예제 #1
        protected override void Prepare(ref Unemployed job, float delta)
            int raycastCount = m_lockedRaycasts.Count;

            if (m_outputRaycast.Length != raycastCount)
                m_outputRaycast = new NativeArray <RaycastData>(raycastCount, Allocator.Persistent);

            Raycast r;
            float3  pos, dir;

            if (plane == AxisPair.XY)
                for (int i = 0; i < raycastCount; i++)
                    r   = m_lockedRaycasts[i];
                    pos = r.pos;
                    dir = r.m_dir;
                    m_outputRaycast[i] = new RaycastData()
                        position      = float2(pos.x, pos.y), //
                        distance      = r.m_distance,
                        worldPosition = pos,
                        baseline      = pos.z,
                        direction     = float2(dir.x, dir.y),
                        worldDir      = dir,
                        layerIgnore   = r.m_layerIgnore,
                        filter        = r.m_filter,
                        twoSided      = r.twoSided
                for (int i = 0; i < raycastCount; i++)
                    r   = m_lockedRaycasts[i];
                    pos = r.pos;
                    dir = r.m_dir;
                    m_outputRaycast[i] = new RaycastData()
                        position      = float2(pos.x, pos.z), //
                        distance      = r.m_distance,
                        worldPosition = pos,
                        baseline      = pos.y,
                        direction     = float2(dir.x, dir.z),
                        worldDir      = dir,
                        layerIgnore   = r.m_layerIgnore,
                        filter        = r.m_filter,
                        twoSided      = r.twoSided
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursive method for computing the agent neighbors of the specified raycast.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="raycast">The agent for which agent neighbors are to be computed.</param>
        /// <param name="raycast">The agent making the initial query</param>
        /// <param name="rangeSq">The squared range around the agent.</param>
        /// <param name="node">The current agent k-D tree node index.</param>
        /// <param name="agentNeighbors">The list of neighbors to be filled up.</param>
        private void QueryAgentTreeRecursive(ref RaycastData raycast, ref float rangeSq, int node, ref NativeList <int> agentNeighbors)
            float2 center = raycast.position;

            AgentTreeNode treeNode = m_inputAgentTree[node];

            if (treeNode.end - treeNode.begin <= AgentTreeNode.MAX_LEAF_SIZE)
                AgentData a;
                float     bottom = raycast.baseline, top = bottom;
                for (int i = treeNode.begin; i < treeNode.end; ++i)
                    a = m_inputAgents[i];

                    if (!a.collisionEnabled ||
                        (a.layerOccupation & ~raycast.layerIgnore) == 0 ||
                        (top < a.baseline || bottom > a.baseline + a.height))

                    //if ((distancesq(center, a.position) - lengthsq(a.radius)) < rangeSq)
                AgentTreeNode leftNode = m_inputAgentTree[treeNode.left], rightNode = m_inputAgentTree[treeNode.right];
                float         distSqLeft = lengthsq(max(0.0f, leftNode.minX - center.x))
                                           + lengthsq(max(0.0f, center.x - leftNode.maxX))
                                           + lengthsq(max(0.0f, leftNode.minY - center.y))
                                           + lengthsq(max(0.0f, center.y - leftNode.maxY));
                float distSqRight = lengthsq(max(0.0f, rightNode.minX - center.x))
                                    + lengthsq(max(0.0f, center.x - rightNode.maxX))
                                    + lengthsq(max(0.0f, rightNode.minY - center.y))
                                    + lengthsq(max(0.0f, center.y - rightNode.maxY));

                if (distSqLeft < distSqRight)
                    if (distSqLeft < rangeSq)
                        QueryAgentTreeRecursive(ref raycast, ref rangeSq, treeNode.left, ref agentNeighbors);

                        if (distSqRight < rangeSq)
                            QueryAgentTreeRecursive(ref raycast, ref rangeSq, treeNode.right, ref agentNeighbors);
                    if (distSqRight < rangeSq)
                        QueryAgentTreeRecursive(ref raycast, ref rangeSq, treeNode.right, ref agentNeighbors);

                        if (distSqLeft < rangeSq)
                            QueryAgentTreeRecursive(ref raycast, ref rangeSq, treeNode.left, ref agentNeighbors);
예제 #3
        private void QueryObstacleTreeRecursive(
            ref RaycastData raycast,
            ref float rangeSq,
            int node,
            ref NativeList <int> obstacleNeighbors,
            ref NativeArray <ObstacleVertexData> obstacles,
            ref NativeArray <ObstacleVertexData> refObstacles,
            ref NativeArray <ObstacleInfos> obstaclesInfos,
            ref NativeArray <ObstacleTreeNode> kdTree)
            float2           center   = raycast.position;
            ObstacleTreeNode treeNode = kdTree[node];

            if (treeNode.end - treeNode.begin <= ObstacleTreeNode.MAX_LEAF_SIZE)
                ObstacleVertexData o;
                ObstacleInfos      infos;
                float  top = raycast.baseline, bottom = raycast.baseline;
                float2 oPos, nPos;
                for (int i = treeNode.begin; i < treeNode.end; ++i)
                    o     = obstacles[i];
                    infos = obstaclesInfos[o.infos];

                    if (!infos.collisionEnabled || (infos.layerOccupation & ~raycast.layerIgnore) == 0)

                    if (top < infos.baseline || bottom > infos.baseline + infos.height)

                    oPos = o.pos; nPos = refObstacles[o.next].pos;
                    float distSq = DistSqPointLineSegment(oPos, nPos, center);
                    if (distSq < rangeSq)
                        float raycastLeftOfLine = LeftOf(oPos, nPos, center);
                        if ((lengthsq(raycastLeftOfLine) / lengthsq(nPos - oPos)) < rangeSq && raycastLeftOfLine < 0.0f)
                ObstacleTreeNode leftNode  = kdTree[treeNode.left],
                                 rightNode = kdTree[treeNode.right];

                float distSqLeft = lengthsq(max(0.0f, leftNode.minX - center.x))
                                   + lengthsq(max(0.0f, center.x - leftNode.maxX))
                                   + lengthsq(max(0.0f, leftNode.minY - center.y))
                                   + lengthsq(max(0.0f, center.y - leftNode.maxY));
                float distSqRight = lengthsq(max(0.0f, rightNode.minX - center.x))
                                    + lengthsq(max(0.0f, center.x - rightNode.maxX))
                                    + lengthsq(max(0.0f, rightNode.minY - center.y))
                                    + lengthsq(max(0.0f, center.y - rightNode.maxY));

                if (distSqLeft < distSqRight)
                    if (distSqLeft < rangeSq)
                        QueryObstacleTreeRecursive(ref raycast, ref rangeSq, treeNode.left, ref obstacleNeighbors,
                                                   ref obstacles, ref refObstacles, ref obstaclesInfos, ref kdTree);

                        if (distSqRight < rangeSq)
                            QueryObstacleTreeRecursive(ref raycast, ref rangeSq, treeNode.right, ref obstacleNeighbors,
                                                       ref obstacles, ref refObstacles, ref obstaclesInfos, ref kdTree);
                    if (distSqRight < rangeSq)
                        QueryObstacleTreeRecursive(ref raycast, ref rangeSq, treeNode.right, ref obstacleNeighbors,
                                                   ref obstacles, ref refObstacles, ref obstaclesInfos, ref kdTree);

                        if (distSqLeft < rangeSq)
                            QueryObstacleTreeRecursive(ref raycast, ref rangeSq, treeNode.left, ref obstacleNeighbors,
                                                       ref obstacles, ref refObstacles, ref obstaclesInfos, ref kdTree);
예제 #4
        public void Execute(int index)
            RaycastData   raycast = m_inputRaycasts[index];
            RaycastResult result  = new RaycastResult()
                hitAgent        = -1,
                hitObstacle     = -1,
                dynamicObstacle = false

            RaycastFilter filter = raycast.filter;

            if (filter == 0)
                m_results[index] = result;

                r_position = raycast.position,
                r_dir      = raycast.direction,

                a_bottom  = raycast.baseline,
                a_top     = a_bottom,
                a_sqRange = lengthsq(raycast.distance);

            Segment2D raySegment = new Segment2D(raycast.position, raycast.position + raycast.direction * raycast.distance),

            UIntPair           pair = new UIntPair(0, 0);
            ObstacleVertexData otherVertex;
                twoSidedCast   = raycast.twoSided,
                alreadyCovered = false,

            #region static obstacles

            if ((filter & RaycastFilter.OBSTACLE_STATIC) != 0)
                NativeList <int> staticObstacleNeighbors = new NativeList <int>(10, Allocator.Temp);

                if (m_staticObstacleTree.Length > 0)
                    QueryObstacleTreeRecursive(ref raycast, ref a_sqRange, 0, ref staticObstacleNeighbors,
                                               ref m_staticObstacles, ref m_staticRefObstacles, ref m_staticObstacleInfos, ref m_staticObstacleTree);

                NativeHashMap <UIntPair, bool> coveredStaticEdges = new NativeHashMap <UIntPair, bool>(m_staticObstacleTree.Length * 2, Allocator.Temp);

                for (int i = 0; i < staticObstacleNeighbors.Length; ++i)
                    ObstacleVertexData vertex = m_staticObstacles[staticObstacleNeighbors[i]];
                    ObstacleInfos      infos  = m_staticObstacleInfos[vertex.infos];

                    pair           = new UIntPair(vertex.index, vertex.next);
                    alreadyCovered = coveredStaticEdges.TryGetValue(pair, out hit);

                    if (!alreadyCovered)
                        otherVertex    = m_staticRefObstacles[vertex.next];
                        segment        = new Segment2D(vertex.pos, otherVertex.pos);
                        alreadyCovered = (!twoSidedCast && dot(r_dir, segment.normal) < 0f);

                        if (!alreadyCovered)
                            if (raySegment.IsIntersecting(segment, out hitLocation))
                                //Rays intersecting !
                                if (result.hitObstacle == -1 ||
                                    distancesq(r_position, hitLocation) < distancesq(r_position, result.hitObstacleLocation2D))
                                    result.hitObstacleLocation2D = hitLocation;
                                    result.hitObstacle           = infos.index;

                        coveredStaticEdges.TryAdd(pair, true);

                    pair           = new UIntPair(vertex.index, vertex.prev);
                    alreadyCovered = coveredStaticEdges.ContainsKey(pair);

                    if (!alreadyCovered)
                        otherVertex    = m_staticRefObstacles[vertex.prev];
                        segment        = new Segment2D(vertex.pos, otherVertex.pos);
                        alreadyCovered = (!twoSidedCast && dot(r_dir, segment.normal) < 0f);

                        if (!alreadyCovered)
                            if (raySegment.IsIntersecting(segment, out hitLocation))
                                //Rays intersecting !
                                if (result.hitObstacle == -1 ||
                                    distancesq(r_position, hitLocation) < distancesq(r_position, result.hitObstacleLocation2D))
                                    result.hitObstacleLocation2D = hitLocation;
                                    result.hitObstacle           = infos.index;

                        coveredStaticEdges.TryAdd(pair, true);



            #region dynamic obstacles

            if ((filter & RaycastFilter.OBSTACLE_DYNAMIC) != 0)
                NativeList <int> dynObstacleNeighbors = new NativeList <int>(10, Allocator.Temp);

                if (m_dynObstacleTree.Length > 0)
                    QueryObstacleTreeRecursive(ref raycast, ref a_sqRange, 0, ref dynObstacleNeighbors,
                                               ref m_dynObstacles, ref m_dynRefObstacles, ref m_dynObstacleInfos, ref m_dynObstacleTree);

                NativeHashMap <UIntPair, bool> coveredDynEdges = new NativeHashMap <UIntPair, bool>(m_dynObstacleTree.Length * 2, Allocator.Temp);

                for (int i = 0; i < dynObstacleNeighbors.Length; ++i)
                    ObstacleVertexData vertex = m_dynObstacles[dynObstacleNeighbors[i]];
                    ObstacleInfos      infos  = m_dynObstacleInfos[vertex.infos];

                    pair           = new UIntPair(vertex.index, vertex.next);
                    alreadyCovered = coveredDynEdges.TryGetValue(pair, out hit);

                    if (!alreadyCovered)
                        otherVertex    = m_dynRefObstacles[vertex.next];
                        segment        = new Segment2D(vertex.pos, otherVertex.pos);
                        alreadyCovered = (!twoSidedCast && dot(r_dir, segment.normal) < 0f);

                        if (!alreadyCovered)
                            if (raySegment.IsIntersecting(segment, out hitLocation))
                                //Rays intersecting !
                                if (result.hitObstacle == -1 ||
                                    distancesq(r_position, hitLocation) < distancesq(r_position, result.hitObstacleLocation2D))
                                    result.hitObstacleLocation2D = hitLocation;
                                    result.hitObstacle           = infos.index;
                                    result.dynamicObstacle       = true;

                        coveredDynEdges.TryAdd(pair, true);

                    pair           = new UIntPair(vertex.index, vertex.prev);
                    alreadyCovered = coveredDynEdges.ContainsKey(pair);

                    if (!alreadyCovered)
                        otherVertex    = m_dynRefObstacles[vertex.prev];
                        segment        = new Segment2D(vertex.pos, otherVertex.pos);
                        alreadyCovered = (!twoSidedCast && dot(r_dir, segment.normal) < 0f);

                        if (!alreadyCovered)
                            if (raySegment.IsIntersecting(segment, out hitLocation))
                                //Rays intersecting !
                                if (result.hitObstacle == -1 ||
                                    distancesq(r_position, hitLocation) < distancesq(r_position, result.hitObstacleLocation2D))
                                    result.hitObstacleLocation2D = hitLocation;
                                    result.hitObstacle           = infos.index;
                                    result.dynamicObstacle       = true;

                        coveredDynEdges.TryAdd(pair, true);



            #region Agents

            if ((filter & RaycastFilter.AGENTS) != 0)
                NativeList <int> agentNeighbors = new NativeList <int>(10, Allocator.Temp);

                float radSq = a_sqRange + lengthsq(m_maxAgentRadius);

                if (m_inputAgents.Length > 0)
                    QueryAgentTreeRecursive(ref raycast, ref radSq, 0, ref agentNeighbors);

                AgentData agent;
                int       iResult, agentIndex;
                float2    center, i1, i2, rayEnd = r_position + normalize(r_dir) * raycast.distance;
                    a_radius, a_sqRadius, cx, cy,
                    Ax   = r_position.x,
                    Ay   = r_position.y,
                    Bx   = rayEnd.x,
                    By   = rayEnd.y,
                    dx   = Bx - Ax,
                    dy   = By - Ay,
                    magA = dx * dx + dy * dy,

                int TryGetIntersection(out float2 intersection1, out float2 intersection2)
                        magB = 2f * (dx * (Ax - cx) + dy * (Ay - cy)),
                        magC = (Ax - cx) * (Ax - cx) + (Ay - cy) * (Ay - cy) - a_sqRadius,
                        det = magB * magB - 4f * magA * magC,
                        sqDet, t;

                    if ((magA <= float.Epsilon) || (det < 0f))
                        // No real solutions.
                        intersection1 = float2(float.NaN, float.NaN);
                        intersection2 = float2(float.NaN, float.NaN);


                    if (det == 0)
                        // One solution.
                        t = -magB / (2f * magA);

                        intersection1 = float2(Ax + t * dx, Ay + t * dy);
                        intersection2 = float2(float.NaN, float.NaN);

                        // Two solutions.
                        sqDet = sqrt(det);

                        t             = ((-magB + sqDet) / (2f * magA));
                        intersection1 = float2(Ax + t * dx, Ay + t * dy);

                        t             = ((-magB - sqDet) / (2f * magA));
                        intersection2 = float2(Ax + t * dx, Ay + t * dy);


                for (int i = 0; i < agentNeighbors.Length; ++i)
                    agentIndex = agentNeighbors[i];
                    agent      = m_inputAgents[agentIndex];

                    center = agent.position;
                    cx     = center.x;
                    cy     = center.y;

                    a_radius   = agent.radius;
                    a_sqRadius = a_radius * a_radius;

                    if (dot(center - r_position, r_dir) < 0f)

                    iResult = TryGetIntersection(out i1, out i2);

                    if (iResult == 0)

                    distSq = distancesq(r_position, i1);

                    if (distSq < a_sqRange &&
                        (result.hitAgent == -1 || distSq < distancesq(r_position, result.hitAgentLocation2D)) &&
                        IsBetween(r_position, center, i1))
                        result.hitAgentLocation2D = i1;
                        result.hitAgent           = agentIndex;

                    if (iResult == 2)
                        distSq = distancesq(r_position, i2);

                        if (distSq < a_sqRange &&
                            (result.hitAgent == -1 || distSq < distancesq(r_position, result.hitAgentLocation2D)) &&
                            IsBetween(r_position, center, i2))
                            result.hitAgentLocation2D = i2;
                            result.hitAgent           = agentIndex;



            if (m_plane == AxisPair.XY)
                float baseline = raycast.worldPosition.z;

                if (result.hitAgent != -1)
                    result.hitAgentLocation = float3(result.hitAgentLocation2D, baseline);

                if (result.hitObstacle != -1)
                    result.hitObstacleLocation = float3(result.hitObstacleLocation2D, baseline);
                float baseline = raycast.worldPosition.y;

                if (result.hitAgent != -1)
                    result.hitAgentLocation = float3(result.hitAgentLocation2D.x, baseline, result.hitAgentLocation2D.y);

                if (result.hitObstacle != -1)
                    result.hitObstacleLocation = float3(result.hitObstacleLocation2D.x, baseline, result.hitObstacleLocation2D.y);

            m_results[index] = result;