public void DisposeTest() { var _saveStatePath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"SaveState\nhl94.zs3"); var _statreader = new StatReader(_saveStatePath); var SSM = new ScoringSummaryManager(_statreader); var SSmodel = new ScoringSummaryModel(); //Call Dispose SSM.Dispose(); //Calling The GetScoringSummary Method should fail as the FileStream Reader should be null. Exception ex = Assert.Throws<System.NullReferenceException>(() => SSmodel = SSM.GetScoringSummary()); //Verify The Expected Exception was thrown. Assert.Equal("Object reference not set to an instance of an object.", ex.Message); }
private void GetScoringSummary() { var SSM = new ScoringSummaryManager(_statreader); var SSmodel = SSM.GetScoringSummary(); _boxscore.scoringsummary = SSmodel; SSM.Dispose(); }