A multiline label that resizes with the content.
Currently, the label only resizes its height.
상속: System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the label to use to display RTF and plain text.
 /// </summary>
 private void InitializeRtfLabel()
     if (m_aslRtfLabel != null)
     m_aslRtfLabel                = new AutosizeLabel();
     m_aslRtfLabel.Dock           = DockStyle.Fill;
     m_aslRtfLabel.AllowSelection = AllowSelection;
     m_aslRtfLabel.Font           = Font;
     m_aslRtfLabel.BackColor      = BackColor;
     m_aslRtfLabel.ForeColor      = ForeColor;
     m_aslRtfLabel.DetectUrls     = DetectUrls;
     m_aslRtfLabel.ScrollBars     = RichTextBoxScrollBars.Vertical;
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes the label to use to display RTF and plain text.
		/// </summary>
		private void InitializeRtfLabel()
			if (m_aslRtfLabel != null)
			m_aslRtfLabel = new AutosizeLabel();
			m_aslRtfLabel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
			m_aslRtfLabel.AllowSelection = AllowSelection;
			m_aslRtfLabel.Font = Font;
			m_aslRtfLabel.BackColor = BackColor;
			m_aslRtfLabel.ForeColor = ForeColor;
			m_aslRtfLabel.DetectUrls = DetectUrls;
			m_aslRtfLabel.ScrollBars = RichTextBoxScrollBars.Vertical;