private void slingHandler() { //Animation Handler if (slingInit) { animation = "jump"; shouldSlamTimer++; if (shouldSlamTimer >= shouldSlamTimerMax) { shouldSlam = true; } if (((Gravity)getTrait("gravity")).grounded) { if (shouldSlam) { PlayerSprites.fall.Play(); //Camera.Shake(100, 15); //ParticleHandler.particles.Add(new PlayerSmash(x, y, isFacingRight)); } slingInit = false; } } else { shouldSlamTimer = 0; shouldSlam = false; } //Handles Trajectory Calculations if (!isSlinging || isAttacking) { return; } projections = new Projection[projectionRange / toProjectModifier]; int projected = 0; float ghostX = x; float ghostY = y; float xPower = (startingX - mouse.X) * dragPower; float yPower = (startingY - mouse.Y) * dragPower; //Sets ghost delta position to power or to max power float ghostDx = (xPower > maxSlingPowerX || xPower < -maxSlingPowerX) ? xPower > 0 ? maxSlingPowerX : -maxSlingPowerX : xPower; float ghostDy = (yPower > maxSlingPowerY || yPower < -maxSlingPowerY) ? yPower > 0 ? maxSlingPowerY : -maxSlingPowerY : yPower; float ghostWeight = ((Gravity)getTrait("gravity")).weight; float ghostFriction = ((Friction)getTrait("friction")).airCoefficient; List <Hitbox> ghostHitboxes; ghostHitboxes = ((Rigidbody)getTrait("rigidbody")).hitboxes; //Temporary variable to detect when projection has hit an object Boolean detected = false; //Applies ground friction to first itteration for more accurate projection ghostDx -= ghostDx - (ghostDx) / ((Friction)getTrait("friction")).coefficient; // Simulate Trajectory // for (int i = 0; i < projectionRange; i++) { //Apply Gravity ghostDy += ghostWeight; // * //Apply Friction ghostDx -= ghostDx - (ghostDx) / ghostFriction; //Detect If Colliding for (int j = 0; j < EntityHandler.entities.Count; j++) { Entity entity = EntityHandler.entities[j]; if (entity.classId == "player" || !entity.hasTrait("rigidbody")) { continue; } for (int k = 0; k < ghostHitboxes.Count; k++) { Hitbox ghostHitbox = ghostHitboxes[k]; Rigidbody entityRigidbody = ((Rigidbody)entity.getTrait("rigidbody")); for (int l = 0; l < entityRigidbody.hitboxes.Count; l++) { Hitbox entityHitbox = entityRigidbody.hitboxes[l]; //Rectangle collision on entities. If true, end loop and tell where is if (Utils.rectCollision(ghostX - ghostHitbox.diffX, ghostY - ghostHitbox.diffY, ghostHitbox.width, ghostHitbox.height, entityHitbox.x, entityHitbox.y, entityHitbox.width, entityHitbox.height)) { detected = true; break; } } if (detected) { break; } } if (detected) { break; } } //Settle expected landing position if detected, then break if (detected) { projections[projections.Length - 1] = new Projection(ghostX, ghostY); break; } //Draws Projections In Series if ((projectionRange % toProjectModifier) == 0 && projected != projections.Length - 1) { projections[projected] = new Projection(ghostX, ghostY); projected++; } //Move Ghost ghostX += ghostDx; ghostY += ghostDy; } }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice) { //Draw Hitbox Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(graphicsDevice, 1, 1, false, SurfaceFormat.Color); texture.SetData <Color>(new Color[] { Color.White }); spriteBatch.Begin(samplerState: SamplerState.PointClamp); if (showHitbox) { for (int i = 0; i < ((Rigidbody)getTrait("rigidbody")).hitboxes.Count; i++) { Hitbox hitbox = ((Rigidbody)getTrait("rigidbody")).hitboxes[i]; spriteBatch.Draw(texture, new Rectangle((int)(hitbox.x - Camera.X), (int)(hitbox.y - Camera.Y), (int)(hitbox.width), (int)(hitbox.height)), Color.White); } } //Console.WriteLine(Camera.gameScale); float scale = 4 * Camera.gameScale; Hitbox myHitbox = ((Rigidbody)getTrait("rigidbody")).hitboxes[0]; //Draw Frog Sprites Rectangle DR = new Rectangle( (int)(x - PlayerSprites.frogSize.X * scale / 2 - Camera.X), (int)(((y + height / 2) - (PlayerSprites.frogSize.Y - 12) * scale) - Camera.Y), (int)(PlayerSprites.frogSize.X * scale), (int)(PlayerSprites.frogSize.Y * scale)); int trueAnimator = (int)(animator / aniMod); switch (animation) { case "neutral": if (isFacingRight) { spriteBatch.Draw(PlayerSprites.frog, DR, sourceRectangle: PlayerSprites.idle[trueAnimator], color: Color.White); break; } spriteBatch.Draw(PlayerSprites.frog, destinationRectangle: DR, sourceRectangle: PlayerSprites.idle[trueAnimator], effects: SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally, color: Color.White); break; case "jump": if (isFacingRight) { spriteBatch.Draw(PlayerSprites.frog, DR, sourceRectangle: PlayerSprites.jump[trueAnimator], color: Color.White); break; } spriteBatch.Draw(PlayerSprites.frog, destinationRectangle: DR, sourceRectangle: PlayerSprites.jump[trueAnimator], effects: SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally, color: Color.White); break; case "openMouth": if (isFacingRight) { spriteBatch.Draw(PlayerSprites.frog, DR, sourceRectangle: PlayerSprites.openMouth[trueAnimator], color: Color.White); break; } spriteBatch.Draw(PlayerSprites.frog, destinationRectangle: DR, sourceRectangle: PlayerSprites.openMouth[trueAnimator], effects: SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally, color: Color.White); break; case "swing": if (isFacingRight) { spriteBatch.Draw(PlayerSprites.frog, destinationRectangle: DR, sourceRectangle: PlayerSprites.swing[trueAnimator], color: Color.White); break; } spriteBatch.Draw(PlayerSprites.frog, destinationRectangle: DR, sourceRectangle: PlayerSprites.swing[trueAnimator], effects: SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally, color: Color.White); break; } //Draw Cursor moved to cursor handler spriteBatch.End(); spriteBatch.Begin(samplerState: SamplerState.PointClamp); if (isSwinging) { //Draw Tongue Utils.DrawLine(spriteBatch, new Vector2((int)(sox - Camera.X), (int)(soy - Camera.Y)), new Vector2((int)(x - Camera.X), (int)(y - 45 * Camera.gameScale - Camera.Y)), new Color(70, 135, 143), 5f); //Draw End Of Tongue spriteBatch.Draw(PlayerSprites.frog, new Rectangle((int)(sox - 80 * scale / 2 - Camera.X), (int)(((soy + height / 2) - (PlayerSprites.frogSize.Y - 6) * scale) - Camera.Y), (int)(80 * scale), (int)(60 * scale)), sourceRectangle: PlayerSprites.tongueEnd[0], color: Color.White); } if (isSlinging) { //Shows projection dots of estemated trajectory for (int i = 0; i < projections.Count(); i++) { Projection projection = projections[i]; if (projection == null) { continue; } //Draws Projection Dots spriteBatch.Draw(texture, new Rectangle((int)(projection.x - Camera.X), (int)(projection.y - Camera.Y), 5, 5), new Color(226, 243, 228)); } //Shows line from starting sling to current mouse position Utils.DrawLine(spriteBatch, new Vector2((int)(mouse.X), (int)(mouse.Y)), new Vector2((int)(startingX), (int)(startingY)), Color.Black); } spriteBatch.End(); texture.Dispose(); }