private (int Total, int Logs) GetContentLength(TxReceipt item, RlpBehaviors rlpBehaviors) { var contentLength = 0; var logsLength = 0; if (item == null) { return(contentLength, 0); } bool isStorage = (rlpBehaviors & RlpBehaviors.Storage) != 0; if (isStorage) { contentLength += Rlp.LengthOf(item.BlockHash); contentLength += Rlp.LengthOf(item.BlockNumber); contentLength += Rlp.LengthOf(item.Index); contentLength += Rlp.LengthOf(item.Sender); contentLength += Rlp.LengthOf(item.Recipient); contentLength += Rlp.LengthOf(item.ContractAddress); contentLength += Rlp.LengthOf(item.GasUsed); contentLength += 1 + Rlp.LengthOf(item.TxHash); } contentLength += Rlp.LengthOf(item.GasUsedTotal); contentLength += Rlp.LengthOf(item.Bloom); logsLength = GetLogsLength(item); contentLength += Rlp.GetSequenceRlpLength(logsLength); bool isEip658Receipts = (rlpBehaviors & RlpBehaviors.Eip658Receipts) == RlpBehaviors.Eip658Receipts; if (isEip658Receipts) { contentLength += Rlp.LengthOf(item.StatusCode); } else { contentLength += Rlp.LengthOf(item.PostTransactionState); } contentLength += Rlp.LengthOf(item.Error); return(contentLength, logsLength); }
public TxReceipt Decode(RlpStream rlpStream, RlpBehaviors rlpBehaviors = RlpBehaviors.None) { if (rlpStream.IsNextItemNull()) { rlpStream.ReadByte(); return(null); } TxReceipt txReceipt = new TxReceipt(); _ = rlpStream.ReadSequenceLength(); byte[] firstItem = rlpStream.DecodeByteArray(); if (firstItem.Length == 1 && (firstItem[0] == 0 || firstItem[0] == 1)) { txReceipt.StatusCode = firstItem[0]; txReceipt.GasUsedTotal = (long)rlpStream.DecodeUBigInt(); } else if (firstItem.Length >= 1 && firstItem.Length <= 4) { txReceipt.GasUsedTotal = (long)firstItem.ToUnsignedBigInteger(); txReceipt.SkipStateAndStatusInRlp = true; } else { txReceipt.PostTransactionState = firstItem.Length == 0 ? null : new Keccak(firstItem); txReceipt.GasUsedTotal = (long)rlpStream.DecodeUBigInt(); } txReceipt.Bloom = rlpStream.DecodeBloom(); int lastCheck = rlpStream.ReadSequenceLength() + rlpStream.Position; int numberOfReceipts = rlpStream.ReadNumberOfItemsRemaining(lastCheck); LogEntry[] entries = new LogEntry[numberOfReceipts]; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfReceipts; i++) { entries[i] = Rlp.Decode <LogEntry>(rlpStream, RlpBehaviors.AllowExtraData); } txReceipt.Logs = entries; return(txReceipt); }
public Rlp Encode(BlockInfo item, RlpBehaviors rlpBehaviors = RlpBehaviors.None) { if (item == null) { return(Rlp.OfEmptySequence); } Rlp[] elements = new Rlp[_chainWithFinalization ? 4 : 3]; elements[0] = Rlp.Encode(item.BlockHash); elements[1] = Rlp.Encode(item.WasProcessed); elements[2] = Rlp.Encode(item.TotalDifficulty); if (_chainWithFinalization) { elements[3] = Rlp.Encode(item.IsFinalized); } return(Rlp.Encode(elements)); }
public Block Decode(ref Rlp.ValueDecoderContext decoderContext, RlpBehaviors rlpBehaviors = RlpBehaviors.None) { if (decoderContext.IsNextItemNull()) { decoderContext.ReadByte(); return(null); } int sequenceLength = decoderContext.ReadSequenceLength(); int blockCheck = decoderContext.Position + sequenceLength; BlockHeader header = Rlp.Decode <BlockHeader>(ref decoderContext); int transactionsSequenceLength = decoderContext.ReadSequenceLength(); int transactionsCheck = decoderContext.Position + transactionsSequenceLength; List <Transaction> transactions = new List <Transaction>(); while (decoderContext.Position < transactionsCheck) { transactions.Add(Rlp.Decode <Transaction>(ref decoderContext)); } decoderContext.Check(transactionsCheck); int ommersSequenceLength = decoderContext.ReadSequenceLength(); int ommersCheck = decoderContext.Position + ommersSequenceLength; List <BlockHeader> ommerHeaders = new List <BlockHeader>(); while (decoderContext.Position < ommersCheck) { ommerHeaders.Add(Rlp.Decode <BlockHeader>(ref decoderContext, rlpBehaviors)); } decoderContext.Check(ommersCheck); if ((rlpBehaviors & RlpBehaviors.AllowExtraData) != RlpBehaviors.AllowExtraData) { decoderContext.Check(blockCheck); } return(new Block(header, transactions, ommerHeaders)); }
public Block Decode(RlpStream rlpStream, RlpBehaviors rlpBehaviors = RlpBehaviors.None) { if (rlpStream.IsNextItemNull()) { rlpStream.ReadByte(); return(null); } int sequenceLength = rlpStream.ReadSequenceLength(); int blockCheck = rlpStream.Position + sequenceLength; BlockHeader header = Rlp.Decode <BlockHeader>(rlpStream); int transactionsSequenceLength = rlpStream.ReadSequenceLength(); int transactionsCheck = rlpStream.Position + transactionsSequenceLength; List <Transaction> transactions = new List <Transaction>(); while (rlpStream.Position < transactionsCheck) { transactions.Add(Rlp.Decode <Transaction>(rlpStream)); } rlpStream.Check(transactionsCheck); int ommersSequenceLength = rlpStream.ReadSequenceLength(); int ommersCheck = rlpStream.Position + ommersSequenceLength; List <BlockHeader> ommerHeaders = new List <BlockHeader>(); while (rlpStream.Position < ommersCheck) { ommerHeaders.Add(Rlp.Decode <BlockHeader>(rlpStream, rlpBehaviors)); } rlpStream.Check(ommersCheck); if ((rlpBehaviors & RlpBehaviors.AllowExtraData) != RlpBehaviors.AllowExtraData) { rlpStream.Check(blockCheck); } return(new Block(header, transactions, ommerHeaders)); }
public Rlp Encode(BlockInfo?item, RlpBehaviors rlpBehaviors = RlpBehaviors.None) { if (item == null) { return(Rlp.OfEmptySequence); } bool hasMetadata = item.Metadata != BlockMetadata.None; Rlp[] elements = new Rlp[hasMetadata ? 4 : 3]; elements[0] = Rlp.Encode(item.BlockHash); elements[1] = Rlp.Encode(item.WasProcessed); elements[2] = Rlp.Encode(item.TotalDifficulty); if (hasMetadata) { elements[3] = Rlp.Encode((int)item.Metadata); } return(Rlp.Encode(elements)); }
private static int GetContentLength(BlockHeader?item, RlpBehaviors rlpBehaviors) { if (item is null) { return(0); } bool notForSealing = (rlpBehaviors & RlpBehaviors.ForSealing) != RlpBehaviors.ForSealing; int contentLength = 0 + Rlp.LengthOf(item.ParentHash) + Rlp.LengthOf(item.UnclesHash) + Rlp.LengthOf(item.Beneficiary) + Rlp.LengthOf(item.StateRoot) + Rlp.LengthOf(item.TxRoot) + Rlp.LengthOf(item.ReceiptsRoot) + Rlp.LengthOf(item.Bloom) + Rlp.LengthOf(item.Difficulty) + Rlp.LengthOf(item.Number) + Rlp.LengthOf(item.GasLimit) + Rlp.LengthOf(item.GasUsed) + Rlp.LengthOf(item.Timestamp) + Rlp.LengthOf(item.ExtraData) + (item.Number < Eip1559TransitionBlock ? 0 : Rlp.LengthOf(item.BaseFeePerGas)); if (notForSealing) { bool isAuRa = item.AuRaSignature != null; if (isAuRa) { contentLength += Rlp.LengthOf(item.AuRaStep !.Value); contentLength += Rlp.LengthOf(item.AuRaSignature); } else { contentLength += Rlp.LengthOf(item.MixHash); contentLength += Rlp.LengthOfNonce(item.Nonce); } } return(contentLength); }
public static Rlp Encode( Transaction transaction, bool forSigning, bool isEip155Enabled = false, int chainId = 0) { Rlp[] sequence = new Rlp[forSigning && !(isEip155Enabled && chainId != 0) ? 6 : 9]; sequence[0] = Encode(transaction.Nonce); sequence[1] = Encode(transaction.GasPrice); sequence[2] = Encode(transaction.GasLimit); sequence[3] = Encode(transaction.To); sequence[4] = Encode(transaction.Value); sequence[5] = Encode(transaction.To == null ? transaction.Init : transaction.Data); if (forSigning) { if (isEip155Enabled && chainId != 0) { sequence[6] = Encode(chainId); sequence[7] = OfEmptyByteArray; sequence[8] = OfEmptyByteArray; } } else { // TODO: below obviously fails when Signature is null sequence[6] = transaction.Signature == null ? OfEmptyByteArray : Encode(transaction.Signature.V); sequence[7] = Encode(transaction.Signature == null ? null : transaction.Signature.RAsSpan .WithoutLeadingZeros()); // TODO: consider storing R and S differently sequence[8] = Encode(transaction.Signature == null ? null : transaction.Signature.SAsSpan .WithoutLeadingZeros()); // TODO: consider storing R and S differently } return(Encode(sequence)); }
private int GetContentLength(BlockHeader item, RlpBehaviors rlpBehaviors) { if (item == null) { return(0); } bool notForSealing = (rlpBehaviors & RlpBehaviors.ForSealing) != RlpBehaviors.ForSealing; int contentLength = 0 + Rlp.LengthOf(item.ParentHash) + Rlp.LengthOf(item.OmmersHash) + Rlp.LengthOf(item.Beneficiary) + Rlp.LengthOf(item.StateRoot) + Rlp.LengthOf(item.TxRoot) + Rlp.LengthOf(item.ReceiptsRoot) + Rlp.LengthOf(item.Bloom) + Rlp.LengthOf(item.Difficulty) + Rlp.LengthOf(item.Number) + Rlp.LengthOf(item.GasLimit) + Rlp.LengthOf(item.GasUsed) + Rlp.LengthOf(item.Timestamp) + Rlp.LengthOf(item.ExtraData); if (notForSealing) { var isAUra = item.AuRaSignature != null; if (isAUra) { contentLength += Rlp.LengthOf(item.AuRaStep.Value); contentLength += Rlp.LengthOf(item.AuRaSignature); } else { contentLength += Rlp.LengthOf(item.MixHash); contentLength += Rlp.LengthOf(item.Nonce); } } return(contentLength); }
public Rlp Encode(ChainLevelInfo?item, RlpBehaviors rlpBehaviors = RlpBehaviors.None) { if (item == null) { return(Rlp.OfEmptySequence); } for (int i = 0; i < item.BlockInfos.Length; i++) { if (item.BlockInfos[i] == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(BlockInfo)} is null when encoding {nameof(ChainLevelInfo)}"); } } Rlp[] elements = new Rlp[2]; elements[0] = Rlp.Encode(item.HasBlockOnMainChain); elements[1] = Rlp.Encode(item.BlockInfos); Rlp rlp = Rlp.Encode(elements); return(rlp); }
public static Rlp Encode <T>(T[] items, RlpBehaviors behaviors = RlpBehaviors.None) { if (items == null) { return(OfEmptySequence); } var rlpDecoder = GetDecoder <T>(); if (rlpDecoder != null) { Rlp[] rlpSequence = new Rlp[items.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++) { rlpSequence[i] = items[i] == null ? OfEmptySequence : rlpDecoder.Encode(items[i], behaviors); } return(Encode(rlpSequence)); } throw new RlpException($"{nameof(Rlp)} does not support encoding {typeof(T).Name}"); }
public ChainLevelInfo?Decode(RlpStream rlpStream, RlpBehaviors rlpBehaviors = RlpBehaviors.None) { if (rlpStream.Length == 0) { throw new RlpException($"Received a 0 length stream when decoding a {nameof(ChainLevelInfo)}"); } if (rlpStream.IsNextItemNull()) { return(null); } int lastCheck = rlpStream.ReadSequenceLength() + rlpStream.Position; bool hasMainChainBlock = rlpStream.DecodeBool(); List <BlockInfo> blockInfos = new(); rlpStream.ReadSequenceLength(); while (rlpStream.Position < lastCheck) { // block info can be null for corrupted states (also cases where block hash is null from the old DBs) BlockInfo?blockInfo = Rlp.Decode <BlockInfo?>(rlpStream, RlpBehaviors.AllowExtraData); if (blockInfo is not null) { blockInfos.Add(blockInfo); } } if ((rlpBehaviors & RlpBehaviors.AllowExtraData) != RlpBehaviors.AllowExtraData) { rlpStream.Check(lastCheck); } ChainLevelInfo info = new(hasMainChainBlock, blockInfos.ToArray()); return(info); }
public Rlp Encode(TxReceipt item, RlpBehaviors rlpBehaviors = RlpBehaviors.None) { return(Rlp.Encode( (rlpBehaviors & RlpBehaviors.Eip658Receipts) == RlpBehaviors.Eip658Receipts ? Rlp.Encode(item.StatusCode) : Rlp.Encode(item.PostTransactionState), Rlp.Encode(item.GasUsedTotal), Rlp.Encode(item.Bloom), Rlp.Encode(item.Logs))); }
public int GetLength(TxReceipt item, RlpBehaviors rlpBehaviors) { return(Rlp.LengthOfSequence(GetContentLength(item, rlpBehaviors).Total)); }
public static T Decode <T>(Rlp oldRlp, RlpBehaviors rlpBehaviors = RlpBehaviors.None) { return(Decode <T>(oldRlp.Bytes.AsRlpStream(), rlpBehaviors)); }
public void Encode(BigInteger bigInteger, int outputLength = -1) { Rlp rlp = bigInteger == 0 ? Rlp.OfEmptyByteArray : Rlp.Encode(bigInteger.ToBigEndianByteArray(outputLength)); Write(rlp.Bytes); }
public int GetLength(Transaction item, RlpBehaviors rlpBehaviors) => Rlp.GetSequenceRlpLength(GetContentLength(item, false));
public Rlp Encode(TxReceipt item, RlpBehaviors rlpBehaviors = RlpBehaviors.None) { bool isStorage = (rlpBehaviors & RlpBehaviors.Storage) != 0; if (isStorage) { return(Rlp.Encode( (rlpBehaviors & RlpBehaviors.Eip658Receipts) == RlpBehaviors.Eip658Receipts ? Rlp.Encode(item.StatusCode) : Rlp.Encode(item.PostTransactionState), Rlp.Encode(item.BlockHash), Rlp.Encode(item.BlockNumber), Rlp.Encode(item.Index), Rlp.Encode(item.Sender), Rlp.Encode(item.Recipient), Rlp.Encode(item.ContractAddress), Rlp.Encode(item.GasUsed), Rlp.Encode(item.GasUsedTotal), Rlp.Encode(item.Bloom), Rlp.Encode(item.Logs), Rlp.Encode(item.Error))); } return(Rlp.Encode( (rlpBehaviors & RlpBehaviors.Eip658Receipts) == RlpBehaviors.Eip658Receipts ? Rlp.Encode(item.StatusCode) : Rlp.Encode(item.PostTransactionState), Rlp.Encode(item.GasUsedTotal), Rlp.Encode(item.Bloom), Rlp.Encode(item.Logs))); }
public int GetLength(BlockHeader?item, RlpBehaviors rlpBehaviors) { return(Rlp.LengthOfSequence(GetContentLength(item, rlpBehaviors))); }
public TxReceipt Decode(RlpStream rlpStream, RlpBehaviors rlpBehaviors = RlpBehaviors.None) { if (rlpStream.IsNextItemNull()) { rlpStream.ReadByte(); return(null); } bool isStorage = (rlpBehaviors & RlpBehaviors.Storage) != 0; TxReceipt txReceipt = new TxReceipt(); rlpStream.ReadSequenceLength(); byte[] firstItem = rlpStream.DecodeByteArray(); if (firstItem.Length == 1) { txReceipt.StatusCode = firstItem[0]; } else { txReceipt.PostTransactionState = firstItem.Length == 0 ? null : new Keccak(firstItem); } if (isStorage) { txReceipt.BlockHash = rlpStream.DecodeKeccak(); } if (isStorage) { txReceipt.BlockNumber = (long)rlpStream.DecodeUInt256(); } if (isStorage) { txReceipt.Index = rlpStream.DecodeInt(); } if (isStorage) { txReceipt.Sender = rlpStream.DecodeAddress(); } if (isStorage) { txReceipt.Recipient = rlpStream.DecodeAddress(); } if (isStorage) { txReceipt.ContractAddress = rlpStream.DecodeAddress(); } if (isStorage) { txReceipt.GasUsed = (long)rlpStream.DecodeUBigInt(); } txReceipt.GasUsedTotal = (long)rlpStream.DecodeUBigInt(); txReceipt.Bloom = rlpStream.DecodeBloom(); int lastCheck = rlpStream.ReadSequenceLength() + rlpStream.Position; List <LogEntry> logEntries = new List <LogEntry>(); while (rlpStream.Position < lastCheck) { logEntries.Add(Rlp.Decode <LogEntry>(rlpStream, RlpBehaviors.AllowExtraData)); } bool allowExtraData = (rlpBehaviors & RlpBehaviors.AllowExtraData) != 0; if (!allowExtraData) { rlpStream.Check(lastCheck); } if (!allowExtraData) { if (isStorage && _supportTxHash) { // since txHash was added later and may not be in rlp, we provide special mark byte that it will be next if (rlpStream.PeekByte() == MarkTxHashByte) { rlpStream.ReadByte(); txReceipt.TxHash = rlpStream.DecodeKeccak(); } } // since error was added later we can only rely on it in cases where we read receipt only and no data follows, empty errors might not be serialized if (rlpStream.Position != rlpStream.Length) { txReceipt.Error = rlpStream.DecodeString(); } } txReceipt.Logs = logEntries.ToArray(); return(txReceipt); }
public int GetLength(Keccak item, RlpBehaviors rlpBehaviors) => Rlp.LengthOf(item);
public Rlp Encode(Keccak item, RlpBehaviors rlpBehaviors = RlpBehaviors.None) => Rlp.Encode(item);