예제 #1
  * Create Customer
 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //testing adding a static customer - trying out SWK api's
     if (txtNewCustomer.Text != "")
         int newId = ApiAccess.addSWKCustomer(txtNewCustomer.Text, "Joe", "Bigshot", "1 Main St.", "2nd Fl", "New York", "NY", "10010", "USA", "*****@*****.**", "netlibpwd??", "555-1212", "555-1313", "Joey");
         if (newId < 0)
             MessageBox.Show("Error adding user. Error was: " + newId.ToString());
             // Success!!  Maybe here add the user to the SQL database?
예제 #2
         * procAccounts - by range, single or allfrom SQL - fill the passed-in Cust list box with the names of processed accounts and
         * License lst box with processed licenses
        public static void procAccounts(int searchtype, string clientid1, string clientid2, ListBox lstCustBox, ListBox lstLicBox, bool test, bool custonly)
            string AddCustResult = "";
            bool   SkipError     = false;
            string newCustID     = "";

            //Set up file names to send results
            // Set a variable to the Documents path.
            string docPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);

            //create file name
            DateTime d            = DateTime.Now;
            string   dateString   = d.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
            string   custfilename = "customers-" + dateString + ".txt";
            string   custfullpath = Path.Combine(docPath, custfilename);
            string   licfilename  = "licenses-" + dateString + ".txt";
            string   licfullpath  = Path.Combine(docPath, licfilename);

            // Write header line to a new results files
            string custfiletext = "AcctName \t ClientID:  \t Add Result  \t LicResult" + Environment.NewLine;

            File.WriteAllText(custfullpath, custfiletext);
            string licfiletext = "AcctName  \t clientID  \t SerialNum \t LicType  \t CustomerID  \t AddLicResult \t LicID \t LicPW \t AddLicNotes" + Environment.NewLine;

            File.WriteAllText(licfullpath, licfiletext);

            // Open connection to SQL Server
            string        connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NetlibApi1.Properties.Settings.custdb"].ConnectionString;
            SqlConnection dbConAcct        = new SqlConnection(connectionString); // "Server=;Database=SWKExchange;User Id=swkdata;Password=MollyLinus;"


            // Command
            DbCommand dbCmdAcct = dbConAcct.CreateCommand();

            // search all
            if (searchtype == 1)
                dbCmdAcct.CommandText = "select * from AcctContact order by AccountID";
            //search single
            if (searchtype == 2)
                dbCmdAcct.CommandText  = "select * from AcctContact";
                dbCmdAcct.CommandText += " where ClientID = '" + clientid1 + "'";
                dbCmdAcct.CommandText += " order by ClientID";
            //search Range
                dbCmdAcct.CommandText  = "select * from AcctContact";
                dbCmdAcct.CommandText += " where ClientID BETWEEN '" + clientid1 + "' and '" + clientid2 + "'";
                dbCmdAcct.CommandText += " order by ClientID";

            // Get the data
            DbDataReader rsDataAcct = dbCmdAcct.ExecuteReader();

            if (rsDataAcct.HasRows)
                while (rsDataAcct.Read())
                    string AcctName = rsDataAcct["AccountName"].ToString();
                    string clientID = rsDataAcct["ClientID"].ToString();
                    string Acctid   = rsDataAcct["AccountID"].ToString();

                    // Has this customer been added to Soloserver previously
                    string SWCustomerID = rsDataAcct["SWCustomerID"].ToString();
                    if (SWCustomerID == "")
                        // add Account to SoloServer
                        string firstName = rsDataAcct["FirstName"].ToString();
                        string lastName  = rsDataAcct["LastName"].ToString();
                        string address1  = rsDataAcct["AddressLine1"].ToString();
                        string address2  = rsDataAcct["AddressLine2"].ToString();
                        string city      = rsDataAcct["City"].ToString();
                        string state     = rsDataAcct["StateProvince"].ToString();
                        string zip       = rsDataAcct["PostalCode"].ToString();
                        string country   = rsDataAcct["Country"].ToString();
                        string email     = rsDataAcct["Email"].ToString();
                        string pwd       = rsDataAcct["dnld_userpw"].ToString();
                        string nickname  = "GMClientID: " + rsDataAcct["GMClientID"].ToString();

                        int newId = ApiAccess.addSWKCustomer(AcctName, firstName, lastName, address1, address2, city, state, zip, country, email, pwd, "", "", nickname);
                        if (newId < 0)
                            // Error with SWK add
                            AddCustResult = "Add Error: " + newId.ToString();
                            SkipError     = true;
                            // successful SWK add
                            newCustID     = newId.ToString();
                            AddCustResult = "Added: " + newCustID + "pw: " + pwd;

                            // update Account record in SQL with SWK data
                            string updResult = DataAccess.updateCustSWKData(Acctid, newCustID, pwd, email, "Insert");
                            AddCustResult += " " + updResult;
                        // has been previously added according to Account Record
                        // confirm customer on SoloServer and then process licenses.
                        newCustID     = SWCustomerID;
                        AddCustResult = "Prev Add: " + newCustID;

                    if (custonly)
                        SkipError = true;

                    string licResult = "";
                    if (SkipError)
                    { // dont process licenses
                        licResult = "Skipped Licenses";
                        // get licenses for this AcctID
                        int licensesProcessed;
                        licensesProcessed = ImportData.procLicenses(Acctid, newCustID, AcctName, clientID, lstLicBox, licfullpath, test);
                        licResult         = "Lic: " + licensesProcessed.ToString();

                    //list customers processed in box and results file
                    custfiletext = AcctName + " \t ClientID: " + clientID + " \t Add Result: " + AddCustResult + " \t " + licResult;
                    File.AppendAllText(custfullpath, custfiletext + Environment.NewLine);

            // Close Connection