/// <summary>
        ///     Gets the <see cref="AnnotationsContext" /> attached to the <see cref="IGraphClient" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphClient">The graph client.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns an instance of <see cref="AnnotationsContext" /> or null if not found.</returns>
        public static AnnotationsContext GetAnnotationsContext(this IGraphClient graphClient)
            AnnotationsContext context = null;

            var resolver = graphClient?.JsonContractResolver as EntityResolver;

            context = resolver?.AnnotationsContext;

            if (context == null)
                var converter =
                    graphClient?.JsonConverters.FirstOrDefault(c => c is EntityConverter) as EntityConverter;
                context = converter?.AnnotationsContext;

        protected static void Attach
            (AnnotationsContext context, IGraphClient graphClient,
            EntityResolver resolver, EntityConverter converter)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));

            if (graphClient == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(graphClient));

            if (resolver == null && converter == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Messages.NoResolverOrConverterError);
            if (resolver != null && converter != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Messages.BothResolverAndConverterError);

            //if (entityTypes == null || entityTypes.FirstOrDefault() == null)
            //    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entityTypes), "Neo4jClient.DataAnnotations needs to know all your entity types (including complex types) and their derived types aforehand in order to do efficient work.");

            var _converters = graphClient.JsonConverters;

            if (_converters == null)
                _converters = new List <JsonConverter>();

            if (resolver != null)
                resolver.AnnotationsContext = context;
                //EntityResolver = entityResolver;

                var dummyConverterType = typeof(EntityResolverConverter);
                if (_converters.FirstOrDefault(c => dummyConverterType.IsAssignableFrom(c.GetType())) is
                    EntityResolverConverter existingConverter)

                graphClient.JsonContractResolver = resolver;

                //add a dummy converter that just proxies entityresolver deserialization
                //we do this because neo4jclient currently doesn't use ContractResolvers at deserialization, but they use converters.

            if (converter != null)
                converter.AnnotationsContext = context;
                //EntityConverter = entityConverter;

                var entityConverterType = typeof(EntityConverter);
                if (_converters.FirstOrDefault(c => entityConverterType.IsAssignableFrom(c.GetType())) is
                    EntityConverter existingConverter)

                //we may have to mix this two (resolver and converter) eventually because of some choices of the neo4jclient team.
                //entityConverter._canRead = true;

            if (_converters.Count > 0 && graphClient.JsonConverters != _converters) //!= existingConverters?.Length)
                    //try reflection to set the converters in the original array
                                                                 BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public))
                    .SetValue(graphClient, _converters);

            if (graphClient is IBoltGraphClient)
                if (!graphClient.IsConnected)
                    //connection is required at this point for bolt clients
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Messages.ClientIsNotConnectedError);

                dynamic driverMemberInfo = null;

                var driverProperty = graphClient
                                     .GetProperty("Driver", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public);

                if (driverProperty != null && !driverProperty.CanWrite)
                    FieldInfo driverBackingField = null;

                        //try reflection to set the driver via backing field
                        driverBackingField = Utils.Utilities.GetBackingField(driverProperty);
                        driverMemberInfo   = driverBackingField;
                    driverMemberInfo = driverProperty;

                var driver = driverMemberInfo?.GetValue(graphClient) as IDriver;
                if (driver == null)
                    //this isn't supposed to happen
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Messages.ClientHasNoDriverError);

                //now wrap the driver with our wrappers
                driver = new DriverWrapper(driver);

                    //replace the driver
                    driverMemberInfo?.SetValue(graphClient, driver);