예제 #1
        private void SetTemplate()
            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "/libtaotu/Message" );
            PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( "OK" );

            int[] KnownCodePages = new int[] {
                37, 437, 500, 708, 720, 737, 775, 850, 852, 855, 857, 858, 860, 861, 862, 863, 864
                , 865, 866, 869, 870, 874, 875, 932, 936, 949, 950, 1026, 1047, 1140, 1141, 1142, 1143
                , 1144, 1145, 1146, 1147, 1148, 1149, 1200, 1201, 1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1255
                , 1256, 1257, 1258, 1361, 10000, 10001, 10002, 10003, 10004, 10005, 10006, 10007, 10008
                , 10010, 10017, 10021, 10029, 10079, 10081, 10082, 12000, 12001, 20000, 20001, 20002
                , 20003, 20004, 20005, 20105, 20106, 20107, 20108, 20127, 20261, 20269, 20273, 20277
                , 20278, 20280, 20284, 20285, 20290, 20297, 20420, 20423, 20424, 20833, 20838, 20866
                , 20871, 20880, 20905, 20924, 20932, 20936, 20949, 21025, 21866, 28591, 28592, 28593
                , 28594, 28595, 28596, 28597, 28598, 28599, 28603, 28605, 29001, 38598, 50220, 50221
                , 50222, 50225, 50227, 51932, 51936, 51949, 52936, 54936, 57002, 57003, 57004, 57005
                , 57006, 57007, 57008, 57009, 57010, 57011, 65000, 65001 };

            Encoding.RegisterProvider( CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance );

            foreach ( int CodePage in KnownCodePages )
                    Encoding Enc = Encoding.GetEncoding( CodePage );
                    SupportedCodePages.Add( Enc.EncodingName, Enc.CodePage );
                catch ( Exception ) { }

            Encodings.ItemsSource = SupportedCodePages;
예제 #2
        public ChangePassword()

            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Message" );
            PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( "OK" );
            SecondaryButtonText = stx.Str( "Cancel" );
예제 #3
 private void SetTemplate()
     StringResources stx = new StringResources( "LoadingMessage" );
     CoverSize.Text = stx.Str( "Calculating" );
     TextContentSize.Text = stx.Str( "Calculating" );
예제 #4
        private Rename()
            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Message", "ContextMenu" );
            PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( "OK" );
            SecondaryButtonText = stx.Str( "Cancel" );

            TitleBlock.Text = stx.Text( "Rename", "ContextMenu" );
예제 #5
        private void SetTemplate()
            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "/libtaotu/Message" );
            PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( "OK" );
            SecondaryButtonText = stx.Str( "Cancel" );

            InputTitle.Text = Param.Caption;
            LayoutRoot.DataContext = Param;
예제 #6
        private void SetTemplate( ColorItem BindColor )
            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Message" );

            PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( "OK" );
            SecondaryButtonText = stx.Str( "Cancel" );
            // PresetColors
            PresetColors.ItemsSource = global::wenku8.System.ThemeManager.PresetColors();

            UpdateColor( BindColor );
예제 #7
        public Announcements()

            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Message" );
            PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( "AllRead" );
            SecondaryButtonText = stx.Str( "OK" );

            FullVersion.Text = global::wenku8.Config.AppSettings.Version;
            version.Text = global::wenku8.System.Bootstrap.Version;

예제 #8
        public AssignAuth( StringAuthManager Mgr, string Title )

            this.Title = Title;
            Canceled = true;
            AuthMgr = Mgr;

            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Message" );

            PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( "OK" );
            SecondaryButtonText = stx.Str( "Cancel" );

예제 #9
        private void SetTemplate()
            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Message" );

            PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( "OK" );
            SecondaryButtonText = stx.Str( "Cancel" );

            stx = new StringResources( "AppBar" );
            Title = stx.Text( "Bookmark" );

            stx = new StringResources( "AppResources" );
            BookmarkName.PlaceholderText = stx.Text( "DefaultToParagraph" );

            ColorGrid.ItemsSource = PresetColors;
예제 #10
        private void SetTemplate()
            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Message" );
            PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( "OK" );

            MessageBus.OnDelivery += MessageBus_OnDelivery;
예제 #11
        private EBDictSearch()

            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Message" );
            PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( "OK" );
예제 #12
        public ReviewsInput( BookItem B )
            IsReview = false;

            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "AppBar" );
            Title.Text = stx.Str( "AddComment" );
예제 #13
        public PlaceRequest( SHTarget Target, HubScriptItem HSI, string Placeholder )

            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Message" );

            PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( "OK" );
            SecondaryButtonText = stx.Str( "Cancel" );

            this.Target = Target;

            Canceled = true;
            BindItem = HSI;
            RemarksPlaceholder = Placeholder;

예제 #14
        public NameValueInput( NameValue<string> Item
            , string Title
            , string NameLabel, string ValueLabel
            , string BtnLeft = "OK", string BtnRight = "Cancel" )

            Canceled = true;
            Target = Item;

            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Message" );
            PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( BtnLeft );
            SecondaryButtonText = stx.Str( BtnRight );

            TitleText.Text = Title;
            NameLbl.Text = NameLabel;
            ValueLbl.Text = ValueLabel;
예제 #15
        private void DetectInputLogin()
            string Name = Account.Text.Trim();
            string Passwd = Password.Password;
            string PasswdV = PasswordV.Password;
            string Email = EmailInput.Text.Trim();

            if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( Name ) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( Passwd ) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( PasswdV ) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( Email ) )
                if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( Name ) )
                    Account.Focus( FocusState.Keyboard );
                else if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( Passwd ) )
                    Password.Focus( FocusState.Keyboard );
                else if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( PasswdV ) )
                    PasswordV.Focus( FocusState.Keyboard );
                else if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( Email ) )
                    EmailInput.Focus( FocusState.Keyboard );
            else if( Passwd != PasswdV )
                StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Error" );
                ServerMessage.Text = stx.Str( "PasswordMismatch" );
                Password.Focus( FocusState.Keyboard );
                ServerMessage.Text = "";

                    = IsSecondaryButtonEnabled
                    = Account.IsEnabled
                    = Password.IsEnabled
                    = PasswordV.IsEnabled
                    = EmailInput.IsEnabled
                    = false

                this.Focus( FocusState.Pointer );


                RuntimeCache RCache = new RuntimeCache() { EN_UI_Thead = true };
                    , Shared.ShRequest.Register( Name, Passwd, Email )
                    , RequestComplete, RequestFailed, false );
예제 #16
        private void DetectInputLogin()
            string CurrPasswd = CurrentPassword.Password;
            string NewPasswd = Password.Password;
            string PasswdV = PasswordV.Password;

            if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( CurrPasswd ) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( NewPasswd ) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( PasswdV ) )
                if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( CurrPasswd ) )
                    CurrentPassword.Focus( FocusState.Keyboard );
                else if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( NewPasswd ) )
                    Password.Focus( FocusState.Keyboard );
                else if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( PasswdV ) )
                    PasswordV.Focus( FocusState.Keyboard );
            else if( NewPasswd != PasswdV )
                StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Error" );
                ServerMessage.Text = stx.Str( "PasswordMismatch" );
                Password.Focus( FocusState.Keyboard );
                ServerMessage.Text = "";

                    = IsSecondaryButtonEnabled
                    = CurrentPassword.IsEnabled
                    = Password.IsEnabled
                    = PasswordV.IsEnabled
                    = false

                this.Focus( FocusState.Pointer );


                RuntimeCache RCache = new RuntimeCache() { EN_UI_Thead = true };
                    , Shared.ShRequest.ChangePassword( CurrPasswd, NewPasswd )
                    , RequestComplete, RequestFailed, false );
예제 #17
        private async void PopupSettings( object P )
            if( P.GetType() == typeof( bool ) )
                StringResources sts = new StringResources( "Settings" );
                if ( !Properties.ENABLE_ONEDRIVE )
                    StringResources stx = new StringResources( "InitQuestions" );
                    StringResources stm = new StringResources( "Message" );
                    MessageDialog Msg = new MessageDialog( stx.Text( "EnableOneDrive" ), "OneDrive" );
                        new UICommand( stm.Str( "Yes" ), ( x ) => Properties.ENABLE_ONEDRIVE = true )
                        new UICommand( stm.Str( "No" ), ( x ) => Properties.ENABLE_ONEDRIVE = false )

                    await Popups.ShowDialog( Msg );

                    if ( Properties.ENABLE_ONEDRIVE )
                        if ( global::wenku8.Storage.OneDriveSync.Instance == null )
                            global::wenku8.Storage.OneDriveSync.Instance = new global::wenku8.Storage.OneDriveSync();
                        await global::wenku8.Storage.OneDriveSync.Instance.Authenticate();
                    OneDriveButton.Desc = sts.Text( "Enabled" );
                    Properties.ENABLE_ONEDRIVE = false;
                    await global::wenku8.Storage.OneDriveSync.Instance.UnAuthenticate();
                    OneDriveButton.Desc = sts.Text( "Disabled" );


            PopupFrame.Navigate( ( Type ) P );
            PopupPage.State = ControlState.Reovia;
예제 #18
        public async Task<bool> ConfirmRestart( string CaptionRes )
            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Settings" );
            StringResources stm = new StringResources( "Message" );

            // Ask for confirmatiosn
            MessageDialog Confirm = new MessageDialog( stm.Str( "NeedRestart" ), stx.Text( CaptionRes ) );

            bool Restart = false;

                new UICommand(
                    stm.Str( "Yes" )
                    , ( e ) => { Restart = true; }

                new UICommand( stm.Str( "No" ) )

            await Popups.ShowDialog( Confirm );

            if( Restart )
                NavigationHandler.InsertHandlerOnNavigatedBack( Exit );
                RestartMask.State = ControlState.Reovia;
                PopupPage.State = ControlState.Foreatii;

            return Restart;
예제 #19
        private async void GotoSettings( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e )
            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Message", "Settings", "AppBar" );

            bool Go = false;
            MessageDialog Msg = new MessageDialog( stx.Text( "Preface", "Settings" ), stx.Text( "Settings", "AppBar" ) );

            Msg.Commands.Add( new UICommand( stx.Str( "Yes" ), x => Go = true ) );
            Msg.Commands.Add( new UICommand( stx.Str( "No", "Message" ) ) );

            await Popups.ShowDialog( Msg );

            if ( Go )
                Frame.Navigate( typeof( Pages.Settings.MainSettings ) );
예제 #20
        private async void Delete( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e )
            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Message" );
            MessageDialog MsgBox = new MessageDialog( stx.Str( "ConfirmScriptRemove" ) );

            bool DoDelete = false;

            MsgBox.Commands.Add( new UICommand( stx.Str( "Yes" ), x => { DoDelete = true; } ) );
            MsgBox.Commands.Add( new UICommand( stx.Str( "No" ) ) );
            await Popups.ShowDialog( MsgBox );

            if ( DoDelete )
                // Since we cannot close the Frame from here
                // We call for help
                MessageBus.SendUI( GetType(), AppKeys.SH_SCRIPT_REMOVE, new Tuple<string, HubScriptItem>( AccessToken, BindItem ) );
예제 #21
        private async void OpenProcedures( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e )
            bool Yes = false;

            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "/libtaotu/Message" );
            MessageDialog Msg = new MessageDialog( stx.Str( "ConfirmDiscard" ) );
            Msg.Commands.Add( new UICommand( stx.Str( "Yes" ), x => Yes = true ) );
            Msg.Commands.Add( new UICommand( stx.Str( "No" ) ) );

            await Popups.ShowDialog( Msg );

            if ( !Yes ) return;
            RootManager = PM = new ProcManager();
            SelectedItem = null;

                // Remove the file
                new AppStorage().DeleteFile( TargetFile );

                IStorageFile ISF = await AppStorage.OpenFileAsync( ".xml" );
                if ( ISF == null ) return;

                ProcManager.PanelMessage( ID, Res.RSTR( "Reading", ISF.Name ), LogType.INFO );
                ReadXReg( new XRegistry( await ISF.ReadString(), TargetFile ) );
                ProcManager.PanelMessage( ID, () => Res.RSTR( "ParseOK" ), LogType.INFO );

            catch( Exception ex )
                ProcManager.PanelMessage( ID, ex.Message, LogType.ERROR );
                ProcManager.PanelMessage( ID, () => Res.RSTR( "InvalidXML" ), LogType.ERROR );
예제 #22
        private async void ChangeBackground( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e )
            MenuFlyoutItem item = sender as MenuFlyoutItem;
            string[] Argv = item.Tag.ToString().Split( ',' );

            if ( Argv[ 0 ] == "Preset" )
                bool No = true;

                StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Message", "ContextMenu" );

                MessageDialog MsgBox = new MessageDialog( stx.Str( "BInfoView_PresetBg_Mesg" ), stx.Text( "PresetBackground", "ContextMenu" ) );
                MsgBox.Commands.Add( new UICommand( stx.Str( "Yes" ), x => { No = false; } ) );
                MsgBox.Commands.Add( new UICommand( stx.Str( "No" ) ) );

                await Popups.ShowDialog( MsgBox );

                if ( No ) return;


            LayoutSettings.GetBgContext( Argv[ 1 ] ).SetBackground( Argv[ 0 ] );
예제 #23
        private async void DownloadVolume( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e )
            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "ContextMenu", "Message" );

            MessageDialog Msg = new MessageDialog( RightClickedVolume.VolumeTitle, stx.Text( "AutoUpdate" ) );

            bool Confirmed = false;
                new UICommand( stx.Str( "Yes", "Message" ), ( x ) => Confirmed = true )
            Msg.Commands.Add( new UICommand( stx.Str( "No", "Message" ) ) );

            await Popups.ShowDialog( Msg );

            if ( !Confirmed ) return;

            AutoCache.DownloadVolume( ThisBook, RightClickedVolume );
예제 #24
        private async void ProcessVols()
            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "LoadingMessage" );
            string LoadText = stx.Str( "ProgressIndicator_Message" );

            IEnumerable<string> BookIds = Shared.Storage.ListDirs( FileLinks.ROOT_LOCAL_VOL );
            string[] favs = new BookStorage().GetIdList();

            List<LocalBook> Items = new List<LocalBook>();
            foreach ( string Id in BookIds )
                Loading = LoadText + ": " + Id;
                LocalBook LB = await LocalBook.CreateAsync( Id );
                if ( LB.ProcessSuccess )
                    Items.Add( LB );
                    LB.IsFav = favs.Contains( Id );

            Action<string, SpiderBook> ProcessSpider = ( Id, LB ) =>
                 Loading = LoadText + ": " + Id;
                 if ( LB.aid != Id )
                         Logger.Log( ID, "Fixing misplaced spider book" );
                         Shared.Storage.MoveDir( FileLinks.ROOT_SPIDER_VOL + Id, LB.MetaLocation );
                     catch ( Exception ex )
                         Logger.Log( ID
                             , string.Format(
                                 "Unable to move script: {0} => {1}, {2} "
                                 , Id, LB.aid, ex.Message )
                                 , LogType.WARNING );

                 if ( LB.ProcessSuccess || LB.CanProcess )
                     Items.Add( LB );
                     LB.IsFav = favs.Contains( Id );
                         Logger.Log( ID, "Removing invalid script: " + Id, LogType.INFO );
                         Shared.Storage.RemoveDir( LB.MetaRoot );
                     catch ( Exception ex )
                         Logger.Log( ID, "Cannot remove invalid script: " + ex.Message, LogType.WARNING );

            BookIds = Shared.Storage.ListDirs( FileLinks.ROOT_SPIDER_VOL );
            foreach ( string Id in BookIds )
                if ( Id[ 0 ] == ZONE_PFX )
                    IEnumerable<string> ZoneItems = Shared.Storage.ListDirs( FileLinks.ROOT_SPIDER_VOL + Id + "/" );
                    foreach ( string SId in ZoneItems )
                         * This code is a mess. I'll explain a bit more in here
                         *   First, the location of the Book.MetaLocation for ZoneItems
                         *   can only be retrived from BookInstruction
                         *   However ZoneId and Id are assinged by Spider on the fly,
                         *   restoring this information is a bit tricky

                        // Create BookIntstruction just to retrieve the correct id pattern
                        BookInstruction BInst = new BookInstruction( Id, SId );

                         * After 2 hours of investigations...
                         * Welp, just outsmarted by myself, The CreateAsyncSpide works because:
                         *   Inside the TestProcessed method, the BookInstruction are created
                         *   using BoockInstruction( Id, Setings ) overload
                         *   the provided id is "this.aid" here BUT the full id is restored again
                         *   in InitProcMan() method
                         *   Fortunately, ssid will be set correctly inside the ReadInfo method
                        ProcessSpider( BInst.Id, await SpiderBook.CreateAsyncSpider( BInst.Id ) );
                    ProcessSpider( Id, await SpiderBook.CreateAsyncSpider( Id ) );

            if ( 0 < Items.Count ) SearchSet = Items;
            Loading = null;
예제 #25
        private void GotoBookInfoView( string id )
            Logger.Log( ID, string.Format( "Navigate to BookInfoView, id: {0}", id ), LogType.INFO );
            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "LoadingMessage" );
            LoadingMask.Text = stx.Str( "ProgressIndicator_Message" );

            Action A = async () =>
                TaskCompletionSource<BookItem> TCS = new TaskCompletionSource<BookItem>();
                new BookLoader( ( x ) => TCS.SetResult( x ) ).Load(
                    X.Instance<BookItem>( XProto.BookItemEx, id )
                    , true

                BookItem b = await TCS.Task;

                if( b == null )
                    LoadingMask.Text = "Failed to download data";

                LoadingMask.Text = b.Title;
                await Frame.Dispatcher.RunIdleAsync( x => Frame.Navigate( typeof( Pages.BookInfoView ), id ) );
            LoadingMask.HandleForward( Frame, A );
예제 #26
        private async Task SearchBooks( List<BookInstruction> ItemList, ProcPassThru PPass, ProcConvoy KnownBook, string Content )
            ProcFind.RegItem RegParam = new ProcFind.RegItem( ItemPattern, ItemParam, true );

            if ( !RegParam.Validate() ) return;

            MatchCollection matches = RegParam.RegExObj.Matches( Content );
            foreach ( Match match in matches )
                if ( HasSubProcs && RegParam.Valid )
                    string FParam = string.Format(
                        , match.Groups
                            .Select( g => g.Value )

                    ProcConvoy ItemConvoy = await ItemProcs.CreateSpider().Crawl( new ProcConvoy( PPass, FParam ) );

                    string Id = await GetId( ItemConvoy );
                    if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( Id ) )
                        ProcManager.PanelMessage( this, () =>
                            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Error" );
                            return stx.Str( "NoIdForBook" );
                        }, LogType.WARNING );

                    ItemConvoy = ProcManager.TracePackage( ItemConvoy, ( P, C ) => C.Payload is BookInstruction );

                    if ( !( ItemConvoy == null || ItemConvoy == KnownBook ) )
                        BookInstruction BInst = ( BookInstruction ) ItemConvoy.Payload;
                        ItemList.Add( BInst );

                        if ( HasBookSpider ) BInst.PlaceDefs( Id, BookSpider );
                        ProcManager.PanelMessage( this, () =>
                            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Error" );
                            return stx.Str( "NotABook" );
                        }, LogType.WARNING );
예제 #27
        private void SetTemplate()
            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "/libtaotu/ProcItems" );
            Dictionary<ProcType, string> ProcChoices = new Dictionary<ProcType, string>();

            Type PType = typeof( ProcType );
            foreach ( ProcType P in Enum.GetValues( PType ) )
                string ProcName = stx.Str( Enum.GetName( PType, P ) );

                if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( ProcName ) ) continue;

                ProcChoices.Add( P, ProcName );

            RootManager = new ProcManager();
            ProcComboBox.ItemsSource = ProcChoices;
            RunLog.ItemsSource = Logs;

            ProcManager.PanelMessage( ID, () => Res.RSTR( "Welcome" ), LogType.INFO );

            Logs.CollectionChanged += ( s, e ) => ScrollToBottom();

            PM = RootManager;

            ReadProcedures( TargetFile );
예제 #28
        private void SetTemplate()
            LayoutRoot.DataContext = BindItem;

            if( BindItem.Encrypted )
                ReqTarget = SHTarget.KEY;
                Crypt = ( CryptAES ) new AESManager().GetAuthById( BindItem.Id );

            BottomControls = new ObservableCollection<PaneNavButton>();
            AccessToken = ( string ) new TokenManager().GetAuthById( BindItem.Id )?.Value;
            XGrant.SetParameter( BindItem.Id, BookStorage.TimeKey );

            if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( AccessToken ) )
                TransitionDisplay.SetState( AccessControls, TransitionState.Active );

            AvailControls = new Dictionary<string, PaneNavButton>()
                { "Download", new PaneNavButton( new IconLogin() { AutoScale = true, Direction = Direction.Rotate270 }, Download ) }
                , { "Comment", new PaneNavButton( new IconComment() { AutoScale = true }, ToggleComments ) }
                , { "HideComment", new PaneNavButton( new IconNavigateArrow() { AutoScale = true, Direction = Direction.MirrorHorizontal }, ToggleComments ) }
                , { "NewComment", new PaneNavButton( new IconPlusSign() { AutoScale = true }, () => {
                    StringResources stx = new StringResources( "AppBar" );
                    CCTarget = SHTarget.SCRIPT;
                    CCId = BindItem.Id;
                    NewComment( stx.Str( "AddComment" ) );
                } ) }
                , { "OpenRequest", new PaneNavButton( new IconKeyRequest() { AutoScale = true }, ToggleRequests ) }
                , { "KeyRequest", new PaneNavButton( new IconRawDocument() { AutoScale = true }, () => { ShowRequest( SHTarget.KEY ); } ) }
                , { "TokenRequest", new PaneNavButton( new IconMasterKey() { AutoScale = true }, () => { ShowRequest( SHTarget.TOKEN ); } ) }
                , { "CloseRequest", new PaneNavButton( new IconNavigateArrow() { AutoScale = true, Direction = Direction.MirrorHorizontal }, ToggleRequests ) }
                , { "Submit", new PaneNavButton( new IconTick() { AutoScale = true }, SubmitComment ) }
                , { "Discard", new PaneNavButton( new IconCross() { AutoScale = true }, DiscardComment ) }

            DisplayControls( HomeControls );

            ControlsList.ItemsSource = BottomControls;

            CommentStory = new Storyboard();
            CommentStory.Completed += CommentStory_Completed;

            RequestStory = new Storyboard();
            RequestStory.Completed += RequestStory_Completed;

            Member = X.Singleton<IMember>( XProto.SHMember );
            Unloaded += ScriptDetails_Unloaded;
예제 #29
 private void SetTemplate()
     StringResources stx = new StringResources( "/libtaotu/Message" );
     PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( "OK" );
예제 #30
 private void OpenMask()
     StringResources stx = new StringResources( "LoadingMessage" );
     RenderMask.Text = stx.Str( "ProgressIndicator_Message" );
     RenderMask.State = ControlState.Reovia;