Returns the effective rights of one object to an attribute of another object. To use this class, you must instantiate an object of this class and then call the extendedOperation method with this object as the required LdapExtendedOperation parameter. The returned LdapExtendedResponse object can then be converted to a GetEffectivePrivilegesResponse object with the ExtendedResponseFactory class. The GetEffectivePrivilegesResponse class contains methods for retrieving the effective rights. The getEffectivePrivilegesRequest extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719. The requestValue has the following format: requestValue ::= dn LdapDN trusteeDN LdapDN attrName LdapDN
상속: Novell.Directory.Ldap.LdapExtendedOperation
    public static void Main(System.String[] args)
        if (args.Length != 6)
            System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Usage:   mono GetEffectivePrivileges " + "<host Name> <port number> <login dn> " + "\n         <password> <object dn> <trustee dn>");
            System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Example: mono GetEffectivePrivileges 389 " + "\"cn=Admin,o=Acme\" secret\n         " + "\"cn=james,o=Acme\" " + "\"cn=admin,o=Acme\"");

        int LdapVersion = LdapConnection.Ldap_V3;
        System.String LdapHost = args[0];
        int LdapPort = System.Int32.Parse(args[1]);
        System.String loginDN = args[2];
        System.String password = args[3];
        System.String objectDN = args[4];
        System.String trusteeDN = args[5];
        int iRight = 0;
        System.String sRight = null;
        LdapConnection ld = new LdapConnection();

            // connect to the server
            ld.Connect(LdapHost, LdapPort);
            // bind to the server
            ld.Bind(LdapVersion, loginDN, password);
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("\nLogin succeeded");

            // user can choose from:
            //   1. object rights(represented as [Entry Rights]);
            //   2. attribute rights(represented as [All Attributes Rights];
            //   3. a single attribute name like 'acl'
            //String rightName = "[Entry Rights]"
            //String rightName = "[All Attributes Rights]";
            System.String rightName = "acl";

            LdapExtendedOperation request = new GetEffectivePrivilegesRequest(objectDN, trusteeDN, rightName);

            LdapExtendedResponse response = ld.ExtendedOperation(request);

            if (response.ResultCode == LdapException.SUCCESS && (response is GetEffectivePrivilegesResponse))
                iRight = ((GetEffectivePrivilegesResponse) response).Privileges;

                if (rightName.ToUpper().Equals("[Entry Rights]".ToUpper()))
                    sRight = "object rights";
                else if (rightName.ToUpper().Equals("[All Attributes Rights]".ToUpper()))
                    sRight = "attribute rights";
                    sRight = rightName;

                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("\"" + trusteeDN + "\" has the following" + " rights on \"" + objectDN + "\"s '" + sRight + "':");
                PrintRights(rightName, iRight);
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("\nGet Effective Privileges succeeded");
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Get Effective Privileges Failed");
                throw new LdapException(response.ErrorMessage, response.ResultCode, (System.String) null);

            /* Done, so disconnect */
            if (ld.Connected)
        catch (LdapException e)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Error: " + e.LdapErrorMessage);
    public static void  Main(System.String[] args)
        if (args.Length != 6)
            System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Usage:   mono GetEffectivePrivileges " + "<host Name> <port number> <login dn> " + "\n         <password> <object dn> <trustee dn>");
            System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Example: mono GetEffectivePrivileges 389 " + "\"cn=Admin,o=Acme\" secret\n         " + "\"cn=james,o=Acme\" " + "\"cn=admin,o=Acme\"");

        int LdapVersion = LdapConnection.Ldap_V3;

        System.String LdapHost = args[0];
        int           LdapPort = System.Int32.Parse(args[1]);

        System.String loginDN   = args[2];
        System.String password  = args[3];
        System.String objectDN  = args[4];
        System.String trusteeDN = args[5];
        int           iRight    = 0;

        System.String  sRight = null;
        LdapConnection ld     = new LdapConnection();

            // connect to the server
            ld.Connect(LdapHost, LdapPort);
            // bind to the server
            ld.Bind(LdapVersion, loginDN, password);
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("\nLogin succeeded");

            // user can choose from:
            //   1. object rights(represented as [Entry Rights]);
            //   2. attribute rights(represented as [All Attributes Rights];
            //   3. a single attribute name like 'acl'
            //String rightName = "[Entry Rights]"
            //String rightName = "[All Attributes Rights]";
            System.String rightName = "acl";

            LdapExtendedOperation request = new GetEffectivePrivilegesRequest(objectDN, trusteeDN, rightName);

            LdapExtendedResponse response = ld.ExtendedOperation(request);

            if (response.ResultCode == LdapException.SUCCESS && (response is GetEffectivePrivilegesResponse))
                iRight = ((GetEffectivePrivilegesResponse)response).Privileges;

                if (rightName.ToUpper().Equals("[Entry Rights]".ToUpper()))
                    sRight = "object rights";
                else if (rightName.ToUpper().Equals("[All Attributes Rights]".ToUpper()))
                    sRight = "attribute rights";
                    sRight = rightName;

                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("\"" + trusteeDN + "\" has the following" + " rights on \"" + objectDN + "\"s '" + sRight + "':");
                PrintRights(rightName, iRight);
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("\nGet Effective Privileges succeeded");
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Get Effective Privileges Failed");
                throw new LdapException(response.ErrorMessage, response.ResultCode, (System.String)null);

            /* Done, so disconnect */
            if (ld.Connected)
        catch (LdapException e)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Error: " + e.LdapErrorMessage);