/// <summary>
 /// FrmAddProduct()
 /// Form Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="businessArg"></param>
 public FrmAddProduct(Business businessArg)
     business = businessArg;
     categories = business.Categories;
     suppliers = business.Suppliers;
     newProduct = new Product();//represents product to be added to database
     updatedProduct = new Product();//represents product to be updated in database
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// productReturned()
        /// An event handler used to handle events called "eventProductChosen" on FrmCatalog
        /// If product is returned, it captures its properties to create an order detail object
        /// Order detail object then added to a datagridview control
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="product">Object of Product></param>
        private void productReturned(Product product)
            this.Enabled = true;//enable this form

            if (product == null)//return if a product is not selected

                //add order detail to grid
                OrderDetail orderDetail;
                const Int16 DEFAULT_QUANTITY = 1;
                foreach (DataGridViewRow currentRow in gridViewOrderDetails.Rows)//loop through gridlist
                    orderDetail = (OrderDetail)currentRow.Tag;

                    //if product exists in datagridview;
                    if (orderDetail.ProductID == product.ProductID)
                        orderDetail.Quantity += 1;// increase its quantity by 1
                        currentRow.Cells[colQuantity.Name].Value = orderDetail.Quantity.ToString();//display new value in grid cell
                        return;//exit method

                //if product does not exist in datagridview already, create new order detail object and set its properties
                orderDetail = new OrderDetail();
                orderDetail.ProductName = product.ProductName;
                orderDetail.ProductID = product.ProductID;
                orderDetail.Quantity = DEFAULT_QUANTITY;
                orderDetail.UnitPrice = product.UnitPrice;

                int rowNum = gridViewOrderDetails.Rows.Add(1);//adds a new row and return its index

                DataGridViewRow row = gridViewOrderDetails.Rows[rowNum];//sets row equal to newly created row

                //populate cells with order details and product name
                row.Cells[colProduct.Name].Value = orderDetail.ProductName;
                row.Cells[colProductID.Name].Value = orderDetail.ProductID;
                row.Cells[colUnitPrice.Name].Value = orderDetail.UnitPrice.ToString("F");
                row.Cells[colQuantity.Name].Value = 1;
                row.Tag = orderDetail;

            //set first quantity item control for edit
            gridViewOrderDetails.CurrentCell = gridViewOrderDetails.Rows[0].Cells[colQuantity.Name];
예제 #3
        //add product to DB and call delegate
        /// <summary>
        /// UpdateProduct(Product prod)
        /// Update product passed to Products table based on the product ID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prod"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string UpdateProduct(Product prod)
            String updateQuery = "UPDATE Products "
                + "SET ProductName = " + ((String.IsNullOrEmpty(prod.ProductName)) ? "null" : "\"" + prod.ProductName + "\"")
                + ", SupplierID = " + ((prod.SupplierID == 0) ? "null" : prod.SupplierID.ToString())
                + ", CategoryID = " + ((prod.CategoryID == 0) ? "null" : prod.CategoryID.ToString())
                + ", QuantityPerUnit = " + ((String.IsNullOrEmpty(prod.QuantityPerUnit)) ? "null" : "'" + prod.QuantityPerUnit + "'")
                + ", UnitPrice = " + prod.UnitPrice
                + ", UnitsInStock = " + prod.UnitsInStock
                + ", UnitsOnOrder = " + prod.UnitsOnOrder
                + ", ReorderLevel = " + prod.ReorderLevel
                + ", Discontinued = " + prod.Discontinued
                + " WHERE ProductID = " + prod.ProductID;

            OleDbCommand cmUpdate = new OleDbCommand(updateQuery, con);
            catch (Exception)
                //can't display any error feedback in data access layer
                return "Product Updated Failed";

            //raise event
            if (productAdded_Changed != null)//check to makes sure at least one handler registered

            return "Product Updated";
예제 #4
        //add product to DB and call delegate
        /// <summary>
        /// InsertProduct()
        /// Takes a product object and adds a new record to the database table Products
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">Object of type Product</param>
        public string InsertProduct(Product prod)
            String insertQuery = "INSERT INTO Products (ProductName, SupplierID, CategoryID, "
                + "QuantityPerUnit, UnitPrice, UnitsInStock, UnitsOnOrder, ReorderLevel, Discontinued) VALUES ("
                + ((String.IsNullOrEmpty(prod.ProductName)) ? "null" : "\"" + prod.ProductName + "\"") + ","
                + ((prod.SupplierID == 0) ? "null" : prod.SupplierID.ToString()) + ","
                + ((prod.CategoryID == 0) ? "null" : prod.CategoryID.ToString()) + ","
                + ((String.IsNullOrEmpty(prod.QuantityPerUnit)) ? "null" : "'" + prod.QuantityPerUnit + "'") + ","
                + prod.UnitPrice + ","
                + prod.UnitsInStock + ","
                + prod.UnitsOnOrder + ","
                + prod.ReorderLevel + ","
                + prod.Discontinued + ")";

            OleDbCommand cmInsert = new OleDbCommand(insertQuery, con);


            catch (Exception)
                //can't display any error feedback in data access layer
                return "Product Added Failed";


            //raise event
            if (productAdded_Changed != null)//check to makes sure at least one handler registered

            return "Product Added";
        /// <summary>
        /// productChosen()
        /// Handles "eventProductChosen" on FrmCatalog
        /// Gets a product from delegate and fills the Update form with its property values.
        /// <param name="Product">Object of type Product></param>
        private void productChosen(Product product)
            Enabled = true;//enable this form

            selectedProduct = product;

            if (selectedProduct == null)//return if there aren't any selected products

            errorProvider.SetError(btnCatalog, "");

            foreach (Category c in categories)
                if (selectedProduct.CategoryID == c.CategoryID)
                    cmbUpdateCategory.SelectedItem = c;


            foreach (Supplier s in suppliers)
                if (selectedProduct.CompanyName == s.CompanyName)
                    cmbUpdateSupplier.SelectedItem = s;



            tbxUpdateProductName.Text = selectedProduct.ProductName;
            tbxUpdateQtyPerUnit.Text = selectedProduct.QuantityPerUnit;
            tbxUpdateUnitPrice.Text = selectedProduct.UnitPrice.ToString("F");
            tbxUpdateUnitsInStock.Text = selectedProduct.UnitsInStock.ToString();
            tbxUpdateUnitsOnOrder.Text = selectedProduct.UnitsOnOrder.ToString();
            tbxUpdateReorderLevel.Text = selectedProduct.ReorderLevel.ToString();
            chkBoxDiscontinued.Checked = selectedProduct.Discontinued;
예제 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// updateProduct()
 /// Updates a record in Products Table
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_product">takes and object of type Product</param>
 public string updateProduct(Product _product)
     string confirmation = database.UpdateProduct(_product);
     return confirmation;
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// fetchProducts()
        /// Gets product records from database and returns a copy of it
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>List of type Product</returns>
        public void loadProductData()
            products = database.FetchProducts();
            List<Product> copyProducts = new List<Product>();
            Product copy;

            foreach (Product p in products)
                copy = new Product();//create new object

                //add properties
                copy.ProductID = p.ProductID;
                copy.ProductName = p.ProductName;
                copy.CategoryID = p.CategoryID;
                copy.QuantityPerUnit = p.QuantityPerUnit;
                copy.UnitPrice = p.UnitPrice;
                copy.UnitsInStock = p.UnitsInStock;
                copy.UnitsOnOrder = p.UnitsOnOrder;
                copy.ReorderLevel = p.ReorderLevel;
                copy.Discontinued = p.Discontinued;
                copy.CompanyName = p.CompanyName;
                copy.Picture = p.Picture;

                copyProducts.Add(copy);//add to new list
                products = copyProducts;

예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// fetchProductByID
 /// Takes productID as parameter and returns a Product Object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="productId">of Type int</param>
 /// <returns>Product Object</returns>
 public Product fetchProductByID(int productId)
     Product copy;
         foreach (Product product in products)
             if (product.ProductID == productId)
                 copy = new Product();//create new object
                 copy = product;
                 return copy;
         return null;
예제 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// addProduct()
 /// Adds new record to Products Table
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_product">takes and object of type Product</param>
 public string addProduct(Product _product)
     string confirmation = database.InsertProduct(_product);
     return confirmation;
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// btn_OK_Click()
        /// Get the product object for each selected item in order to send back to Order form
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void btn_OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in gridProducts.SelectedRows)//loop through selected items in gridProducts window

                selectedProduct = (Product)row.Tag; //for each item, capture product associated with the tag

