public PlayerX(GameplayObject player,Texture2D texture) { this.player=player; player.Texture=texture; player.Rotation = MathHelper.ToRadians(-90); positionX = 0; positionY = 0; }
public Player(GameplayObject player, float ms, float fa, float ba, float fv, float mfv, float mbv, Texture2D texture,Vector2 position) { this.player = player; = ms; this.fa = fa; = ba; this.fv = fv; this.mfv = mfv; this.mbv = mbv; player.Texture = texture; player.Position = position; player.Rotation = MathHelper.ToRadians(-90); //use origin for coordinate system// origin = new GameplayObject(); origin.Texture = texture; origin.Position = position; }
/// <summary> /// Collision logic with another GameplayObject /// </summary> /// <param name="target"></param> public virtual void Collision(GameplayObject target) { }
private void ProcessData(byte[] data) { readStream.SetLength(0); readStream.Position = 0; readStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); readStream.Position = 0; Protocol p; try { p = (Protocol)reader.ReadByte(); if (p == Protocol.Connected) { byte id = reader.ReadByte(); string ip = reader.ReadString(); if (!enemyConnected) { enemyConnected = true; enemy.Rotation = MathHelper.ToRadians(90); enemy.Position = new Vector2(0 + enemy.Rectangle.X, 0 + enemy.Rectangle.Y); writeStream.Position = 0; writer.Write((byte)Protocol.Connected); SendData(GetDataFromMemoryStream(writeStream)); } } else if (p == Protocol.Disconnected) { enemyConnected = false; byte id = reader.ReadByte(); string ip = reader.ReadString(); enemy = null; } else if (p == Protocol.PlayerMoved) { float px = reader.ReadSingle(); float py = reader.ReadSingle(); byte id = reader.ReadByte(); string ip = reader.ReadString(); enemy.Position = new Vector2(enemy.Position.X + px, enemy.Position.Y - py); } else if (p == Protocol.BulletCreated) { GameplayObject bullet = new GameplayObject(); bullet.Texture = bulletTexture; bullet.Position = enemy.Position; bullet.Rotation = enemy.Rotation; bullet.Speed = 200; bullet.Velocity = new Vector2(bullet.Speed * (float)Math.Cos(bullet.Rotation), bullet.Speed * (float)Math.Sin(bullet.Rotation)); enemyBullets.Add(bullet); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world, /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { previous = current; current = Keyboard.GetState(); // Allows the game to exit if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.ButtonState.Pressed) this.Exit(); // TODO: Add your update logic here Vector2 iPosition = new Vector2(player.Position.X, player.Position.Y); Vector2 movement = Vector2.Zero; if (current.IsKeyDown(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Left)) player.Rotation += MathHelper.ToRadians(-ms); if (current.IsKeyDown(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Right)) player.Rotation += MathHelper.ToRadians(+ms); if (current.IsKeyDown(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Up)) { if (fv < mfv) fv += fa; } if (current.IsKeyDown(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Down)) { if (fv > mbv) fv -= ba; } movement.X = fv * (float)Math.Cos(player.Rotation); movement.Y = fv * (float)Math.Sin(player.Rotation); player.Velocity = movement; player.Update(gameTime); foreach (GameplayObject gameObject in playerBullets) gameObject.Update(gameTime); foreach (GameplayObject gameObject in enemyBullets) gameObject.Update(gameTime); Vector2 nPosition = new Vector2(player.Position.X, player.Position.Y); Vector2 dPosition = Vector2.Subtract(nPosition, iPosition); if (dPosition != Vector2.Zero) { writeStream.Position = 0; writer.Write((byte)Protocol.PlayerMoved); writer.Write(dPosition.X); writer.Write(dPosition.Y); SendData(GetDataFromMemoryStream(writeStream)); } if (bulletTimer.TotalSeconds > 0) bulletTimer = bulletTimer.Subtract(gameTime.ElapsedGameTime); else { if (current.IsKeyDown(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Space) && previous.IsKeyUp(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Space)) { GameplayObject bullet = new GameplayObject(); bullet.Texture = bulletTexture; bullet.Position = player.Position; bullet.Rotation = player.Rotation; bullet.Speed = 200; bullet.Velocity = new Vector2(bullet.Speed * (float)Math.Cos(bullet.Rotation), bullet.Speed * (float)Math.Sin(bullet.Rotation)); writeStream.Position = 0; writer.Write((byte)Protocol.BulletCreated); SendData(GetDataFromMemoryStream(writeStream)); playerBullets.Add(bullet); bulletTimer = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(shotseconds); } } base.Update(gameTime); }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run. /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic /// related content. Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components /// and initialize them as well. /// </summary> protected override void Initialize() { // TODO: Add your initialization logic here enemyConnected=false; readStream = new MemoryStream(); reader = new BinaryReader(readStream); writeStream = new MemoryStream(); writer = new BinaryWriter(writeStream); player = new GameplayObject(); enemy = new GameplayObject(); playerBullets = new List<GameplayObject>(10); enemyBullets = new List<GameplayObject>(10); current = previous = Keyboard.GetState(); shotseconds = 5; bulletTimer = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(shotseconds); base.Initialize(); }