StartLoop() 공개 메소드

The method starts a NetSparkle background loop If NetSparkle is configured to check for updates on startup, proceeds to perform the check. You should only call this function when your app is initialized and shows its main window.
public StartLoop ( System.Boolean doInitialCheck ) : void
doInitialCheck System.Boolean
리턴 void
예제 #1
        public Form1()

            _sparkle = new Sparkle("", SystemIcons.Application)
                TrustEverySSLConnection = true,

            _sparkle.UpdateDetected += new UpdateDetected(_sparkle_updateDetected);
            //_sparkle.EnableSilentMode = true;
            //_sparkle.HideReleaseNotes = true;

예제 #2
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: Lucas-S/NetSparkle
        public Form1()

            _sparkle = new Sparkle("file://" + DirectoryOfTheApplicationExecutable + "../../../../Extras/Sample Appcast.xml", SystemIcons.Application)
            //_sparkle = new Sparkle("")
                TrustEverySSLConnection = true,
                //EnableSystemProfiling = true,
                //SystemProfileUrl = new Uri("")

            //_sparkle.UpdateDetected += new UpdateDetected(_sparkle_updateDetected);
            //_sparkle.EnableSilentMode = true;
            //_sparkle.HideReleaseNotes = true;

예제 #3
        public InstanceManager()

            if (GlobalPreferences.IsFirstRun)
                trayIcon.ShowBalloonTip(2000, Resources.OotdRunning, Resources.RightClickToConfigure, ToolTipIcon.Info);

                Logger.Debug("First Run");

            _graphics = CreateGraphics();

            // setup update checker.
            _sparkle = UnsafeNativeMethods.Is64Bit() ? new Sparkle(AppCast64Url, Resources.AppIcon) : new Sparkle(AppCast32Url, Resources.AppIcon);

            _sparkle.UpdateDetected += OnSparkleOnUpdateDetectedShowWithToast;
            _sparkle.UpdateWindowDismissed += OnSparkleOnUpdateWindowDismissed;

            // check for updates every 20 days, but don't check on first run because we'll have 2 tooltips popup and will likely confuse the user.
            _sparkle.StartLoop(!GlobalPreferences.IsFirstRun, TimeSpan.FromDays(20));