예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the specified directory with a suitable VCS provider.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The directory to process.</param>
        /// <param name="scanRoot">true if the working directory root shall be scanned instead of <paramref name="path"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="requiredVcs">The required VCS name, or null if any VCS is acceptable.</param>
        /// <returns>Data about the revision. If no provider was able to process the directory,
        ///   dummy data is returned.</returns>
        private static RevisionData ProcessDirectory(string path, bool scanRoot, string requiredVcs)
            RevisionData data = null;

            // Try to process the directory with all available VCS providers
            ShowDebugMessage("Processing directory…");
            foreach (IVcsProvider provider in GetVcsProviders())
                ShowDebugMessage("Found VCS provider: " + provider);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requiredVcs) &&
                    !provider.Name.Equals(requiredVcs, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    ShowDebugMessage("Provider is not what is required, skipping.");

                if (provider.CheckEnvironment())
                    ShowDebugMessage("Provider can be executed in this environment.", 1);
                    string rootPath;
                    if (provider.CheckDirectory(path, out rootPath))
                        ShowDebugMessage("Provider can process this directory.", 1);
                        if (scanRoot)
                            ShowDebugMessage("Root directory will be scanned.", 0);
                            path = rootPath;
                        data = provider.ProcessDirectory(path, rootPath);

            if (data == null)
                // No provider could process the directory, return dummy data
                ShowDebugMessage("No provider used, returning dummy data.", 2);
                data = new RevisionData
                    CommitHash     = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                    CommitTime     = DateTimeOffset.Now,
                    IsModified     = false,
                    RevisionNumber = 0

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Patches the file and injects the revision data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fallbackFormat">The fallback format if none is defined in the file.</param>
        /// <param name="data">The revision data to use for resolving formats.</param>
        /// <param name="simpleAttributes">Indicates whether simple version attributes are processed.</param>
        /// <param name="informationalAttribute">Indicates whether the AssemblyInformationalVersion attribute is processed.</param>
        /// <param name="revOnly">Indicates whether only the last number is replaced by the revision number.</param>
        public void PatchFile(string fallbackFormat, RevisionData data, bool simpleAttributes, bool informationalAttribute, bool revOnly)
            Program.ShowDebugMessage("Patching file \"" + fileName + "\"…");
            string backupFileName = CreateBackup();

            // Read the backup file. If the backup was created earlier, it still contains the source
            // file while the regular file may have been resolved but not restored before. By
            // reading the former source file, we get the correct result and can heal the situation
            // with the next restore run.

            // Find the revision format for this file
            revisionFormat = FindRevisionFormat();
            if (revisionFormat == null)
                // Nothing defined in this file. Use whatever was specified on the command line or
                // found in any of the projects in the solution.
                revisionFormat = fallbackFormat;
                Program.ShowDebugMessage("The file defines a revision format: " + revisionFormat);
            if (revisionFormat == null)
                // If we don't have a revision format, there's nothing to replace in this file.
            var rf = new RevisionFormat();

            rf.RevisionData = data;

            // Process all lines in the file
            ResolveAllLines(rf, simpleAttributes, informationalAttribute, revOnly);

            // Write back all lines to the file
		/// <summary>
		/// Patches the file and injects the revision data.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="fallbackFormat">The fallback format if none is defined in the file.</param>
		/// <param name="data">The revision data to use for resolving formats.</param>
		/// <param name="simpleAttributes">Indicates whether simple version attributes are processed.</param>
		/// <param name="informationalAttribute">Indicates whether the AssemblyInformationalVersion attribute is processed.</param>
		/// <param name="revOnly">Indicates whether only the last number is replaced by the revision number.</param>
		/// <param name="copyrightAttribute">Indicates whether the copyright year is replaced.</param>
		public void PatchFile(string fallbackFormat, RevisionData data, bool simpleAttributes, bool informationalAttribute, bool revOnly, bool copyrightAttribute)
			Program.ShowDebugMessage("Patching file \"" + fileName + "\"…");
			string backupFileName = CreateBackup();

			// Read the backup file. If the backup was created earlier, it still contains the source
			// file while the regular file may have been resolved but not restored before. By
			// reading the former source file, we get the correct result and can heal the situation
			// with the next restore run.

			// Find the revision format for this file
			revisionFormat = FindRevisionFormat();
			if (revisionFormat == null)
				// Nothing defined in this file. Use whatever was specified on the command line or
				// found in any of the projects in the solution.
				revisionFormat = fallbackFormat;
				Program.ShowDebugMessage("The file defines a revision format: " + revisionFormat);
			if (revisionFormat == null)
				// If we don't have a revision format, there's nothing to replace in this file.
			var rf = new RevisionFormat();
			rf.RevisionData = data;

			// Process all lines in the file
			ResolveAllLines(rf, simpleAttributes, informationalAttribute, revOnly, copyrightAttribute);

			// Write back all lines to the file
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Wrapped main program, uses <see cref="ConsoleException"/> as return code in case of
        /// error and does not wait at the end.
        /// </summary>
        private static void MainWrapper()
            CommandLineHelper cmdLine        = new CommandLineHelper();
            var showHelpOption               = cmdLine.RegisterOption("help").Alias("h", "?");
            var showVersionOption            = cmdLine.RegisterOption("version").Alias("ver");
            var debugOption                  = cmdLine.RegisterOption("debug");
            var patchAssemblyInfoOption      = cmdLine.RegisterOption("patch");
            var restorePatchedFilesOption    = cmdLine.RegisterOption("restore");
            var simpleAttributeOption        = cmdLine.RegisterOption("simple");
            var informationalAttributeOption = cmdLine.RegisterOption("info");
            var noCopyrightAttributeOption   = cmdLine.RegisterOption("nocopyright");
            var echoOption             = cmdLine.RegisterOption("echo");
            var formatOption           = cmdLine.RegisterOption("format", 1);
            var revisionOnlyOption     = cmdLine.RegisterOption("revonly");
            var requireVcsOption       = cmdLine.RegisterOption("require", 1);
            var rejectModifiedOption   = cmdLine.RegisterOption("rejectmod").Alias("rejectmodified");
            var rejectMixedOption      = cmdLine.RegisterOption("rejectmix").Alias("rejectmixed");
            var tagMatchOption         = cmdLine.RegisterOption("tagmatch", 1);
            var removeTagVOption       = cmdLine.RegisterOption("removetagv");
            var multiProjectOption     = cmdLine.RegisterOption("multi");
            var scanRootOption         = cmdLine.RegisterOption("root");
            var decodeRevisionOption   = cmdLine.RegisterOption("decode", 1);
            var predictRevisionsOption = cmdLine.RegisterOption("predict");

                //cmdLine.ReadArgs(Environment.CommandLine, true);   // Alternative split method, should have the same result
                showDebugOutput = debugOption.IsSet;
                if (showDebugOutput)
                        "Command line: " +
                        .Select(s => "[" + s + "]")
                        .Aggregate((a, b) => a + " " + b));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ConsoleException(ex.Message, ExitCodes.CmdLineError);

            // Handle simple text output options
            if (showHelpOption.IsSet)
            if (showVersionOption.IsSet)

            // Check for environment variable from PowerShell build framework.
            // If psbuild has set this variable, it is using .NET Revision Tool itself in
            // multi-project mode and pre/postbuild actions in individual projects should not do
            // anything on their own.
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SuppressNetRevisionTool")))
                ShowDebugMessage("SuppressNetRevisionTool environment variable is set. Quitting…");

            // Find all directories
            string path = GetWorkPath(cmdLine);

            string[] projectDirs = null;
            if (multiProjectOption.IsSet)
                // Read solution file and collect all projects
                projectDirs = GetProjectsFromSolution(path);

                // From now on, work with the solution directory as default path to get the revision of
                if (Path.GetExtension(path).ToLowerInvariant() == ".sln")
                    path = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
                if (!Directory.Exists(path))
                    throw new ConsoleException("The specified project directory does not exist.", ExitCodes.FileNotFound);

                projectDirs = new[] { path };

            // Restoring doesn't need more info, do it now
            if (restorePatchedFilesOption.IsSet)
                // Restore AssemblyInfo file(s)
                foreach (string projectDir in projectDirs)
                    var aih = new AssemblyInfoHelper(projectDir, true);

            // Setup public data
            if (tagMatchOption.IsSet)
                TagMatch = tagMatchOption.Value;
            RemoveTagV = removeTagVOption.IsSet;

            // Analyse working directory
            RevisionData data = ProcessDirectory(path, scanRootOption.IsSet, requireVcsOption.Value);


            // Check for required VCS
            if (requireVcsOption.IsSet)
                if (data.VcsProvider == null ||
                    !data.VcsProvider.Name.Equals(requireVcsOption.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    throw new ConsoleException("Required VCS \"" + requireVcsOption.Value + "\" not present.", ExitCodes.RequiredVcs);

            // Check for reject modifications/mixed revisions
            if (rejectModifiedOption.IsSet && data.IsModified)
                throw new ConsoleException("The working directory contains uncommitted modifications.", ExitCodes.RejectModified);
            if (rejectMixedOption.IsSet && data.IsMixed)
                throw new ConsoleException("The working directory contains mixed revisions.", ExitCodes.RejectMixed);

            // Determine revision ID format, in case we need one here
            string format = null;

            if (formatOption.IsSet && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(formatOption.Value))
                // Take from command-line option
                format = formatOption.Value;
                ShowDebugMessage("Format specified: " + format);
                // None or empty specified. Search in AssemblyInfo file(s) in the project(s)
                ShowDebugMessage("No format specified, searching AssemblyInfo source file.");
                AssemblyInfoHelper aih = null;
                foreach (string projectDir in projectDirs)
                    aih = new AssemblyInfoHelper(projectDir, false);
                    if (aih.FileExists)
                        format = aih.GetRevisionFormat();
                        if (format != null)
                            if (projectDirs.Length > 1)
                                ShowDebugMessage("Found format in project \"" + projectDir + "\".");
                        ShowDebugMessage("  AssemblyInfo source file not found.", 2);
                if (format != null)
                    ShowDebugMessage("Found format: " + format);

            if (format == null)
                if (data.RevisionNumber > 0)
                    ShowDebugMessage("No format available, using default format for revision number.");
                    format = "{revnum}";
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.CommitHash) && !Regex.IsMatch(data.CommitHash, "^0+$"))
                    ShowDebugMessage("No format available, using default format for commit hash.");
                    format = "{chash:8}";
                    ShowDebugMessage("No format available, using empty format.");
                    format = "";

            if (decodeRevisionOption.IsSet)
                // Decode specified revision ID
                RevisionFormat.ShowDecode(format, decodeRevisionOption.Value);
            else if (predictRevisionsOption.IsSet)
                // Predict next revision IDs
            else if (patchAssemblyInfoOption.IsSet)
                // Patch AssemblyInfo file(s)
                bool noAttrSet              = !simpleAttributeOption.IsSet && !informationalAttributeOption.IsSet;
                bool simpleAttributes       = simpleAttributeOption.IsSet || noAttrSet;
                bool informationalAttribute = informationalAttributeOption.IsSet || noAttrSet;

                foreach (string projectDir in projectDirs)
                    var aih = new AssemblyInfoHelper(projectDir, true);
                    aih.PatchFile(format, data, simpleAttributes, informationalAttribute, revisionOnlyOption.IsSet, !noCopyrightAttributeOption.IsSet, echoOption.IsSet);
                // Just display revision ID
                var rf = new RevisionFormat();
                rf.RevisionData = data;
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the specified directory with a suitable VCS provider.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The directory to process.</param>
        /// <param name="scanRoot">true if the working directory root shall be scanned instead of <paramref name="path"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="requiredVcs">The required VCS name, or null if any VCS is acceptable.</param>
        /// <returns>Data about the revision. If no provider was able to process the directory,
        ///   dummy data is returned.</returns>
        private static RevisionData ProcessDirectory(string path, bool scanRoot, string requiredVcs)
            RevisionData data = null;

            // Try to process the directory with all available VCS providers
            ShowDebugMessage("Processing directory…");
            foreach (IVcsProvider provider in GetVcsProviders())
                ShowDebugMessage("Found VCS provider: " + provider);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requiredVcs) &&
                    !provider.Name.Equals(requiredVcs, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    ShowDebugMessage("Provider is not what is required, skipping.");

                if (provider.CheckEnvironment())
                    ShowDebugMessage("Provider can be executed in this environment.", 1);
                    string rootPath;
                    if (provider.CheckDirectory(path, out rootPath))
                        ShowDebugMessage("Provider can process this directory.", 1);
                        if (scanRoot)
                            ShowDebugMessage("Root directory will be scanned.", 0);
                            path = rootPath;
                        data = provider.ProcessDirectory(path);

            if (data == null)
                // No provider could process the directory, return dummy data
                ShowDebugMessage("No provider used, returning dummy data.", 2);
                data = new RevisionData
                    CommitHash = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                    CommitTime = DateTimeOffset.Now,
                    IsModified = false,
                    RevisionNumber = 0

            return data;