예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Transform AxisData from linear axis to logarithmic axis
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ad">linear AxisData</param>
        /// <param name="auto">logarithmic autoscaled axisdata</param>
        /// <returns>logarithmic AxisData</returns>
        public static AxisData  TransformLog(AxisData ad, AxisData auto)
            //NOTE!!: ad uses linear axis, auto uses logarithmic axis

            //This tries to convert from linear axisdata to logarithmic axisdata
            //It should be noted that it primarily uses the ad axisdata for
            //the conversion. The auto axisdata is used to limit the ad axisdata in case of illegal values

            //If original(ad) is smaller than auto.Min or zero
            //it probably is an illegal value, therefore set it to the autoscaled one
            if (ad.Min <= 0 || ad.Min < Math.Pow(10, auto.Min))
                ad.Min = auto.Min;
                ad.Min = Power(ad.Min);

            //See above, removes illegal values from ad
            if (ad.Max <= 0 || ad.Max > Math.Pow(10, auto.Max))
                ad.Max = auto.Max;
                ad.Max = Power(ad.Max) + 1;

            ad.Step = 1;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get AxisData (Min, Max, Step) from double[] array but do not autoscale axisdata
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="f">double[] array</param>
        /// <returns>AxisData</returns>
        public static AxisData  TransformNoScale(double[] f)
            AxisData ad = new AxisData(double.MaxValue, double.MinValue, double.MinValue);

            for (int i = 0; i < f.Length; i++)
                if (!double.IsInfinity(f[i]) && !double.IsNaN(f[i]))
                    if (f[i] < ad.Min)
                        ad.Min = f[i];
                    if (f[i] > ad.Max)
                        ad.Max = f[i];

            if (ad.Max == double.MaxValue)
                ad.Max = 10;
            if (ad.Min == double.MinValue)
                ad.Min = ad.Max - 10;

            ad.Step = Math.Abs(ad.Max - ad.Min) / 5;

예제 #3
        public static AxisData GetMaxMinLog(double[] f)
            //Init axisdata
            AxisData ad = new AxisData(double.MaxValue, double.MinValue, double.MinValue);

            //Get max and min from data
            for (int i = 0; i < f.Length; i++)
                if (!double.IsInfinity(f[i]) && !double.IsNaN(f[i]) && f[i] > 0)
                    if (f[i] < ad.Min)
                        ad.Min = f[i];
                    if (f[i] > ad.Max)
                        ad.Max = f[i];

            //If max is not found set to 10
            if (ad.Max == double.MinValue)
                ad.Max = 10;

            //if max is not found set to 1
            if (ad.Min == double.MaxValue)
                ad.Min = 1;

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a GraphMath object. Used to transform from "real" values to
        /// control points
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Size">Size of graphics object to draw on</param>
        /// <param name="X">AxisData for X axis</param>
        /// <param name="Y">AxisData for Y axis</param>
        public GraphMath(Size Size, AxisData X, AxisData Y)
            this.Size = Size;
            this.Xd   = X;
            this.Yd   = Y;

            //Calculate scalefactors to convert from real points to screen points
            this.xScaleFactor = ((double)this.Size.Width) / (Xd.Max - Xd.Min);
            this.yScaleFactor = ((double)this.Size.Height) / (Yd.Max - Yd.Min);
예제 #5
 private void btnApply_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     if (this.cbAuto.Checked)
         AxisData ax = new AxisData(Double.Parse(tbXMin.Text), Double.Parse(tbXMax.Text), 1);
         AxisData ay = new AxisData(Double.Parse(tbYMin.Text), Double.Parse(tbYMax.Text), 1);
         cc.AxisRangeX = new AxisData(ax.Min, ax.Max, Math.Abs(ax.Max - ax.Min) / 5);
         cc.AxisRangeY = new AxisData(ay.Min, ay.Max, Math.Abs(ay.Max - ay.Min) / 5);
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Get sensible max, min and step for logarithmic Y axis
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="f"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static AxisData TransformLogY(double[][] f)
            AxisData ad = GetMaxMinLog(f);

            return(TransformLogY(ad.Min, ad.Max));
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns sensible max, min and step value for a certain max and min input
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ad">AxisData</param>
        /// <returns>AxisData</returns>
        public static AxisData  AxisScale(AxisData ad)
            //Don't do anything if the values are fubar
            if (double.IsNaN(ad.Max) || double.IsInfinity(ad.Max) || double.IsNaN(ad.Min) || double.IsInfinity(ad.Min))

            //Make sure that Max != Min
            if (ad.Max == ad.Min)
                if (ad.Max == 0)
                    ad.Max += 0.5;
                    ad.Min -= 0.5;
                    ad.Max += Math.Pow(10, Power(ad.Max)) * 0.5;
                    ad.Min -= Math.Pow(10, Power(ad.Max)) * 0.5;

            //Get maximum power
            int t = MaxPower(ad.Max, ad.Min);

            //Get the 1eMaxPower
            double pow = Math.Pow(10, t);

            //Scale maximum up to closest mantisse
            double temp_min = pow * Math.Floor(ad.Min / pow);

            //Scale minimum down to closest mantisse
            double temp_max = pow * Math.Ceiling(ad.Max / pow);

            //If min and max is equal add 1 to max
            if (temp_min == temp_max)
                temp_max += 1;

            //Calculate the range of mantisse's
            double tmp = Math.Abs(temp_max / pow - temp_min / pow);

            //Try with step 1eMaxPower
            double temp_step = 1 * pow;

            //Scale step according to the range of mantisse's
            if (tmp < 2)
                temp_step = 0.2 * pow;
            else if (tmp < 5)
                temp_step = 0.5 * pow;
            else if (tmp > 10)
                temp_step = 2 * pow;

            //Set max, min, step and return
            ad.Max  = temp_max;
            ad.Min  = temp_min;
            ad.Step = temp_step;
예제 #8
        public void Rescale()
            //Get max and min value and compare too current;
            AxisData tarx;
            AxisData tary;

            arx = new AxisData(double.MaxValue, double.MinValue, 1);
            ary = new AxisData(double.MaxValue, double.MinValue, 1);

            oarx = new AxisData(double.MaxValue, double.MinValue, 1);
            oary = new AxisData(double.MaxValue, double.MinValue, 1);

            ChartData d;

            for (int i = 0; i < this.Length; i++)
                d = this[i];

                if (d.AxisRangeX.Max != 1e-31 && (d.AxisRangeX.Max != d.AxisRangeX.Min) && !AutoScale)
                    tarx = d.AxisRangeX;
                    switch (AxisTypeX)
                    case AxisType.LOG:
                        tarx = GraphMath.GetMaxMinLog(d.X);

                    case AxisType.LIN:
                        tarx = GraphMath.TransformNoScale(d.X);

                        tarx = GraphMath.TransformNoScale(d.X);
                if (d.AxisRangeY.Max != 1e-31 && (d.AxisRangeY.Max != d.AxisRangeY.Min) && !AutoScale)
                    tary = d.AxisRangeY;
                    switch (AxisTypeY)
                    case AxisType.LOG:
                        tary = GraphMath.GetMaxMinLog(d.Y);

                    case AxisType.LIN:
                        tary = GraphMath.TransformNoScale(d.Y);

                        tary = GraphMath.TransformNoScale(d.Y);

                if (arx.Max < tarx.Max)
                    arx.Max = tarx.Max;
                if (arx.Min > tarx.Min)
                    arx.Min = tarx.Min;

                if (ary.Max < tary.Max)
                    ary.Max = tary.Max;
                if (ary.Min > tary.Min)
                    ary.Min = tary.Min;

            if (arx.Max == double.MinValue)
                arx.Max = 10;
            if (arx.Min == double.MaxValue)
                arx.Min = arx.Max - 10;

            if (ary.Max == double.MinValue)
                ary.Max = 10;
            if (ary.Min == double.MaxValue)
                ary.Min = ary.Max - 10;

            arx.Step = Math.Abs(arx.Max - arx.Min) / 5;
            ary.Step = Math.Abs(ary.Max - ary.Min) / 5;

            oarx = arx;
            oary = ary;
예제 #9
 public void RestoreOriginalAxis()
     arx = oarx;
     ary = oary;