public bool UpdateSex() { if (!EnsureSexPartner()) { return(false); } if (HasToken("havingsex_initsex")) { var runinit = SexManager.GetResult("initsex", this, sexPartner); SexManager.Apply(runinit, this, sexPartner, new Action <string>(x => NoxicoGame.AddMessage(x))); RemoveToken("havingsex_initsex"); } var everysexturn = SexManager.GetResult("everysexturn", this, sexPartner); SexManager.Apply(everysexturn, this, sexPartner, new Action <string>(x => NoxicoGame.AddMessage(x))); if (this.GetStat("pleasure") >= 100) { var result = SexManager.GetResult("climax", this, sexPartner); if (this.HasItemEquipped("orgasm_denial_ring")) { result = SexManager.GetResult("orgasm_denial_ring", this, sexPartner); } SexManager.Apply(result, this, sexPartner, new Action <string>(x => NoxicoGame.AddMessage(x))); this.BoardChar.Energy -= (int)result.GetToken("time").Value; return(true); } var possibilities = SexManager.GetPossibilities(this, sexPartner); if (this.BoardChar is Player) { ActionList.Show(string.Empty, this.BoardChar.XPosition, this.BoardChar.YPosition, possibilities, () => { var answer = ActionList.Answer as Token; var action = (answer == null) ? "wait" : answer.Text; var result = SexManager.GetResult(action, this, sexPartner); SexManager.Apply(result, this, sexPartner, new Action <string>(x => NoxicoGame.AddMessage(x))); this.BoardChar.Energy -= (int)result.GetToken("time").Value; } ); } else { //var keys = possibilities.Keys.Select(p => p as string).ToArray(); //var choice = Toolkit.PickOne(keys); var choice = possibilities.Keys.OfType <Token>().ToList().PickWeighted().Text; var result = SexManager.GetResult(choice, this, sexPartner); SexManager.Apply(result, this, sexPartner, new Action <string>(x => NoxicoGame.AddMessage(x))); this.BoardChar.Energy -= (int)result.GetToken("time").Value; } return(true); }
public override void Update() { base.Update(); NoxicoGame.ContextMessage = i18n.GetString("context_interactmode"); if (this.ParentBoard == null) { NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Walkabout; return; } //this.ParentBoard.Draw(true); if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Interact) || NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Back) || Vista.Triggers == XInputButtons.B) { NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Walkabout; NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); NoxicoGame.ContextMessage = string.Empty; Hide(); return; } if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.TabFocus) || Vista.Triggers == XInputButtons.RightShoulder) { NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); Tabstop++; if (Tabstop >= Tabstops.Count) { Tabstop = 0; } XPosition = Tabstops[Tabstop].X; YPosition = Tabstops[Tabstop].Y; Point(); } if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Accept) || Vista.Triggers == XInputButtons.A) { Subscreens.PreviousScreen.Clear(); NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); var player = NoxicoGame.Me.Player; #if DEBUG if (PointingAt == null) { ActionList.Show("Debug?", this.XPosition - NoxicoGame.CameraX, this.YPosition - NoxicoGame.CameraY, new Dictionary <object, string>() { { "teleport", "Teleport" }, { "spawn", "Spawn character" }, }, () => { Hide(); if (ActionList.Answer is int && (int)ActionList.Answer == -1) { NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Walkabout; Hide(); return; } switch (ActionList.Answer as string) { case "teleport": player.XPosition = this.XPosition; player.YPosition = this.YPosition; ParentBoard.AimCamera(); ParentBoard.Redraw(); NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Aiming; Point(); return; case "spawn": var spawnOptions = new Dictionary <object, string>(); foreach (var bp in Character.Bodyplans) { spawnOptions[bp.Text] = bp.Text; } var uniques = Mix.GetTokenTree("uniques.tml", true); foreach (var bp in uniques) { spawnOptions['!' + bp.Text] = bp.Text; } ActionList.Show("Debug?", this.XPosition - NoxicoGame.CameraX, this.YPosition - NoxicoGame.CameraY, spawnOptions, () => { if (ActionList.Answer is int && (int)ActionList.Answer == -1) { NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Aiming; Point(); return; } Character newChar = null; if (ActionList.Answer is string && ((string)ActionList.Answer).StartsWith('!')) { newChar = Character.GetUnique(((string)ActionList.Answer).Substring(1)); } else { newChar = Character.Generate((string)ActionList.Answer, Gender.RollDice); } var newBoardChar = new BoardChar(newChar) { XPosition = this.XPosition, YPosition = this.YPosition, ParentBoard = this.ParentBoard }; newBoardChar.AdjustView(); ParentBoard.EntitiesToAdd.Add(newBoardChar); ParentBoard.Redraw(); NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Walkabout; Hide(); return; } ); break; } } ); } #endif if (PointingAt != null) { LastTarget = PointingAt; var distance = player.DistanceFrom(PointingAt); var canSee = player.CanSee(PointingAt); var options = new Dictionary <object, string>(); var description = "something"; options["look"] = i18n.GetString("action_lookatit"); if (PointingAt is Player) { description = i18n.Format("action_descyou", player.Character.Name); options["look"] = i18n.GetString("action_lookatyou"); if (player.Character.GetStat("excitement") >= 30) { options["f**k"] = i18n.GetString("action_masturbate"); } if (player.Character.HasToken("copier") && player.Character.GetToken("copier").Value == 1) { if (player.Character.Path("copier/backup") != null || player.Character.Path("copier/full") == null) { options["revert"] = i18n.GetString("action_revert"); } } } else if (PointingAt is DroppedItem) { var drop = PointingAt as DroppedItem; var item = drop.Item; var token = drop.Token; description = item.ToString(token); if (distance <= 1) { options["take"] = i18n.GetString("action_pickup"); } } else if (PointingAt is Container) { var container = PointingAt as Container; description = container.Name ?? "container"; } else if (PointingAt is Clutter) { var clutter = PointingAt as Clutter; description = clutter.Name ?? "something"; if (clutter.ID == "craftstation") { options["craft"] = i18n.GetString("action_craft"); } } else if (PointingAt is BoardChar) { var boardChar = PointingAt as BoardChar; description = boardChar.Character.GetKnownName(true); options["look"] = i18n.Format("action_lookathim", boardChar.Character.HimHerIt(true)); if (canSee && distance <= 2 && !boardChar.Character.HasToken("beast") && !boardChar.Character.HasToken("sleeping")) { options["talk"] = i18n.Format("action_talktohim", boardChar.Character.HimHerIt(true)); if (boardChar.Character.Path("role/vendor") != null && boardChar.Character.Path("role/vendor/class").Text != "carpenter") { options["trade"] = i18n.Format("action_trade", boardChar.Character.HimHerIt(true)); } } if (canSee && player.Character.GetStat("excitement") >= 30 && distance <= 1) { var mayFuck = boardChar.Character.HasToken("willing"); var willRape = boardChar.Character.HasToken("helpless"); if (!IniFile.GetValue("misc", "allowrape", false) && willRape) { mayFuck = false; } //but DO allow it if they're helpless but willing if (boardChar.Character.HasToken("willing") && willRape) { mayFuck = true; willRape = false; } if (boardChar.Character.HasToken("beast")) { mayFuck = false; } if (mayFuck) { options["f**k"] = i18n.Format(willRape ? "action_rapehim" : "action_fuckhim", boardChar.Character.HimHerIt(true)); } } if (canSee && !boardChar.Character.HasToken("beast") && player.Character.HasToken("copier") && player.Character.Path("copier/timeout") == null) { //if (player.Character.UpdateCopier()) if (player.Character.HasToken("fullCopy") || player.Character.HasToken("sexCopy")) { options["copy"] = i18n.Format("action_copyhim", boardChar.Character.HimHerIt(true)); } } if (canSee && player.Character.CanShoot() != null && player.ParentBoard.HasToken("combat")) { options["shoot"] = i18n.Format("action_shoothim", boardChar.Character.HimHerIt(true)); } } #if DEBUG if (PointingAt is BoardChar) { options["mutate"] = "(debug) Random mutate"; } if (PointingAt is BoardChar) { options["turbomutate"] = "(debug) Apply LOTS of mutations!"; } #endif ActionList.Show(description, PointingAt.XPosition - NoxicoGame.CameraX, PointingAt.YPosition - NoxicoGame.CameraY, options, () => { Hide(); if (ActionList.Answer is int && (int)ActionList.Answer == -1) { //NoxicoGame.Messages.Add("[Aim message]"); NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Aiming; Point(); return; } switch (ActionList.Answer as string) { case "look": if (PointingAt is DroppedItem) { var drop = PointingAt as DroppedItem; var item = drop.Item; var token = drop.Token; var text = (item.HasToken("description") && !token.HasToken("unidentified") ? item.GetToken("description").Text : i18n.Format("thisis_x", item.ToString(token))).Trim(); MessageBox.Notice(text, true); } else if (PointingAt is Clutter && !((Clutter)PointingAt).Description.IsBlank()) { MessageBox.Notice(((Clutter)PointingAt).Description.Trim(), true, ((Clutter)PointingAt).Name ?? "something"); } else if (PointingAt is Container) { MessageBox.Notice(((Container)PointingAt).Description.Trim(), true, ((Container)PointingAt).Name ?? "container"); } else if (PointingAt is BoardChar) { if (((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character.HasToken("beast")) { MessageBox.Notice(((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character.LookAt(PointingAt), true, ((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character.GetKnownName(true)); } else { TextScroller.LookAt((BoardChar)PointingAt); } } break; case "talk": if (PointingAt is Player) { //if (Culture.CheckSummoningDay()) return; if (player.Character.Path("mind").Value >= 10) { MessageBox.Notice(i18n.GetString("talkingotyourself"), true); } else { MessageBox.Notice(i18n.GetString("talkingtoyourself_nutso"), true); } } else if (PointingAt is BoardChar) { var boardChar = PointingAt as BoardChar; if (boardChar.Character.HasToken("hostile") && !boardChar.Character.HasToken("helpless")) { MessageBox.Notice(i18n.Format("nothingtosay", boardChar.Character.GetKnownName(false, false, true, true)), true); } else { SceneSystem.Engage(player.Character, boardChar.Character); } } break; case "trade": ContainerMan.Setup(((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character); break; case "f**k": if (PointingAt is BoardChar) { SexManager.Engage(player.Character, ((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character); } break; case "shoot": player.AimShot(PointingAt); break; case "copy": player.Character.Copy(((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character); player.AdjustView(); //NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.Format((player.Character.Path("copier/full") == null) ? "youimitate_x" : "become_x", ((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character.GetKnownName(false, false, true))); NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.Format(player.Character.HasToken("fullCopy") ? "x_becomes_y" : "x_imitates_y").Viewpoint(player.Character, ((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character)); player.Energy -= 2000; break; case "revert": player.Character.Copy(null); player.AdjustView(); NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.GetString((player.Character.HasToken("fullCopy")) ? "youmelt" : "yourevert")); player.Energy -= 1000; break; case "take": if (PointingAt is DroppedItem) { var drop = PointingAt as DroppedItem; var item = drop.Item; var token = drop.Token; drop.Take(player.Character, ParentBoard); player.Energy -= 1000; NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.Format("youpickup_x", item.ToString(token, true)), drop.ForegroundColor); NoxicoGame.Sound.PlaySound("set://GetItem"); ParentBoard.Redraw(); } break; case "craft": Crafting.Open(player.Character); break; #if DEBUG case "edit": TokenCarrier tc = null; if (PointingAt is DroppedItem) { tc = ((DroppedItem)PointingAt).Token; } else if (PointingAt is BoardChar) { tc = ((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character; } NoxicoGame.HostForm.Write("TOKEN EDIT ENGAGED. Waiting for editor process to exit.", Color.Black, Color.White, 0, 0); NoxicoGame.HostForm.Draw(); ((MainForm)NoxicoGame.HostForm).timer.Enabled = false; var dump = "-- WARNING! Many things may cause strange behavior or crashes. WATCH YOUR F*****G STEP.\r\n" + tc.DumpTokens(tc.Tokens, 0); var temp = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".txt"); File.WriteAllText(temp, dump); var process = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(temp); process.WaitForExit(); var newDump = File.ReadAllText(temp); File.Delete(temp); ((MainForm)NoxicoGame.HostForm).timer.Enabled = true; ParentBoard.Redraw(); if (newDump == dump) { break; } tc.Tokenize(newDump); ((BoardChar)PointingAt).AdjustView(); ((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character.RecalculateStatBonuses(); ((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character.CheckHasteSlow(); break; case "mutate": var result = ((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character.Mutate(1, 30); NoxicoGame.AddMessage(result); break; case "turbomutate": result = ((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character.Mutate(2500, 30); NoxicoGame.AddMessage(result); break; #endif default: MessageBox.Notice("Unknown action handler \"" + ActionList.Answer.ToString() + "\".", true); break; } } ); // true, true); return; } else { /* * var tSD = this.ParentBoard.GetDescription(YPosition, XPosition); * if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tSD)) * { * PointingAt = null; * MessageBox.ScriptPauseHandler = () => * { * NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Aiming; * Point(); * }; * MessageBox.Notice(tSD, true); * return; * } */ } } #if DEBUG if (NoxicoGame.KeyMap[Keys.D]) { NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); if (PointingAt != null && PointingAt is BoardChar) { ((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character.CreateInfoDump(); NoxicoGame.AddMessage("Info for " + ((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character.GetKnownName(true, true, true) + " dumped.", Color.Red); } } #endif if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Left) || Vista.DPad == XInputButtons.Left) { this.Move(Direction.West); } else if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Right) || Vista.DPad == XInputButtons.Right) { this.Move(Direction.East); } else if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Up) || Vista.DPad == XInputButtons.Up) { this.Move(Direction.North); } else if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Down) || Vista.DPad == XInputButtons.Down) { this.Move(Direction.South); } }
public static void Engage(Character top, Character bottom, string name = "(start)") { if (sceneList == null) { sceneList = Mix.GetTokenTree("dialogue.tml", true); } = top; SceneSystem.bottom = bottom; SceneSystem.actors = new[] { top, bottom }; var dreaming = top.HasToken("dream"); if (name.Contains('\xE064')) { name = name.Remove(name.LastIndexOf('\xE064')); } var openings = sceneList.Where(x => x.Name == "scene" && x.GetToken("name").Text == name).ToList(); if (openings.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Notice(string.Format("Could not find a proper opening for scene name \"{0}\". Aborting.", name), true, "Uh-oh."); return; } var firstScene = openings.FirstOrDefault(i => SexManager.LimitsOkay(actors, i)); var scenes = new List <Token>() { firstScene }; if (firstScene.HasToken("random")) { var randomKey = firstScene.GetToken("random").Text; foreach (var s in openings.Where(i => i != firstScene && i.HasToken("random") && i.GetToken("random").Text == randomKey && SexManager.LimitsOkay(actors, i))) { scenes.Add(s); } } var scene = scenes.PickOne(); var message = i18n.Viewpoint(ExtractParagraphsAndScripts(scene),, SceneSystem.bottom); var actions = ExtractActions(scene); if (actions.Count == 1) { var target = actions.First().Key; actions.Clear(); actions.Add(target, "==>"); } if (bottom == NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character && !letBottomChoose) { if (actions.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Notice(message, true, bottom.Name.ToString(true)); } else { var randomAction = actions.Keys.ToArray().PickOne(); actions.Clear(); actions.Add(randomAction, "==>"); MessageBox.List(message, actions, () => { Engage(, SceneSystem.bottom, (string)MessageBox.Answer); }, false, true, bottom.GetKnownName(true, true)); } } else { letBottomChoose = false; if (actions.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Notice(message, !dreaming, bottom.GetKnownName(true, true)); } else { MessageBox.List(message, actions, () => { Engage(, SceneSystem.bottom, (string)MessageBox.Answer); }, false, !dreaming, bottom.GetKnownName(true, true)); } } if (dreaming) { new UIPNGBackground(Mix.GetBitmap("dream.png")).Draw(); } else { NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.Redraw(); NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.Draw(); } }
private static Dictionary <object, string> ExtractActions(Token scene) { var ret = new Dictionary <object, string>(); foreach (var action in scene.Tokens.Where(x => x.Name == "action")) { foreach (var s in sceneList.Where(x => x.Name == "scene" && x.GetToken("name").Text == action.Text && SexManager.LimitsOkay(actors, x))) { var key = action.Text; var listAs = s.HasToken("list") ? s.GetToken("list").Text : string.Format("[missing \"list\"!] {0}", key); if (action.HasToken("listas")) { key = string.Format("{0}\xE064{1}", s.GetToken("name").Text, ret.Count); listAs = action.GetToken("listas").Text; } if (listAs.Contains('[')) { listAs = i18n.Viewpoint(listAs, top, bottom); } if (!ret.ContainsKey(key)) { ret.Add(key, listAs); } } } return(ret); }