GetFiles() 공개 메소드

Gets a list of files that are in the specified directory in this archive.
public GetFiles ( string p_strDirectory, bool p_booRecurse ) : string[]
p_strDirectory string The directory in the archive whose descendents are to be returned.
p_booRecurse bool Whether to return files that are in subdirectories of the given directory.
리턴 string[]
		/// <summary>
		/// Loads the children of the given node.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="p_tndFolder">The node whose children are to be loaded.</param>
		protected void LoadChildren(FileSystemTreeNode p_tndFolder)
			if (p_tndFolder.LastSource.IsLoaded || !p_tndFolder.IsDirectory && (!BrowseIntoArchives || !p_tndFolder.IsArchive))
			Cursor crsOldCursor = Cursor;
			Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
				p_tndFolder.LastSource.IsLoaded = true;
				string strPath = p_tndFolder.LastSource;
				if (BrowseIntoArchives && (Archive.IsArchivePath(strPath) || p_tndFolder.IsArchive))
					KeyValuePair<string, string> kvpPath = new KeyValuePair<string, string>(p_tndFolder.LastSource, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString());
					if (Archive.IsArchivePath(strPath))
						kvpPath = Archive.ParseArchivePath(strPath);
					Archive arcArchive = new Archive(kvpPath.Key);
					string[] strFolders = arcArchive.GetDirectories(kvpPath.Value);
					for (Int32 i = 0; i < strFolders.Length; i++)
						AddPath(p_tndFolder, Archive.GenerateArchivePath(kvpPath.Key, strFolders[i]));
					if (ShowFiles)
						string[] strFiles = arcArchive.GetFiles(kvpPath.Value, false);
						for (Int32 i = 0; i < strFiles.Length; i++)
							AddPath(p_tndFolder, Archive.GenerateArchivePath(kvpPath.Key, strFiles[i]));
						string[] strFolders = Directory.GetDirectories(strPath);
						for (Int32 i = 0; i < strFolders.Length; i++)
							AddPath(p_tndFolder, strFolders[i]);
						if (ShowFiles)
							string[] strFiles = Directory.GetFiles(strPath);
							for (Int32 i = 0; i < strFiles.Length; i++)
								AddPath(p_tndFolder, strFiles[i]);
					catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
				Cursor = crsOldCursor;
		/// <summary>
		/// Retrieves the list of all files in the specified folder.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="p_arcArchive">The archive whose file is to be retrieved.</param>
		/// <param name="p_booRecurse">Whether to return files that are in subdirectories of the given directory.</param>
		/// <returns>The list of all files in the specified folder.</returns>
		private List<string> GetFileList(Archive p_arcArchive, bool p_booRecurse)
			List<string> lstFiles = new List<string>();
			foreach (string strFile in p_arcArchive.GetFiles("", "*.txt|*.doc|*.docx|*.htm|*.html|*.rtf|*.pdf", p_booRecurse))
				if (!m_dicMovedArchiveFiles.ContainsValue(strFile))
					if (!strFile.StartsWith("fomod", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
			string strPathPrefix = "" ?? "";
			strPathPrefix = strPathPrefix.Replace(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
			strPathPrefix = strPathPrefix.Trim(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
			if (strPathPrefix.Length > 0)
				strPathPrefix += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
			foreach (string strFile in m_dicMovedArchiveFiles.Keys)
				if (strFile.StartsWith(strPathPrefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !strFile.StartsWith("fomod", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
			return lstFiles;
예제 #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Determines if the specified file in a mod that conforms to the current format.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="p_strPath">The path of the file for which it is to be determined whether it confroms
		/// to the current format.</param>
		/// <returns>A <see cref="FormatConfidence"/> indicating how much the specified file conforms
		/// to the current format.</returns>
		public FormatConfidence CheckFormatCompliance(string p_strPath)
			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(p_strPath) || !File.Exists(p_strPath) || !Archive.IsArchive(p_strPath))
				return FormatConfidence.Incompatible;
			using (Archive arcMod = new Archive(p_strPath))
				//full-on OMod
				if (arcMod.ContainsFile("config") &&
						(arcMod.ContainsFile("plugins.crc") ||
						arcMod.ContainsFile("data.crc") ||
						arcMod.ContainsFile("image") ||
						arcMod.ContainsFile("readme") ||
					return FormatConfidence.Match;
				//OMod-ready archive
				string[] strFiles= arcMod.GetFiles(null, "omod conversion data/config", true);
				if (strFiles.Length > 0)
					return FormatConfidence.Match;
			return FormatConfidence.Incompatible;
예제 #4
		/// <summary>
		/// A simple constructor that initializes the FOMod from the specified file.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="p_strFilePath">The mod file from which to create the FOMod.</param>
		/// <param name="p_mftModFormat">The format of the mod.</param>
		/// <param name="p_strStopFolders">A list of folders names that indicate the root of the mod file structure.</param>
		/// <param name="p_strPluginsDirectoryName">The name of the folder that contains plugins.</param>
		/// <param name="p_mcmModCacheManager">The manager for the current game mode's mod cache.</param>
		/// <param name="p_stgScriptTypeRegistry">The registry of supported script types.</param>
		public FOMod(string p_strFilePath, FOModFormat p_mftModFormat, IEnumerable<string> p_enmStopFolders, string p_strPluginsDirectoryName, IEnumerable<string> p_enmPluginExtensions, IModCacheManager p_mcmModCacheManager, IScriptTypeRegistry p_stgScriptTypeRegistry, bool p_booUsePlugins)
			StopFolders = new List<string>(p_enmStopFolders);
			if (!StopFolders.Contains("fomod", StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
			PluginsDirectoryName = p_strPluginsDirectoryName;
			PluginExtensions = new List<string>(p_enmPluginExtensions);

			Format = p_mftModFormat;
			ScriptTypeRegistry = p_stgScriptTypeRegistry;
			bool p_booUseCache = true;
			m_booUsesPlugins = p_booUsePlugins;
			bool booCheckNested = true;
			bool booCheckPrefix = true;
			bool booCheckScript = true;
			bool booUpdateCacheInfo = false;
			bool booDirtyCache = false;
			string strCheckPrefix = null;
			string strCheckScriptPath = null;
			string strCheckScriptType = null;

			m_strFilePath = p_strFilePath;
			m_arcFile = new Archive(p_strFilePath);

			#region Check for cacheInfo.txt file
			m_arcCacheFile = p_mcmModCacheManager.GetCacheFile(m_strFilePath);
			if (m_arcCacheFile != null)
				if (m_arcCacheFile.ContainsFile("cacheInfo.txt"))
					byte[] bCacheInfo = m_arcCacheFile.GetFileContents("cacheInfo.txt");
					string sCacheInfo = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bCacheInfo, 0, bCacheInfo.Length);
					string[] strPref = sCacheInfo.Split(new string[] { "@@" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
					if (strPref.Length > 0)
						booCheckNested = Convert.ToBoolean(strPref[0]);

						if (strPref.Length > 1)
							strCheckPrefix = strPref[1];
							foreach (string Folder in IgnoreFolders)
								if (strCheckPrefix.IndexOf(Folder, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0)
									booCheckNested = true;
									strCheckPrefix = String.Empty;
									booDirtyCache = true;
							if (!booDirtyCache)

								if (strCheckPrefix.Equals("-"))
									strCheckPrefix = String.Empty;
								booCheckPrefix = false;

								if (strPref.Length > 2)
									strCheckScriptPath = strPref[2];
									if (strCheckScriptPath.Equals("-"))
										strCheckScriptPath = String.Empty;
									strCheckScriptType = strPref[3];
									if (strCheckScriptType.Equals("-"))
										strCheckScriptType = String.Empty;
									booCheckScript = false;


			if (booCheckNested)
				#region Temporary fix for nested .dazip files
				string[] strNested = m_arcFile.GetFiles("", "*.dazip", true);
				if (strNested.Length == 1)
					string strFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "NMM"), strNested[0]);
					FileUtil.WriteAllBytes(strFilePath, GetFile(strNested[0]));
					if (File.Exists(strFilePath))
						m_arcFile = new Archive(strFilePath);
						m_strNestedFilePath = strFilePath;

			m_arcFile.ReadOnlyInitProgressUpdated += new CancelProgressEventHandler(ArchiveFile_ReadOnlyInitProgressUpdated);

			if (booCheckPrefix)
				booUpdateCacheInfo = true;
				m_strPrefixPath = String.IsNullOrEmpty(strCheckPrefix) ? String.Empty : strCheckPrefix;

			//check for script
			if (booCheckScript)
				foreach (IScriptType stpScript in p_stgScriptTypeRegistry.Types)
					foreach (string strScriptName in stpScript.FileNames)
						string strScriptPath = Path.Combine("fomod", strScriptName);
						if (ContainsFile(strScriptPath))
							m_strInstallScriptPath = strScriptPath;
							m_stpInstallScriptType = stpScript;
					if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_strInstallScriptPath))

				booUpdateCacheInfo = true;
				m_strInstallScriptPath = strCheckScriptPath;
				m_stpInstallScriptType = String.IsNullOrEmpty(strCheckScriptType) ? null : p_stgScriptTypeRegistry.Types.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TypeName.Equals(strCheckScriptType));

			if (p_booUseCache)
				m_arcCacheFile = p_mcmModCacheManager.GetCacheFile(m_strFilePath);
				//check to make sure the cache isn't bad
				if ((m_arcCacheFile != null) && !m_arcCacheFile.ContainsFile(GetRealPath("fomod/info.xml")))
					//bad cache - clear it
					m_arcCacheFile = null;
			m_arcFile.FilesChanged += new EventHandler(Archive_FilesChanged);

			//check for readme
			string strBaseName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(p_strFilePath);
			for (int i = 0; i < Readme.ValidExtensions.Length; i++)
				if (ContainsFile("readme - " + strBaseName + Readme.ValidExtensions[i]))
					m_strReadmePath = "Readme - " + strBaseName + Readme.ValidExtensions[i];
			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_strReadmePath))
				for (int i = 0; i < Readme.ValidExtensions.Length; i++)
					if (ContainsFile("docs/readme - " + strBaseName + Readme.ValidExtensions[i]))
						m_strReadmePath = "docs/Readme - " + strBaseName + Readme.ValidExtensions[i];

			//check for screenshot
			string[] strScreenshots;
			if (p_booUseCache && (m_arcCacheFile != null))
				strScreenshots = m_arcCacheFile.GetFiles(GetRealPath("fomod"), "screenshot*", false);
				strScreenshots = m_arcFile.GetFiles(GetRealPath("fomod"), "screenshot*", false);
			//TODO make sure the file is a valid image
			if (strScreenshots.Length > 0)
				m_strScreenshotPath = strScreenshots[0];

			if (p_booUseCache && (m_arcCacheFile == null))
				string strTmpInfo = p_mcmModCacheManager.FileUtility.CreateTempDirectory();
					Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(strTmpInfo, GetRealPath("fomod")));

					if (ContainsFile("fomod/info.xml"))
						FileUtil.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(strTmpInfo, GetRealPath("fomod/info.xml")), GetFile("fomod/info.xml"));
						FileUtil.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(strTmpInfo, GetRealPath("fomod/info.xml")), "<fomod/>");

					if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_strReadmePath))
						FileUtil.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(strTmpInfo, GetRealPath(m_strReadmePath)), GetFile(m_strReadmePath));

					if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_strScreenshotPath))
						FileUtil.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(strTmpInfo, GetRealPath(m_strScreenshotPath)), GetFile(m_strScreenshotPath));

					m_arcCacheFile = p_mcmModCacheManager.CreateCacheFile(this, strTmpInfo);

			if (booUpdateCacheInfo || (!m_arcCacheFile.ContainsFile("cacheInfo.txt")))

				Byte[] bteText = new UTF8Encoding(true).GetBytes(String.Format("{0}@@{1}@@{2}@@{3}",
					String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_strPrefixPath) ? "-" : m_strPrefixPath,
					String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_strInstallScriptPath) ? "-" : m_strInstallScriptPath,
					(m_stpInstallScriptType == null) ? "-" : m_stpInstallScriptType.TypeName));

				if (bteText != null)
					m_arcCacheFile.ReplaceFile("cacheInfo.txt", bteText);

			ModName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(m_strFilePath);
예제 #5
		/// <summary>
		/// Determines if the specified file in a mod that conforms to the current format.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="p_strPath">The path of the file for which it is to be determined whether it confroms
		/// to the current format.</param>
		/// <returns>A <see cref="FormatConfidence"/> indicating how much the specified file conforms
		/// to the current format.</returns>
		public FormatConfidence CheckFormatCompliance(string p_strPath)
			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(p_strPath) || !File.Exists(p_strPath) || !Archive.IsArchive(p_strPath))
				return FormatConfidence.Incompatible;
			using (Archive arcMod = new Archive(p_strPath))
				if (arcMod.GetFiles("fomod", true).Length > 0)
					return FormatConfidence.Match;
			return FormatConfidence.Compatible;