예제 #1
        private static void transferProc(object o)
            //Cast our transfer queue from the parameter.
            queue queue = (queue)o;

            //If Running is true, the thread will keep going
            //If queue.Index is not the file length, the thread will continue.
            while (queue.Running && queue.Index < queue.Length)
                //We will call WaitOne to see if we're paused or not.
                //If we are, it will block until notified.

                //Just in case the transfer was paused then stopped, check to see if we're still running
                if (!queue.Running)

                //Lock the file buffer so only one queue can use it at a time.
                lock (file_buffer)
                    //Set the read position to our current position
                    queue.FS.Position = queue.Index;

                    //Read a chunk into our buffer.
                    int read = queue.FS.Read(file_buffer, 0, file_buffer.Length);

                    //Create our packet writer and send our chunk packet.
                    PacketWriter pw = new PacketWriter();

                    pw.Write(file_buffer, 0, read);

                    /*The reason the buffer size is 8175 is so it'll be about 8 kilobytes
                     * It should be 8192, but its 8191. I missed a byte since I had to make a quick change, but eh.
                     * 4 Bytes = ID
                     * 8 Bytes = Index
                     * 4 Bytes = read
                     * 8175 Bytes = file_buffer
                     * All together (If the file buffer is full) 8192 Bytes

                    //Increase our data transffered and read index.
                    queue.Transferred += read;
                    queue.Index       += read;

                    //Send our data

                    //Get our progress
                    queue.Progress = (int)((queue.Transferred * 100) / queue.Length);

                    if (queue.LastProgress < queue.Progress)
                        queue.LastProgress = queue.Progress;


                    //Sleep for a millisecond so we don't kill our CPU
            queue.Close(); //Once the loop is broken, close the queue.
예제 #2
        private void process()
            PacketReader pr = new PacketReader(_buffer); //Create our packet reader.

            Headers header = (Headers)pr.ReadByte();     //Read and cast our header.

            switch (header)
            case Headers.Queue:
                //Read the ID, Filename and length of the file (For progress) from the packet.
                int id = pr.ReadInt32();

                //string Shortname = pr.ReadString();
                string type     = pr.ReadString();
                string fileName = pr.ReadString();
                long   length   = pr.ReadInt64();

                //Create our queueload queue.
                queue queue = queue.CreateDownloadQueue(this, id, type, Path.Combine(OutputFolder,
                                                                                     fileName), length);

                //Add it to our transfer list.
                _transfers.Add(id, queue);

                //  Call queued.
                if (Queued != null)
                    Queued(this, queue);

            case Headers.Start:
                //Read the ID
                int id = pr.ReadInt32();

                //Start the upload.
                if (_transfers.ContainsKey(id))
            //case Headers.Stop:
            //    {
            //        //Read the ID
            //        int id = pr.ReadInt32();

            //        if (_transfers.ContainsKey(id))
            //        {
            //            //Get the queue.
            //            TransferQueue queue = _transfers[id];

            //            //Stop and close the queue
            //            queue.Stop();
            //            queue.Close();

            //            //Call the stopped event.
            //            if (Stopped != null)
            //                Stopped(this, queue);

            //            //Remove the queue
            //            _transfers.Remove(id);
            //        }
            //    }
            //    break;
            //case Headers.Pause:
            //    {
            //        int id = pr.ReadInt32();

            //        //Pause the upload.
            //        if (_transfers.ContainsKey(id))
            //        {
            //            _transfers[id].Pause();
            //        }
            //    }
            //    break;
            case Headers.Chunk:
                //Read the ID, index, size and buffer from the packet.
                int    id     = pr.ReadInt32();
                long   index  = pr.ReadInt64();
                int    size   = pr.ReadInt32();
                byte[] buffer = pr.ReadBytes(size);

                //Get the queue.
                queue queue = _transfers[id];

                //Write the newly transferred bytes to the queue based on the write index.
                queue.Write(buffer, index);

                //Get the progress of the current transfer with the formula
                //(AMOUNT_TRANSFERRED * 100) / COMPLETE SIZE
                queue.Progress = (int)((queue.Transferred * 100) / queue.Length);

                //This will prevent the us from calling progress changed multiple times.

                /* Such as
                 * 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 (Since the actual progress minus the decimals will be the same for a bit
                 * It will be
                 * 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
                 * Instead*/
                if (queue.LastProgress < queue.Progress)
                    queue.LastProgress = queue.Progress;

                    if (ProgressChanged != null)
                        ProgressChanged(this, queue);

                    //If the transfer is complete, call the event.
                    if (queue.Progress == 100)

                        if (Complete != null)
                            Complete(this, queue);
            pr.Dispose(); //Dispose the reader.