/// <summary>
        /// Tests if an edge of the maximal edge ring is already linked into
        /// a minimal <see cref="OverlayEdgeRing"/>. If so, this node has already been processed
        /// earlier in the maximal edgering linking scan.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="edge">An edge of a maximal edgering</param>
        /// <param name="maxRing">The maximal edgering</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the edge has already been linked into a minimal edgering.</returns>
        private static bool IsAlreadyLinked(OverlayEdge edge, MaximalEdgeRing maxRing)
            bool isLinked = edge.MaxEdgeRing == maxRing &&

예제 #2
 private void LinkResultAreaEdgesMax(IEnumerable <OverlayEdge> resultEdges)
     foreach (var edge in resultEdges)
         // TODO: find some way to skip nodes which are already linked
 private static OverlayEdge SelectMaxOutEdge(OverlayEdge currOut, MaximalEdgeRing maxEdgeRing)
     // select if currOut edge is part of this max ring
     if (currOut.MaxEdgeRing == maxEdgeRing)
     // otherwise skip this edge
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// For all OverlayEdges in result, form them into MaximalEdgeRings
        /// </summary>
        private static List <MaximalEdgeRing> BuildMaximalRings(IEnumerable <OverlayEdge> edges)
            var edgeRings = new List <MaximalEdgeRing>();

            foreach (var e in edges)
                if (e.IsInResultArea && e.Label.IsBoundaryEither)
                    // if this edge has not yet been processed
                    if (e.MaxEdgeRing == null)
                        var er = new MaximalEdgeRing(e);
        private static OverlayEdge LinkMaxInEdge(OverlayEdge currOut,
                                                 OverlayEdge currMaxRingOut,
                                                 MaximalEdgeRing maxEdgeRing)
            var currIn = currOut.SymOE;

            // currIn is not in this max-edgering, so keep looking
            if (currIn.MaxEdgeRing != maxEdgeRing)

            //Debug.println("Found result in-edge:  " + currIn);

            currIn.NextResult = currMaxRingOut;
            //Debug.println("Linked Min Edge:  " + currIn + " -> " + currMaxRingOut);
            // return null to indicate to scan for the next max-ring out-edge
        /// <summary>
        /// Links the edges of a <see cref="MaximalEdgeRing"/> around this node
        /// into minimal edge rings (<see cref="OverlayEdgeRing"/>s).
        /// Minimal ring edges are linked in the opposite orientation (CW)
        /// to the maximal ring.
        /// This changes self-touching rings into a two or more separate rings,
        /// as per the OGC SFS polygon topology semantics.
        /// This relinking must be done to each max ring separately,
        /// rather than all the node result edges, since there may be
        /// more than one max ring incident at the node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="maxRing">The maximal ring to link</param>
        /// <param name="nodeEdge">An edge originating at this node</param>
        private static void LinkMinRingEdgesAtNode(OverlayEdge nodeEdge, MaximalEdgeRing maxRing)
            //Assert.isTrue(nodeEdge.isInResult(), "Attempt to link non-result edge");

             * The node edge is an out-edge,
             * so it is the first edge linked
             * with the next CCW in-edge
            var endOut         = nodeEdge;
            var currMaxRingOut = endOut;
            var currOut        = endOut.ONextOE;

            //Debug.println("\n------  Linking node MIN ring edges");
            //Debug.println("BEFORE: " + toString(nodeEdge));
                if (IsAlreadyLinked(currOut.SymOE, maxRing))

                if (currMaxRingOut == null)
                    currMaxRingOut = SelectMaxOutEdge(currOut, maxRing);
                    currMaxRingOut = LinkMaxInEdge(currOut, currMaxRingOut, maxRing);
                currOut = currOut.ONextOE;
            } while (currOut != endOut);
            //Debug.println("AFTER: " + toString(nodeEdge));
            if (currMaxRingOut != null)
                throw new TopologyException("Unmatched edge found during min-ring linking", nodeEdge.Coordinate);