vendorChar.Name.ToString()); } description.Text = Toolkit.Wordwrap(desc.SmartQuote(), description.Width); descriptionWindow.Draw(); description.Draw(); capacity.Draw(); }; containerList.Enter = (s, e) => { if (containerList.Items.Count == 0) { return; } //onLeft = true; var tryAttempt = TryRetrieve(player, containerTokens[containerList.Index], containerItems[containerList.Index]); if (tryAttempt.IsBlank()) { //No errors were returned by TryRetrieve, so let's do this. playerItems.Add(containerItems[containerList.Index]); playerTokens.Add(containerTokens[containerList.Index]); playerList.Items.Add(containerList.Items[containerList.Index]); containerItems.RemoveAt(containerList.Index); containerTokens.RemoveAt(containerList.Index); containerList.Items.RemoveAt(containerList.Index); //If this was the bottom-most item, adjust our selection. if (containerList.Index >= containerList.Items.Count) { containerList.Index--; } //If this was the last item, hide the list entirely and switch to the player's side. //We know that's possible -- after all, there must be at -least- one item in there now. if (containerList.Items.Count == 0) { containerList.Hidden = true; keys[NoxicoGame.KeyBindings[KeyBinding.Right]] = true; } else { containerList.Height = (containerList.Items.Count < 10) ? containerList.Items.Count : 10; } playerList.Hidden = false; //always the case. playerList.Height = (playerList.Items.Count < 10) ? playerList.Items.Count : 10; containerWindow.Height = containerList.Height + 2; playerWindow.Height = playerList.Height + 2; capacity.Text = player.Character.Carried + "/" + player.Character.Capacity; if (mode == ContainerMode.Vendor) { capacity.Text = i18n.Format("inventory_money", vendorChar.Name.ToString(), vendorChar.GetToken("money").Value, player.Character.GetToken("money").Value); } containerList.Change(s, e); NoxicoGame.DrawStatus(); UIManager.Draw(); } else { //There was some error returned by TryRetrieve, which we'll show now. MessageBox.Notice(tryAttempt); } }; } //FIXME: same with this check. if (playerList != null) { //We do basically the same thing as above in reverse. playerList.Change = (s, e) => { if (playerList.Items.Count == 0) { return; } indexRight = playerList.Index; var t = playerTokens[playerList.Index]; var i = playerItems[playerList.Index]; descriptionWindow.Text = i.ToString(t, false, false); var desc = i.GetDescription(t); price = 0; if (mode == ContainerMode.Vendor && i.HasToken("price")) { price = i.GetToken("price").Value; desc += "\n" + i18n.Format("inventory_itcosts", price); } //This is one of the few differences. if (t.Path("cursed/path") != null) { desc += "\nThis item is cursed and can't be removed."; //DO NOT TRANSLATE -- Curses will be replaced with better terms and variants such as "Slippery" or "Sticky". } else if (i.HasToken("equipable") && t.HasToken("equipped")) { desc += "\n" + i18n.GetString("inventory_youusethis"); } description.Text = Toolkit.Wordwrap(desc.SmartQuote(), description.Width); descriptionWindow.Draw(); description.Draw(); capacity.Draw(); }; playerList.Enter = (s, e) => { if (playerList.Items.Count == 0) { return; } //onLeft = false; var tryAttempt = TryStore(player, playerTokens[playerList.Index], playerItems[playerList.Index]); if (tryAttempt.IsBlank()) { containerItems.Add(playerItems[playerList.Index]); containerTokens.Add(playerTokens[playerList.Index]); containerList.Items.Add(playerList.Items[playerList.Index]); playerItems.RemoveAt(playerList.Index); playerTokens.RemoveAt(playerList.Index); playerList.Items.RemoveAt(playerList.Index); if (playerList.Index >= playerList.Items.Count) { playerList.Index--; } if (playerList.Items.Count == 0) { playerList.Hidden = true; keys[NoxicoGame.KeyBindings[KeyBinding.Left]] = true; } else { playerList.Height = (playerList.Items.Count < 10) ? playerList.Items.Count : 10; } containerList.Hidden = false; //always the case. containerList.Height = (containerList.Items.Count < 10) ? containerList.Items.Count : 10; containerWindow.Height = containerList.Height + 2; playerWindow.Height = playerList.Height + 2; capacity.Text = player.Character.Carried + "/" + player.Character.Capacity; if (mode == ContainerMode.Vendor) { capacity.Text = i18n.Format("inventory_money", vendorChar.Name.ToString(), vendorChar.GetToken("money").Value, player.Character.GetToken("money").Value); } playerList.Change(s, e); NoxicoGame.DrawStatus(); UIManager.Draw(); } else { //This is set by TryStore. if (vendorCaughtYou) { //Immediately break out of ContainerMan and call out. NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); NoxicoGame.Immediate = true; NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.Redraw(); NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.Draw(true); NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Walkabout; Subscreens.FirstDraw = true; SceneSystem.Engage(player.Character, vendorChar, "(criminalscum)"); } else { MessageBox.Notice(tryAttempt); } } }; } UIManager.Highlight = containerList.Items.Count > 0 ? containerList : playerList; UIManager.Draw(); if (UIManager.Highlight.Change != null) { UIManager.Highlight.Change(null, null); } Subscreens.FirstDraw = false; } if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Back) || Vista.Triggers == XInputButtons.B) { NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); NoxicoGame.Immediate = true; NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.Redraw(); NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.Draw(true); NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Walkabout; Subscreens.FirstDraw = true; } else if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Left)) { NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); if (containerList.Items.Count == 0) { return; } UIManager.Highlight = containerList ?? playerList; containerList.DrawQuick(); containerList.Change(null, null); playerList.DrawQuick(); } else if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Right)) { NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); if (playerList.Items.Count == 0) { return; } UIManager.Highlight = playerList ?? containerList; playerList.Change(null, null); containerList.DrawQuick(); playerList.DrawQuick(); } else { UIManager.CheckKeys(); } }