예제 #1
        public static Runway createFrom(ConfigNode node)
            string rwy_ident   = node.GetValue("ident");
            string customValue = node.GetValue("custom");

            Runway runway = new Runway
                ident            = rwy_ident,
                shortID          = node.GetValue("shortID"),
                custom           = customValue != null && bool.Parse(customValue),
                hdg              = float.Parse(node.GetValue("hdg")),
                body             = node.GetValue("body"),
                altMSL           = float.Parse(node.GetValue("altMSL")),
                gsLatitude       = float.Parse(node.GetValue("gsLatitude")),
                gsLongitude      = float.Parse(node.GetValue("gsLongitude")),
                locLatitude      = float.Parse(node.GetValue("locLatitude")),
                locLongitude     = float.Parse(node.GetValue("locLongitude")),
                outerMarkerDist  = float.Parse(node.GetValue("outerMarkerDist")),
                middleMarkerDist = float.Parse(node.GetValue("middleMarkerDist")),
                innerMarkerDist  = float.Parse(node.GetValue("innerMarkerDist"))

            if (runway.shortID.Length > 4)

예제 #2
        //end Virindi contribution :D

        /// <returns>float in degrees</returns>
        public static float CalcLocalizerDeviation(double bearingToLoc, Runway currentRwy)
            double RwyHdgCorrection = 180 - Utils.makeAngle0to360(currentRwy.hdg);

            return((float)(Utils.makeAngle0to360(currentRwy.hdg + RwyHdgCorrection) - Utils.makeAngle0to360(bearingToLoc + RwyHdgCorrection)));

            //return (float)(Utils.makeAngle0to360(currentRwy.hdg) - Utils.makeAngle0to360(bearingToLoc)) * -1;
예제 #3
        /// <returns>double in degrees</returns>
        public static double CalcLocalizerDeviation(Vessel thisVessel, Runway currentRwy)
                 * {
                 *  //Old algorithm.
                 *  double rwyhdg = (double)currentRwy.hdg;
                 *  double RwyHdgCorrection = 180d - Utils.makeAngle0to360(rwyhdg);
                 *  Log.dbg("Old answer: " + (Utils.makeAngle0to360(rwyhdg + RwyHdgCorrection) - Utils.makeAngle0to360(Utils.CalcBearingToBeacon(thisVessel, currentRwy) + RwyHdgCorrection)).ToString());
                 * }

                //We are going to measure the angle in the plane of the runway (normal to the surface).
                //So, we will pretend everything is at this altitude.
                double bodyradius = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Find(body => body.name == currentRwy.body).Radius + (double)currentRwy.altMSL;

                Vector3d rwy  = SphericalToCartesianCoordinates(currentRwy.locLatitude, currentRwy.locLongitude, bodyradius);
                Vector3d ship = SphericalToCartesianCoordinates(thisVessel.latitude, thisVessel.longitude, bodyradius);

                Vector3d northpole         = new Vector3d(0, bodyradius, 0);
                Vector3d eastfromrwy       = Vector3d.Cross(northpole, rwy).normalized;
                Vector3d northfromrwy      = Vector3d.Cross(eastfromrwy, rwy).normalized;
                double   rwyheadingradians = -Utils.CalcRadiansFromDeg(currentRwy.hdg);
                Vector3d rwynormalized     = rwy.normalized;

                //Rodrigues' rotation formula
                //This vector represents the runway direction of travel in the plane of the runway normal to the surface (the surface plane).
                Vector3d offsetloc = northfromrwy * Math.Cos(rwyheadingradians) + Vector3d.Cross(rwynormalized, northfromrwy) * Math.Sin(rwyheadingradians) + rwynormalized * Vector3d.Dot(rwynormalized, northfromrwy) * (1d - Math.Cos(rwyheadingradians));

                //Normal for the plane encompassing the runway, in the direction of travel, and the center of the body (the centerline plane).
                Vector3d planenormal = Vector3d.Cross(offsetloc, rwy).normalized;

                //Distance left to right from the centerline plane.
                double cldist = Vector3d.Dot(planenormal, ship);
                //Distance forward and back to the plane encompassing the runway point, the runway normal, and the origin (how far in front or behind you are from the marker)
                double fwbackdist = Vector3d.Dot(offsetloc.normalized, ship);

                //We are computing the angle that is projected into the surface plane.
                double ret = -CalcDegFromRadians(Math.Atan2(cldist, fwbackdist));

                Log.dbg("new answer: {0}", ret);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.ex(null, ex);
        private static Runway CreateRunwayFromNode(ConfigNode node)
            Log.detail("NavUtil: Found Runway Node");

                Runway rwy = Runway.createFrom(node);
                Log.detail("NavUtil: Found " + rwy.ident);
            catch (Exception)
                Log.detail("NavUtil: Error loading runway");
예제 #5
        public bool isINSTarget = false; //true indicates that the runway is not the actual runway and is used as a target point for INS

        public static Runway fallback()
            Runway runway = new Runway
                ident            = "---",
                shortID          = "---",
                hdg              = 0,
                body             = "",
                altMSL           = 0,
                gsLatitude       = 0,
                gsLongitude      = 0,
                locLatitude      = 0,
                locLongitude     = 0,
                outerMarkerDist  = 0,
                middleMarkerDist = 0,
                innerMarkerDist  = 0

        private static byte inBeaconArea(float locDeviation, Vessel v, Runway r)
            if (3f > locDeviation && locDeviation > -3f)
                var gcd = NavUtilLib.Utils.CalcGreatCircleDistance(v.latitude, v.longitude, r.gsLatitude, r.gsLongitude, r.body);

                if (r.outerMarkerDist + 200 > gcd && r.outerMarkerDist - 200 < gcd)
                if (r.middleMarkerDist + 100 > gcd && r.middleMarkerDist - 100 < gcd)
                if (r.innerMarkerDist + 50 > gcd && r.innerMarkerDist - 50 < gcd)
예제 #7
        //the following section is courtesy Virindi
        /// <returns>double in degrees</returns>
        public static double CalcProjectedRunwayHeading(Vessel thisVessel, Runway currentRwy)
                double bodyradius = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Find(body => body.name == currentRwy.body).Radius + (double)currentRwy.altMSL;

                Vector3d rwy  = SphericalToCartesianCoordinates(currentRwy.locLatitude, currentRwy.locLongitude, bodyradius);
                Vector3d ship = SphericalToCartesianCoordinates(thisVessel.latitude, thisVessel.longitude, bodyradius);

                Vector3d northpole         = new Vector3d(0, bodyradius, 0);
                Vector3d eastfromrwy       = Vector3d.Cross(northpole, rwy).normalized;
                Vector3d northfromrwy      = Vector3d.Cross(eastfromrwy, rwy).normalized;
                Vector3d eastfromship      = Vector3d.Cross(northpole, ship).normalized;
                Vector3d northfromship     = Vector3d.Cross(eastfromship, ship).normalized;
                double   rwyheadingradians = -Utils.CalcRadiansFromDeg(currentRwy.hdg);
                Vector3d rwynormalized     = rwy.normalized;

                //Rodrigues' rotation formula
                //This vector represents the runway direction of travel in the plane of the runway normal to the surface (the surface plane).
                Vector3d offsetloc = northfromrwy * Math.Cos(rwyheadingradians) + Vector3d.Cross(rwynormalized, northfromrwy) * Math.Sin(rwyheadingradians) + rwynormalized * Vector3d.Dot(rwynormalized, northfromrwy) * (1d - Math.Cos(rwyheadingradians));

                //Project runway heading vector on to our bearing axes
                double northportion = Vector3d.Dot(northfromship, offsetloc);
                double eastportion  = Vector3d.Dot(eastfromship, offsetloc);

                double ret = makeAngle0to360(CalcDegFromRadians(Math.Atan2(northportion, eastportion)) - 90d);

                Log.dbg("Old rwy heading: {0}", currentRwy.hdg);
                Log.dbg("New rwy heading: {0}", ret);

            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.ex(null, ex);
예제 #8
 /// <returns>double in degrees</returns>
 public static double CalcElevationAngle(Vessel thisVessel, Runway currentRwy)
     return(Utils.CalcElevationFrom(thisVessel.latitude, thisVessel.longitude, thisVessel.altitude, currentRwy.gsLatitude, currentRwy.gsLongitude, currentRwy.altMSL, currentRwy.body) - 90);  //we subtract 90 degrees since 0 is towards the center of the body and 180 is directly outwards from the body; we want to know the angle relative to the tangent
예제 #9
 ///<returns>double in meters</returns>
 public static double CalcDistanceToBeacon(Vessel thisVessel, Runway currentRwy)
     return(Utils.CalcDistance(thisVessel.latitude, thisVessel.longitude, thisVessel.altitude, currentRwy.gsLatitude, currentRwy.gsLongitude, currentRwy.altMSL, currentRwy.body));
예제 #10
        /// <returns>double in degrees</returns>
        public static double CalcBearingToBeacon(Vessel thisVessel, Runway currentRwy)
            double lonDelta = currentRwy.locLongitude - thisVessel.longitude;

            return(Utils.CalcBearingTo(Utils.CalcRadiansFromDeg(lonDelta), Utils.CalcRadiansFromDeg(thisVessel.latitude), Utils.CalcRadiansFromDeg(currentRwy.locLatitude)));