// GET: Employees/ChooseDirectReports/5 // Sends the form to enable a manager to select their direct reports public ActionResult ChooseDirectReports(int?id) { // Determine whether we can continue, non-null id if (id == null) { return(RedirectToAction("index")); } else { // Verify that the security context user has the 'Manager' role claim // e.g. (User as ClaimsPrincipal).HasClaim(ClaimTypes.Role, "Manager") var fetchedObject = m.GetEmployeeByIdWithAssociatedData(id.Value); var username = fetchedObject.IdentityUserId; if (m.IsUserAManager(username)) { // Prepare and configure a form to send to the view // Present the view var chooseEmp = new EmployeeDirectReportsForm(); chooseEmp.Id = id.Value; chooseEmp.Employees = new MultiSelectList(m.GetAllEmployeesNoManager(), "Id", "FullName"); return(View(chooseEmp)); } else { // User is not a manager return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = id })); } } }
// GET: Employees/ChooseDirectReports/5 // Sends the form to enable a manager to select their direct reports public ActionResult ChooseDirectReports(int? id) { // Determine whether we can continue, non-null id if (id == null) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } //else if(User.IsInRole("Manager")) else if ((User as ClaimsPrincipal).HasClaim(ClaimTypes.Role, "Manager") == true) { // Verify that the security context user has the 'Manager' role claim // e.g. (User as ClaimsPrincipal).HasClaim(ClaimTypes.Role, "Manager") // Prepare and configure a form to send to the view // Present the view var form = new EmployeeDirectReportsForm(); form.Id = (int)id; form.Employees = new SelectList(m.GetAllEmployeesNoManager(), "Id", "FullName"); return View(form); } //Error throw new NotImplementedException(); }