public StatisticsViewer( EmuDebugger debugger ) : this() { this.Debugger = debugger; this.Sink = debugger.Host.Counters; this.toolStrip1.Enabled = false; this._nameFont = new Font( "Tahoma", 8.0f, FontStyle.Regular ); this._valueFont = new Font( "Courier New", 8.0f, FontStyle.Regular ); Bitmap image = Properties.Resources.StatisticsIcon as Bitmap; this.Icon = Icon.FromHandle( image.GetHicon() ); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new <see cref="DebugHost"/> instance with the given parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="emulationHost">The emulator host instance.</param> public DebugHost( IEmulationHost emulationHost ) { Debug.Assert( emulationHost != null ); this.Emulator = emulationHost; this.Counters = new CounterSink(); _attachedEvent = new ManualResetEvent( false ); this.HostString = string.Format( "{0}@{1}", Environment.UserName, Environment.MachineName ); }