// TASK 5 - Find orders for a given region and date range private static void PrintOrdersByRegionAndDateRange(string region, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { var regionResult = OrdersUtils.FindOrderByRegion(region, startDate, endDate); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var sale in regionResult) { Console.WriteLine(sale); } }
// TASK 6 - see NorthwindEntity.Twin.Model // TASK 8 - By inheriting the Employee entity class create a class which allows employees to access their corresponding territories as property of type // Task 9 - Add new order. private static void AddOrders() { // In the current demo, the product, linked to the order is done in the OrdersUrils method... Order[] orders = { new Order { CustomerID = "PARIS", ShipName = "Ship 121", ShipRegion = "BS", ShippedDate = new DateTime(2013, 7, 17) } }; OrdersUtils.AddOrders(orders); Console.WriteLine("Orders added:"); PrintOrdersByRegionAndDateRange("BS", new DateTime(2013, 7, 16), new DateTime(2013, 7, 18)); Console.WriteLine(); }
// THis is for testing purpoises - trying to do some kind of delegating tasks.. it's not the best approach. // TASK 3 - Find customers from Canada, who made orders after 1997 private static void PrintCustomersByDateAndCountry(DateTime date, string country) { var ordersByDate = OrdersUtils.FindOrderByDate(date); var ordersByCountry = OrdersUtils.FindOrderByCountry(country); var foundOrdersIds = ordersByDate.Select(id => id.OrderID).Intersect(ordersByCountry.Select(id => id.OrderID)); var found = ordersByDate.Where(o => foundOrdersIds.Contains(o.OrderID)); var orders = found.ToList(); var customersFound = CustomerUtils.GetCustomersByOrdersList(orders); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var customer in customersFound) { Console.WriteLine(customer.ContactName); } Console.WriteLine(); }